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I want to introduce you to this amazing guest we have here, Clyde J. Cleveland. Now, Clyde published a book called Common Sense while who is running for governor of Iowa? Ron Paul, whom people are really realizing today, has been trying to stick it to the deep state for his entire career, has just been brought on by Elon to help end the Fed because Ron ran that book two and the fed. And Clyde is also friends with Mr. Griffin, who wrote a little textbook called Preacher from Jekyll Allen, which was my financial wake up in 2005. It’s an honor to have you on here, Clyde.
You’ve got an amazing summit coming up next week. We’ll talk about that. But please, my friend, introduce yourself to this incredible audience. You’ve got a wild breadth of experience and incredible connections in the patriot community. Okay, well, thank you very, very much for having me on, Brad. I’ve been waiting for this. I’m very excited. And yeah, you mentioned some, some of the things in my career that have been the most exciting of being being involved with Ron Paul. My first book was actually before Common Sense Revisited was Restoring the Heart of America. And I wrote that when I was running for governor of Iowa as a Libertarian candidate.
And I had a great slate with me. I had a. My partner who also co authored the book, Edward Noyes, who’s an environmental attorney. He was my attorney general candidate. And then we had, we had a really good lieutenant governor candidate who was a Libertarian who spoke 16 languages. Brilliant. Graduated from Brown and Columbia Law School with degrees, a law degree, finished at 21 age 21. I think he started at Brown when he was 16. So we had a good, good solid core of candidates for the Libertarian Party in Iowa. And it was interesting. They wouldn’t even let us in the debates.
I found the true, kind of, the true way of thinking of our political parties in that whole saga, because I realized that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are all about power and they want to control the power. And the last thing they want is a third party. They don’t want to share their power. And they work together, they work together beautifully to try to stamp us out. But we got the message out to a lot of people. It was really, really good. And I had the opportunity that year to speak at the Libertarian convention as a featured speaker right before lunch, which is the best time.
That’s when people are still awake. You never want to get them after lunch, right? So they put me on at 11:15 and I have 45 minutes. And I had a typical Libertarian speech in my mind that I usually give. And then I had, for some reason I thought I would kept thinking about freedom and love and the combination between freedom and love and the importance of those two to each other and what that meant. And I had that. And I was back and forth, which one am I going to give? And I got up there and I just felt this, well, just welled up inside of me of love.
And, you know, it just like rushed through me. And I knew that I was supposed to give this freedom and love speech, so I did. And at the end it was quiet. And then every single person. This was a big, the biggest Libertarian convention we’ve ever had. It was 2002 and there was about a thousand, maybe eleven hundred people in the audience. And all of a sudden there, everybody was sitting there and quiet. And then they all stood up and gave me, oh, at least a minute long standing ovation, clapping and stuff. So, and when they did that, I thought, oh my God, Ron Paul must have just walked on the stage.
I actually turned around behind me to see if Ron Paul walked up on the stage. I did. I literally did. I couldn’t believe it. And I went, wow, okay, I guess I made the right speech, you know. But anyway, so after that, then I got to eat dinner with, with Ron Paul and at lunch and you know, we had a long talk and got to know him and it turned out really good that that happened because then he, he know, he knew me, so he endorsed both my books and Restoring the Heart of America that year.
And then I, when he ran for governor, or excuse me, for President, 2007, and I saw him up there, you know, speaking and trying to be president at his age, I thought, oh my God. And that was right when I was thinking about rewriting Common Sense. And I said, okay, if Ron can do this, I can write Common Sense. So I wrote Common Sense. And then a few months later, he was at many in Minneapolis at a huge event. I mean, the place was packed, There was about 1400 people there. And I had my book with me and we got it to him and he told everybody that he wasn’t going to endorse anybody on his website.
That was when he created his website that he has today. He wasn’t going to put anybody stuff on. Don’t, don’t ask, bother asking him. And the next day somebody came up to me and said, you’re not going to believe this. Look at Ron Paul’s website. And Common Sense Revisited was on the homepage, featured on the homepage of his website. So Ron has really helped me a lot and I just think the world of him and I mean, I agree with everything he says, basically. I’ve read all of his books and you know, we’re lucky, lucky to have him and his son Rand.
But yeah, so that’s kind of a little bit about me, give you a feel for me. I knew I wouldn’t win as a Libertarian, but we got the word out about freedom and liberty to people and, you know, so that was good. I did both of those books. Oh. After that, the Libertarian Party Executive committee asked me to come to St. Louis for a meeting, which I did. And they asked me to run for president for the next year for the Libertarian Party. But I was broke after the run for governor. I couldn’t, I just couldn’t do it.
You know, I’m still supporting a family. But anyway, it was, it was nice of them to ask and appreciated that. So that’s a little bit about my history. I’ve been. I see I started my political career. You’ll like this, Brad. When I was six years old, so. So this is when Eisenhower was running for a second term. And everybody at that time, you know, I grew up in the 50s. I’m born in 1949. So I was six years old on that, at that campaign. And every, every kid had an American Flyer wagon, red wagon. Everybody had one of those.
Yeah. So I took mine. My parents had no idea where I was. And I took it up to the insurance agency on Ridge Road, which is the main drag in Munster, Indiana. And that’s where the, all the campaign stuff was going on. And I loaded up my wagon with Eisenhower stuff, you know, and put little, you know, signs on the wagon and I walked back and forth on Ridge Avenue waving to people with my Eisenhower. That’s so cool. So my parents got, I got back. My parents had. No way. What do we. What have you been? So I’ve just been campaigning for Eisenhower.
That’s awesome. So, yeah, I, I’ve been. My, my family was very political family. My dad especially, very much into the nra needs something promoted or stopped, a bill stopped. They called my parents and then they had a phone tree and then they got it out that’s how we did things back in the 1950s. We still had a party line by that time, too. But that’s what I political science major, you know, and at one point was going to be a political science professor. That didn’t work out. I didn’t, I didn’t go that route. But I’ve always been in politics.
And I just feel like we are so close to getting our country back and we really have not had our republic since 1871. And that as many of my interviews in this summit that we’re going to be talking about today, this virtual summit, have to do with that period of time during, before and after the Civil War where we lost our republic. And so many of my interviews that people will see if you go to my virtual summit that we have now, that’s going to be launching in about 10 days where people can watch one of about 40 different interviews for free for three days.
And these are interviews and we’ll, we’ll be able to have a little time to go over some of those that I’ve done with some of the people that are my favorite patriot type people in the country and medical doctors as well. Well, and what people before we go over there, you know, a few interesting parallels here, Clyde, because number one, you’ve, you’ve got the book you published, Common Sense. People are hearing President Trump say we are the party of common sense. Number two, prior to that, you published a book, Restoring the Heart of America. Three, you’ve just mentioned that you have your little political career start at 6 to campaign for President Eisenhower’s second term.
And your father is a World War II Air Force hero and an ace. And I think this is a story, I want to set the tone here as well because you see this multi generations, you see people multigenerational standing up. And also we haven’t even touched on the fact that you’re an entrepreneur where we see many of the political appointments being made. People go, oh, political appointment ambassador over here, ambassador over there, Doge over here, Elon Vivec. Originally, we see entrepreneurs who have their heart in America to make sure that the foundational principles, corporate or republic, which we’ll also get into here for people who need to comprehend what’s been going on are still absolutely core to re establishing law, order and law of the land and remove everybody from admiralty, maritime law, from the bar out in the city of London.
So I want to just, you tell it best about your father and the fact that you people might have missed this when you mentioned on the NRA Clyde is also an IPSIC rated shooter and taught his entire family, his sons how to shoot and daughter and then also competitive shooters. So we’re talking about entrepreneur, politically active for the right reasons. And then your father, your father’s story is amazing too. And we have a lot of parallels in my family and yours with this too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was one of the first guys over there on 42, North Africa Campaign.
We went when he went over there. How old was he when he went over there? How did he sign up? Remember he was 20. Let’s see, he was born in 1919, I think he was, he went there 44. So he was about 22, 23. Yeah. And. And he loved it. He was a, he was a fighter. He was always getting in fights and he loved, loved a battle, loved to compete and incredible athlete. And when they gave him fighter plane, they gave him, I mean he just loved it. He loved it. He never, after 20 combat missions, you could go home, you know, and for a long time, if you wanted to come, even wanted to come back, you didn’t even have to fly anymore because if you survive 20 and that time you were lucky.
And so he never went home. From 1941, 42 until January of 44, late January of 44, he was flying missions. So we think he somewhere between 152 combat missions. But he didn’t make it after that because on January of 44, 1-22-44, he saw three bombers. The other guys didn’t see him because he had made amazing eyesight also. But, but he went. And then after that, after he went up to get these three German bombers, the other guys followed him. So he was the first one to get there. And he drew up fire from all three planes, but he, he shot down one for sure.
And I think he got a half credit for the other for another one. But his plane was just shot in. We have all the combat records which I’ve sent to Brad and he has comments in him and everything. But basically when his, his plane was spiraling downward in a downward spiral fast at 400ft, he finally got out, pulled his chute and hit the water within seconds. So he barely survived it, got in his raft. Oh, this is the other thing I didn’t tell you about Brad. That was the day that they shifted rescue the rescuing squad from the British to the Americans.
The British were really good at it. The Americans sucked. They were given the coordinates his other pilots had given. The coordinates, had gone through. They went to the wrong place, never picked him Up. Holy. Yeah. He didn’t have to go to a prison of war camp, but he. But he ended up at a prison war camp, which he escaped from. That’s another whole story. But anyway, it’s pretty. It was pretty amazing growing up with somebody like that. With that. But my mom was also a nurse at the Battle of Bulge as well, so. So she was.
No, no. You know, not. Not far behind him in terms of being patriotic. Yeah. Absolutely incredible. And you said 109 combat missions, you guys. I think there’s somewhere between 150 and 200 combat missions. 150, 200. And the notes when he was shot down. So, people, just to bring you up to speed, if you don’t remember watching World War II gun camera footage, there’s no ejection seat. And when you’re bailing out of a Spitfire, which is in a nose dive and it’s spiraling, you have central fugal forces, right. The G forces pushing you in and up against the side of the cockpit.
You have to pull back on the canopy and you have to kick yourself out. You have to climb out. Yeah, you have to climb out while you’re in a downward spiral. Doing this at 400ft and pull. And then you have to avoid the tail fin. Yeah, exactly. Because that would have. Most Other guys would get. They get sliced by the tail fin. Yeah, right. He did get hit by it, but it was in the leg. Vertical stabilizer. And his leg is never. His right leg was never quite right after that. But. But yeah, so German patrol boat and taken to a prison or war camp and eventually escape that and hang out with the Russians for a few months.
And his notes in that footage. So just a great way to build the story where we’re going with the summit too, is he said that. Something to the effect they asked him, you know, what are you. What were your last final thoughts, you know, when you built out? And he said that I was going to miss happy hour that night at. Yes. Yeah, it really pissed him off. Pissed off. There you go. You said it. Yeah, I was pissed off I was going to miss happy hour back at the bay. So absolute hero, him and your mother.
And so that’s the stock that you come from. And you’re currently the Chief justice of the Republic of Florida Pro Tempore. So this is where leads us in the Common sense Summit, everybody. So you have a feeling and an inkling for the man, his family and what they still stand for and where we are today. So tell us why you started the Common sense Summit. I’ll go to the webpage and then come back. It’s an interesting story. Yeah, interesting story. A friend of mine by the name of George shepherd started 360 summits. That’s a virtual company.
Virtual Summit company. And we’ve known each other for a long time. We go back to when we organized in the Fed rallies in Chicago back in the 90s. And, and so that’s, that’s how I knew, I knew, knew that, you know, knew him, George Shepherd. And so George, when he started this company and started doing really well with virtual summits, he thought of me and called me and asked me to sponsor my own virtual summit. That was in 2021, right after Covid. Okay. In this summit, quite a few of these speakers, like Nicole Surtek for example, was a nurse in New York that became pretty famous.
She was one of the frontline nurses, you know, you know, the frontline doctors. Frontline nurses. So yeah, she was, she’s in the summit. So anyway, I put together this summit. He asked me to just, you know, put it. Whoever I wanted to interview, interview him. And it would go into this summit. And so I had a lot of people because of my, you know, career and my book writing and also that my work in the constitutional sheriff whole campaign with Sheriff Richard Mack. We organized, me and a couple of my friends helped organize that very first constitutional sheriff convention in Las Vegas in 2000.
Let’s see, 2012. Yeah. And we got, we paid, we raised enough money to pay for all 120 sheriffs, constitutional sheriffs that came from all over the country. That was over 3% of the sheriffs in the country we had there. And in my speech afterwards, I mentioned that there’s this effect where when 1% of a group of people start something, it can lead to hold phase, transition. And that’s what we had over 3% of the sheriffs there. And you know, I talked about that in my speech and people got it. I mean, basically you don’t need a whole lot of people to have a revolution.
And that, that was pretty much what it was at the beginning when Patrick Henry and Sam Adams started our revolution in the 17, 1755, 58 period. Nobody else was talking about revolting from England, but those two were, you know, they were like the core of the 1%. And that grew and grew, you know, and that from that. So anyway, that’s, that’s how I, that’s how I got really started. I learned, you know, from George Shepard how to do a summit. I interviewed a whole bunch of people. And this is what you’re going to see now is some of the people in that summit.
You’re going to have an opportunity to. To watch all of these interviews for free in about 10 days actually from, from today. So yeah, you want to start looking at some of them. Okay, so this is my very, very favorite ones. Brad, was I mentioned to you before Robert David Steele. Robert is no longer with us but this guy had an incredible background. Marine, CIA clandestine officer, reviewer of a thousand books. And one of those books was Birth of the Chaotic Age. And when we found out that we both were fans of De Hawk and the Birth of the Chaortic Age we just talked a lot about that and that’s in this interview because Dee Hawk would basically one of the people the Chaortic Age means KA or is a free is freedom and order.
How to create an organization that is not bureaucratic, is not hierarchical. Because yeah, bureaucracy basically is defined as the destruction of all creativity. All bureaucracies become less and less creative as time goes on. But what De Hawk did was when he took over bank of Americard which was the worst performing credit card in the country in the world. He took it over with his principles of making sure that the decision making was pushed to the furthest limits of the organization and people couldn’t even find the center of Visa. He changed the name to Visa after a couple of years and it was the first company to have over a trillion dollars in revenue in the world.
So anyway, Robert and I talked a lot about that. Great interview. Another one here. One of my favorite guys next to him is Dr. Robert Young living the alkaline lifestyle style. He has all the Ph Miracle. He’s the author of the Ph Miracle books. He was the guy that proved that and cancer cell cannot live in an alkaline environment. His books are amazing. I know him personally. Great guy. Jeffrey Smith is a good friend of mine, has been for a long time. He’s the founder of the anti GMO camp. Nice. Seeds of Deception. He’s one. His books were the first books anti GMO that came out and he’s a good friend of mine and I served on his board for.
For a long time about probably about 30 years. Keith. Keith there is. Has the most incredible website if you want to teach anyone of any age down to you know like six year olds about the Constitution. If you go to his website he has all these stories, he has games, he has all kinds of ways to teach the Constitution. One of my favorite things is he has speeches like for example Patrick Henry’s seven minute speech, which everybody, all anybody knows about is give me liberty or give me death. But it was a seven minute long speech.
And he has actors reenacting all these speeches in the website. It’s amazing. Yeah, let’s go on to some of these others here. Sure, sure. All right. Nicole Suratek, I mentioned before, she was in the New York City hospitals when they were literally killing people. I mean, the level of death that resulted needs to be revealed so it never happens again is my comment under, under her. She’s amazing. And this was during the pandemic? Yeah, yeah, this is the pandemic. This was 20, 20, 2021. And then Kathy Chamberlain, she wrote this book, Rules for Radicals, which is basically.
Oh no, her book is not Rules for Radicals. That’s Alinsky. She wanted to do a counter book to Rules for Radicals. And she goes through the 11 principles and shows, you know, the right way to think about those principles. This guy is one. I knew a lot of the constitutional sheriffs from what I explained before. This guy is one of my favorite ones of all of them. Sheriff Jesse Watts, he was, he’s a very young sheriff. He was at that time for sure. And yeah, he did some great work in Nevada. He went after the governor and he, he riled things up and yeah, I think I recall him.
You know, just one of the few sheriffs that said, hey, just so you know, if you enforce mask mandates, that alone is a war crime. Yeah. And you are in a war crime is death. Yeah, yeah. You’re lucky if you get life imprisonment. So, you know, that was a great way to rattle the saber and bring about some change. Fortunately, it didn’t happen as fast. But you know, when you’re a one man army and you’re going up against a massive bureaucratic deep state institution, you know, we’ve got to honor those people. So well done for him as well.
This next one, I don’t know if you know about Richard Mayberry or not, Brad, have you heard of him before? But he’s an economist and he wrote his famous book is Whatever Happened to Penny Candy. A lot of people know about that book. And then he had Whatever Happened to Justice? But basically he talks about common law and if you want to understand common law, and that’s what we need to be understanding right now, this is the guy. You want to read his books. Richard Mayberry is amazing. I had a really hard time getting him to interview.
He’s, he’s older now, he doesn’t like to do interviews. I Finally his secretary was on my side and I had a good relationship with her because I was always ordering his books and you know, for people. And she helped me convince him to do it, but he wouldn’t do it in per. In person. So I, I have a picture of him and it’s an audio interview, but it’ll blow you. It. It’s such. You got going to this, to this summit, you gotta watch Richard Mayberry’s interview or listen to it rather. But common law, law of the land.
This is where everybody is. We’re going back to. And I. That that’s just something that is essential for everybody to know, including families and the kids, because that is what is right versus wrong. And it’s so simple. It’s so simple because there’s only two principles. One is, yeah, do no harm. That’s the one fundamental do no harm. But then, you know, in terms of the, you know, the law, when you go. Go a little bit further into it, you know, there’s a couple things there’s really that you always want to. You, you, you want to do.
If you’re making an agreement with somebody, you have to follow through on your agreement. If you don’t follow your agreements, you’re breaking the law. So you have. And then have to. That’s basically it. You never encroach on the rights or property of another. And so that’s the basis of it. But you’ll love this interview, people. I tell you right now. Okay, next guy. Sasha Stone’s great. I really had a good time talking to him. He’s a big thinker and I think a lot of your people will know and be familiar with him. But this was a, this was a very, very good interview.
This is a friend of mine who is a. He is a very libertarian type guy and he has a book out and he, he is just very much into the French libertarians like Bastiat and the law. And people will really enjoy him as well. And I would like to make a point about the French. So Etienne de La Bote II here. Right. As he’s saying, because the famous 16th century liberty advocate. Remember in the 16th century the two major nations which came to the colonies and then formed as America as allies. The French and the Russians.
Yes. So when we go back in history and you look at the 16th century and the buildup toward that and the mention of Samuel Adams and the. Who’s the other gentleman’s name? Patrick Henry. Patrick Henry. Thank you. Right. Lee Dundas is five times great grandfather. Give me liberty to give me death. That excerpt from that quote from his seven minute speech. It was the French and the Russians who came to the aid of the colonies who helped fight in the revolutionary war against the British. And so when we look at this revolutionary historical aspect, it’s amazing to bring this forward into our current consciousness because we have to comprehend where we’ve been and what we can take upon each one of ourselves and our family.
Now this is my opinion, Clyde, so that it never happens again. Right. We have the never happens. And in Quebec they have Jimmy Cvn on. On the license plates in Quebec. Jimmy Civienne. I remember. And this is part of the history to ensure that we have freedom, the rights of the people in the law of the land, which is the rule, as opposed to all of this complex tyrannical natures befuddling you with bureaucracy and complacency. Right. So powerful. I can’t wait. I’m looking forward to watching all of these, but in particular this to bring those historical back into our current context today, six centuries later.
Yeah, yeah. He actually goes by Etienne De La Bote now. He dumped his given name. That’s great. He’s a character. You like him? Foster Gamble I was telling you a little bit about, but your audience may not know him, but Procter and Gamble was huge, huge company, one of the very top companies. And Foster was. Was in line to be the CEO of Procter and Gamble. And while he was at Princeton, it just didn’t feel like something was right with things and with the elites that he was part of. He grew up in the finest private elite schools in the world and then to Princeton, but he didn’t, he didn’t take the position.
And he did. He ended up. He and his wife did these two movies called Thrive, Thrive 1 and Thrive 2. And he became very connected to Edward Griffin and his research and you know, the banking creature from Jekyll island book. And he went in that direction. And if you go to Thrive movies, they’re fantastic and they’ve been seen by over 130, 140 million people worldwide. So you just go online and look up Thrive and see Foster’s work. But you’ll get a. Good. Listening to his interview will be a nice and joyful experience for everybody. Sheriff Lamb.
Yeah, he is like the best example of a constitutional sheriff and what they should be. And his county is like as big as some countries. Yeah. So in Arizona. Yeah, he’s a great guy. I’ve seen him, I’ve met him several times in 2012 and then later honored at another conference in Virginia. But yeah, okay. So definitely want to listen to that one. Definitely. People like my son who believe in chemtrails that even exist. And James Lee in our interview was so fantastic. We had so much fun in this interview. Author of 25 or 5 books, spent 25 years on wall street, financial elite, part of the financial elite.
He became repulsed by the manipulation rampant within the ruling class. But anyway, in the first three minutes of this interview, he just smashes the lie that chemtrails don’t exist. We just went through the patents. We just sat there and went through the patents. It’s great. It’s really good. Kathleen Dudley is a very dear friend of mine. She’s very brilliant woman. Very incredible patriot. Former college professor, holistic health practitioner. She basically talks about how the diet of Americans, environmental factors have played a role in increasing estrogen in males. This is a very important interview for people to listen to.
Juliana, you’ll love this one. She’s into frequencies. We know that. We have the life wave patches now, which I have. You’re wearing your X39 right now, right? My first full day on the patch. Nice. That’s why I’m so energetic. So. So the frequencies can impact our health. You know, that’s what we are. We are frequency. Every aspect of us is a frequency. And so this is. You’ll enjoy her. She’s very brilliant. And then, of course, Colonel Sandy Mayorecki, which many people here will recognize now. Ever since she hooked up with SG and on over a year ago and started Talking about the 1871 Corporation, she has been the best spokesman for this movement to take back our Republic that we’ve ever had in our movement.
She’s a retired lieutenant colonel. She didn’t want to take the COVID vaccine, and she was already vaccine injured by previous vaccines that she was forced to take in the Air Force. But she has a PhD in astrophysics. She’s a test pilot. Former professor at Air Force Academy. Former because when Covid came out, she was helping the cadets who didn’t want to take the vaccine to get the religious exemptions, and for that she was let go. She was actually fired from the Air Force Academy for that. So, yeah, that’s. We did. We went for a while. This is a long interview, folks, but it’s worth listening to.
We went on for about an hour and 47 minutes, but I highly recommend you listen to this interview. Okay. Okay. So this guy is. Is also the co author with Mikovitz, who did, you know, wrote so Many books about the COVID thing but he’s also, he was her co author and he’s also the co author of this Google Leaks book, the Whistleblower the Zach Voorhees from the incredible story of how one giant company was attempting to manipulate information that could determine the direction of our country. That’s Google. So that’s a really good interview. This is one of my happy or this one.
Are people happier in smaller countries? Professor Buckley AUTHOR of American Secession should we or should we not secede? That type of thing. And he really does a lot of research about and makes you think about, you know what, how big of a entity is the ideal entity and how to structure so that you don’t lose freedom. How to structure things so you don’t lose freedom in a large country. Anyway, that’s a really good book to read it a good interview. Hopefully one day we’ll go back, we’ll lose the GDP as an indication of economic growth and standards and replace it with the happiness index like they have at Fiji.
Yeah, exactly. The happiness of each county, you know, town. Yeah, yeah. Smaller is better. Yes, smaller is better. So if we look at our country, Brad, I think we both agree that what we want to do is we want to have most of the decisions that are taking place at the local level. Yeah. Most of the decisions that affect local education, for example, is none. That’s a no brainer. And we know I was in the 50s and 6th grade, we were the number one in education in every field, math, reading, everything. And we’ve lost that. We’re like I think 30th now or something like that because we put in the Department of Education.
And if you draw a line between the reduction of our standing in education in the world and the amount of government interference in our education, you see how dramatic the reduction in the quality of our education was as soon as we put in the Department of Education, Jay Dyer. You gotta listen to this one everybody. This one is. I’ve never heard anybody who’s gone deeper and researched the cabal that what we call the cabal or deep state. He has more knowledge of the super elite regarding their plans for human life than anybody I’ve ever heard of.
So you, you can’t miss this interview. And he’ll be able to lead you to things that you probably will want to read that you haven’t read. Sheriff Mack, good friend, he came to me and my partner in 2012 and asked us to put that constitutional sheriff convention together and we did. It was fantastic. This was A great event. It was very well attended in Las Vegas. I think we had 120 sheriffs there from around the country. Yep, yep. Amazing. And for people who are just watching us, we’ve got about a minute or so to wrap up here.
Okay. Oh, okay. Iscommonsensesummit.com the links are right below the description of the broadcast. And for those who are listening to this on a podcast platform like Apple Podcasts, you can go right here and you can register for free. So February 19th, it opens where you can watch these interviews and you have an option of purchasing lifetime Access for only $95. The interviews of these dozens of patriots and some of them absolute heroes for mankind here like Dr. Lee Merritt, as well as next up in Natalie, we have John Wayne’s grandson, John T. Wayne, who’s actually governor of Arkansas, of Arkansas right now.
Pro tempore. And it just continues on. Right. I mean, it’s so powerful to have this library of if you’re seeking truth, you have all of these incredible individuals to listen to and choose from. A la carte with lifetime access. But it’s free starting on February 19th. So I encourage everybody, the date that you’re hearing this or watching this, share this out wide to your communities, share it out on your social channels. The Common Sense Summit, because first and foremost, it’s free. And how amazing is that? And there’s over 50 interviews here, dozens that you can choose from.
A couple more here. Right. Like Martin Gettys and he’s, he is one of the best known anons for those who are into the anons qanon in the, in the world. He’s brilliant. I think he graduated from Oxford. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And book. Yeah. Duty of candor. I mean, just powerful. And then Dave Roberts jumping into the Constitution of 1871. And you have Ralph Moore restoring the original public. And Dr. John Lott, which we’ve heard about several times, who as you mentioned once again is a PhD in economics, was researching crime, the centers of crime, the reasons for it, and found that the states that have more guns, guns have less crime like Wyoming.
So it’s all here to go. We’ve got our next guest coming on here. So we’ll just kind of wrap, wrap it up at this moment, Clyde. But yeah, ladies and gentlemen, you know, 100% phenomenal free online streaming summit on February 19th. Plus you got access to this incredible man in this patriot. Yeah. And if you want, you can buy all these, plus all of the other interviews that I had in, in this original summit and would bring you bring Your total up to 55 interviews for $95 that you’d have access to for forever. So if you want all of them, you know, that option is there for people who want to own these interviews for the rest of your life.
Amazing. Yeah. And if you’re wearing the Lifeway badges, you’re probably going to go to 220 because you’re extending your telomeres by five or six times right now, thanks to the X39. I feel like I’m about to start lifting off here. Yeah, you’re kind of floating. It’s levitation. Yeah, a little floating. So feeling the floating sensation. That’s fantastic, Clyde. You know, it’s an honor to be getting to know you and know you further. And for the service which your entire family and generationally that you’re gifting not only just to America, but mankind around the planet itself. I truly appreciate it, and it’s an honor.
Thank you. Well, thank you for this opportunity to get this knowledge out to people, because I think people really enjoy every one of these. These interviews. Yeah. Thank you, Brad. Yep. I definitely agree. All right, thanks. Well, God bless everybody, and we’ll see you next time. Hey, dear soul, if you know anybody who needs deep healing, has pain, hard time sleeping. Stay tuned for these messages from Colonel Chuck Sellers, the former deputy commander of Delta Force. It is. Is powerful and literally may help change your life. To revitalize energy, activate stem cells, and live younger. Reverse aging.
I’m telling you that I. Michelle will tell you because she watches me. Okay. So, you know, you saw me, Brad, through that time when my back was so bad. You remember, we were. You were here and you said, this is. We got to do something. My left knee is destroyed. I mean, it’s. It’s totally rebuilt. And then five operations. You have to tell about your back. And my back is a. Is a. It’s a disseminated idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. DISH disease, which is a degenerative back disease that’s genetically passed down. But what it leads to is total calcification of the spine.
And so jumping out of airplanes just made it come quicker. Yeah. I didn’t know that I had it until. Until 2002, after I’d been in the army for 24 years and jump in and all of the parachute jumping and the opening shock and everything did. So when I was, what, 48 when I got out? Something like that. And one application of the patch later, we went to a rodeo on Saturday. Our first day, literally, we went to a rodeo on Saturday. And it was maybe six to seven hours and he wasn’t slumped over and he couldn’t handle it.
No pain. It was like pretty incredible. That was the first day. That was your first day wearing them? That was the first day. Wow. That was the first day. Are you wearing x39 too or just Ice Wave? No, just. No Ice waves right now. The way we did it, I just have, I’ve only done the Ice Wave. Yes. All I have used so far is the ice wave, the two patch thing and I’m doing it. I find just over three days now. I find that where I needed. I did try it on the behind the neck the first day.
But what’s here, what really would, where it helps is I put it right on. Where it really hurts is my lower back across the pelvis and I put it on the spine there and then down on my lower left leg down the top of the first day. So it goes through the bad knee. That’s it now but so since I put these things on, that’s how I feel. I mean I’m walking straight, I’m not limping. Hey, you divine lions and lionesses, you amazing sovereign souls. Look at this. Powerful, affordable x39 patches help regenerate your stem cells.
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