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➡ The speaker argues that the current situation in Ukraine needs a peaceful resolution, with various European nations expressing differing views on the matter. They suggest that a fair deal could help Ukraine prosper and foster better relationships with Russia, Europe, and the U.S. The speaker also criticizes Ukrainian leader Zelensky for his handling of the situation and his comments about American involvement. They conclude by urging people to pressure their politicians for peace, stating that they don’t want to be drawn into another war.
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That’s healthwithdave.com. You’re exactly right. J.D. Vance, our vice president, and I’m sure a lot of you, most of you know this. I want to say this before we hear what Vice President Vance has to say. Look, you can put the blame on Ukraine with Russia. They did launch the attack. There was some provocation. I don’t think it rose to the level of having an all-out war. The Europeans, NATO, wanting to put Ukraine into NATO, thus threatening the security of Russia, I would have been upset, too. It’s a much better way to handle it than invade. So I’m not justifying Putin’s actions, but I’m saying it takes two to tango.
Both sides made mistakes, and I will grant that Putin made the bigger mistake. Now, having said that, I only care about peace. I want Ukrainian lives spared. I want Russian lives spared. I don’t want this to explode into World War III, and I’ve talked about this a lot in the last two weeks. We are at a very dangerous time, and President Trump said it when he met with Zelensky in that infamous Oval Office confrontation. He said, we’re really close to World War III. He is not embellishing that. That is absolutely a fact. And then the Brits and the French are, well, they’re making inflammatory remarks that are probably, if there’s a DEFCOM 5 in Russia, they’re probably a DEFCOM 10 because of Macron and his framers’ irresponsible statements threatening escalation.
We don’t need this. We need peace. Peace, peace, peace. And I want to talk to you a little bit about what was agreed to. Zelensky came to the table in the Oval Office with the intent of signing the minerals deal. This would have been followed up with a ceasefire that Putin had already agreed to in principle, and then eventually peace talks to get us out of this horrible war, global threatening situation. And I’m going to say, as a Christian, I’m only interested in the preservation of life here. I’m not going to get into the tit for tat and who’s wrong and who’s right.
But I’m going to tell you, Zelensky is really endangering the world, and he’s endangering himself, and he’s endangering his country. And it needs to stop. And I am highly critical of his flip-flopped on the mineral deal three times by my count. And I’m going to talk about that deal in just a minute, but let’s hear what J.D. Vance had to say in the aftermath. It makes a lot of sense. Right, Sean. When the Ukrainians came to Washington on Friday, it was supposed to be ceremonial. You know, there had been some public back and forth, some disagreements, some words spoken in public.
And the president was like, let’s have this moment. We give some credit to the brave Ukrainian fighters. And of course, it’s a very brave army that they have there in Ukraine. Let’s sign this minerals deal, which importantly does two things. It allows the American people to get some of their money back, but it also shows the Ukrainian people that America has a long-term investment in their sovereignty. I want to stop there and hit these two points. This is brilliant. I don’t care if you’re a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or an atheist. I don’t care what you are.
This makes a lot of sense. The mineral deal. Number one, Ukraine should pay us back for helping to defend them. But I don’t want to see the country bankrupted and they’re eternally in debt to the United States as a result. That’s not going to solve anything that’s just going to worsen a bad situation. It reminds me of Germany post World War I, and we know what that led to. So I don’t want to see that. But what I’d like to see is, yeah, you give minerals to the United States, it’s compensation for the $350 billion that we spent on defending your country.
But also, too, your minerals are developed by the United States, not by a depleted Ukrainian business community that’s been devastated by the war. And the United States develops that and puts it into reconstruction of the country. Now, if the United States is going to make that kind of an investment into Ukraine, they’re not going to allow Putin to come in and turn that around by breaking a peace deal to attack Ukraine again. That’s not going to happen. We wouldn’t be spending that kind of money and putting this kind of attention on the rebuild of Ukraine if we had the intention of laying down and letting Putin have his way with the country.
Where is the logic in saying that’s going to happen? He’s going to break his deal. That’s what I’m critical of Zelensky when he’s in the White House. Putin’s going to break his deal. Well, he’s broken other deals. Yes, I agree with that. But this is the U.S. And Putin does not want to fight the U.S. No one in their right mind would. So what we’re looking at here is long-term investment into Ukraine. The United States then would have a protective nature towards Ukraine. And then Putin, Ukraine, Trump would come to a peace agreement. And then we turn Ukraine into a trading partner.
And then I think we could have a provision where Ukraine can get into the European Union fully but not have NATO. And we declared to be a military neutral zone with Ukraine retaining the right to protect its own sovereignty with its own military force, which was a mistake made by the League of Nations World War I when they didn’t allow Germany to actively defend. They disarmed Germany, basically. And it made the Germans feel vulnerable and angry. And we know what it led to. And we don’t want to see that happen here. So there’s a way to resolve this peacefully and save lives.
This isn’t about Ukraine bad, Russia good, Russia bad, Ukraine. This is not what this is about. This is about saving lives and building Ukraine up to be the nation it could be with the help of the United States from the mineral investment. It’s a brilliant plan. Trump is known. Art of the deal is what he’s known for. And I think this is fabulous because number one, it saves lives. Number two, it reestablishes Ukraine as a viable nation. Can anyone please tell me what’s wrong with this logic? J.D. Vance is saying it. Trump is saying it.
Why is Zelensky running from this? And I’m going to tell you, Zelensky has another problem. And you need to hear this and hear this clearly. You got Britain stepping up, threatened to bring troops into Ukraine. Yes, they said it. You’re getting Macron now making antagonistic remarks, threatening escalation of the war. But Europe is not totally on board with this. Orban from Hungary came out and says, uh-uh, we’re not doing this and we’re going to protect our nation. We’re not going to do what you bankers and you businessmen want to do because you see money at the end of the rainbow.
This is effectively what he said the other day. He said, we’re not on board with this and we’re not going to contribute. And now the prime minister of Italy is saying we’re not supporting France and Britain in their recent statements. Europe is fragmenting. This is another reason why a deal needs to get made. A fair deal. One that will establish peace, preserve peace, help Ukraine eventually prosper, rebuild that war-torn nation, and maybe foster relationship with Russia, Europe, the United States. And we live in a new age of more peace and prosperity. Now, you can say I’m a dreamer, but I’m telling you, I got the White House administration agreeing with everything I’m saying right here.
What is Zelensky afraid of? Has he been such a bad leader that he’s afraid he’s going to be taken out in a time of peace? He’s canceled his elections. I think that speaks to his fear level. If he knew it, look at FDR. FDR elected twice in a war period once when we were directly involved in the war. He didn’t cancel elections. We had free and fair elections. What’s Zelensky afraid of? And I think Trump could tell him, we’re going to assure you that you establish a period of service and then you have elections. You get to serve that out.
And if you ever needed to go and flee your country like the Shab I ran in the 70s, you know, you got a $35 million home courtesy of the taxpayers in Florida. You can go live there. There’s no reason for this. Zelensky said the other day, and I hope it was just a comment made in frustration, Americans will send their boys to Ukraine to fight. Oh, what I was talking about this with a couple of friends, some middle fingers came out. It was not received well. My son is not fighting in this war. I don’t give a damn who’s president, who gets drafted, what the policy is, and I am in the mainstream.
And I’m telling you, most Democrats feel the same way as I do. The independents, the Republicans, we are not doing this. We want peace and we want it now. We need to unite behind this movement. And Democrats, forget for a second that Trump is president. He’s saving the world from a potential cataclysm of nuclear war. Isn’t that enough for at least on this one issue we can unite? Can’t we say we’re going to put America first and set aside all our other differences? I hope so. And if it’s not happening, then get on bended knee and pray that it does happen.
I want to thank you for joining us. God bless all of you. Thank goodness for good leadership. Thank goodness for the common sense of Italy and Hungary. This is something that’s got to be solved now, right now, right now. We’re not following the European Union into war, and I’m going to make a final comment here. We got duped into war in World War One using the Lusitania’s excuse, and the Lusitania was sunk a full 22 months before we got involved. Why was the gap there? Because Wilson told the business community, I’ll give you your war, because your profits are being interfered with by German U-boats, but you got to wait till I get reelected.
Hmm, we’re doing that again. And then World War Two, Europe pulled it, Europe so punished Germany after World War One, and trust me, every nation involved in World War One shared blame in that process. It wasn’t all Germany. Was not all Germany. And that pulled us into that war. My comment is, there won’t be a third time that we get pulled into this war. I am telling you right now, from the audience I have, from the people I talk to, and even the liberals. And some of them are my friends. I am friends with liberal people.
Because they’re decent human beings in their private life, we just don’t share political views together. But they are not on board with sending their kids to Ukraine. And I’m telling you that right now, this is why we need peace, and we need it right now. Put the heat on. If you’re in a blue city, put the heat on your politicians there. You’re in a blue state, do the same thing. Red state, just stay the course. We want out of this mess. [tr:trw].