Your net worth skyrockets. It’s fantastic. Now the other thing that I really think you need to know is your retirement’s at risk. And you hear me say this every day and it’s not going to change. These people running this administration aren’t going to stop their subterfuge, treason, and destruction of the United States as best they can even after the inauguration. Because in large part, they’ll still control the banks. It’s going to take Trump time to undo this. And under Dodd-Frank 2010, they can keep your retirement. You’re an unsecured creditor. That law needs to change. But until it does, Noble Gold can take your money and retirement away from the bank, back it with precious metals.
It’ll appreciate. And they can’t take it from you. Want to know more? Call Noble Gold. No pressure. You have to close your own deal. That shocked me the first time I did, which I’ve been a customer for seven and a half years. And I’ve done it many times over. And every time now I get used to the drill, okay, I’m ready to execute this deal now. Oh, okay. They’ll never try to close you ever, ever. They’re trained that way. So call 877-646-5347-877-6465347. My goodness gracious. Wow. Events are skyrocketing in Canada. Paul Preston and I had this discussion about six weeks ago.
He told me there’s a huge sea change undergoing right now as we were speaking. And he said, it’s in Canada. I have a warning though. Now, what you’re looking at is a map. There are four provinces that are seriously wanting to leave Canada and join the United States. We’ll go left to right. British Columbia is lost. It’s owned by China. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario. Look at the impact this would have on the Great Lakes region. Also high mineral region. This would be unbelievable. Backing up farmland, farmland, rich farmland. And we’re also looking at, Quebec is flirting with the idea as well.
And I don’t think it would take Nova Scotia much either, but the big ones are Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, excuse me, and possibly Quebec. Now what is going on? What is going on? That’s causing this to happen. Well, more people died last year in Canada from drug overdoses than died during World War II. The standard of living has plummeted. Nearly 30% of Canadians are talking about leaving the country. And these are from speeches I’m hearing from members of the Canadian Parliament calling for Trudeau’s resignation, and they’re trying to stop the bleeding. They don’t want Canada fracture.
Basically, I can tell you why Trudeau is going. The one thing that these people will never talk about inside the Canadian government, because some of them are part of it. And the reason why? Is because of child trafficking. Trudeau is a notorious huge child trafficker who has partnered with the CCP and the PLA, People’s Liberation Army, to facilitate those interests for him. This is becoming a well known fact, but I will tell you this. When we had the protests against the COVID lockdowns in Canada, we witnessed how they wouldn’t stole people’s money. You gave a $20 bill to a Canadian trucker who was protesting.
They came and took your bank account. That was the beginning of the end for Trudeau. But now we’ve got native tribes standing up saying they’re trafficking our children. They’re taking them off the street. And the Canadian press that’s completely controlled like ours will not cover it. But the stories are too rampant among the Canadians now. And I have been very, very, very, very definitive. Have I not? About the Canadian corruption. And I’ve told Canada, watch out, baby, tariffs are coming. And I’m sorry, I love Canadians. I do. The values of Canadians are complementary to the United States and vice versa.
We share common heritage, common history, long term friendship between nations. And it’s almost like we are first cousins. But what’s gone on in Canada, and it’s sending illegal aliens across our border, particularly communist Chinese soldiers with both northern and southern border totally an estimated 10,000 per month. That’s a border patrol estimate off the record. Canada has not stayed our friend. Now, what we’re looking at is this. Trudeau goes to Mar-a-Lago. Trump, from what I’ve been told, read him the riot act. Resign or I’m taking Canada. And these people will want to come here. And then we’ll expose your child trafficking.
And then we’ll come after you legally, because your crimes have crossed into the United States. And so Trudeau’s looking for the proper exit strategy. The son of Fidel Castro, surprise, surprise. Now, where’s this going to go? Nowhere. They’ll trade one New World Order stooge for another. Unless there’s a house cleaning in Parliament. And the reason Parliament wants Trudeau gone, because they believe the public will think all sins have been washed away. They’re not. There are people in Parliament who are complicit in the trafficking, the drug running, the autocratic rule, the violation of the Canadian Constitution, wrecking their health care, wrecking their economy.
And there are people inside the cabinet that will survive who are controlled by the World Economic Forum. I’ve covered this for a couple of years now. This is not a surprise. So what we’re looking at, ladies and gentlemen, is this. Unless you Canadians perform a house cleaning in your next election, unless you know someone is really, really, really good, like a Jim Jordan in the United States. You vote for Jim Jordan. But when you get like Lisa Murkowski, POS who’s betrayed America how many times calls herself a Republican. She’s anything but. Well, as long as you have people like that in your government, nothing is going to change.
You must have a complete political revolution. Don’t buy into its all Trudeau. It’s not. The World Economic Forum owns your government. Nothing will change. This is a message to my Canadian friends. We want to welcome you back into the fold because Mexico’s gone. It’s lost forever. It’s going to be perpetual narco state that one day if we’re going to survive as a nation, we will have to invade to take out the cartel. Canada, you want to go down the same road because you’re on your way. The only problem is is you’re more directly controlled by communist China than Mexico is and they’re they’ve killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl poisoning since the advent of the Biden administration.
I could go on forever with this. We are surrounded in being infiltrated by enemies in Canada. Their government has become our enemies. I’m not talking to Canadians. You people have suffered greatly. Your drug overdose rate is just one symptom of what I’m talking about. Take matter into your hands and vote out the incumbents in a sweeping sweeping election defeat for the globalists. Now, I will say this. We’ve got MAGA taken over. You’ve got the potential revolution in Canada, political, hopefully. You’ve got military interdiction waiting for the cartel in Mexico. The globalists are panicking and they’re desperate.
And every time we turn around, don’t we hear Bill Gates or some other psychopathic globalist saying vaccine for bubonic plague, vaccine for the verb blue, vaccine for the they’re weaponizing everything they can to turn it upon you. They are not going to go away quietly. They have deadly ambitions and the sooner that you realize that the better off that you are. We are sitting on the precipice of a major take back of most of North America. We can negate Mexico and maybe still extract the best from them in terms of trading. And we can once again become partnered with the Canadian government.
But Canadians, you got to do your part. Check us out at the commonsense to sign up for our newsletter, which is once a day email comes to your email box that does it covers everything that we cover in the previous 24 hours. One stop shopping. It’s convenient. The commonsense Go to the upper right hand corner, click on the link, put in the email, your email, and you’ll get the next day’s publication. [tr:trw].