And we worked and worked on that. We’re going to do that at some future date, but we’re going to have someone more knowledgeable in us show us how to do it. So again, our apologies. And I’ve had a great honor bestowed upon me, and I’m going to tell you about that here in just a moment. And it’s nothing I’m sticking my chest out and pumping. It’s just, you know, it’s interesting. President Trump spoke in Prescott, which is probably close to two hours north of me. And, you know, we thought about going actually my wife’s two sisters went great event, coach basketball games in that arena they had up there that they went to in Prescott and great enthusiastic crowd.
But I just couldn’t, you know, take the two hours to drive up there. And the two hours back, and then stand in line for three or four hours and get my job done here. This is pretty time consuming what we do. I mean, you see these videos that are 10 to 20 minutes long, and they often take as long as an hour and a half to two hours to put together most of the content I’m familiar with. I don’t really have to learn the content, but it’s the organization of it and it just takes so much time but anyway, long story short, I’ve had something come my way and I’m going to have to really adjust with time, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
I’m going to tell you after I share with you who our sponsor is and I absolutely love this this group is fantastic, and they’re helping people. We’re brought to you by what we call gut cleanse protocol absolutely love this group, love them love them. They are helping so many people. If you’ve got digestive issues you really need to listen to this. It’s often caused by potential toxin. That’s in quote, and all the healthy foods and the healthy foods pyramid that’s a facade, it’s a fraud. And scientists have been trying to tell us to eat this fraudulent food pyramid for a long time, and it doesn’t work.
So this potential toxin causes digestive issues according to Dr. Gundry a world renowned cardiologist and expert nutritionist, and it’s affecting millions of people warning signs include weight gain, fatigue, digestive discomfort, stiff joints and even skin issues. Well, Dr. Gundry spains these side effects are often mistaken for normal signs of aging because they take place over time. Well, I can assure you, this is not normal. If you get these so called health foods and that toxin out of your system, you can start to reverse things so you have to know what you can eat what you can eat.
Well, to do this, Dr. Gundry wants you to go to gut cleanse protocol.com slash Dave. If you want to know how to straighten out your digestive track with all the discomfort, go to gut cleanse protocol.com slash Dave. And if you’re seeing this on social media, just click the link in the description box. Okay, so here’s the deal. I’m kind of brief doctor’s appointment this morning, had to run an errand by a president, and then I think I got to get my car washed. So I stopped in there, and I get this call. And I didn’t recognize the number.
So I didn’t take it so I went and found out who it was I thought oh yeah I should call this person back. And I did, and they extended invitation for me to attend a private event in which Don Jr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump. That’s right, President Donald Trump is going to be speaking at a private event so they said, Would you like to go. And oh, by the way, Dave, we really want you to go and you can even bring your wife. I thought, Are you kidding me, like a private event and here I’m thinking I’m kicking myself for not going to the Prescott presentation which really I mean my two sister-in-laws just raved about how great it was and Trump was fantastic.
And I said, Yeah, I said I think maybe I should ask her before we make this commitment but I said, Yeah, I’m going to go and so, and I’m really looking forward to meeting Dr. Ben Carson. I have so much admiration for him. He’s a true man of God. He’s a man of courage who speaks against evil. He stands up for the right things. And Donald Trump is lucky to have him in his corner and Don Jr. I’ve got to meet and rub elbows with him and General Flynn when I spoke at Clay Clark’s event in December.
By the way, it’s Clay Clark’s people that extended the invitation to me. So thank you, Clay. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you very much. Now, why do I think this is important? I’m not bragging. But I want to go there and I want to see the man’s body language. I want to see him as close as I can get. Oh, boy, the Secret Service screening is just over the phone. Interesting. And I’m glad they’re doing that. Believe me. Turn your pockets inside out. You bet, of course, because of what just happened in Coachella. By the way, that guy in Coachella wants to come on my show.
And ordinarily, I would say no, but I’m considering it because I want to ask him what motivated him. I don’t want to give credit to this and I’m not embellishing this. Certainly, you know my feelings. You’ve heard me rage against these previous assassination attempts. Oh, and a drill with the dirty bomb. Give me a break just outside the event in New York. That was assassination attempt number three. Four is the Iranians. And was this an assassination attempt in Coachella? Well, hopefully, I’ll find out. But we need to pray for the President’s safety. And clearly, God intervened in Butler, Pennsylvania.
And it really almost moves you to tears to talk about turns this much and his life is spared. That’s the Lord. And I think he wants to give this country a chance to become Nineveh and not go down the wicked path of Babylon and be destroyed. And we are on a wicked path. We truly are. Tim Walts, it’s now been proven. We have the receipts. He sanctioned with his signature that when a baby survives abortion post birth, don’t trade it. Just let it die. Tim Walts is not only compromised by communist China. He’s a baby killer.
And now we have 100% verifiable truth. This should be an automatically disqualifying candidacy right here. Both he and Harris. Harris has no conscience. She has no compunction about killing kids. She doesn’t care about missing American kids being abducted by the cartels. We’re hearing stories now about the attempts that parents are able to foil. And I’m almost saying, folks, you almost can’t go anywhere except like a Trump event without carrying a weapon. Because you could be snatched. Your kids could be snatched. I mean, the crime’s out of control because of what they have done. Anyway, if Trump is not elected.
And I want to impress upon you. You need to take 10 people to the polls and get 10 people to vote early. Because if you do not, I wrote down a small list of things that are going to happen. One, they’re going to use food to control this. We’re already seeing it. My wife went to Costco today. We’re down to just a few eggs. We like eggs. I like the protein, right? Yes, I take protein powder too. Else be in the workouts. No eggs. Meat shortage. The C40 cities, the communist cities are winning. I mean, we used to laugh though.
Harare wants us to eat grasshoppers. Well, guess what? They’re moving in that direction right now. They’re going to use food to control this. Trump is not elected. There will be FEMA camps for dissidents. There will be. Take it to the bank. We’ll have unbelievable poverty. The banks will crash. They’ll gobble up savings. People don’t hear me when I talk about noble gold and protecting your wealth. A lot of them, some of them do, but a lot of them just say, oh, that would never happen. Yeah. Okay. Well, it’s going to happen and it’s going to happen soon.
She’ll get us embroiled in a war that’ll kill untold millions of Americans as well as people worldwide. Rampant crime will just go nuts. TDA will be in takeover of apartments. It won’t be just apartments. Soon it’ll be private houses. This is going to expand if Donald Trump does not get to be president. Then there’s the gun confiscation. It’s going to come. I’m warning you. I’m warning you hide your guns and not in your house. Don’t bury them in the backyard. You need to have a good place to hide your guns because there may come a time when they’re saying to themselves, bad boys, bad boys, what you’re going to do when we come for you.
Well, we need to have an answer if it comes down to that. And that’s why we have a second amendment not to protect against the Russians and the Chinese to protect against the tyrannical government. That was the purpose. We’re going to see free speech criminalization. You’ll be declared to be a domestic terrorist. It’s already in DHS policies, misinformation, disinformation, malinformation qualifies you to be a domestic terrorist. We will also see replacement theory gone mad. I disagree with RFK Jr. Listen RFK Jr. I’m glad you’re on our side. I truly am. I welcome you and I welcome the hard work you’re doing on behalf of American health, particularly our children.
That is awesome. And I love the Kennedys. Now, having said that, Mr. Kennedy is wrong on one thing. It is not racist to say replacement theory and I said this this morning. Replacement theory means Americans are being replaced by people from around the world. It’s not an ethnicity. It’s not a skin color. It’s not a religion. It’s a multitude of things from a multitude of places were being replaced. They don’t want Americans who understand the Constitution and what is it 110 million gun owners. Yamamoto, if that quote is accurate, there’ll be an American behind every blade of grass if we invaded.
No, we need to make it so. And then finally, this administration has already signed us on to global governance. It’s not actionable right at the moment, but we agreed to global governance, sustainable developmental goals, which are 17 and 148 points of the compact for the future. I’ve gone over all this folks. I showed you screen clips for our visual audience here and I went through 15 to the 48 and I chose what I thought were the 15 most outrageous and I went through it and I showed you global governance is here in principle. And Trump, when he gets in, is going to do what he did with the TPP that tried the same crap in which Paul Ryan tried to pull the wool over the eyes of America and stick us in a corporate dictatorship, which is what the TPP was and Trump came in and says gone gone.
Donald Trump gives us the last chance to establish a foothold to gain our country back. It doesn’t guarantee what if he gets elected and takes office, which is another story in itself, but that doesn’t guarantee that we’re going to be successful. He gives us the chance because he is truly on your side, truly. So you say, should I go to the expense and the inconvenience to my schedule to go be with Donald Trump in a private event? You’re damn right, I should. Nothing else to show my loyalty for a man who’s right now the only political answer because if he fails, it’s going to get really ugly.
And if he fails, it’ll be because the other side is either jailed him, killed him, or cheated the hell out of this election and maybe they get 20 million illegals voting. That’s scary, isn’t it? We live in very difficult times. We need to pray that God gives us a chance to repent and turn the other way as a nation. Donald Trump gives us that best chance. We’ll see you back here next time. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. [tr:trw].