2025 01 19 Off-grid with Marjory Wildcraft

Spread the truth



➡ Marjorie shares her reflections about her late mother, who was skeptical of mainstream institutions like schools, doctors, and the media. She recalls her mother’s warnings about subliminal messaging in media and her belief in the manipulation of public perception. Marjorie also discusses her own growing awareness of these issues, mentioning a documentary that questions the official narrative of the 1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster.


Hey, this is Marjorie, and I thought I’d do another little quick off-grid with Marjorie, and it’s like the sun is setting down and it’s getting dark, so I don’t know how well this recording is going to work. I’m up on the roof, and let’s see, my cats love it when I’m up here. Like, they love it up here. They’re so fun to watch them go up and down the ladder. So, I was reflecting on my mom, and bless her heart, she died when she was 93, back in, I think it was like 2000, oh god, do you think I would know these things? 2013 or 2014? Yeah.

Anyway, we’d had a pretty bit of difficulty for a lot of my life, and I’m reflecting back on that. One of the great things about getting older is you have time to think about things, and you definitely change your mind a lot, right? As you learn more about the world, I think Winston Churchill said it best, he said, the most nutritious diet I ever ate was my own words. My brother and I were talking, and I said, I think mom really knew what was going on in the world, and he said, what do you mean? I said, well, first of all, she never went to the doctor, and told us never to go to the doctor’s, right? When I was skipping so much school, she’s like, it’s okay, it’s just an institution, don’t worry about it, you’ll be fine, you can learn, you don’t need that system.

She used to call the television, hey, hey, how you doing sweetie? She used to call the television the idiot box, right? She said, they’re programming you with that thing. She used to talk to me about subliminal programming. She told me about in the movies, just like 15 minutes before intermission, they would put in one slide, which you couldn’t see, because it’s too fast in your eye, and it would be a slide of a Coca-Cola and a popcorn. And they would notice that sales of Coca-Cola and popcorn would go up by some, you know, whatever it was, 20, 30%.

And she, you know, she was aware of that. Now, we had a lot of Jewish friends in the family, but she said, look, I want you to notice on television, you will never see a Jew be the bad guy. You will never see, you know, a Jew doing anything wrong. The bad guy, as usual, back then, was always black, right? She said, they’re always portrayed as really, really smart. She said, they totally have control of the media, right? So, you know, this is the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, so I think she was really, really clued into what was going on.

And I think a part of her angst, which is also angst that I’m sharing with my daughter, was, you know, I was a young kid, and I grew up in that system, right? And, you know, she did not have the luxury to be able to homeschool me or anything. In fact, I was in a state school for a long time, not for truancy reasons, but just because, honestly, she didn’t have the money, and my father had died, and that was actually a good solution. So, you know, I was raised in state schools. Yeah, but so, we had, you know, grown, really grown apart, and I think it’s also because she knew.

She knew a lot about the system, but how can you talk to people about the system that don’t know anything about this? You sound like a raving lunatic, right? You know? And I was reflecting, my daughter is 23, totally woke, we aren’t talking, and I was reflecting when I was 23, and do you remember the, I was watching the movie Level With Me, or the documentary called Level With Me, which these guys talk about in 1986 when the Challenger blew up, right? And the seven astronauts were supposedly killed, and this particular documentary, what I really recommend looking at is get a really good perspective.

They go off into flat earth versus round earth, but it was astonishing. They go and hunt down the six of these seven astronauts who were supposed to be dead, and astonishingly, some of them even still have the same names, and they look like them, and they’re working, doing the same thing that they had done before they were in the program. You know, it’s pretty clear. They didn’t blow up, right? It’s clear the whole thing was a psy-op, and I totally get it, because, you know, when I was growing up, we all wanted to be astronauts. I mean, the whole moon landing and stuff, and Apollo missions, and everything like that, like I totally believed all that stuff when I was a kid, and when I was a young person, and when I was 23, it was when the Challenger blew up.

And, yeah, of course, I’m like, ah, yeah, maybe I’ll not go into space, you know, right? But that was the point of that whole psy-op was to, you know, because they probably weren’t going into space. Now I look at the NASA footage, and I just laugh, like, how could I have been such an idiot? It’s kind of like watching the first of the Star Wars trilogy now, now that, you know, here we’ve gotten so much more sophisticated with video. And I watch that first one, Luke Skywalker, and all those lines that are so hokey now, and they were so profound back then, you know.

So I was 23. I was a young woman, you know, working and finding what a young person should do in their 20s, finding their competency, and, you know, in the system, because that’s what there was, right? That’s what there was. And, yeah, I think the whole time, my mom could never really talk to me about this, because, you know, I mean, now there’s a lot more people that are talking about it, and there’s a lot more around, but even still, the gap is so big between those of us that have a sense of what’s going on and then, you know, those who don’t, and especially the young people who don’t.

This is really, really hard. So anyway, I’m just reflecting on it, and mom, I know you’re, you know, you’re in the other realms now, but I just want to say thank you so much for everything you did for us and for me, and, yeah, she handled, I think she handled distress with alcohol, which was, you know, it was a difficult thing growing up with that, but I handle it with spirituality. That’s where I’m turning to, is a good friend of mine. It’s been something that’s been a theme throughout my whole life, is meditation and spiritual sciences and studying and learning from different teachers.

I was talking to a really good friend recently. Gosh, this really is getting dark. I’ll have to cut this short. Anyway, this friend of mine, Adrian, and he says, you know, even if I put a nine millimeter to my head, bullet, I’m just going to get recycled, you know, you can’t get out of this thing. It’s on. It’s here. These people run this planet. They’re horrible. This thing is evil. You know, I don’t think I can do anything about, you know, what, you know, it’s kind of this hopeless situation. And I said, yeah, well, they want you to feel that way.

But honestly, I do believe in, you know, creator of God, whatever. And, you know, how do we get more in touch with that? And I just got done reading the book, autobiography of a yogi by Yogananda. And person after person after person, he calls them saints that just had amazing abilities and had just a deep love for God or whatever tradition they were in. And they had different wording for it. And it was very, very, very inspirational. It got me through. I had dengue fever. Oh, my God. It’s been two weeks now. I’m getting over it now.

I’m pretty sure it’s dengue. I don’t know. A friend of mine was like, these are your symptoms. I’m like, yeah, I said, I don’t know. I’m just really sick. And she goes, no, you got dengue fever. I’m like, let’s call it that. You know, one of the great things about it when you’re that sick is you just like you can’t work. So I listened to that book on audiobook and oh, my God, that’s incredible. So I think the way out is, you know, spirituality. Anyway, this is Sunday’s riff. Sunday is off grid with Marjorie Wildcraft. And one other thing is they’re starting and I’ll probably do a little video about this, but they’re starting to attack the food supply at the local at your backyard farm.

It’s starting to come to us. You know, for years, it’s been the big farms and they’ve been attacking the small organic farms. And now I just saw John Kohler, old guy on YouTube, nine hundred and forty thousand subscribers. He’s been demonetized that he’s growing your greens, right? That’s that’s what his channel is about growing greens. I mean, nothing could be simpler and more humble and more wonderful. And they have demonetized him. And I thought, wow, I should really look at my own channel. And I did. And sure enough, it’s not a strike, but I got a warning because I said something apparently inappropriate.

Anyway, it’s on. So you really need to you really need to be growing your own food. And I’ve spent the last 20 years trying to figure out the fastest and easiest ways. And here I am in the dark. Oh, gosh, let’s see if we get any light here at all. No. Oh, my God, this is really terrible. Please don’t expect any good video footage from me anymore. I can’t afford my videographer anymore. Backyardfoodproduction.com. I’ve got a free webinar there. We’ll get you set up. Show you how to grow at least half of your own food. I’ve cherry picked the three easiest, fastest ways for the average person who has no experience.

Maybe they’re older out of shape, how to get them up to speed growing food. OK, I’ll talk to you on the next video. This is Marjorie. Oh, my goodness. What an insane idea to be up here on my roof at night without light. Taking a video. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth

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