Thank you for doing that. We give you a complete license to share. We just ask you to give us the credit. Oh, there’s one guy on Rumble that just loves to steal my work and basically promote it for his own and make money off of it. It’s unbelievable. And I’m going to take a look at it. I’ve sent him a note. Not interested in litigation. I’m not interested in compensation, but he’s going to stop or I’m going to nail him. And he knows who he is. And you’ll see this because he loves to steal my work.
I suppose there’s a compliment in there somewhere, isn’t there? Anyway, we’re brought to you by this great product right here, Ageless Multicologen. This is the Fountain of Youth. This is Ponce de Leon stuff. You get old because you lose college in it. When you’re in middle age or older, you’ve lost at least half. I’d like to put it back. Well, anyone can’t do it. It’s not just like you have a college in supplement. You have to have a proprietary process that blends the five types into one. It crosses the blood-brain barrier and begins to do its work where your joints and muscles aren’t as sore.
Your face is not as wrinkled, your hair stops falling out, and you have more energy. And they guarantee the results. 51% off. Find out more by going to That’s We are on the verge of losing $18 trillion from average Americans. $18 trillion. It’s the sum total of your worth that has been accumulated and 40% of it’s been accumulated in the last four years. You’re sitting on a house that you bought for $300,000. It’s worth $500,000. You’re sitting on an automobile you bought, and automobiles were going up like crazy. Now the bottom’s falling out.
Commercial real estate was booming five years ago. Today, it’s being converted into residential real estate because there’s no coming back. We have major issues with our banks. So what goes up must come down, and this is what we’re facing. With all these depreciations going on, we’re headed for deflation. It’s not going to be inflation that takes us down. It’s going to be deflation, and we’re headed for massive deflation. Massive. And we’ve lost our accumulated wealth. You drive a car off the lot now, you paid $35,000. It’s worth $15,000. You couldn’t sell it back to them for $15,000.
We are in big, big trouble financially. Then you add into the fact that we’ve got banking issues. The FDIC only carries 0.7% of the money on hand needed to refund all bank depositors. That’s not going to happen, and got bad news for you people. You ain’t on the list. The G20 conference in Brisbane, Australia in 2014 set the parameters. It’s the credit swap derivatives people first. We don’t know to go any farther because it won’t finish with them. Even they won’t be completely bailed out. Then when you’ve got nowhere to turn, you’re an absolute economic devastation, then they got you by the you-know-what’s.
You will live where they say. You’ll submit to any form of tyranny, and every asset that you have will be digitized under a central bank digital currency. You’ll be living in smart cities, which are open air concentration camps. That’s because the liquidity in America is going out the window. Our government is hastening this so bad and causing it to happen that Janet Yellen came up with the most ridiculous proposal last year. Now Congress didn’t buy into it, but she’ll come back with it. The tax on unrealized income, and she wants to do it before the deflation of the housing market fully kicks in.
In other words, if you bought a house for $100,000, it’s now worth $500,000, you owe 43% of that amount. That’s what she wants to do. It’s coming at you from all angles. They want to turn you into a serf on the feudal manner, and those of you that they let live, they don’t need you. AI, they don’t need you. Universal basic income, it’s a band-aid so you don’t rebel, but it’s not meant to be permanent, and it won’t be. I go back to what I said today. I had two calls to attention. One, was a wake-up call.
I gave you a wake-up call, and I said, you need to do something. You need to get as mad as hell and not take it anymore. Then two, I talked about Thomas Paine’s speech that led Washington to have the courage and conviction and confidence to lead his troops across the Delaware and defeat the Hessians, thus keeping the American Revolution alive because it was near dead. We need events like this today, and the only way we’re going to get them is for people like you to stand up. You have been targeted for elimination.
Smart cities that they’re going to herd you into as a result of these dire consequences, and you can go there to escape your fate. Well, when you get the digital ID, you may as well just go to hell right away because that’s where you’re headed. That’s the mark of the beast. I think you see where this is going. An action is not an option. We had the call to attention. We had the call to action this morning, and now we’re calling on you to begin to act. Step out. Step up. Do something. I’ve given you tons of suggestions, but do something.
If you do nothing but just share work like this, you’ve done something. Are you just going to quietly go into the night? I hope not. That’s it for the Common Sense Show. Please share this far and wide. Thumbs up. Like us. Make sure you’re a member of the [tr:trw].