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But he, he f I first met him when he was exposing the Seth Rich situation. He had the files from Seth Rich which he gave them to another person in Europe, which then that whole story, if you haven’t heard that story, you can look at we talk about it a little bit here. But Seth Rich was a DNC staffer that blew the whistle on everything going on in the dnc. But he and ultimately was murdered and there’s a whole story on that. But he had the Epstein files hit. We’re going to talk about a lot of this stuff, but currently we’re the reason why I reached out to him is he has a 60 or actually he told me about it and I said we got to get you on.
He has a 60 minute interview that he just they did that yesterday, yesterday. And he’s going to talk about what happened and his negotiations to be able to record it because 60 Minutes has been caught manipulating and editing videos, taking things out of context. You know, there’s the famous story of DeSantis. He had to air his whole show because they clipped it and took it out of context. And then the Harris, that’s why the billion dollar lawsuit with Trump against 60 Minutes because they took the Harris interview and chopped it to made it made her looked really good.
It was out of text and that’s just not, they can’t do that kind of stuff. But they interviewed him to accuse him of promoting misinformation, which is kind of hypocritical. And so he went back on him. You’re going to hear the story of that and he’s going to tell you about a lot of other things going on in Ukraine and around the world that you probably don’t know about or have heard little about. This is kind of a bombshell interview because he’s one of the Foremost whistleblowers in the world. He hasn’t gotten the attention that snowed in or Julian son has gotten, but he very much has put forward information that is as critical as theirs.
And so I hope you take the time and listen to this whole interview. But before I get into that, I want to share with you masterpiece. This, I love this stuff. I buy it for myself and my entire family and I, I buy a box at a time and I distribute it because I want everybody, my kids and my husband and me making this. And the reason why is because this will gently take out microplastics, heavy metals, graphene oxide toxins out of your system. And they prove it. And they, they keep trying to prove it with trials.
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Hi John, welcome back to the program. It’s been a long time. Hi Sarah, how are you? I’m good. I’m glad you’re here because the timing couldn’t be more perfect on what happened. You were being interviewed by 60 Minutes and it’s turned into be kind of a cluster situation and you don’t think they’re even going to air it. Can you talk about what the heck happened? Why were they interviewing you and why. What’s going on there? Well, yeah, they, they interviewed me based on some, some research that they’ve been doing on websites that I have. And I have been using artificial intelligence to mainstream media.
So. Well, not necessarily mainstream media sources, but alternative media sources I guess you would say, like things that you can’t get in the United States. So for instance, Russian news and news in like Palestine and all these other sources that you guys don’t have access to general speaking. And, and I’ve developed a system where artificial intelligence will translate it and then rewrite it into an article and then publish it on websites. And actually I, I think I, I showed you a demonstration. Yep. I think you’ve seen some of the articles. Yeah, yep, yep. And they’re. It’s it’s very good, it’s very accurate.
Okay, well it’s good, it’s good for people to see different perspectives when we’re talking about a war because there are real consequences here. People are dying, so it’s important for people to get. We used value that. We used to value the notion of getting good information so that we can make informed decisions. Yeah, you’re right. And you know, the mainstream media in America has been experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide. This revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan.
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So opaque, I guess you would call it control with the American people. They are not letting them hear the truth. They are not letting them speak. I’ve been speaking extensively with people from News Guard with a specific journalist and I’ve invited her numerous times because you know, News Guard is one of the, the people when they write about the Russian war, they write all this and they, they give misleading fact checks. And I’ve said, you know what, look, I will pay for your ticket. Come on, come to Donbass with me. We won’t go with anybody else.
Just you and me. And you can stop any person on the street and talk to them and ask them what they think and what they have experienced since. Not since what the mainstream media calls the Russian invasion, but since the Maidan where, where ironically US aid helped orchestrate a couple in Ukraine to replace the duly elected president. To overthrow him and install their own president. The USA was the one that was the agency involved one of them in doing. It’s a CIA front probably to do. Absolutely. The 2014 coup in Ukraine. Exactly, yes. And it was orchestrated by Jeffrey Pyatt and Victoria Nuland.
And you know what’s very interesting about this, right? Victoria Nuland had A very heavy hand in Ukraine. And it was also Victoria Nuland that claimed that there were no biological laboratories in Ukraine. However, she and Hunter Biden’s company, Meadow Biota and Black and Veatch, but they built, like, 40 or 50 different laboratories in Ukraine. And I’ve actually been to a couple of them. Yeah, well, you had a documentary that aired on Oan that was deep inside the. Behind enemy lines, essentially, whatever the enemy is, depending on what side you’re on, showing what was actually going on in Ukraine.
You were walking around with the Russian soldiers, weren’t you? And filming? Yeah, yeah. You know, I’ve been there 14 times. And look, I. I don’t call Ukraine the enemy. I don’t. Because it’s more like a civil war, all right? And it’s a war not between Ukrainians and Russians, but really between the west and Russia. And they have caused this entire thing. And, you know, News Guard, they just. They whitewash it. They don’t want the people to know it. The mainstream media in the United States doesn’t want people to pay attention to these facts. And so when I had my 60 Minutes interview yesterday, they took issue with the fact that I am pushing news to websites.
They’re accusing you of disinformation. Yes. Now, there have been some articles on there that may not be a hundred percent accurate. Okay. And, like, they cite one in particular. Zelensky’s yachts. And during my interview with them with Vega something. Vega. I can’t remember her name, so. Really rotten interviewer. Well, anyways, when I was doing the interview with her, she brought up the subject of these yachts. And I said, you know what? This story is just as honest and just as accurate as anything that you guys publish. I was like, but unlike what you guys publish, right? I want people to investigate.
I said, when Russia blew up the Nord. When you guys claimed Russia blew up the Nord Stream pipeline and people started questioning it, you started calling them conspiracy theorists. Now, if I have a story on my website about Zelensky buying two yachts, well, you know what? Okay, maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. Go research it. Go investigate it. There needs to be an investigation. And I told them. I was like, even Zelensky just admitted that he’s missing $100 billion. Where did it go? So I. You know, and it was really a very scummy interview. Very scummy.
Well, they make themselves look good because they clip the heck out of it. Well, so this is very interesting, and I refuse to agree with their opening. They. They have this thing where they give, like, an opening statement where they say, you know, any materials gathered during this interview is property of cbs, and you’re supposed to agree to this. And I said, I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. I was like, because if you guys take this interview and you cut it up to. In a dishonest way to take my answers out of context, then I want to be able to put the full version online so people can see the context.
And they were so against this. They were absolutely against it. And they. I fought. I fought with them for what, 30, 30 minutes over this. And I finally said. I was like, you know what? Call your lawyers. Get an exception. And I even said. I was like, look, I said, well, how about this? If I tell you that I think it was deceptively edited, then I want you to post the full interview on your website where I can direct people to go. Now, that seems very fair because that’s them putting the website up. They’re getting the traffic and all this other stuff.
And they said, and. And the guy Andy, that I was talking to, the producer, he comes back and he says, well, he’s like, well, how about this? He’s like. He said, how about if. If we. If you don’t like it, we will see about putting it up on our website. I was like, well, but. But if you don’t, then I want to be able to put it up on mine. He’s like, well, I don’t know. You know, then it sets a precedent, and, you know, maybe other people want that. And I said, well, if other people think that their interview was deceptively edited, then I think that people should be entitled to watch the entire interview.
What. What are you guys hiding? Right. Well, Ronda Santis had a interview with them and felt it was deceptive and posted the whole thing. He had it worked out. I. I don’t think anybody. Anyone should do an interview with them without recording the whole thing. Absolutely. Absolutely. And. And the. The more I see. The more I see, like, how they were trying to coerce me into giving up this, right? The. The. The more sleazy it seems. So it was supposed to be an interview with. With Ms. Vega, and it was supposed to be two hours long, but I don’t even know if it was 20 or 25 minutes because they really didn’t like my answers because every time they brought up my fake news, I had this book that I put together.
Yeah. And this book is filled with mainstream media narratives, if you can see this. Oh, so is the Whole thing filled with that many lines on every page? Well, no, this is a table of contents. Okay. For instance, so the whole article is posted there? Well, no, no, not the whole article, but basically, like, Nord street pipeline sabotage blamed on Russia. Initial narrative. Many Western media outlets and officials. Officials suggested that Russia was responsible for blowing up his own pipelines. And then what later emerged, and then the status. Okay, so you. You. You correct it. You put what they said, what the truth is, and you correct.
Exactly. Yeah. So, I mean, I have, like, the Covington High School incident, the hands up, don’t shoot narrative. Just Kyle Rittenhouse media coverage. Duke lacrosse, Rolling Stones, Border Patrol whipping. And these are all. These are all stories that were deceptively edited and pushed by the mainstream media. And when I brought this up, man, they had. They did not like it at all. So. And then she’s accused. What did they say? They didn’t like it. But what was their response? Because, I mean, it’s true. Right, so what was their response? Their response is, well, this isn’t about us.
No. This is about you. And I said, no, this is about a standard that’s being set. Okay. And this is about hypocrisy. So. And you have all that on tape? Yeah, I do. And you’re gonna. You’re gonna upload it to Rumble? Yeah. Yeah, I will. Excellent. And so we got to have a link to the Rumble site. Yeah, but I’m. I’m gonna do it. I. I gave my word that I was going to let them publish theirs first. Okay. And that’s good. What happens if they don’t publish it? Well, if they don’t publish it, I don’t know, then I’ll probably just publish mine anyways.
But. But they’re gonna publish something. They’re gonna do a hit piece. They’re not going to put what I said in this interview, that’s for damn sure. They’ll probably pick something else or. So. Surprised? You told me you were gonna do that interview. And I said, oh, boy. Yeah, but, I mean, the questions were so loaded, I. I’ve never seen. They. They. For example, they crafted the questions so no matter if you gave a yes or no answer, you look guilty. Let me. Let me find. Let me find an example for you. Like, just shocking. Like, let’s see.
Minute. But you’re not surprised, right? I mean, you went into that knowing. That’s why you had the book ready. That’s why you. I. I knew exactly what they were going to do. Yeah. Let’s see. The problem is, is they have a pass to that. That’s their reputation now. They’ve created their reputation that nobody trusts them. Who’s aware. Anybody who’s aware doesn’t trust them. They still find suckers who will go on their show. And I said to them yesterday when they said, well, they said, I think you know us enough to know that we are, we don’t deceptively edit.
And I said, you know what I, I said to the Vega lady, I said, you know what, you guys, you guys are currently being sued and by Donald Trump and he’s probably going to settle with you guys out of court. So. For the same reason. Yeah. And, and she’s like, oh, touche. And aren’t they, didn’t they edit the heck out of Harris’s interview? Yeah, well, make her look better. I mean, that’s why he’s suing. Yeah. So before, while you’re looking for that, do you think that the war in Ukraine is going to come to an end now that Donald Trump is in office? Well, I hope so, but Donald Trump’s kind of being a dick, sorry to say, he’s kind of doing some stupid stuff that I, I don’t like.
And I think, I think he’s putting the country in some detriment. Ukraine? No. Or Russia. The United States. Oh, the United States. Well, okay, what is he, what is he doing specifically that you think is putting the United States at harm? Here’s the thing, right. You’re familiar with bricks. Yep. Do you know why bricks was created? Well, I, I think the reason why is because, which is long time history, is because the central banks were going into resource rich but poor countries and setting up loan agreements and, and taking their resources and then making them in debt.
And then those resource they bring in, they use the loans to pay international companies to come and develop the resources, but then that local company has to pay off the debt and then they didn’t get to benefit from their own resources and then they were beholden to the central bankers. This, it’s been a long time, history of this for decades now. Yes, but, but it goes a little further than that. If some country does not agree with what the United States does or says, if they don’t give up their resources. And we see in Syria. Right, because the whole war in Syria was started over Assad only, only willing to give 20%.
Right. Then the dollar is used as a weapon against all these countries in the form of tariffs and sanctions. Yeah. And I would say. Hold on. And I would say it’s beyond the United States, I would say it’s, it’s the international central bankers that reside in Europe and the United States and mostly those, the owners of those central banks are more European than American. But yes, it’s a joint situation. It is a joint situation. But the dollar is supposed to be the reserve currency. That’s right. That means the dollar is supposed to be neutral. The dollar is supposed to be stable.
Anybody, no matter what your politics, no matter what your position on international affairs, anybody is supposed to rely on the dollar. Now when these countries start getting sanctioned because they won’t play ball with countries in Europe with the central banks or with the United States, well, that pushes them into making agreements with bricks and we see this massive dollar sell off, you know, Right. They are trying to get out from under the dollar. You can’t weaponize the dollar against people and have them not want to do everything they can. You’re incentivizing them to, to, to do whatever they can to get away from the dollar.
And I, that’s what Donald Trump is doing right now, threatening all these countries with sanctions and tariffs. I’m sorry, but it’s, it’s not the smartest move. It’s accelerating the bricks is what it’s doing, and accelerating the other alternative financial systems. There’s another one that’s been making its rounds and more quiet. The gold, the Global Gold Monetary Fund. They’re meeting with all sorts of world leaders. I actually think the BRICs might actually join them in the long run. I don’t know. But they have enough old time gold and wealth to fund the entire world economy. Yes, probably.
Yeah. It’s an incredible situation. What’s going to happen when Nobody wants the $50 trillion of outstanding global currency that’s floating around? Do you know what that’s going to do to the US Economy? It’s going to crush it. We’re going to be in a depression like we’ve never seen before. Yeah, it’s going to be very sad. And then, you know, that would motivate us to join a different monetary system. It’s not a good situation. No, this is why gold is smart, actually. Gold is, you know, it’s safer than Bitcoin. It’s, it’s, it’s, there’s, there’s not enough gold that you could actually put the dollar on a gold standard again.
And that makes gold so valuable. Well, there is, I, I would say there isn’t in the United States, that’s, that’s for sure. But there is in the world with this gold, global gold Monetary fund. It’s really a strange situation, but there’s a lot of old, old wealth that is not being utilized. Yeah, probably. Probably. But the US doesn’t have it. That’s right. The US doesn’t have it. Yep. So. And neither do the central bankers. Yeah. It’s gonna be. It’s gonna be interesting if Elon Musk ever goes into the. Into Fort Knox to figure out how much gold we actually have.
Do you think he’s going to. I. I think he should, man. I. Oh, boy. I don’t think they’re gonna let him. I had Ed Moy, who was the head of the. The Mint, US Mint, come on my show. This was years ago, and I asked him that question on air, and he made a joke and said, if I tell you, I’m gonna have to kill you. And he was kidding around, but he said that it’s there. But I don’t. I mean, he had to say that. So I don’t know. Yeah, but it’d be interesting to know.
Exactly. I. I would bet that it’s not. But I don’t know. I have no clue. Yeah, I. I think it’s probably been pillaged by corrupt politicians. You know, look at what they’re doing with usaid. I’m so glad they’re taking that down. I’m so glad, you know, to speak of the. The money laundering. Zelinsky, as much as you don’t like them and people don’t like them, he was talking about how he only got, you know, a fraction of the money that was he was supposed to get. That’s because it’s traffic. You know, they’ve been stealing it along the way.
The USAID paid celebrities like Angelina Jolie $20 million to go and sell. Yeah. To go and sell the war to the American people. Boy. Yep. Crazy. Absolutely. Great. The whole slew of celebrities. I think they spent like $50 million on celebrity endorsements. You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of, like, when an old man dies and he has a bunch of kids and he leaves, like, the bulk of the wealth to one. That’s sad. And Zelensky is like the kid that got cut out, and he’s trying to figure out, you know, why he’s not getting his money and he’s crying about it like a little whiny baby.
And meanwhile, the. The fat cat politicians here in the United states probably pilfered 100 billion. Oh, for sure. They. They probably went through to all their payoffs and all the people they needed to pay, you Know, throughout the years, USAID was giving. They gave 8 million, I believe, to political. They gave millions more to the New York Times. This is, you know, it’s to sell and push their propaganda and to sell the war, and then they’re funneling off money. Well, it’s just like the. The arms deal. You know, they left all those arms in Afghanistan. Where did that go? And they’re just.
That was just a trade so that they can use. That was wealth. Right. And then they went and bought more arms from the arms dealers to re. Plenish what they had. And they gave that. Now they. People were selling. That’s a. Money laundering through another means. Yeah, it’s. It’s. It’s all one big. But they’re playing with billions of dollars. It’s not just, you know, millions. We think millions is bad. They’re playing. They’re stealing billions, and then they’re playing with people’s lives. They’re killing a whole generation of Ukrainian. Yeah. People. This is, you know, that’s another thing.
The interview asked me yesterday. First she claimed. She accused me of working for the Russian government, which is so stupid. Like, there are reasons, like. Well, you live in Russia. Were you in asylum? Well, actually, I have my citizenship now. Oh, you do? Okay. But didn’t you apply for asylum? Yeah, I did have political asylum for a long time. Okay. Yeah. Believe me, none. None of it was easy for me. Like, I had no government officials helping me. It took me. Well, the only reason I got my asylum is because I. I like, did the Heimlich maneuver on this girl, and she happened to be the girlfriend of some government official who called and told them that they should give me my political asylum and.
Wow, that’s a God thing. Yeah, I know. Honestly, something like that is God interfering and saying, we’re gonna help. Yeah. Yeah. But, man, I was trying to get my citizenship for years, and finally, finally, after like seven years, eight years, my. They finally accepted my paperwork. So, you know. But, well, you. You were a big. You were a threat to the establishment here because of what you had with Epstein. You had the original Epstein files. You had the Ukrainian burisma, a financial executive willing to talk, which ended up being sideways, which we were bad for her.
Yeah, yeah, it was horrible. She’s. She’s doing okay, though. She’s. She’s living down in Crimea and she’s got. She met a guy and she’s got a nice little life for herself. So that’s. You know, she recovered after she was brutally beaten by the. Yeah, she was People. Listeners that don’t know the context. She was a financial executive. Burismo was ready to talk, and they found out who she was and the. The givs and go people or gofundme not gives and go. Pardon me. Gofundme tipped off who she was. Within 24 hours, they came and they sodomized and left her for dead, stole all her stuff.
And then you helped get her out of there and into a Russian hospital. But she was ready to talk about. She was an executive financial. About all the dealings going on in Burisma from a financial perspective. And she was there when Joe Biden was there for a meeting. So she’s. She was a source that did not want talking. And so you had. That you had. And for people that don’t know, you had the original Epstein tapes because you were helping whistleblowers. You were. Yeah. And I have an older interview that people can watch, but you were a sheriff.
County. Yeah. And so you were helping. And then they wanted the. The county or the department wanted you to save those tapes for safekeeping. And those were the. Joe Ricardi did. Yeah, Joe Ricardi. Okay. He was with the department. Right. But it wasn’t official. He was with Palm Beach Police Department. Okay. And I. At the time when he approached me, it was 2010. I wasn’t a cop anymore. But he knew that some shady stuff was going on and he won. He. He figured that when they turned all this stuff over to the FBI, they were going to destroy it or something, so he wanted me to keep a copy.
Yeah. And you ended up looking at that because I remember I had you on your show because the Mi5 tipped off the Times of London that you had these tapes. And then there was an independent journalist. I can’t remember his name, sat with you. You might know his name. You guys went through. And he. Just remember that guy’s name. Yeah, apologize. Yeah, apologize. You went. You sat there. They. You guys went together so you could verify that you had them. I remember this in detail. And you went through nine of them. Because you went and you told me I was the first one to do the video with you on it.
And there were some big names that you saw. I asked, who do you recognize? And one of them was msnbc, the head of MSNBC at the time. You only looked at nine. Yeah, you said it on the video, but it was. It was. It was somebody. It was somebody from some news organization. It was. Yeah, that’s what you said. But you only looked at nine because it was. So you felt like you were looking at. That was awful. Yeah. You’re watching little kids get raped or something. Well, they weren’t that little. I mean, they were teenagers, right? I mean, they were like.
Yeah, yeah. Late, I think late teens. Oh, so they. So would you say that they weren’t underage girls? No, no, I think they were probably definitely underage. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So 16, 17, probably. Yeah, yeah. I mean, and then there was the nurse from Ukraine that contacted me and gave me the biological laboratory files. Yeah. So you, you’re not, you know, you’re kind of a thorn in the side of the establishment because you have all this stuff. You did the, you did the documentary behind, you know, with. So you showed people things that people haven’t seen about the war.
Yeah. So you, you know, you’ve been exposing things at a level. You were even involved with Seth Rich. He’s the one that gave you the. The files, and then you gave it to somebody in Europe, which ended up getting published. I mean, you were involved in all these things. That was a long time ago. I was a lot. But you were involved in all these things. I was like, March or March or April of 2016. Yeah. That’s how I first met you is because of the Seth Ridge thing. I had a friend, Alexander Bruce, who said, you should need to talk this guy.
And so I went and I interviewed you. That’s when we first met. And since then, you just. I don’t know why people contact all over the world to blow the whistle on stuff. Most of it is. Most of it is just kind of like. I mean, I don’t want to diminish anybody’s whistleblowing, but most of them, most of it’s like, it’s important to them, but it’s in the scheme of things. It’s not really like, like, okay, so what? And you can’t do anything with it, but. Well, like, I got contacted by the naval officer from a European military right after the Nord Stream pipeline happened.
And he. He sent me a copy of his ID and, and a letter about what he saw with Navy U. S. Navy divers coming with Mark 21 rebreathers or something that you wouldn’t normally use for what? I’m trying to remember what they were supposed to be doing some mine clearing operation. And. And they showed up in these rebreather systems that aren’t used for. For clearing mines. And they think that they were either marking out the pipelines or planning timed explosives or something. Yeah, I, I get a lot of people that write to me all the time about stuff.
So if any of your listeners have anything, feel free to contact me. Well, I think because you’re willing to go there and you do a good job exposing it. I think those of us on the front lines that are actually doing real work are contacted a lot. It’s overwhelming. And you position you’re in now, I have Russia and I am absolutely untouchable by the US government. So if anybody has anything that they’re scared because I’m not like some journalists that can get harassed by the CIA in Florida. That’s right. You know, I’m not like Julian Assange, where I have to hide in the embassy for, for years.
I, you know, I don’t have a problem. So they can’t do anything to me here. You’re, you’re a lower profile Snowden, you know, I mean, you really, it’s really incredible. I mean, compared to Snowden, you’ve, you’ve uncovered, I would say you’ve done more than he has. I mean, he did expose the, the surveillance state, which was really important. But compared to that, you’ve, the stuff you’ve been uncovering has been amazing. I, I don’t know. I, I, I can’t really compare myself to Stone. I mean, I mean, because the reason I’m comparing you is because you’re both for sure what he did was amazing.
But what I’m, what I want people to do is, is see that you are exposing things at that level. I mean, the stuff that you’ve been exposing has been, you know, it’s shaken the core of this country and it’s been important too. Yeah, well, I’m glad you think so. Well, you haven’t gotten that, you haven’t gotten the mainstream media attention that they got. And so that’s the difference. But, you know, and Julian, poor Julian Assange, he was, I, I think he’s, he was abused. That was terrible. Yeah, yeah. Did amazing work he was doing. And, and if we have to abuse people because the truth is too ugly, then there’s something wrong with, I mean, you’re abusing the messenger because you can’t handle the truth.
That, that’s a problem. Right? Yeah, it’s sad. It’s very sad. Yeah, it’s very sad. So did you find the question or do you can’t find it? There’s so many. Hold on. I told her I interviewed a, you introduced me to that young journalist in Ukraine when she was put on the hit list when she was 11. And yeah, I can tell you, Fiona Fianna. Oh, yes, but she sent me a. She talks to me. She. She interviewed me. She likes to talk to me. It’s. If it’s Fianna Sabinkova. And I apologize because I’m not really good with some of the, yeah, the, the Russian names.
But she, I, I think she’s just an amazing young woman now. I mean, well, she’s a mid teenager now. I think she’s 15 or 16. Right. But she. There’s a documentary about her life and she texted me and want and sent me a message on Skype asking if I would publish it. So I’m. I’m gonna watch it and then I’ll share it. She’s. She’s a. It’s a. It’s a story of courage of a young girl that was put on the hit list, but in Ukraine, and she was outspoken against the war. And they actually put her on a hit list.
Yeah, yeah. Ah, yeah. Here’s one of the things she asked me. Is anything off limits to you? Is there anything that you wouldn’t lie about? Any topic, any person? They’re implying that you’re a liar and that you would. You would lie about everything. And so answering it. Hold on. Answering it is. Is agreeing with them, but go ahead. Exactly. So that’s why he said, I like how you’re spinning this. Let me ask you a question. Is there anything off limits to the mainstream media, to cbs, because you guys pushed the Hunter Biden laptop hoax, you guys pushed the Nord Stream pipeline hoax, you guys said that the Russians were bombing the Zaporozh power plant, and guess what? When that was happening, I was at the Zaporizhne power plant interviewing the Russian military.
And so. And so you knew it was a lie? Yeah, absolutely. And what they say to that. And she’s like, let’s see. She’s like, yeah, but. Well, it’s hard to see. It’s hard to tell from the transcript because I don’t know where, where she starts and I end. Hold on, what do you mean? She said, yeah, but is anything off limits? And I said, see, you’re spinning this around. You’re making this some argument like it’s all about me, but this is a bigger conversation than me. What is off limits to journalists in general? And then she goes, well, you’re not answering the question.
You’re the one sitting who agreed to do an interview. This is about you. Well, and okay, but is. You’re implying that everything I do. What’s off limits for lying? Nothing should be really off limits if it’s A true. If we need to get to the truth, that’s going to expose something that needs, needs to be exposed, right? And she said, are you sitting here today saying that you’ve never written a false story, you’ve never produced a false story on any of your websites that were in the United States, like I’m asking you and your websites, go ahead.
And I said, I’ve said this before. I said this before my story, My stories are every bit as credible as all of the stories put out by the mainstream media. And she doesn’t like, she didn’t like that. She didn’t like that I’m not any less credible than you. Well, I want them to know. Oh, this is me. I said, I want them to know. Oh, she, she asked me, what do you want the American people to know? And I said, well, I want them to know that they’ve been lied to. I want them to know that they’ve been lied to by the government, that they’ve been, they’ve been lied to by the media, the mainstream media.
And that’s just, that’s not just liberal ones. I mean, it’s all of them as in mainstream. And, and then she’s like, john, they’ve been lied to by you right now, what’d you say? And I said, and I put, as I said, every bit as honest as the stories on your site. In fact, even more so because I encourage people to look into, like where the money has gone in Ukraine. I encourage this. Whereas when the people question if Russia actually did bomb the pipe stream, the Nord Stream pipeline, the mainstream media pushes it as a conspiracy theory and you shame everybody.
What they say then that’s great response. What did they say? So I said, so I. Sorry, finished. You know, you can say that I’m dishonest, but in fact I’m encouraging people to actually look into the facts. It’s the American government that’s dishonest, and it’s the American government who refuses to answer where the money is actually going. And like I said, Zelinsky just recently said he doesn’t know where $100 billion has gone. So what does this tell you? Did he buy yachts? Probably. Did his wife buy diamonds? I imagine so. I mean, all of his ministers are driving luxury cars.
And then she goes, probably an imagine are not facts. And I said, well, it’s not a fact when you guys say Russia bombed the Nord Stream pipeline. That’s ridiculous. Where did you guys even source this from? Anyways, it was big back and forth, okay, so all of that they’ll cut out. They’ll just do their question, get you talking. But that’s good that you have the full context, because get ready for that. Either they’re not going to answer, air it at all, or you’re going to have to air the full context. I’m going to air the full context.
Plus my argument with them about them being transparent. You, you don’t. Because what they try to do is they try to make it so you’re not allowed to publish your side of the story if you disagree with what they say, they don’t allow that. And of course she said, well, how many. Where do you plan on publishing it if you did publish it? I said, well, probably my telegram channel. She’s like, well, how many people do you have? And they don’t want the word getting out. That’s what it is. If they get caught being corrupt pieces of shit, which I know that they are, excuse my language.
They don’t. They, they, they’re just worried about damage control. Well, they kind of made their own bed. If you’re honest and you live up to the integrity of being a good journalist, you wouldn’t have to have this kind of. You wouldn’t have these issues. The problem is, is that they’ve been caught too many times doing propaganda fixing, you know, editing it, taking it out of context. They’ve just been caught. And so, you know, you do it once, shame on you. You do it twice, shame on me. And that’s where we’re at. They’ve just been caught too many times.
And so now they have to lie in their bed of not being trustworthy, and they have to earn it back. And sometimes it’s hard to earn it back when you, when you’re lying. Constantly earning it back might not happen. Yeah, I brought up Charlottesville, too. I said, in Charlottesville, you guys lied for four years about what Donald Trump actually said and only finally did you correct. Did you correct the record when you realized Donald Trump was probably going to become the president again and all the media was running scared. So, you know, you guys have a lot more to answer for than I do.
You guys have a much bigger audience. You guys have a lot more supposed integrity, as you guys call it. I, I did. I did. Great. That’s great. Well, you know what? At one point, they did, you know, people trusted them. They did. They did trust that they were good journalists and they. Something happened. I told this to them when we were arguing about their credibility, when they were trying to get me to, to, to their agreement Which I didn’t agree to. And they just moved on without the agreement. But they, they said, you know, we’ve been around for 50 years.
And I said, yeah, and for the first 30 years you guys had a lot, a lot of credibility, but now nobody believes you guys anymore. What’d they say to that? Oh, he’s like, well, you know, anyways, they deserve it. And you lie too many times, you’re gonna lay in your own bed. So, okay, well, what do you want people to know? You’ve seen so much over the last, I, I can’t even last 10 years, 15 years, that it’s almost in, you know, unfathomable to the average person what you’ve actually been through and you’ve seen. So what do you want to share with the American people? Well, you know, and that’s actually the project I’ve been working on.
I want to share real news from around the world from different perspectives because, you know, everybody has their side. The, the US government has their side, Ukraine has their side, and Russia has their side. And look, I’m not saying that Russia is always right because they’re certainly not. And I certainly do have some issues with some things that, that the Russian government does. I mean, I, I, I, there’s some other policies that I just cannot stand. Like they make everything so bureaucratic and, and annoying and difficult for the average person that, you know, it’s hard to get anything done here.
But in this situation, they’re 100% right. They have fears. You know, look, Donald Trump has designated cartel members and the cartels themselves as terrorist organizations, which he should, because they are. Yep. And I would not be surprised if the US military doesn’t start going into Mexico to protect the United States people. Well, it’s no different than what Russia has done in Ukraine. I mean, Russians were getting murdered since 2014 by hostile Ukrainian forces that, that were uncontrollable by their own government. You know, that’s right. And then we also put troops on the border, Right. Like a hundred thousand troops and violated the treaty.
Which, which border? The Ukraine. Russian border. Yeah. You know, so I mean, there are two sides and I think people have a right to know. And this is why I’ve create, come up with this system to rewrite news and post it on websites. And look, if anybody else. Wait, are you gonna edit this? Not really, no. Okay. Okay, well, I was gonna say, and you can edit this out if you don’t like it, but if anybody else out there has news oriented websites and you want news from Any of my sources, then I’m happy to push news to your website.
So what’s wrong with airing that? I think that’s great. And your, your site got, I mean, you generated 35 million views. Yeah, I was getting. I mean, it’s not, it’s pretty serious. Yeah, yeah. And that’s, that’s what had everybody so concerned in the west, because, yeah, my sites were getting like between 30, 34 and 36 million views every single month. Yeah. And I had only started them like seven months before. That’s incredible. Absolutely incredible. And where were you posting them? All over the world. Yeah. Yeah. But you know what I would do is I would take a story and I would research what, what was driving people to land on those stories, like search keywords.
And then I was writing those keywords into the articles and into the tags and it’s so effective. And this is why I went from no views to 36 million views in, you know, seven months. So you just made sure those keywords were all over the articles. Yeah, yeah. So, but it’s, it’s not easy to do, but with AI, I mean, I was pumping out a hundred thousand articles every month. Wow. Wow. Well, John, we are going to post your Rumble account so that if you do end up uploading that 60 Minutes interview, people can see it for themselves.
Yeah. And you do have. What is there? Because you haven’t posted in a while. So what is there? What is there? What, on your video? Yeah. Well, I don’t know. Go ahead. My last video is about Crimea. I think I probably have stuff about biolaboratories in Ukraine. People can learn some things. Document documents. Big pharma in Ukraine, believe it or not, is a big, big deal because after, after the Maidan coup, they relaxed all the restriction restrictions so that Maersk and Merck and. And some of these other big pharma companies could come into Ukraine. An experiment on Ukrainian citizens with no red tape whatsoever.
And I mean, the sad thing is those people didn’t even know that they’re taking experimental drugs in a lot of times. But all this red tape was lifted because who was she? The Department of Health for Ukraine. I, I think there, there’s a lady that was appointed by Victoria Nuland. Guess what? She wasn’t a Ukrainian citizen, she was an American citizen. So they, they sidestep all this red tape. Unbelievable. So I think you should, you can find videos on all that stuff in there. Well, it’s, it’s information that people need to have. We should not. The American people should not.
Be shielded from seeing information. The one thing that I want is make sure that it’s truthful, right? I mean, we want to make sure that we don’t have propaganda from the other side, but we need to have Americans need truthful information so we can make informed decisions, period. That’s what free speech is about. So thank you so much for coming back to that program. We have to have you back sooner. Sa.