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The Common Sense Show
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He also discusses a group called the Patriots, who he believes are causing unnecessary chaos and protests. Hodges advises listeners to avoid these protests and instead express their views through peaceful means like writing to their congressman.</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\”summary\”>\r\n<div class=\”card\”>\r\n<div class=\”card-header\”>\r\n\r\n \r\n<h2 class=\”h4\”>Transcript</h2>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\”card-body\”>\r\n\r\nHey, everybody. Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We have the show that\’s freeing America one enslaved mind at a time. Hey, sign up for our newsletter. It\’s One Stop Shopping and it comes to you once a day, every day, here on out. And all you gotta do is go to the commonsenseshow.com and go to the newsletter link and put your email address in. That\’s the only required link. And you\’ll get a recapitulation of everything that we do in the previous 24 hours. People love it. Over 50,000 people are participating. And what do they get? One Stop Shopping.\r\n\r\nIt\’s convenient. So I\’d encourage you to do that. Hey, we are brought to you by really good product here. And thank goodness for people like Dr. Amy Lee. She reminds me a lot of RFK Jr. and what he\’s trying to do. But she said, you know, hey, we live in a really advanced area. And she basically said that she\’s a world-renowned nutritionist. And she said, we\’re taking stuff in that\’s really bad. We\’re taking in these foods. They\’re harmful. They\’re dangerous. They mess with your digestion. They mess with your skin. They make you energyless, if there\’s such a word.\r\n\r\nAnd she said, but we can fix that. If we took this crap out of our diet, these harmful foods that are banned in many countries, we could turn things around immediately. And she wants to identify the three fake foods for you. She\’s made a free video about this. So go to threeharmfulfoods.com. slash Dave, that\’s the number three harmful foods.com slash David. As always, if you\’re seeing this on social media, the link is already in the description box. So you want to make sure you do that. And watch how these things can reverse. It\’s not normal aging you\’re dealing with.\r\n\r\nIt\’s toxic poisoning. You can turn this around. We have something going on that I\’ve been alerted to. And I\’ve received numerous reports and some from people I now know that I respect. And let me just put it this way. Wouldn\’t you say largely, except for some lawfare from activist judges, that the Trump administration is winning by dealing with fraud, waste and abuse. Yeah. And I\’m not saying it\’s a perfect endeavor, but is it not a move to basically promote the proper use of our tax dollars? Yeah. Hasn\’t Trump appointed people that are bringing justice and a well-run government to the people? Well, we\’ve made improvements in my estimation to that.\r\n\r\nThen why would people need to protest city to city? Why? Why would they need to protest against the administration\’s policies that are already out of office? And we\’re drilling baby drilling. We\’re developing our oil. The price of gas is coming down. The price of eggs is coming. Why would we have to protest? You don\’t. You don\’t protest when you\’re winning. And right now the people that voted for this mandate seem to be winning. Well, there\’s a group out there called the Patriots. No, not the football team. These people are going city to city and causing havoc.\r\n\r\nAnd they\’re protesting former policies that are gone. And they seem to be trying to promote violence. There\’s something out of place here. Don\’t you agree? And I\’ll tell you what some of my colleagues are concluding. They believe this is an Antifa type group put together by either deep state and or leftover feds who are still loyal to the old regime and have not been shown the door yet. And they\’re unleashing them to promote chaos and confusion and cast people like you and me as radical violent people. Well, first of all, I\’m going to give you some advice.\r\n\r\nYou don\’t need to be going to any protests. We\’re not even close to that point right now. Secondly, if you voted for the mandate and you voted for Trump, then you\’re winning. You have no reason to protest. These people in my humble estimation and many others now are phony imposters and they need not to be given support. Now, even if I\’m wrong, even if I\’m wrong, I\’m calling for law enforcement to enact strict enforcement policies and put any violent offenders in prison. They\’ll take care of that problem. And if they\’re on Trump\’s side, well, they\’re still going to prison.\r\n\r\nThey belong there. If they\’re on the left side and they\’re pretending to be patriots and not really, well, the same fate. I don\’t care what your political persuasion is. We accomplish nothing with these riots. Didn\’t we learn anything from the Antifa riots in Portland? My broadcast partner, Doug Thornton, the American Vid Dicks show, we do the Doug and Dave Intel report. Have you not listened to us for five years where we told you what was going on up there? We don\’t need this again. We don\’t need to tie up our law enforcement like this either.\r\n\r\nDon\’t give them any attention. Don\’t give them any fuel. And one of the reasons, you know, I think that you can tell they\’re phony, they cover their faces. Hey, if you\’re going to stand for a cause, if I\’m going to my local city council, I\’m not going to put something over my face. They\’re going to know who I am. They\’re going to know my name. They\’re going to know where I live. They\’re going to know what I want. Exactly. I think you\’re way ahead of me on the logic. Don\’t give this group called the Patriots any money, any attention, and you don\’t need to be protesting.\r\n\r\nWe\’re not at that point. You don\’t need to be. All you\’re going to do is put yourself in harm\’s way. If you want to do something, write to your congressman, but stay the heck away from these people. That\’s it for the common sense show. Hey, make sure you sign up for our newsletter. Said that earlier, make sure you sign up for our TV show. Oh, are we doing some great things from history, histories, mysteries, and we\’re looking at powers of the mind a little later today. That\’s going to be up there. Uh-huh. I think you\’re going to find this stuff really interesting.\r\n\r\nPlus we do our geopolitics and our good interviews, the commonsenseshow.tv. Sign up today. We\’ll see you back here again next time. I\’m Dave Hodges, and this is the Common Sense Show. [tr:trw].\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>