Arizona State Senator Mark Finchem talks election fraud and why its happening.

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➡ Michael Jacob introduces Senator Mark Fincham of Arizona, who has a background in public safety and law enforcement. Fincham is known for his commitment to secure and transparent elections, and his belief in smaller government and private sector action. He has served as a state representative and was endorsed by President Donald Trump for Secretary of State. Despite facing election challenges and accusations of corruption, Fincham continues to fight for election integrity and the rights of the people of Arizona.
➡ The speaker discusses the corruption within political parties, particularly the Democrats, and the potential consequences of exposing it. They also mention the threats faced by those who try to expose this corruption. The speaker then shifts to the topic of COVID-19 vaccinations, expressing concern about the push for vaccinating children and the number of deaths related to the vaccine. They also question the origin of the virus and the discrepancy in death rates between the US and China.
➡ The speaker discusses concerns about the COVID-19 vaccination, questioning its necessity and the reported death toll. They also mention the issue of ‘swatting’ – false emergency calls targeting influencers. The conversation then shifts to alleged corruption in the voting system, with the speaker claiming the election was stolen. They discuss the process of challenging the results, the involvement of various individuals, and the potential for future investigations into the matter.
➡ State Senator Mark Benjamin, who also heads the Election Fairness Institute, discusses their work in uncovering money laundering and voter registration fraud. They’ve identified $168 billion in money laundering by political figures and found suspicious voter registrations in several states. Their goal is to ensure future elections are secure and transparent. Benjamin also proposes moving Martin Luther King Day to Election Day to encourage voting and honor King’s fight for equal representation.
➡ The speaker discusses various issues, including media bias, election transparency, rising food prices, and concerns about food quality. They express gratitude for individuals working towards healthier food options and criticize the impact of inflation on food prices. They also discuss the role of government, advocating for minimal interference in daily life and focusing on national defense, treaties, and public services. Lastly, they propose replacing property taxes with a consumption tax, arguing that the government’s problem is overspending, not under-taxing.
➡ The speaker discusses the need for better funding and support for caregivers of the developmentally disabled, who are currently underpaid despite their qualifications and the demanding nature of their work. He also talks about the potential of cryptocurrencies like XRP and goldbacks as alternatives to traditional currency, which could potentially bypass the Federal Reserve and credit card companies. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the nature of money and debt, and the potential for cryptocurrencies and gold to provide a more equitable financial system.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of real money like gold and cryptocurrency, and how they can be used in local businesses. He also talks about the growth of manufacturing in Arizona, but highlights the challenges of power supply and water due to the green agenda. He mentions the potential for tourism in Arizona, with its rich history and beautiful sites. Finally, he shares his contact information for those who want to reach out.
➡ The Election Fairness Institute (EFI) is a group that works to ensure secure and transparent elections in America. They conduct various studies, like examining voter rolls and mapping precincts, to hold elected and appointed officials accountable. People can support EFI’s work by donating, with most contributions ranging from $20 to $100 monthly. EFI doesn’t accept government grants, as they work for the people, not the government.


Hello, everyone. It’s Michael Jacob with unleashing Intuition Secrets going to be joined today with Senator Mark Fincham of Arizona. So I’m going to introduce you. I’ll just read off his bio. Really, really good bio. I want to read the whole thing because he has a really good background. If he, if he comes in late, it’s okay because I’m, I’m reading it so he can just jump right in. All right. Mark Mitchum, for Fincham, is a senator, of course, from Arizona. I met him at a conference I just did recently. We had to stay together and I asked him a bunch of questions, and he is like, unbelievable.

You guys are going to really enjoy his, his information. He is working to secure the rights and protections for the people of Arizona. Mark understands that if our elections are not secure and transparent, we can’t rely on their integrity. Described as a physical hulk, Mark believes that smaller government means bigger freedom. Private sector action is antidote to government bloat. And a quote from him is wise and cautious. Stewardship of public funds with transparent accountability has always been a priority for me. Now, he grew up in Michigan. He was born and raised there. He did 21 years of public safety there as a, first as a firefighter, paramedic, and then as a law enforcement officer.

And during that time he earned an AAS in criminal justice from Kalamazoo Valley Community College, laying the foundation for his deep understanding of law and public service. So during his career as a law enforcement officer, he also lived as a farmer and rancher in a small rural community outside Kalamazoo. So pretty round, roundabout guy. You know, I, I was very impressed with him. Mark’s commitment to public service continued with his election to the state legislature in 2015. So moved to Arizona after, you know, he needed 21 years be retired and I guess he wasn’t, he wasn’t tired.

So he like came down Arizona and started working again. So he built a real estate company. He worked with a real estate company, did really well, and serve as some other, other software company and so forth. So it did really well. It does. He’s one of those guys that wherever he goes, he’s gonna, he’s gonna outperform. Serving first as a state representative until 2023. So for looks like 12 years, he was a state representative. He quickly earned reputation for take asking the tough questions, especially in the wake of the 2020 presidential election. In 2022, he ran as the GOP nominee for Arizona secure Secretary of State, earning the endorsement of President Donald Trump, and later received his Endorsement again during his campaign for state Senate.

And hopefully we’ll be able to talk about that, that run. He was with Carrie Lake during that time frame. And remember Kerry Lake and all the election snafus that were going on in Maricopa county where the machines didn’t work and people didn’t get to vote and there were long, long lines. So they tried to actually, you know, stop the, the voting machines. And they, the judge was like, no, you can’t do this. They took all the way to Supreme Court, and Supreme Court still wouldn’t allow them to like, get rid of the corrupt election voting machine.

So because as you’ll see when he comes on and I’ll talk about whether he comes on or not, we have a lot of information on Arizona doing money laundering from the uh, uh, criminal gangs across the border. Uh, and then, uh, lots of, lots of stuff, uh, like, uh, you know, fraud and mortgages and so forth. And, and then shoveling that or shuffling that money over to Tennessee where they have more corruption over there. So you guys might remember I’ve had Sean Taylor on and we’ve talked about a lot of this. Now he is friends, as I am with Sean Taylor, and Sean Taylor was at the event we were talking about.

So it was, it was very good. All the stuff we, we all. I’ll put out there. So it says. It goes on to say he’s a staunch supporter of secure and transparent elections. Mark co founded the Election Fairness Institute in 2018. The organization examines election processes, identifies defects, and recommends collective actions nationwide. As a legislator, he now chairs the Federalism Committee and the Joint Legislative Audit Committee while also serving on the the Judiciary and Elections Committee. So he’s been involved in elections throughout his entire public service career in Arizona. Mark holds a BA in government, state and local public policy from Grand Canyon University, graduating summa cum laude with an.

And an MA in legal studies and law and economics from the University of Arizona Rogers Law School, where he graduated cum laude. His background in law enforcement, business and education underpins his unwavering commitment to the Constitution, conservative principles and the truth. So, yeah, he’s, he’s definitely doing, doing a lot of good work. So let me, let me go into a little bit. So I said that he and Carrie Lake. So remember, like, a lot of people were like, carrie Lake’s gonna win. And then I got the intuitive insight that there was going to be something that goes wrong with election and Katie Hobbs won.

Katie Hobbs, who did nothing, kind of like Joe Biden who did nothing to campaign. She wouldn’t even debate Carrie Lake. So it is. It’s interesting to see these guys already know they’re in, so they don’t have to do anything. They don’t care. And if Katie Hobbs had gotten out there and people had actually seen just how dumb she is, like, you know, Biden was the last debate that he had with Trump. And then they’re like, they pulled him because everybody saw just how Dummy was or had gotten. At least there was no chance for him to get elected.

So Katie Hobbs would have been the same guys Katie Hobbs is. You know, Mark Fincham told me this as well, that she’s extremely dumb. And I said, you know why that is? It’s because they want them dumb so they can manipulate them. So that’s what we have going on in Arizona. So if he doesn’t come in, that’s fine. I’m going to go ahead and start talking about, you know, other things in the world. I got a big layout that I’ve been putting off because I’ve had a. I did a show yesterday that ran over, over time, and then today this was the best time for Mark Fincham to come in.

But I’m not sure what’s happening now. I’m getting, I’m getting. My lights are like going on and off, so hopefully the power doesn’t go out. We’re having a storm here, uh, electrical, uh, storm. So just be, uh, heads up on that. But I’ll go ahead and push forward. Hopefully it’ll. Mark will come in and if he doesn’t, like I said, I’m going to go ahead and do the news. All right, so let me, let me finish this one thing, that Fincham filed a lawsuit in December 2022 to have the election nullified and redone. So this is the election that he was running for.

The. Suppose he run it for you. Secretary of State. So Secretary of State. And of course, Katie Hobbs is running for governor. And so they wanted to, to like, take all the machines out of there because they knew they were scamming. But the judge said, no, you don’t have any. You can’t prove that. Right. And I guess that’s. That’s what they do. That’s what they, that’s how they’re keeping this, this going, guys, until, I mean, we can, we can show that they’re manipulating the count. And that has been shown. So I, I don’t know how that’s not admissible in court, but for somehow, some way, it’s not factual enough for a court.

So this is the, the thing that we’re going on that we’re going through with these Soros machines, right. And it’s just very frustrating because the election was definitely stolen from him and Katie or Carrie Lake. And they uh, they tried to get it, see that lightning behind me. So they tried to uh, you know, really, really push uh, for recount. He pushed for a recount. Looks like 120, 000 it they did, you know, they do the recounts in, in Arizona and it still comes up the same. All right, because they’re not, they’re not, they’re cheating. So once, once they’ve done the cheating, if you come in and try and correct, find fraud within the cheating, it’s not going to happen because the cheating’s done.

All right, so there’s been a lot of people that have been disclosing how they’re doing the cheating. They’re taking it, taking the ballots to a private company that basically does accounting that’s, you know, in favor of the defense. So this is maybe some of the things that. I don’t know what happened today, if you got the time wrong or whatever. But if he shows up, then we’ll, we’ll get into a conversation with him. So like I said, he has incredible information. And like I said, with Sean Taylor doing the, the investigations on all these guys, I even asked and I said, why don’t they take Katie Hobbs out? Because they know that she’s done illegal activity, she’s involved in it.

And he says they’re just, in his words, it would cause more problems then it will solve. So take, keep that in mind as we’re, you know, clamoring for these people to be, you know, thrown in jail or something else. You know, there, there are consequences because if you take her out, you’re probably taking out the entire Democrat party, which I have no problem with. But I mean a lot of people would and they would as well because they’d have judges that are in their back pocket, law enforcement, which is in their back pocket money, massive trillions of dollars that has been funneled towards their campaigns and all the things that go through, corruption and so forth.

So it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s insane. So like Sean Taylor was saying, you know, some, some of these counties that have seen the corruption, whether it be Arizona or Tennessee where he’s at. And to give you an idea how corrupt these people are, Sean Taylor has had his. And he came on my show shortly after it happened where he was shot. His home was shot 11 there was 11 bullet holes in his own. So that’s. That’s kind of like a warning. And he told me he hasn’t, he hasn’t revealed this, but we talked about directed injury, weapons being used against him.

He gave me the. Some of the symptoms that happened with him, and I said, yeah, you got hit by direct energy weapons. So now he has to move every 30 days. He and his wife have to up and move every 30 days because of the threats against him. They track him down and then it’s time to go. Right. So very, very, you know, tough time to expose these, these criminals because they have so much power and they’re embedded within a lot of these, uh, organizations. Uh, like I talk about the political parties through. And I’m not blaming all the Democrats, but pretty much all of them and, And a good chunk of the Republicans as well.

So you take all them out, then you have. You. You can’t have your, Your government. Your government’s not gone. All right? It would collapse. You. You would have, uh, industries that would collapse because the people that are funneling money and so forth, uh, broad spectrums of the economy would collapse. Law enforcement would be. The people that we depend on would be. Some of them would be taken to jail. The jails that they take people to, of course, and judges would be held accountable and go to jail. So it’s, it’s really, really. It needs. I think it.

What, what it’s sounding like to me, guys, is they want it to get to the other side of this next election. They’re going to do everything they can to do to correct the integrity of the voting system. I think they did, obviously did a very good job the last election in most places. Of course, California is still extremely corrupt. We’ve got to fix that. New York pretty much all the, all the major Democrat states. So the corruption has to be revealed in those states. Gavin Newsom now is moving to the center. He used to be an extreme leftist.

Now he’s moving to the center. So. And that’s just to protect his ass, I think it’s not because he has political aspirations in the future, because those. There’s no way that happens. He’s doing that to protect his life. All right, If. If that even. If that. If that even is Gavin Newsome. So that’s. That’s the things that are going on right now with all of that. So let’s jump on to what’s going on. The CDC is wanting to basically have children vaccinated with the COVID 19. Right. They want to Put that in the vaccine schedule for children.

So it says your child needs vaccines as they grow. All right, and getting a COVID 19 shot for 6 months to 11 years of age. So yeah, they could, they could actually COVID vaccine a 6 month old now. So 6 months to 11 months old. This is where they want to start this vaccination program for Covid. We’ve already. And this, this is the problem that we have. Even though we know that the voting machines are incorrect, we have a vast army of media and judges and political parties and so forth that are pushing back against, you know, upending the corruption because they benefit from it.

It’s the same thing with the vaccination. So we are, we all know that it’s corrupt, but they’re pushing back on us from either, you know, getting, you know, headwind on taking it down. Are those people that are still asleep from waking up because they depend on, you know, the sheeple in the middle. Because if you get to sheeple in the middle to start following the people that are awake, they’re gone. All right? They’re gone. So they’re, they’re doing their damnedest to keep the sheeple in the middle. You like that word? I just came up with that.

I don’t know, sheeple in the middle. Right. That worked. That flows really well, I think. So the sheeple in the middle have to be, you know, they have to like, you know, rub them down. And it’s okay, you can believe our lies. It’s okay, you can believe our lies. You know why? They’re mind control them. So this is what we’re seeing right now. So the people with the vaccination issues that are like stupendous, all the people that have died from the vaccination, you would think at this point that we wouldn’t be talking about new vaccination programs for COVID 19 because we know that it’s corrupt, that it’s deadly.

It’s frigging deadly. But here they are, you know, pushing this through the cdc. What the heck? It’s like, what the heck? This, this has all been proven. We, we, we should be arresting people, not pushing more vaccinations. All right, so I’m sure the screen on this one, this is the. Now, I put this stuff out before. I remember when I had a YouTube channel, I used to put this kind of stuff out and, and I knew they were going to take it down. So I would like put, I would do a show revealing this stuff and I would let it stay there for an hour.

Or two. And then I would take it down. So, you know, this, this type of information would, would. If I, if I did a show on this today and talk about what I know on YouTube on the platform where I used to get like a million views, you know, on a very good show and I had like quarter million plus people and my, my YouTubers growing like 50, 000amonth, it would be. It would be astronomical, the people that would find out about all this stuff. So they’re still, you know, pushing back on this. They’re still not letting us back on YouTube.

So. And those of us that are on X are suppressed. And those of us that are on this channel, Rumble, are suppressed. Right. So normally there would be a lot more people that would be watching the show even here on, on Rumble, but There’s only like 700. Right. I thought it was like a lot more. Did it like go down? A lot more people show up and go, oh, not. You’re not talking about what we thought you were going to talk about. So US as you see here, US deaths above global average. Now this is back in 2022 when they released this report.

They’re not doing the numbers anymore. They’re not doing the numbers anymore. All right, so it shows all these excess deaths. What about the official COVID death numbers? Top 10 countries for recorded COVID deaths. US over a million. Next one is Brazil and India, Russia, Mexico and on down. All right, so the as we like to build ourselves as the healthiest country in the world, we pay more per capita for health care than any other country in the world, yet we have the most deaths. There’s something wrong there, don’t you think? You would have to be some of those sheeple in the middle if you believe otherwise at this point.

All right, so that’s. That should be like, you know, wtf? Why are we even talking about anything so to do with vaccination, vaccination programs, any of that stuff. So let’s look at another thing. So where did. Where did covet come from? Where was it designed? China. China flu. Remember Trump used to call it the China flu, Right. But the nih United States, Fauci funded it through military, US Military funds. So China, China, which probably locked down its country more than any other country, and they did it for longer. Their deaths for Covid were 5720. 272. 5,000.

Not the over 1 million that the US had. So what the heck happened there? That’s. That’s crazy, right? Keep talking until he comes. I. He’s thought 35 more minutes. I’m like, no, now. Okay. Yeah, so I guess Mark got the time wrong. So he’ll be. He’ll be in a little bit. So, I mean, look at that. Look at those numbers. This is. This is the kind of stuff that. And we’re not even talking about the. The vaccination yet. We’re just talking about COVID All right, the vaccination we’re having. If we were honest, if they were honest about the vaccination, how many people died about with the vaccination, the cancers that they’ve caused and so forth, we would be looking at tens of millions.

A lot of people have guesstimated that there’s like tens of millions worldwide. In almost every country, tens of millions have died from the COVID vaccination. Right? Not the, you know, a few million total from just the COVID And the COVID was like, you could get it, but less than 1% would die. It was less than 1%. So why. Why did we need the lockdown? Why did we need that. That. That vaccination mandated to us? China did a. They did their, you know, vaccination program, and they don’t have a lot of deaths from what I’m hearing. Russia hasn’t had a lot of deaths from their vaccination program, but the US And UK and some of some of the other European countries that pushed out vaccinations, the death toll has been significant.

Right. And it’s continuing. So that’s. That’s some of, that’s some of the BS that’s out there right now. I don’t know how much longer, you know, that’s going to continue. How, how much longer they’re going to get away with that. But it is, it is something that we need to, like, you know, really focus on. So lots of influencers have been swatted. Swatting is when somebody calls up the FBI or the local law enforcement. Says someone, Sean Farish, who’s been on my show, really nice guy, imitates President Trump. Really funny guy. He was swatted. And a lot of other, you know, influencers as well were swatted.

A lot of people that are on X that were swatted. So there’s, you know, some. Some serious issues that are going on there. It’s. It’s quite a problem with this, the swatting. So, Mark, how you doing? I’m good, Mike. So apparently we had a little bit of a time differential. Yeah, no worries. I. I introduced you, I read of all your background, you know, back in. I wasn’t here for that. You’re, you’re a humble guy, so amazing background. I know you and Carrie Lake basically went against the machines or the machine and all that stuff. And because you both lost your elections and uh, so you’re very well versed in, uh, the corruption within the, uh, voting system, especially there’s Maricopa county, all the craziness that happened in the last election with the machines and so forth after you guys tried to like get rid of the machines.

So I, you know, I don’t know where you want to start with that, but, you know, thanks for coming in. And we had, I told everybody that I thought you were like one of the most, uh, uh, informed people that I, that I’ve ever met on, uh, the election fraud. And you know Sean Taylor, I talk about Sean Taylor. I’ve had him on my show, of course, several times. Everybody’s very familiar with him, how he’s exposed the mortgage scamming that’s going on and how that’s being funneled through Arizona and up into Nashville. So I mean, you’ve seen it, you’ve, you’ve really tried to fight this beast.

What, what are your thoughts on it? Well, first of all, can you hear me okay, Mike? Yeah, I got you. Good. All right, good. Gosh, I mean there’s, there’s so much going on and I’m glad. A hat tip to Sean Taylor. Sean is probably one of the most talented investigators I’ve, I’ve met in my life. And I was a 21 year DPS troop out of West Michigan myself. So criminal investigator. That’s, that’s a tall bar for, for me to, to elevate him to. So one small correction. Carrie Lake and I did not lose that election was stolen.

And it was stolen. Good point. Supervisors, I’m glad that we now have a chief magistrate in the nation who Donald Trump, who every intention of examining defective elections, now I’m going to call them defective, I’m not going to call them fraudulent at this point because fraud is a specific intent crime. But this, there’s process and there’s people when you don’t follow the process of law that makes an election irredeemably compromised. Hard. Stop. Now, one of the things that, that we did, rolling back To November of 2020, I and my colleagues and you don’t hear me say I very often, but I guess have.

If it hadn’t have been for me challenging the speaker of the House in Arizona, that would be the state speaker of the House, Rusty Bowers, who has now been Disgraced, in my view. At the time, I was the chairman of Federalism, and that is a committee that examines the intersection between state and federal government. We had so many complaints from constituents all over the country that we just couldn’t ignore it daily as of election. In fact, the morning of election day, we started getting calls and letters and all that. And look, you know, my view is a little bit different, I think, than some people who are in elected office.

I work for you. I’m not privileged. I’m not. You know, there’s a lot of things going on around that. Yes, we are treated in a privileged manner sometimes, but at the bottom line is the people hired me to examine facts, get to the bottom of things and come up with solutions. It’s a very simple job, but it gets very complicated with the people and personalities that you have to work with. So on November 30, 2020, because we couldn’t have a hearing at the House of Representatives, I stepped forward with some of my colleagues. I think we had.

It was a nine member panel, both House and Senate. And for ten and a half hours, we took testimony from professionals, from Mayor Giuliani and his team, Colonel Phil Waldron and his team, all kinds of experts came in. And this is. Remember, this is on the cusp of understanding what was going on in the background with the machines and with the ballots themselves 15 days later. And this is what I get a charge out of. You know, I can’t call them journalists, and I can’t even call them reporters. I think they’re just writers. Project Mockingbird crowd Absolutely.

Fifteen days later, there was sufficient probable cause for an attorney, Senator Eddie Farnsworth, an attorney who understands probable cause, issued subpoenas. You don’t hear much about that. Issued subpoenas to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, all five of them, ordering them to produce the records that are required to be protected under 52 CFR 20701, which is federal law that says you will protect these records for an election so they can be inspected and audited. And of course, they said, oh, we’ll be very cooperative, and. And all that. Well, the day came for them to sit in front of the Senate, and they were presented with the subpoenas, and all of a sudden they lawyered up and had nothing to say.

At the same time, there was a rather suspicious fire out at the Hickman Chicken Farm. Yeah. At the same time, they were supposed to produce ballots. Huh? So we had this little fracas called the Senate Forensic Audit, and Joe Hoft has got all kinds of observations about that. Joe, who is part of a pundit, was, was actually there as I understand it. And the minute those boxes of ballots were delivered and opened, we saw that the seals were broken. And as a 30 year auditor for a major auditing house, Joe said right there that audit should have been done.

Don’t go any further. It’s over. Because the, the election had the security countermeasures have been breached and you could not trust that those ballots had not been tampered with. Now there’s all kinds of stories that have gone with that and I’m not going to relitigate that. So let’s fast forward to today. The statute of limitations on treason ain’t one. I like how you bring that up. That’s good. Yeah. So the statute of limitations on tampering with an election, I don’t know that there is one. So we now have a chief magistrate. Very good, very good. Pam Bondi, who I think is going to be a ball buster.

Working for a wrecking ball doesn’t get any better than that. And we now have somebody at the FBI in the form of Cash Patel, who is a go get him investigator type guy. I think that we are. Even though the material has probably long since been destroyed, there’s still a lot of records, a lot of electronic records. And I think that the FBI has an interest in looking at not just what went wrong, but were there people that made it go wrong, Were there systems failures? Because we still rely on the same crappy machines that were built by the Chinese Communist Party, at least the parts of them going into it.

We still rely on those machines and the software smartmatic which was written by the Venezuelan government. Name changes and all that aside, what could possibly go wrong with all this crap? Okay, that’s not the end of it, my friend. Along comes a guy by name of Sean Taylor. And Sean has been looking at money laundering. Now going back all the way to. I think he started this journey about 2015. Now part of my. I have. I wear two hats. One hat is State Senator Mark Benjamin. The other hat is the executive director of little outfit called the Election Fairness Institute.

And if people want to know about that, they can go to go and if you could put that up on the banner, that’d be great. So along comes a guy whose house has been shot up. That’s right. 16 AR, 15 rounds at his front door. And the shooter had a brass catcher. That’s a professional job. Yep. Not one piece of brass left behind the Number of threats? Well, he came to work for the Election Fairness Institute, and in the course of his work, we’ve identified about 1.5 trillion, and that number’s growing, of money laundering. A lot of it committed by political figures.

Now, for example, we’ve got a briefing document. I don’t know if it’s made its way to AG Bondi or not. I know that it went to General Mike Flynn, to Tom Holman, and to President Trump himself. It identified $168 billion in money laundering by five Act Blue officials. That would be the money that has been flowing into the system to persecute people like Donald John Trump. So our journey’s been rather remarkable. We’ve identified all kinds of skullduggery and in all kinds of different areas. In fact, one of the projects we’re working is with Dr. Jerome Corsi and Andy Paquette.

Dr. Paquette, they found, I think in seven different states, Arizona included cryptologic algorithms that are running in the background that are creating modified voter registrations. Some people clones. But we don’t want to go down the path of what, you’re cloning people? No, we’re actually. They’re cloning voter registrations. Yeah. So in the state of Arizona, Dr. Paquette was able to identify, three weeks before the election, 250 fictitious voter registrations by name, by voter registration number, by address, so that they could be chased down in the event that we spotted some level of skullduggery in Maricopa County. Perish the thought that that would happen.

Now, we don’t know because we haven’t looked whether any of those names would show up on a submitted ballot record. I’m hoping that the FBI will take this case up. I mean, we’re ready to hand them all of the information on a sil silver platter. All they have to do is run a script to see if those names show up in an election record. I’m pretty sure that they will. At least some of them will. But President Trump carried Arizona just like he carried some of the other states. But we found those numbers. Actually, I didn’t find it, but Dr.

Paquette found the algorithms at work in Wisconsin to the tune of about 200, 250, 000 names. Wisconsin, or I’m sorry, Wisconsin, New York. Millions of names. Wow. They did New Jersey, Florida. I think they also did Texas. There’s a Florida piece right now that’s in court that their work is going to be probably going to be identified as expert testimony. Just because as Dr. Pette explains this. This is not political party stuff. This is statecraft. This is the intrusion into our election system by very high level state actors. Now, do we know, are they internal, like CIA, nsa, FBI, all of that? Maybe all the guys that are losing their jobs right now? Or is it Venezuela, Turkey? I hear that there’s Serbia, perhaps Russia.

So we know that there’s been and by the way, intrusion into our elections. That’s what’s called an act of war. Yeah. So we’re able to identify who, who engaged in that and whether they engaged in that in the 2025 election. Our objective here is to identify them, prosecute them, lock them up and shut their systems down at the same time. We want to try and make sure that the elections coming up in 2026, which by the way, are right around the corner, those are secure, they’re transparent, and that all of the bad actors have been cleared from the field.

So the American people can, can be confident that as they cast their ballot, it will be counted as cast. How confident are you that that is going to be good? It’s going to be a fair election? We’re making a lot of progress, man. I’m. My confidence grows every day. And by the way, we have, we have the usual suspects who are for the most part Democrats who don’t want to see the system changed. Yeah, well, of course they’ve been benefited, benefiting from it for so long. Why would you want to. So we’ve got a whole bunch of, I can only speak to here in Arizona when it comes to passage of bills.

As a state senator, I’ve put up quite a few measures. One of those is watermark ballots. And it’s interesting, the Democrats say, well, you can’t prove that we didn’t, that we had watermark ballot or that we had fictitious ballots in the system. Forgeries. Well, you can’t prove a negative because you can’t prove that we didn’t. So the way to do that is put watermarks on the ballots so that we will know in the blink of an eye whether a ballot was official and issued by the state of Arizona or if it’s one of these ballots, like what was shipped into Pennsylvania for.

Beth Page, New York Remember that whole fracas in 2020. So there’s a lot going on in the background with that. We are trying to prohibit machines. In fact, I think President Trump is likely to issue some kind of an order that prohibits equipment, the use of equipment that has been designed, manufactured and deployed by the Chinese Communist Party. And what that means is just about every motherboard on every computer in use in the United States came from communist China. So you defeat that, paper ballots counted by hand on election day at the precinct level. Hard stop.

Yeah, I gotta make it a national holiday so everybody like doesn’t have an excuse not to get out and vote. That’s, that’ll be good. Yeah. And oh, by the way, I brought that up to Congressman Eli Crane and to Congressman Andy Biggs. Paul Gosar. An idea. Now, some people would think I’m just nuts for even proposing it, but we had this holiday in January called Martin Luther King Day. I think it’s the most recent of the federal holidays. Okay, I get that you wanted to celebrate that particular day with his name on it, but what did Martin Luther King work his entire life for? Equal representation under the law? It would be fitting holiday to move Martin Luther King day to the second Tuesday or no, the first Tuesday in November every year.

And on those years, on the even years when we have presidential elections, I guess it’s the odd as even years, on the years that we have a presidential election, it becomes election weekend. It’s a four day week. Wow. After Martin Luther King, wouldn’t that be. I think that would be a marvelous testimony, testament, if you will, to Dr. Martin Luther King and everything that he worked for in his life. At the same time, we make a holiday that’s actually meaningful. You know, a lot of people don’t believe that that day is just your day off. There are some people that we would like to celebrate that with something meaningful.

I have a number of friends who are African American, whatever the proper term is, black, brown, not, who love the idea. They’re like, that’s, that’s actually brilliant. Yeah. And here a guy with a beard thinks of it. Yeah. So there’s a lot of, you know, people out there, I think that are, are going to push for that. You said Eli Crane, you know, former Navy seal. Yeah. Who. Yeah, yeah. So I, I think that you’re going to get that, you know, from a lot of people. It’s gonna, it’s gonna be very, very well received. I’m glad.

You know, there’s people like yourself that are pushing that. So I know that a lot of us that, you know, come out and we’re pushing against this system, this corrupt system. You know, we get attacked in different ways. You know, you mentioned Sean, you know, having 11 rounds shot into his house. Many of us have they’re body. And a bunch of the people out there, Sean Farish, who I, I had on My show, who, Who’s a comedian that imitates president Trump. Really, really nice guy. So. But we’re, we’re getting attacked. Are you seeing that with yourself? I’m sure you are, but are you seeing that with other people that are, you know, trying to, uh, you know, corrupt system? Not as much as we were.

Oh. I think that the bad actors now, they no longer have top cover Merrick Garland and a corrupt doj. Good point. You’ve got a lot of U. S. Attorneys, associate u. S. Attorneys. You’ve got a lot of individuals, the FBI agents who now, I think, have come to realize that they no longer have protection. So I think that we are seeing a reduction in the attacks. But at the same time, you’ve got a news media that remains part of project Mockingbird. That’s why you can have 50 different talking heads on television on all the various networks, the main networks, and they’re all reading from the same script.

That’s project Mockingbird at work. Propaganda up. Okay, so the fact that the AP style guide still has within it election denier, that’s a term that came out at about the time that we held the hearing in Maricopa county, which, by the way, was paid for the people. That’s an interesting story in and of itself. The bill was about $15,000, and I put the word out. We immediately had a $2,500 donation from a private individual. And within about two or three weeks, the entire bill on my American express card was paid. And I’m talking about $20 donations, $50 donations.

People just, they were, they were excited that somebody actually listened to them and took action to identify what the problem might be. So, but to answer your question definitively, I think we’re seeing a significant move towards security and towards transparency. And there are state legislators all across the the country now who are. I think they’re beginning to wake up to the fact that they have. They’ve been asleep at the switch on their duty. Now, another thing that many people are concerned about are the, the food, our food. You know, the prices of. Everything’s going up. Of course, the eggs going up crazy.

And now they’re not killing the chickens like they were because Biden administration, before he left, he’s like, had a slaughter fest with chickens trying to push this, this fake narrative about the bird flu. They want, they want fake meat. They want you to eat fake meat. Yeah. So I love that you have that, that steer behind you. That’s, that’s, that’s beautiful. No bull here. Yeah, exactly. Now you used to be. Did you. Did you raise. Were you cattlemen? Yes, sir. A rancher. Oh, good. Thanks, sir. So everyone should thank the cattlemen, because they’re definitely feeding us.

So I love beef. Yeah. So I’m very thankful, but we’re seeing, you know, a lot of our food seems to be under attack as well. What. What do you. What do you think about that? Well, I’m very thankful that President Trump. I’m very thankful that RFK Jr. His mind to the opportunity of working for President Trump and working for the American people. He is on the war path over MRNA and our food. Over. All of the things that are banned. Interesting things that are banned in other countries somehow are okay here. So I’m looking forward to the cleanup of the school lunch program forward to the silliness to.

To drive food prices up. I mean, there’s a lot of things that go into food prices. Eggs is a huge item. The eggs go into a lot of other items, everything from cookies to cake mixes to. I mean, you name it. Eggs are a part. A big part of our diet. Okay, so the irresponsible dumbass at the USDA who ordered all these chickens just because it’s kind of like everybody’s got to wear a mask. They had to make it look like they knew what they were doing, when in reality, the policy was such overkill, it reached the point of ridiculousness.

All right, so now we’ve got this situation where we’ve got somebody who is more focused on pure food and healthy food as opposed to corporate profit. Now, I’m all good with corporate profit. You know, as a cattleman, I liked it when I actually got paid a legitimate number for. For my beefs. But what I’m not okay with is the big consolidated corporate farms that are injecting these cattle with all kinds of crap that does not. Doesn’t. Doesn’t bode well for the human body when once you have it. And we’re talking everything from injections for antibiotics to growth hormones to, I mean, you name it, all of this crap.

It’s outlawed in other countries? Yep. Okay, well, maybe they’re clued into something we should have gotten clued into a long time ago. I mean, I’ve got a very close friend of mine who has a. Basically, it’s the. The ingredient in Roundup. I think it’s blue. I can’t pronounce it. Glucophosified something, right? Like, it starts with the G. And the problem is it doesn’t leave your body. You stuck with it. So I’m really glad that the president that our opened his mind to go to work for the American people on this particular thing. I think he’s going to make a tremendous impact.

And then now that we have, I think some relief on fuel. The dumb asses in the, the Democrat party, apparently they don’t understand the connection between inflation and, and fuel prices. All right, you cut the fuel prices down by a buck. Not even in half. You cut it by a buck, what happens? All the cost of goods reduces commensurately. That means food, that means people. That, and I’ve seen this man used to be that you’d go to the supermarket and you’d see, I don’t know, 50, 60, 70, 80 steaks in the meat counter. Now you go there and there’s maybe seven or eight.

Why is that? Well, part, part of it is availability. The other part is price. What you used to pay. I, I thought people were nuts when they told me that we’d see ten dollar beef. What do we have today? Today, ten dollar be. I mean that’s back in the day when you buy a pound of hamburger for a buck. 99. So I, I, I welcome the change. I welcome the return to sanity. And I hope that the American people recognize just how close they came to communist East German type breadlines where once the bread loaves were gone.

That was it. That’s what happens when the federal government interferes with everyday living. I’m one of those people that believes that the government should have the lightest touch possible on the everyday lives of people. You’re there for a couple reasons. Number one, treaties with other countries. Number two, national defense. Number three, taking care of those people who can’t take care of themselves. Not won’t, can’t. Infrastructure, education and public safety. That means our police, fire, EMS and courts. If there’s anything else on your appetite, Congressman, it’s not your job. Leave it to the people. They’ll sort it out.

Npr. Oh God, the list is so long, man. But I’m glad to see now all of a sudden we’ve got surgical strikes at the budget that they’re cutting. They’re cutting where they need to. And the left is in full Chernobyl style meltdown right now. Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to end very, very soon. No. So taxes, everybody’s wanting the taxes to go away. Here in Florida we’re talking about doing away with property taxes. I think that’s something that can be done. What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, property taxes and And I said this at the.

At the Quantum. Yeah. Property tax is one of those insidious taxes that pride ourselves in America that we have the right to own property. But when you have to pay the government for the services, which we all enjoy, by the way. But when you have to pay the government, if you fail to pay, the government can take your property. I don’t like that. I would much rather move to a fee for service consumption tax. Now, some people say, well, that’s unfair. Well, let’s not. Let’s. Let’s think about that for a second. All you ever hear. In fact, last week we were treated to the Democrats blathering on about billionaire this and billionaire that.

Well, billionaires spend money and they spend lots of it, so why not go to a consumption tax? Now, I, of course, would exempt food from that, but you have a consumption tax for everything from. I hate to say this. Bourbon. Dang it. Cars, Dang it. Boats, gasoline, tires, you name it. If you consume it, you pay a tax that supports police, fire, ems. If you have a community hospital, like we do here in Yavapai county, there’s a certain amount of money that goes to our community hospital to make sure that we have a hospital. We’re a rural county.

But infrastructure, your roads, the courts, if they’re functioning properly, and of course, education, those are the responsibilities of government, nothing else. So when I hear people talking about, well, you know, we have to have a lot of taxes. No, no, no. Actually, our problem is not a taxing problem. Our problem is a spending problem. Yeah, you’ve got people in, in offices of appropriation, whether it’s Congress or your state legislature, that folks come to them all the time. It’s like, hey, can you fund this little project? Can you fund that little project? Well, all these little projects amount to a lot of money.

You know, here in Arizona, I sponsored a bill that. I think there’s a lot of Democrats that are scratching their heads going, gosh, I wish I’d have done that. It’s my view that the state government is responsible for four things, and this is in our Constitution. Public safety, police, fire, EMS, courts, education, K through 12. Here in Arizona, it goes all the way through 16. Because we have this thing in our constitution that a university, education, actually higher education, college should be as close to free as possible for all state residents. Okay, well, it’s part of the education system then.

We’ve got infrastructure, roads, bridges, canals, that kind of stuff. The number four thing that a lot of people forget about is the developmentally disabled. And I’m talking about the hardcore, forgive the expression, mentally, physically affected, cerebral palsy. Some of the diseases where my heart breaks for these people because they are trapped in a body that they cannot do anything with other than subsist. They are trapped in a mind that they cannot get out of. Well, these are the people that cannot care for themselves. So I wrote a bill. We’re about $150 million underfunded for that. I wrote a bill that would give us at least a third of an increase in the state budget to pay for the people that take care of these people.

Because right now here in Arizona, the people that are caregivers for that, they’re making McDonald’s wages. And we’re talking about people with bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, specialists who have a heart for caring for people that can’t wipe their own butt. They can’t feed themselves, they can’t communicate except with a pad. These are people that neither you and I’m not this. Don’t take offense to this. Neither you nor I have the skills, have the time, because we’re doing other things for the community, nor we have the inclination to do. I mean, I, I’d love to help, but I don’t, I don’t know the first thing about taking care of somebody like that.

But we do have people who, who do. And those individuals, they deserve a lot more than what they’re getting. So again, you know, you go back to your question was a tax question. There are four things at the state level. You’re talking about Florida. I think Florida is the same as Arizona. If it’s not in those four areas where the people have looked to government to do something, stop doing it, that will help pay for a lot of it. So when you start looking at what’s your tax program going to look at? You know, here in Arizona, we came an eyelash away from doing away with the income tax.

All right, well, we still have the property tax. We’ve got a sales tax program in this state that makes absolutely no sense. You’ve got, you know, some of the local jurisdictions, they can pass a, a sales tax question and. But that is how they fund their police, fire and ems. Okay, so getting something that is an equitable tax package that supports the key functions of government while at the same time having that lightest touch possible, lightest touch possible on the everyday affairs of individuals. I think if, if that is the pursuit of any legislature, they’re going to be a winner with the people.

Okay, I think we’re back so we lost, lost power here for a second. So sorry. Oh, my God. Well, apparently the, the NSA doesn’t like what you’re putting out, man. We got a storm going on, so it could, it could be legit. But, yeah, you, I can tell there’s things that you’re. You’re talking about, it kind of like, gets a little. You’re. They might not like it. So now you’re. I’m. I’m not afraid to speak truth to power. So you have another bill that you’re coming out with or your. You’re trying to promote, I guess, on silver and gold.

What, what do you have going on with that? Well, in case folks haven’t been paying attention, the cryptocurrency world is on fire. I’m a big believer in xrp. I have some Bitcoin, but I think XRP ultimately ends up being the international currency. And it’s, it’s the, the decentralized finance program, because we’re. For a very long time, since 1913, the United States has used money as the centerpiece of its, its foreign policy. Well, with the decentralized finance system, that means the Federal Reserve goes away. Yay. Never should have had first place. 1913, it was the opportunity for international bankers to essentially take over the US Banking system, and they did it well.

Now they’ve proven that they are incapable of running a finance system. And I think President Trump is onto something. His move away from the income tax. In fact, doing away with the IRS completely and moving to tariffs makes a hell of a lot of sense. So I would recommend to people, you know, I, I do everything I can to conduct business outside of the effect of the Federal Reserve, because people say, well, what does that mean when you have a Federal Reserve note? And unfortunately, I don’t have my wallet with me at the top of a greenback with.

No matter what denomination it is, it says Federal Reserve note. That’s a curious word that a lot of people don’t pay attention to. When you buy a house and you get a mortgage, what do you get? Note, which is evidence of the debt. You get a deed of trust, which is the deed that you will get if you pay off the note. And then there’s some other documents that you get. But my point in this is all of the paper money that you have in your wallet is evidence of debt. Yes, it’s a medium of exchange so that you can go out and buy groceries and all that.

But when you, let’s say, for example, you take a $25 bill, all right. A 20 and a five. And you hand that over to the grocer for a basket full of groceries or a small basket. All right, a few groceries. It doesn’t buy as much as used to, but you had structure keeper for a few groceries. You’ve now extinguished the debt that you were carrying on behalf of the federal government for something real. People don’t think about that. You’ve also extinguished the potential for inflation because you now have something. I’m just going to use this tape dispenser.

You got Something that’s real $99. Okay, I extinguished debt for 1.99 worth of tape. Now, there’s a couple other things that go along with this. You know, cryptocurrency is. Is I can tell that the. The credit card people going to be none too happy because you can pay for goods directly without having a credit card. Imagine that. Go to a restaurant and they say, we proudly accept XRP. Huh, great. How much is dinner? Well, it’ll be $32 a piece. All right, so that’s 64 bucks. You add 12, 20% tip, you’re up in the, you know, 85 to $90 worth of.

Okay, how much XRP is that? I don’t know. Take that number and divide it by 2.35, which is the current price of XRP. Last time I looked, that’s how much XRP that you send to them immediately. Boink. Kind of like Zelle or Venmo or one of those. And you’ve just paid your bill wet outside of the influence of the bank at a reserve bank and the credit card companies. So you’re not carrying that 2.75% load. So as cryptocurrency gains acceptance. And the difference between XRP and Bitcoin, Bitcoin is more of a commodity than a currency where xrp.

And I would say part of that is because of the way it’s monetized, but because it’s a smaller number, you know, it’s down in the 2.35 range right now. Forbes says it’s going to go to 60 by the $60,000 by the end of this year. Hallelujah. So, but yeah, so the. That’s the cryptocurrency side. Now the other side is goldbacks. And if people want to know more about that, you can go to Jeremy and his crew. Jeremy Corden and his crew at have issued gold backs. And these are real gold strips that look like currency.

And they are. I mean, it’s Like I think the, the 100 gold back is 1/10 of an troy ounce of 24 karat gold sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. Got some beautiful artwork on it. But at the end of the day it is gold bullion. Portable, payable gold bullion. It’s real money as opposed to the fake money. That is a currency. That’s a fiat currency. This is gold. Now here in Arizona I was part of a group that helped get the gold and silver bullion legal tender bill across the finish line back in 2015. In Arizona you don’t buy gold and silver anymore.

And people are like wait, what? You exchange one currency, the greenbacks for another currency. Gold is a legal tender species of money species like dog, cat, bird, all different species. Okay, so it’s an exchange, it’s not a purchase. That’s kind of hard for people to get their heads wrapped around. But at the federal level the Fed’s still called purchase. Well, for as long as the Feds are going to be around. You’ve got I think 17 other states that have passed a similar bill. And a lot of that is because of the good work that the United Precious Metals association has done to recognize real money as a medium of exchange.

So why do we have money so you don’t have to carry silver around. Okay, but with this, you know, if you’ve got a 110 ounce gold back, 1 10th of an ounce of gold. I don’t know what the price is today, but I’m thinking It’s probably about $210 worth. Ish depending upon it’s graduated every day. So I would encourage people to go to that’s G O L-B-A-K dot com. Here’s my point. You’re going to want to have real money gold bags and a cryptocurrency xrp. Xrp you are able to transact business with out of town.

Let’s put it that way online with Goldbacks I can go down to the palace which is the two and a half blocks. Hey, it’s an iconic restaurant. It’s where they filmed a movie called Junior Bonner with Steve McCoy. Palace is a an old west restaurant in saloon they accept goldbacks. Wow. Founding Fathers which is a barber shop. This is a cool place. My, my good friend Grant Cassada, he’s retired special operator Delta Force JSOC guy. He started a barber shop, John Hancock in an old warehouse. They also have a barista station, a whiskey parlor, a tap room, a general meeting space along with a Speakeasy, which is stood up, looks very much like a, you know, 1910, 1920s speakeasy.

You got to have a code to get in and all that. It’s a fun place. I will tell you this though, brother, you go to Founding Fathers and you got moms that have got their kids there doing homework in the middle of the day. We’re talking about homeschool moms. And it’s not that they’re having to sip on a pint, they, they’re meeting other moms to. It’s this is this community micro school. Let’s bring community together. And many of these ladies are the wives of retired special operators. So you’ve got this community that comes together, coolest place ever.

And they accept goldbacks. That’s, that’s. I’m pretty sure if you wanted to pay for a haircut there, they’d accept XRP too. Very nice, very nice. So you’re, you’re in Prescott? I, I used to, I used to go shoot there when I was trying to keep my, when I was keeping my skills up when I was working for the CIA. They’re really good long gun ranges. So I just got shoot very nice ranges. I used to love to go up to Jerome, the old copper mines up there and they have great food up there. And I lived in Sedona so you know, I got the best of that.

I used to go up to the Grand Canyon and all the other sites. So Arizona, you know, has, has a lot of amazing, you know, places to visit and see where, where do you see tourism going in the future and the, as far as like the influence of other countries, especially there in Arizona State University. Well, I’m a U of A grad myself, so asu, I know it’s a CIA operations station and all that. I get it. No, I graduated from Grand Canyon University with my, my bachelor’s degree in state and local public policy and then from the University of Arizona Rogers Law School with my master’s degree in law and economics.

So I, I have an affinity for U of A, partly because it’s an AG school as opposed to asu. It’s just a bunch of spoiled brats having a big party. Yeah. Tell me what you really think, Mark. So I don’t know if you saw the announcement that CC Way and President Trump made last week, but tsmc, which is the Taiwan Semiconductor manufacturing Company, built a, I think it’s a 65 billion dollar chip manufacturing facility in North Phoenix. It is now in production. It hired a whole lot of people and the announcement last week, I believe it was Monday or Tuesday last week.

They’re, they’re bringing another $100 billion to Arizona. The economic impact of that is going to be 8,000 more jobs and that’s, that’s final jobs. We’re not, we’re not talking about the construction jobs and all that. So the trades are going to have work to do for another three, four years. So there’s a lot of manufacturing that is coming to Arizona. But we have this problem. We’ve been infected by the green agenda. In fact, we had a bunch of dumbasses from the Sierra Club, by the way, if anybody. I’m pretty sure that your watchers don’t support Sierra Club, but they do stock given to them.

They blew up a major power plant code not called Navajo Generating Station. And I think NGS was like a 2.5 gig. I believe that’s a big power station. It was the newest power station in the fleet, but they were all butt hurt because it burned coal, which is about the only thing that the Navajo people on the Navajo reservation have to sell besides dirt. Not a lot of call for these days unless of course that dirt burns. So we are now at a power deficit for manufacturing and the power companies that now have all of these woke green agenda people on their boards are going, oh crap, oh dear.

How are we going to provide power to all these manufacturing facilities that are coming to Arizona? So we’ve got that influence. We have. There’s a whole lot of other industries that want to come to Arizona. But now we’re looking at water. At some point I think we’re probably going to have to build a desalinization plant. Would like to work with Mexico Front Sonora, I think would be a great partner with the United States. That’s something that I think President Trump could probably pick up the phone and get the president of Mexico to say, yeah, he could probably do that on I don’t know, 13th hole when he’s taking a break.

Absolutely. I’m not kidding, man. That man does more work at leisure. Most Americans do in a lifetime. Then you’ve got the tourism industry I think is strong in Arizona. We’ve got a major building project on i17 which is the north South Cor quarter. I’m sure you’ve seen that mess before. It’s a lean expansion and they’re doing some fancy thing where they’re going to have a suicide lien north on, on Friday and headed south on Sundays. What could possibly go wrong with that? Sedona, Flagstaff. My Home, Prescott, Verde Valley, Montezuma as well. All of these areas are, you know, General Crooks Trail.

All of these have rich history. Yeah. The, the forming of the United States during the. The western days. In fact, my. One of my good friends, Jerry Geronimo is the great, great grandson of the Geronimo. Yeah. And I. There was a movie that what’s his face and was Yellowstone. I don’t follow actors very much except Gene Hackman, I thought he was a great actor. But Yellowstone, whoever that is, did this movie called Horizon, the first installment. And, and I get what he was trying to do. Tell the, the history of the. The Wild West. It’s like two and a half hours, almost three hours.

And I said something to Jerry. I said, hey, you know what? Because I was a stump knocker on a type 2 forest fire crew for a couple years. I said, I’m telling you, I’ve walked that land before. The land in the movie that ain’t Apache land. So go take a look at that movie and tell me what you think. I think it’s Navajo land. He goes to the movie, he calls me up, he says, you’re right. Not the right piece of land for them to do that movie. But it was about. It’s. It’s about a father and son strikeouts of the west.

And they’d want to set up a town by a river out in the west and they get killed and then the story keeps going and ultimately Horizon, I don’t know. I think there was a second installment of it. But it’s those kinds of things that Arizona is. Is known for the movie industry. So for example, the Palace. You and I urge if your folks ever make it to Arizona, go to Prescott, go to the palace and have that experience. They filmed the movie Junior Bonner there with the Prescott Rodeo which was formed, I think the first rodeo they had was 1888.

It is documented as the world’s oldest rodeo. It’s experience and it’s worth, it’s worth attending. It’s worth going to. So I invite people come be my guest. I mean that’s not going to get you anything other than a ticket that you can purchase. But would love to have you come to Arizona and visit our. Our magnificent sites. I mean Sedona is just beautiful. Too bad there’s there that’s all awesome. Well, that’s. So how can. This has been great talking with you. This was magnificent. You shared a lot of really insightful information. If people want to get hold of you, how can they get hold of you center Thanks.

I appreciate it, Mike. So there’s a couple ways. One, my cell phone number. Don’t call me. You can text me, but I get so many calls in a day. 520-808-7340. Now, of course people think I’m nuts because I get my cell phone number out. But you, you’d be, you’d be very surprised. The respectful nature of people that call me or text me that they really have a question. The better way to get a hold of me is to follow my substack, which is I put a piece out about every, I try to get these out every week.

But it’s usually stuff in the background that people wouldn’t know of, wouldn’t think about. Sometimes it’s local, sometimes it’s national. But it’s, it’s always an interesting read and it comes from the percept perspective of somebody who is a student of the Constitution. I wouldn’t call myself a scholar because it’s a very special place, but I would love to have the time to be a scholar and to have a fellowship someplace. Heritage foundation. So. But if people want to support the Election Fairness Institute and the work that we do, they can go that’s g o e f and if you don’t mind, to ensuring secure and transparent elections.

We have a number of studies going on. Everything from voter rolls to Captain Seth Keshel is, is big on doing the precinct map project. We are. Our objective is to hold elected officials and appointed elections officials accountable for the work that they’re doing on behalf of the American people to see to it that we have secure, transparent and trustworthy elections. So if you want to jump on board with us, most of our donors give between 20 and $100 and they click that little box that says every month. That’s what we are funded on. We don’t accept government grants.

We don’t work for the government. We work for the people. So that’s how folks get a hold of us. Go my substack, mark or just text me 520-808-7340. All right, fantastic, sir. Thank you very much.



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