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➡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, discusses the potential long-term effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, suggesting it may have caused a slight shift in the Earth’s poles. He draws parallels between this event and ancient folklore about the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, which were believed to have been destroyed due to a nuclear war causing rapid tectonic plate shifts. Hodges speculates that the Fukushima event could lead to a significant pole shift, an ice age, and potentially the destruction of civilization. He urges the importance of learning from history to prevent such catastrophic events.
➡ There are concerns about potential global issues, possibly linked to radioactive clouds and unusual weather patterns. Some believe these issues could be connected to events like Fukushima or climate change, but more research is needed. Despite the reluctance of governments to address these concerns, the scientific community is showing interest. The Common Sense Show, hosted by Dave Hodges, aims to keep its audience informed about these developments.


Hello, America. Dave Hodges here, host of The Common. We’ll try this again here, the old tech. I’m Dave Hodges. This is The Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America one in slave-minded time. Thank you so much for joining us and check out our newsletter. You really want to be a part of this. Over 50,000 people are. One Stop Shopping. Everything we do in the last 24 hours comes to you in an email. It’s really convenient. People love the convenience of it. All you got to do is go to the and click on the newsletter link.

Put it in your email address, the only required field, and you’ll get your email about what we do every single day. Add infinitum. Forever. Do that also to check out our TV show, The Mysteries, mysteries, mysteries. Pretty cool stuff. Interesting stuff. Entertaining. But we also combine it with our geopolitics and our really good interviews, the And thank you for supporting us with Patreon. We do appreciate your efforts behind what we do. It is time that we begin to apply ancient folklore that’s common and consistent among many ancient cultures that are in existence today.

Well, the Hawaiian elders. That’s one. The Hopis is another. The Chinese. Yeah, pretty cool stuff when you start looking at the consistency. India really is the heart of a lot of this with the Aravak. And no, I’m not Buddhist, but the history is unmistakable. And what we’re going to try to do is tie a link between revelations about the long term effects on the Fukushima event that was 14 years ago today, and what is happening in the past. And we’re going to tie the two together and tell you, we got reason for concern.

And we’re going to tie together folklore and present day. But first of all, we are brought to you by a great sponsor. Well, do you want to look younger? What’s your joints to hurt less? I’d have the hair fall like it is the wrinkles forming like crazy. Yeah, that’s because you lose collagen. And by the time you’re middle-aged, you’ve lost over half of it. And there’s lots of collagen replacement products out there, but they don’t work. This one does. It’s proprietary. It’s patent. It’s researched. And what they do is they take five types of collagen, as you can see on screen, if you’re watching visually, and they combine it into one, it crosses the blood-brain barrier and begins to replace lost collagen.

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There’s a dislocation because there’s a slight pole shift going on. I’ve had students of mine that came to me from Europe and they told me their professors there were saying eventually we’re going to have to move to Africa because we’re going to be uninhabitable because of the pole shifts going to bring at least a minor ice age. Well, that means true North moves. And we know in our past, like true North at one time was it like Newfoundland and it shifts. And we’re seeing that now it happens naturally about every 10,000 years and we’re about 600 years past that.

So what we’re looking at here is something that could be very dire for the planet. And it goes on to say that the sunrise and the moon’s orbital path compared to what’s happened on the earth at the North Pole, okay, is off center. Which means you’re going to get lunar forces that are going to affect the earth as well too because we’re out of sync with this. And this professor from Japan that’s writing about this says that what we have now is a direct result that’s measurable of the Fukushima event on the.

Well, he put it this way. We’ve had a North Pole effect and we’ve had a South Pole effect. He says this ricochets off the South Pole and the shock recoiled toward the North Pole and went through the center of the earth and the earth was somewhat knocked off its axis and began to wobble. There’s your slight pole shift. And we know that we had to adjust the North-South runways in North America by one degree. And that’s significant. You don’t usually see cataclysmic events unless your pole shift is at least three to four degrees.

At least that’s what we have theorized from ancient research on previous ice ages, given the evidence that’s left behind after such an event. I’m going to go into legend and folklore now, but I am convinced from my research. It’s much more than legend and folklore on this planet. And we’re not sure about the date. And we’re not sure if it’s pre-edamic in the Bible or post-edamic and just not mentioned in the Bible, but you had Lemuria and you had Atlantis is two dominant civilizations on this planet. And the evidence left behind is unmistakable.

Biennalee Road, just one for Atlantis, and Yanaguni, off the coast of Okinawa, buried pyramids underwater, is another. And we have legend and folklore from the Hopis to India, including China, even the Philippines, Japan, the Hawaiian elders, some of them I’ve spoken with, all tell the same story. Lemuria was on the continent of Mu, which is largely Pacific, and Atlantis was Atlantic Ocean. In fact, we have legends that survive all over the planet about this. Plato wrote about Atlantis in some detail. Now, Atlantis was a fair and virtuous society, as I’ve stated before, but then they became very corrupt.

It’s almost like the pattern we’re going through in America. And they wanted gold, vast amounts of gold. And Lemuria said no, and they had the gold and they wouldn’t submit to Atlantis, so a war started. It was nuclear. And as I pointed out before, on this venue, that we have evidence of a nuclear war dating in our ancient past, in the Indian and the Gobi deserts, where the sand has been turned to glass, and that’s the aftereffect of a nuclear explosion. So we have the artifacts of these civilizations left behind, we have the legends that survive, and then we have the evidence of nuclear war.

Now, this is going to tie into a parallel event to what’s being described here about the effects of Fukushima creating a wobble from the south to the north pole and throwing us off kilter. In other words, a pole shift. But the pole shift is not consistent yet. It wobbles. Now, in this war between Lemuria and Atlantis, when it went nuclear, the tectonic plates shifted rapidly. And it caused massive floods, theorized like in North America, that the water ran over the entire face of that continent three times. This is what geologists are beginning to conclude from what they looked at.

Now, they’re not sure whether to equate it to Noah’s flood or was it another flood before that. We’re just not sure. That part, I think, needs more research. But what we are sure about is there was a tectonic event and we have lots of evidence left behind. I mentioned before, woolly mammoths being transported all the way into the ice regions of what we would today call Russia. And it had undigested vegetation in its stomach. And that discovery was made in the encased tomb for this creature in 1988. This was encased. I’d mentioned this before.

I had a couple of smart Alex right in and make jokes about folks. It’s no joke. This is a scientific finding that is accepted across the world. And they put a question mark on it. And the mainstream media that doesn’t want you to know your history will never report on this. Russian media did. European media did. Our media did not. The alternative media, when the internet came about, was abuzz with this at one time. But here’s the point. Are we duplicating history with the Fukushima event causing the wobble that’s going to lead to a big pole shift, an ice age, tectonic movement, and basically the destruction of civilization? This is what some people in Japan are now speculating.

And I’m talking not people, necessarily. Scientists are speculating. And I’m saying, well, we have a reference for this in folklore and history with Lemuria and Atlantis. And we really need to get into our old history. There’s a lot we don’t know. This is why I did the section on the pyramids, people. I did the pyramids simply because of the fact that the Egyptians didn’t build them, in my humble opinion. The evidence is overwhelming. They inherited them. And they were part of this ancient civilization I talked about. And my fear is the recklessness of the Japanese.

And it was reckless with Fukushima. Their stupidity and their carelessness caused this event to happen. And now would it affect the entire world? Are we headed for a catastrophe? We very well, maybe. And even some of the Japanese scientists speaking against the government orders, not to talk about this, are now coming out and saying, we’ve got a problem. How far this problem will go? I have no idea. But what we do know is radioactive clouds are present in some areas of the country. One of them’s DC. And one Japanese physicist said, why do you think American presidents leave DC as much as they possibly can? Obama goes to, I mean, excuse me, Biden went to Delaware and Trump goes to Mar-a-Lago.

Maybe that’s significant. Maybe it’s not. But maybe it’s something we should really look at. Are we on the cusp of what some of my former foreign exchange students dating back 15, 17, 18 years ago, are telling us that we’re going through something right now and then Fukushima happens and it makes it worse. And we’re seeing weird climatic patterns. Some people want to say it’s climate change. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. Show me the science. And could it all be could it be climate change plus the event of Fukushima? Possibly. Like I said, is it a combination event? I don’t know.

I have no idea. That needs to be researched. But what we do need to look at is what is the tilt of the earth? Why is the lunar cycle out of cycle with this that will produce weather events on its own? Because we know the lunar cycle does affect weather on the earth. Just food for thought. We’re going to look more into this in more detail. And I find it interesting that we’re actually getting the scientific community interested in this, even though governments won’t touch this with a 10-foot pole. I’m Dave Hodges.

This is The Common Sense Show. We want to thank you for joining us. Come back more today because we’re going to have more. But you can save yourself time. How do you do that? Sign up for the and put in your email address. And just like over 50,000 people, you’ll be informed. And you won’t have to do anything but open your email. Hey, thanks for joining us. See you back here next time. [tr:trw].



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