World news Giants Kings of Old and how it ties into the rising consciousness of mankind.

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➡ Michael Jacob discusses various topics, including America’s current state, past predictions, and historical figures. He also talks about Trump’s actions, such as suspending security clearances and pausing tariffs. He mentions the stock market and crypto, and recommends investing in silver. Lastly, he discusses election fraud, the deep state, and various political figures.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the Stanley Cup, Canadian beer, political views, and military recruitment. They criticize those who don’t support certain American values and highlight the increase in military recruitment after Trump’s win. They encourage those considering joining the military to do so now, especially those interested in becoming Navy Seals. The speaker also touches on religious topics, discussing the concept of apocalypse and its interpretation as an awakening.
➡ The text discusses the historical figures of Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, their conquests, and their alleged reincarnations. It also delves into the speaker’s personal experiences and memories, suggesting a belief in past lives. The speaker claims to have been a cavalry officer in multiple lifetimes, including during the times of Alexander and Caesar. The text also touches on the ongoing battle against evil throughout history and the speaker’s role in it.
➡ This text discusses historical battles, focusing on the role of Hannibal and his cavalry leader, Marble. It highlights their victories, such as the Battle of Ticinus and the Battle of Kane, where they used strategic movements to defeat the Romans. However, after a disagreement, Marble left Hannibal, leading to Hannibal’s subsequent defeats. The text also mentions the Battle of Zama, where the Romans, now with Marble on their side, defeated Hannibal’s forces.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s belief in reincarnation and past lives, focusing on the historical figure Edward III of England and his family. The speaker believes they were Edward III in a past life, and their daughter Ashley was Edward’s daughter Joan, who died during the Black Plague. The speaker also mentions their belief that Ashley’s interest in the plague and her nightmares about it were due to her past life memories. Lastly, the speaker discusses current political events, predicting that Julia Timoshenko will become the president of Ukraine.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of consciousness and its ability to exist in multiple forms or ‘souls’ at once. They believe that when one life ends, the energy can transfer to another ongoing life, enhancing its consciousness. They also mention that a small percentage of humanity experiences multiple lives simultaneously. The speaker concludes by mentioning their travel plans and the possibility of not being able to do shows due to their event schedule.
➡ The text discusses various cultural beliefs about historical and future catastrophic events, such as floods and fires, and their potential causes, including divine intervention and extraterrestrial influence. It also mentions the Hopi and Maya cultures’ prophecies about shifting ages and the destruction and rebirth of the world. The author suggests that these ancient beliefs may have relevance to current and future events, including climate change and technological advancements. The text also touches on the potential for spiritual and technological coexistence, provided we respect nature’s laws.
➡ The speaker believes that the moon was placed in its position to control human behavior and that modern technology, like iPhones and vaccinations, are disrupting natural balance and corrupting humanity. They suggest that we should return to earth-based rhythms and natural living to avoid predicted apocalyptic events. They also discuss the negative effects of Covid vaccinations, particularly in India, and suggest that these vaccines are causing more harm than good. The speaker encourages a return to natural remedies and a rejection of synthetic interventions to restore balance and health.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the manipulation of Earth’s environment, the existence of secret societies, and the use of certain vaccines. It also mentions weather patterns, particularly heavy snowfall across the U.S., and suggests that these weather changes are part of a larger, nefarious plan.
➡ The speaker discusses heavy rainfall in California and the Carolinas, and criticizes the deep state. They also express their distrust in the stock market, citing its volatility and manipulation. They recommend investing in silver, which they believe is set to increase in value. The speaker also mentions potential future actions by Trump that could impact the cryptocurrency market.
➡ The author discusses his struggles with publishing books and the challenges he faces due to the ‘deep state’. He also talks about his belief in past lives, claiming to have lived hundreds of times, with memories of being figures like Alexander the Great. He mentions his interest in the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, and believes it dates back to Atlantean times. He also suggests that some events described in the Mahabharata, like a nuclear event, have evidence in the modern world.
➡ The text discusses the biblical story of David, suggesting it may contain coded information. It highlights David’s bravery in killing a lion, which prepared him for his battle against Goliath. The text also explores David’s life as a king, including his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba and their son Solomon’s eventual reign. It further delves into the story of Benia, one of David’s warriors, who also fought a lion and served Solomon as the head of the army.
➡ The text discusses the stories of Samson and Hercules, who both killed lions, and their connection to strength and power. It also talks about the Golden Fleece, a symbol of wealth and power, and its use in ancient times to collect gold. The author mentions his past life memories and connections with historical figures like Achilles and Alexander the Great. The text ends with a mention of a celestial event during the Trojan War where the earth stood still due to a passing planet.
➡ The text discusses the theory of Planet X, a celestial body that supposedly causes significant damage when it comes close to Earth. The author suggests that this event has been referenced in ancient texts like the Iliad and the Odyssey, and may have caused unusual phenomena like extended periods of darkness or shifts in the Earth’s poles. The text also delves into the author’s personal beliefs about reincarnation, suggesting that they have lived multiple lives throughout history, including as figures close to Alexander the Great. The author encourages readers to explore their own potential past lives by researching historical periods they feel drawn to.


Hello, everyone. It’s Michael Jacob with Unleashing Intuition, Secrets and World News Mike Live. So we have America back, and it is back bigly, right? It’s America’s kicking ass like never before. And there’s, there’s going to be some good things coming forward. Of course there’s going to be some, uh, problems, you know, apocalyptic maybe. So we’re going to talk about that. But first of all, let’s, let’s go in. I’m going to weave in and out of time frames, looking at what’s happening now, going into past predictions, looking at the kings and queens and emperors of old. We’re going to look at, you know, King David, all kinds of crazy stuff.

How does that apply to today? Going back to giants, Nephilim, fallen angels, all kind of crazy stuff. So it all applies right now and many people are waking up to it. And we’re going to talk about many of these things, like Trump to suspend security clearances of employees at law firm at center of Russia hoax. So crushing it, crushing it. I’d like to see the Department of Justice Pambandi start to like, crack down on some stuff and really, really happen very soon. Trump pauses tariffs on Mexico and Canada goods covered by usmca. So it’s back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

So this is basically a destruction of the deep state and, and pretty much the destruction of the, all the, all the money of the, the deep state and those people that have been participating in the deep state. We’re going to go into that a little bit. But, you know, I’ve been recommending to get out of the stock market and crypto now. We’re going to see Trump tomorrow. I guess there’s some kind of big crypto event in D.C. a lot of people in the crypto world are in anticipating this is going to be a big thing. I don’t know.

I don’t know. But xrp, when everything was down bigly today, XRP has been up. So I, like, I, like I said, I’m out of everything but silver. My silver holdings are doing quite well. Silver is up very nicely. It broke a Resistance level of 33 Last I looked. Above 33. I think we’re probably going to take out 35 here pretty soon. And then it’s going to just start cranking up right all the way to 50 and beyond. So 50 is the last high of all time for silver that’s in view now. And then it’s going to keep going.

I, I anticipate 250 silver and very possibly higher. All right, Some, Some, like Bix Weir thinks that silver will be one to one to gold. That would be quite a substantial move. I don’t know if I see that, but I do see a very quick parody like, like we used to have you. It would only take like, you know, 15 ounces of silver to match gold. So silver’s going to have to do some traveling upwards to, to get that. Or maybe gold pulls back a little bit. I don’t see gold pulling back, but I do see silver taking a massive ride to the moon.

So, yeah, there’s a lot of stuff going on. We even have Trump begins construction of border wall canceled by Biden. So it’s. It’s starting to crank it back up, right? So Trump’s gotten really good at, you know, making things that were dead come back to life. All right, so it’s like, you know, Jesus did that to. Who’s that guy that was in the tomb that he, like, came and, uh, said, uh, go ahead and, go ahead and, uh, rise up from the dead in your tomb. Uh, Cavalier is that guy’s name. So. Oh, and so Mary, I guess Mary Magdalene was his sister.

So who is that? Who is that? That, that Jesus, you know, rose him up from the dead. And of course, uh, Lazarus. Thank you. Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot. So, uh, Lazarus rose from the dead. You know, uh, he. He was dead, right? He was in his tomb. And then he was one of those guys. So we’re going to talk about this where the. There’s these things that people go through, like David, David killed a lion. Hercules killed a lion. Samson killed a lion, Bin a killed a lion, who was, uh, uh, actually a brother of David. And we’ll talk about that.

Uh, and I was that guy. So. So there is many, many examples of, you know, things like that in time where these, where these events that you have to perform a certain event to, to raise your consciousness and your, you know, out of the physicality and raise your consciousness to. I mean, imagine fighting a lion and killing a lion. That’s. That’s pretty substantial. And usually it was with a club. You couldn’t go in with a spear or anything like that. You had to go in with a club. So our knife. And that’s, that’s what we’re seeing going forward with a lot of people, you know, slaying a lot of stuff like, you know, Trump.

And we’re going to talk about, uh, Trump, uh, and his, his past incarnations and so forth. So, uh, Newsom opposes trans athletes in Women’s sports splitting with the Dems. So it seems like he sees. Because Californians are three times a charm. I think this time, guys, Californians, because you’re, you’re looking into, you know, election fraud. I think a lot of that’s going to be revealed, uh, coming forward, especially in California. Amazing how California, within one second after the polls close, they know right away that Trump lost, right? Biden won. And every single time, one second. Oh, boom.

Yep, he lost. Did. Did you already count everything? That’s just pretty amazing. So that’s, that’s one of the things that we’re finding out. The election fraud, of course, in Arizona, horrific election fraud. We’re going to see that across the country. Most of the Democrats have never been elected and that’s going to become very, very obvious. Like Al Green. Al Green who wrote. Who had his can shaking his cane, right? Shake the cane, right. And that’s, that’s one of those things. It’s a 007 thing. The cane, the cane shaking, right? That’s, that’s one of the things that the, you know, Illuminati and the.

What those, those other nasty people, the, that, you know, come in and, you know, take over our country. The deep state and you know, the Masons and the, I guess the Knights of. Knights of whatever. So. Knights of. Knights of Nights. There’s so many different nights out there. There’s so many throughout time. So, uh, all these nights basically, you know, that we don’t ascribe to. We don’t ascribe to these, these people, but they seem to be running the show and we’re getting, uh, pretty, pretty fed up with it and we’re going to push back on all of that stuff.

You know, so many times throughout history these guys have been, you know, ascendant and have been controlling us and uh, we’re not, uh, there’s Knights of Malta. Yeah, there’s so many different nights, uh, so many, many different nights. And we’re gonna, we’re gonna see a lot of them fall, uh, going forward. So, uh, Al Green, censured by the House cincher, is basically a strong. He’s. Remember I, if you watch this show, you’ve been watching this show. I said before the Trump speech, wouldn’t it be interesting if Trump started reading off names and they came in and started taking out Democrats, arresting Democrats.

Well, kind of did that with, uh, uh, Al Green, right? Took him out, drug, his. Drug. His bad boy ass. Ass out of there. So, you know, now he vows to file Trump impeachment articles again, they’re not going to go anywhere. You know, that’s not gonna, it’s not gonna have any, any impact. So the dead of that teen cancer survivor, if he didn’t see that it’s a tear jerker. You really can’t, you really can’t go in there and you know, see that guys don’t. All you’re doing is like making those little, little thingies on there. Let people talk, right? So Al Green going bye bye, I think.

And then the dad of, of teen cancer survivor whom Trump honor tells Rachel Maow mad cow to shut her mouth. Whoa. He’s. Because, you know, he’s, he’s an honorary Secret Service agent now, honorary policeman. All the police love him. And now he’s basically, you know, saying the things that many of us want to say. And that’s, that’s going to be, uh, I think very, very good going forward. So Doge cancels lease for Obama presidential library. All right, Cancel that. You know, no one likes that guy. He wasn’t really supposed to be there anyway. He was not born in America.

That birth certificate stuff is really starting to come out now. It’s been out for a long time. We’ve talked about it for many years, but now people are talking about it again. So is, is he completely illegitimate? Of course he is. Never should have been in that, that position. And that’s another thing that’s really going to bring down the House of Democrats. Right? The House of Usher. The fall of the House of the Democrats Coming soon to a theater near you. All right, so Desantis shrugs off Canada boycott mocks country Stanley cup drought because Florida has a Stanley cup right now.

Right. And did, did Canada lose it again? Shrug off Canada’s board. Counting the speaker, reporters speaking. So I have Labat’s beer and I was, I forgot to bring it out. I was going to bring it out because Canadians are like dancing, saying, we’re, we’re just throwing out all the American alcohol. I’m like, you dumb asses. Well, you bought it and it’s yours. If you want to throw it out, that’s fine. Make it. Make a statement. So I went out and I bought some Labat’s beer. This Canadian beer I haven’t drank in a long time. And I was going to pop one and you know, salute.

And I will eventually salute my conservative Canadian friends. There’s many of you I know, just like here in America, we have liberal idiots that are waking up and they are, some of them are still in denial, just like Canadians are still in denial. All right, so here I’m gonna share with you example number 4928 of a Democrat. Random numbers, probably like 4,000,928, 000. I would hope that have learned about the Democrat Party at this point and are walking away. Right. So I’ve been involved in groups that have been trying to help Democrats walk away for a while.

So this is, this is rule again. He couldn’t do it. After watching that speech, I am convinced that Democrats hate America. The way that they didn’t stand for Lake and Riley’s mother. The way that they didn’t stand for that little boy who has brain cancer. The way that they didn’t stand for that young man who got accepted into West Point. Are you, are you with me on this? The way that they hate America. I. My God. All right. Welcome to the real world. I’m glad you woke up. We need to see more of that. And I, I think that’s coming.

It’s been coming for quite some time now. Part of that. Wake up. And I will tell you that at no time in my life have I ever seen a greater opportunity if you’re a young man or woman to enlist in the military. Guys, at no time. And it could be possible that, that at no time could you serve your country, maybe even here in America in a military capacity, which I think is coming and really, really help America on a massive scale. So right now, army recruiting hits record highs after Trump win. Army recruiting has record highs.

Uh, army enlisted. Enlisted nearly 3, 350 soldiers every day in December. So Trump, you know, won the. No, won the election in November. And here we go. You know, before that, army could not meet its requirements for years. Duh. So you had, you had idiots running the show, you know, forced vaccinations, military members, you know, losing, losing the careers if, if they didn’t get vaccinated. And of course, Trump has said that those people can come back and they’ll get back pay. Reinstating at back pay. So U.S. army recruitment reaches highest level in 15 years. Now, Trump, in his speech a couple nights ago, basically said that enlistment is the highest ever in the.

Since the voluntary, uh, enlistment, uh, began. You know, Trump kind of, kind of spins things a little bit. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but maybe we’ll, we’ll have those. Maybe he knows, maybe he’s commander chief, maybe he sees those stats and he’s basically bringing that out to our attention already. But it is, it is happening. Recruitment rises 12.5% despite ongoing challenges. So this happened in the month of November, so rises. So up to that point, enlistment were down pretty, pretty, pretty bad. In December 22, 2023 after tough year, military recruiting is looking up.

What did I get? A couple more than what they had before. It’s probably so. Army right now is looking at record high recruitment numbers. The latest recruitment reference from US army surpasses recent numbers. Army said December was its most productive time period. Let me see if this comes in. Hey guys, Donald Trump Jr. Here. All right, so let’s listen to Donald Trump Jr. It’s, he’s doing a, a little, little presentation. Let me ask you, does inflation feel worse than what we’re being told? That’s because the official inflation rate doesn’t tell the at DCA John Gonzalez for the National Desk America’s news now this morning we have the latest recruitment numbers from the US army, which shattered previous records.

The army says it was its most productive time period in December in 15 years. The branch reported enlisted nearly 350 soldiers. And each day during that month this following years of floundering levels under former President Biden amid Dei Bushes in 2023, the US missed its recruitment goals by 41,000. Secretary of Defense Pete he said out with a statement. Bottom line, America’s youth want to serve under the bold and strong America first leadership. Donald? Yep. I would say that at no time in history, you know, I, I came, I came in under Carter and it sucked. And then Reagan came in, it was like hallelujah.

Oh, I’m just looking at the numbers. It’s 11:11. So nice little angelic number there. So recruitment when Reagan came in, so recruitment and people getting out of the military was like if you’re in the military another time. It was tough. It was tough during Carter years, guys. And until Biden came along, the worst president in American, American history. But then Reagan came in and it was like a polar opposite. Everybody was very happy to be in the military. And for those eight years it was, it was fantastic. And then came Clinton, not so good. And then came Bush, not, not much better, but a little bit better.

And then Mike came in, came out and went to, you know, before Obama came in, I got out with Bush. Bush signed my paperwork and although I know that the Bush family is corrupt as hell, they’re criminal crime family, I would much rather have that than the Clinton or Obama signature on my, you know, departure, uh, from the military. So, uh, uh, it was, it was good to at least have somebody halfway Decent. I, I voted for Bush. Little boy Bush the first time. Second time, not so much, right? So I was like, ah, that guy’s corrupt.

So, I mean, 9, 11, come on. It was, it was very obvious to me he was involved in it and his family was involved in it. So we’re seeing a massive turnaround. And I think if you guys and I’ve, I’ve talked to a lot of guys over the years about becoming Navy seals, Special Forces and so forth. This is the time, guys and gals, get it, get it in, get in, get it done. So right now is perfect time to go and enlist. Go down, enlist right now. All right, if you’ve been on the fence, now’s the time to get off.

By the time you get in, weather’s gonna be warmer. By the time you make it to SEAL training, the weather’s gonna be the warmest is going to be. You’re going to be in that late spring, early summer. I tell you, the water’s always cold, but it’s, it is the warmest it’s gonna be all year. So you guys have been waiting to become Navy seals. You got what you think, you got what it takes. Uh, you’ve been like, you know, immersing yourself in cold water, uh, for years in anticipation. Uh, if you haven’t, then take some cold showers and jump in cold water, right? You know, there’s a lot, a lot.

It’s a big thing now. You know, everybody’s jumping into cold water so healthy. That’s why Navy SEALs are so healthy, you know, so jump in that cold water. So, you know, get her done. Get her done, guys. So it is, it is quite substantial, you know, what we’re seeing as far as people wanting to get involved in loving America. So I think it’s, I think it’s fantastic. Apocalypse, Ancient Greek. It’s a literary genre originating in Judaism in the centuries following the Babylonian exile, persisting in Christianity and Islam. A supernatural being reveals cosmic mysteries of the future to a human intermediary.

And basically, you know, in, in history, in the Bible, you have St. John, the Apocalypse of John during the second century BCE. So it was, it was after Jesus died. So, so I guess that’s when they’re, they’re saying it was. So anyway, uh, he talks about how, uh, there is an awakening. Uh, so basically apocalypse is, uh, an awakening, uh, process. And so we’re moving into, I think, the fifth Earth. A lot of people have talked, predicted about this for a long time. The Bible predicts that the Earth will be destroyed. By fire on judgment day.

But the Bible also describes other ways the earth has been destroyed and will be restored. So destruction by fire. To Peter, the earth and heavens are reserved for fire until the day of judgment. The earth will be destroyed by fire and then restored. The earth will was covered by a flood in the days of Noah, destroying all but eight righteous people. So that earth flood history is. There’s, I think, I think some. The last day they counted was like nearly a hundred different cultures throughout the Earth, throughout the earth had a, have flood stories. So it was obviously something that happened in our history at some point.

And a lot of people think it was, you know, 10, 500 years ago, something, something along those lines. The fall of Atlantis, destruction of Atlantis. And that’s where we’re going to start to move into talking about giants and all that kind of stuff. So Atlantis, I believe, was destroyed and there were these giants. So you look at Zeus, and Zeus was a father. He was like a giant, a God. Right? And, and there’s lots of, lots of references to a lot of those Greek gods and goddesses as having been Atlantean kings and queens. So it. Is that the case or was there really on Mount Olympus, in the clouds, on top of the mountain, in the cloud form, there were gods and goddesses up there? I, I don’t think so.

But, you know, that’s the way they wanted to make the story. It is what it is. So there are 100 Bible verses about God will destroy earth by fire. So that is supposedly the way the Earth gets destroyed. The fifth earth. All right, so you have other cultures which have this as well. You have the. We’ll look at the Hopi, but there’s many, many other cultures. When I lived in Arizona, I went to the Hopi reservation and did a lot of research on this. So I’ve done research on this, a lot of this stuff for decades and decades.

You know, I’ve read a lot of. I read the Bible all the way through old and New Testament. I’ve read a lot of the, you know, stuff in the, uh, Islamic culture. I’ve read a lot of stuff from, uh, many cultures, you know, throughout time. Uh, Buddhist and all kind of stuff. So there is a lot of very interesting information out there. Some of it I don’t completely agree with, and some of it I think has been a little bit manipulated. But you can see within the Bible there is a mathematical structure. Then some people have basically gone in and gotten really amazing information from the Bible from a technical, mathematical perspective.

One of those People is David Schmidt from the Life Wave group, which has made this water machine that basically infuses light in water and that’s going to be available pretty soon. So the, you know, he’s done the likely patches and so forth, which basically activate our light within our body through our light that comes out of our body, it’s basically reflected back in and starts a process of healing and regeneration, turning back the clock and all kind of crazy stuff. So, and he, he gets a lot of downloads from God and he gets from, from biblical text.

So there is something there. So the Hopi in Arizona, I’ve been to their kivas and so forth. They have a very interesting pueblos and so forth. And their Kiev is a subterranean communal prayer chambers. They’re throughout the, the southwest. A lot of these kivas and they, these kivas come from a time during the flood where the, the Indians basically went underground and they say they lived with the Ant people until the, you know, cataclysmic event that happened on the surface was, was over and then they came back to the surface, but they had these kivas where they continued to pray.

So interesting thing, I’m not going to discount that. You know, they were with the Ant people. That’s their history. That’s their history. Just like, you know, there’s crazy stuff in a lot of these cultures throughout time. You look at Mithras front in the Roman time, he basically was crucified on the cross and was resurrected and he had, you know, light coming out of his head like you see with Jesus. So they kind of, you know, rolled in these old cultures into some of the, the cultures going forward to basically get everybody on board. You know, let’s, let’s just work together.

Yeah, Jesus was like Mithras and. But was he? No, of course, they were completely separate beings. They were on Earth. So now, like the, unlike the Maya, the Hopi are rarely specific about the dates for the shifting of these ages. So the Maya also have these time frames. The first world, they say was destroyed by fire, a comet, asteroid strike or a number of volcanic eruptions. We see that up and down the coast of America and down into South America and in the Caribbean and so forth. There’s obviously was a massive cataclysmic strike by some kind of comet or asteroid that basically came in and broke up and slammed into the Earth.

So you can see the impacts from that. So there seems to be this destroyed by fire event, dinosaurs being wiped out and so forth. Second world destroyed by ice, a great ice age. And then that Ice Age, there was a melting, and that caused the tremendous deluge which destroyed the Third World. Right. That was the great flood. Now, a lot of you are like, that was just, you know, there’s no way that that could happen that quickly. Well, let’s look at, you know, how they keep doing these fires. He directed energy weapons, and we know that they’re chafing, dropping, chafe.

That basically causes a drying. We know that they’re doing these. Or they have been doing these, you know, fog. Fog events, which has basically been drying things out. And then these great fires come. Just recently, we had 100 different fires in South Carolina. So they said, well, there was. It started because somebody had a. Out. Out. Outdoor fire. Well, that’s very common in the south, where we have fires, fire pits and so forth. But that was one. So that One fire caused 100 other fires, and then it exploded to 200 different fires? I don’t think so.

All right, so, and. And no, these fires in the south, they happen when it’s hot and dry in the summertime, not after there’s been, you know, a very wet, you know, winter. Even snow had just fallen in those areas, and it covered the ground very. With deep snow, you know, just a few weeks ago. So this is obviously something that is going on. So don’t think that they can’t come in and do this, guys. They can cause catastrophes. They’ve done this before throughout time, and they are these giants and nephilim and fallen angels and so forth.

You know, extraterrestrial beings which have come here to, you know, cause great problems here on Earth. Uh, they are cannibalistic. Oh, yeah. Thank you. My wife is closing the windows is, like, blinding me. So thank you. Lovely. All right, so it’s. It’s good to have a team. So, you know, the Hopi Maya, you know, they. They talk about these times, and they’re very open about, you know, having extraterrestrial beings. And I. I’ve heard. I’ve heard. I’ve been come. I’ve become really good friends with a lot of Native Americans over. Over time, and they talk about this.

They talk about beings from other worlds that they interact with. So for some reason, you know, in current culture, it’s not. It’s not okay to talk about them, but it was, you know, part of their culture back then and still is not so much now, because they’ve been integrated with our culture, which is basically a controlling, you know, shut all this stuff down. So you’re going to see a lot of this stuff coming out because it, it can’t be suppressed much longer. And you know, as we move forward, these cycles will come back now the, the fourth world according to the Hopi, and moving into the fifth world, which is the ultimate, you know, where man reaches these, these, this great consciousness level.

So the fourth world is in time. In time. Kind of like, you know, what we’ve gone through before. And they have said that it is brought about by fire. All right, So I mean, aren’t we having fire now? It’s very interesting, right? So these, there’s some people that can see ahead into the future and we, we’re seeing a lot of this stuff. So another thing they talk about is a two life paths. And they have a prophecy rock and now we can go through. They say when we have earthquakes, floods, hail storms, drought and famine will be the life of every day.

The time will have then come for either the return to the true path or going the zigzag way. Now the true path is basically, you know, being one with mother Earth. And of course, you know, we have all this AI stuff and high tech stuff that’s coming in that can, that can coexist with, of course it has in the past, high technology. But you have to stay in ecological principles and the laws of nature. And this is something that the nephilim, the fallen angels and so forth, they’re not into that, right. One of the things I believe they did was push the, the moon in close to the Earth.

I think the moon is basically hollow. Have memories of going to the moon and so forth. And there are different extraterrestrial races there. That moon is in that position. It. Now if you look at Mercury and you look at Venus, they don’t have moons. And by the same, by the same because of the, you know, the, the closeness to the sun and you know, electrical gravitational fields and so forth. By that same standard, Earth should not also have a moon, all right? But we do. We have a fake moon, which is basically put there to control our, our physicality.

So women have their cycles, you know, attached to the moon. I can tell you after having been, you know, I worked in, and, you know, I was a bouncer at a bar, you know, when I was a, when I was a seal, I got a lot of experience there with fighting, right. And, and working my techniques. When did they happen? During full moons. Right. So every law enforcement and everyone that’s worked in a hospital, you know, as a nurse or a doctor, will tell you the full moon is definitely a time frame where there’s lots of, you know, unusual activity.

So I believe that that moon was pushed there to basically control and manipulate us as part of the consciousness thing. That has been ongoing for quite some time. At some point that moon gets pushed back, maybe even completely gone. But, you know, at this point, it is what it is. And most people aren’t going to even have any kind of weapon what the hell you’re talking about, but we’ll find out. All right, so the laws of nature, the world’s out of balance at this point. You have the manufacturer of iPhones and everybody’s on their iPhones and you know, high tech and all that kind of stuff.

Synthetic manufactured reality. All right, with the, of course, with the, the injections and the, you know, you know, stuff that goes, the stuff they put in our body, it all needs to go away, right? It has taken us out of balance and this is part of the corruption of humanity and it’s got to stop. So now we can, we can balance ourselves and root ourselves in earth based rhythms. You can find solace and spiritual sustenance, sunlight, soaking rains, vast desert vistas, in touch with the creator of the Great Spirit. All right, however you want to term that.

So this is basically two parallel lines of the current fourth world. So we’re in two lines right now in this third world, moving into the fourth world, there will be some kind of apocalyptic event. Uh, there’s death by fire and all this kind of stuff that they’re predicting. But does it have to be that way? No, if you come into balance, there does not have to be that. But those that are not imbalance will probably experience that. So there’s world shakings and world wars and all kind of crazy stuff that’s predicted through the Hopi prophecies. All right, so you might say, well, whatever, whatever, whatever.

Nuclear explosions, you know, yeah, fire, maybe that’s what it is. Maybe, maybe, maybe, whatever, whatever, Mike. All right, so how about this one? How about this? Hopi prophecy? A man in a red hat. Man in red hat. Who, who’s got the red hat? Right? Where’s my red hat? So let me, let me pull up my red hat. 45. All right. Take back America, right? So that’s, that’s one of my hats in my, my store. So if you want to, you know, take back America, you have to be in the right vibrational field. You have to be in the, in the right path.

On the right path. The man in the red hat will be all powerful and wear a red cap or cloak. He is the True white brother who will return to Earth to usher in a new age of peace. Return to Earth. The white brother returned to Earth as if he’s been here before. As if he’s been here before. So this is. This is some of the things that, you know, they prophesied long ago. And it sounds like they got that one right. But will we be able to, you know, resist or fight or. I don’t think there’s a fighting.

I think there’s a consciousness thing that elevates us above the. The vibrational field of the negativity that’s trying to take us down. So one of those things that’s trying to take us down and put us in a AI based type of field of consciousness are the COVID vaccinations and all. Vaccinations, right? The vaccinations are a new thing. Right. And they are designed to destroy humanity and to cause humanity to go off the true path. Right? To go off the true path. India issues emergency warnings as death surge among Covid vacs. Now, this is very interesting because India did not.

They said, no, no, no, Pfizer or Moderna. They said, no, Pfizer, Moderna. Now Pfizer Moderna is, Is killing massive numbers of people. Wherever that was, wherever people got vaccinated, guys. And it’s being covered up. It’s. It’s very hard to track that. But, yeah, Patton. Yeah, definitely. Now that Patton’s an interesting one, because Patton had. Had a son from, I guess, his niece. He and his niece, you know, had a little affair and she got pregnant. She was pregnant. She kind of disappeared when Patton was disappeared. Right. So he was doing good, even though, you know, they.

They shot him in his car and he had. They thought they killed him, but he was just paralyzed and he was making a recovery. And they’re like, well, you’re making recovery. You’re being. Everybody’s coming in to visit you. You’re like, talking to everybody. We need to. We need to give you some space. We’re going to put you down in the basement. They put him down in the basement and Patton died. All right, how about that? I guess they had a special vaccination for him or especially. We’re gonna, like, give you this injection of something that’s going to help you.

Yeah, it helped him. Help them die. So, you know, many of us throughout time have been poisoned. Right? Poison. And I’ll talk a little bit about that. So the Indian government refused to grant pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna immunity, meaning the MRNA injections were never approved for public use there. Now, interestingly, even though they did that, they still had injections for Covid. All right, so which. Which are the ones they had. So in their study, they studied like 2700, a little over 2700 people. And these are the people that they analyzed that had reported serious adverse events following immunization.

A. A fi Adverse events following im. Immunization. So they reported including deaths and potentially fatal reactions such as cardiac arrest and blood. Blood clots. So which vaccinations did they use? So they used. Covishield was AstraZeneca Oxford. That was made by the UK and Sweden. I believe it had. It accounted for 69.8% of the AEFI. Imagine if they had gotten Moderna. Because they’re being open about this. Japanese are being open about this too. Japanese are saying that they got. They’ve been hammered by the vaccinations. America crickets. Crickets. So causality assessment categories, vaccine related reactions, immunization errors, coincidental medical events, unclassified cases, statistical methods, primary outcome, death or recovery following a series AEFI episode.

So the other ones that they use. So that was. AstraZeneca was 69.8% of the AEFI cases, man. Imagine they got in the. The. Those other ones. Oh my God. Because I remember there was one province in India and I was like jumping up and down, look, look, look. And then of course I got my YouTube channel taken down because I used to push. Push this stuff so hard. I was like, this one province in India had issued everyone in their province, which was like tens of millions of people because India has a lot of people. They got like 1.21.

One and a half billion people. I don’t know. I think they got more than China now, but they have. They had this one province that basically issued ivermectin to everyone in. In their. In their whole whole group, their whole province that they were in charge of. And it was like, I don’t know, maybe 100 million. Something crazy. And they had extremely low incidences of people dying from COVID Source of all the other places where they went crazy. And they. They still push vaccinations. They mandated vaccinations in some of the other provinces. They had these problems. They had pretty massive death rates.

And they attributed it to Long Covid. Now, long Covid is basically vaccination injury. At this point. We’re finding out that people that still have Covid problems or maybe are still getting Covid that have been vaccinated. It’s like, remember Joe Biden said, don’t worry, just get the shot you won’t get coven. And of course Joe Biden and his wife, she got it three times and he got it twice. Maybe he got it more, who knows? But uh, you know, lie, lie, lie, pants on fire. So, uh, but what does that do for all the people that died? Nothing, because people can’t.

People haven’t been able to claim although is starting to turn. Some people are able to get, you know, results from suing and it’s starting to turn around. They’re not making light of that at all. That’s being suppressed massively. So they also had one, it was covaxin, Baharat Biotech, maybe that’s one of. One of. They developed. They only had like 12.8%. And then they also use Russia’s Sputnik 5 and Corbevax, maybe that’s another Russian one. And they had far fewer, they said, cases problems. Of course Russians, they didn’t go with, you know, U. S. Big pharma. They knew better, uh, because they knew that, uh, big pharma had basically was developing, uh, another, you know, bioweapon that was supposed to target Russians specifically.

And that’s one of the reasons why they went into Ukraine. So massive, massive problems here, guys. So this is all part of this negativity. Negativity that is rearing its head, you know, you know, post Atlantean times. All right, so we’re going back to the same problem, problematic era where we had massive destruction in the earth. And it’s, it’s caused by these evil ones basically exerting their power and control over us. And we, we push back and then they just, they, they push the destruct button, uh, and it basically destroys the earth. But this is something that we can overcome.

There’s. During that time frame, there was a law of one and there was the law the. The sons of Bilal, which was basically the Luciferians and the giants and so forth. They have reared their heads many times since the fall of Atlantis, all right? They’ve been suppressed. You know, we had David, you know, slinging a rocket, Goliath knocking the hell out of him, cutting his head off so that he couldn’t. They had the ability to reform. So by cutting Goliath’s head off, he could not reform. All right, so if he just, you know, knocked the hell out of him, killed him, he fell down, they were.

Dragged him back and he would have been revived. They had that ability. We still have that ability, all right, that’s hidden. That’s part of the, you know, some of the, you know, stuff everybody’s waiting for. Although it’s already being released with life wave, but people were waiting for these med beds, but these guys still had that technology after the fall of Atlantis and they could re reestablish themselves even after death. So, uh, it is uh, it is all gonna come out, it’s all coming out now. Other ways that they, you know, continue is they have this, this cult of eating the flesh of humans and the sacrifices, of course, that’s horrific.

These sacrifice cults, you know, uh, BAAL and so forth, uh, where they sacrifice children to baal, uh, and uh, all of these different things, uh, and you know, they, they eat, they eat humans, they take the blood of humans and so forth to, you know, keep themselves going. I look at Nancy Pelosi and I’m like, how much adrenochrome have you done? You know, I look at a lot of these people and I, I have those thoughts, right? And it’s, it’s not pleasant to know that these people have been doing this and nothing’s being done about it.

So that is what we’re seeing with that. So The Oxford’s in AstraZeneca 19 vaccine like I was talking about was developed in the United Kingdom by Oxford University. Who went to Oxford University? Bill Clinton. Right, Bill Clinton who went to Epstein Island. And not just Epstein island guys, there’s plenty of mansions throughout the United States where these evil ones go and assault children and do the sacrifice and adrenochrome stuff. So we’re going to find out more of that, you know, as we go forward. We’ve been talking about that and people are like, I don’t know about that, but you know, you’re going to find out, so don’t worry about it.

All right. All right. My lovely wife brought me a Labats. All right, so here’s to our Canadian friends that are conservative and like us, we’re not too happy about those liberals that are doing evil stuff. Oh, I haven’t had a Labats in a long time. I got to start drinking that. That’s really smooth. Good job Canadians. And you guys are throwing our beer down, down the toilet. F you guys. Right? So there is a lot of, you know, stuff that’s happening in the earth. There’s some of us that, you know, have been here many years and we’re tapping in again and we’re trying to bring, you know, awareness to everybody.

One of those is they’re manipulating our Earth environment quite a bit. So remember How I said that we have to be in balance with the Earth, right? They’re taking us out of balance with the Earth. That moon, you know, fake moon thing that’s out there, you know, manipulating our Earth and the tides and all that kind of stuff in a lot of our emotional bodies, right? And women’s, you know, you know, cycles and everything. It is, it is. It’s tragic. It’s tragic. It’s. And I’m going to show you the total snowfall that’s coming. It’s still coming, and it’s going to keep on coming.

All right, so this is today at 1pm as you guys can see, there’s a lot of snow that’s still falling in the US Especially on the West Coast. There’s another storm front moving in. And as now, this is 7:00pm today, as you can see, it’s going all the way down into Southern California in the mountains again. And then it’s going to start to, you know, point its finger across the United States through Iowa, and then more snow keeps going further south all the way down into Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, all those states that probably really need some moisture, they’re getting it.

So that’s a good thing. And as you guys can see, northern Texas, Oklahoma over the next several days into March 10th. And then here comes another front that’s really going to bring in a lot more snow, especially to the mountains, the Sierra Mountains. As you guys can see, the Sierra Mountains really piling up all over California and Nevada, maybe even down into Las Vegas, it looks like. So really piling up. So much is piling up over the next several days. Over the next 10 days, you’re going to see fortified, fortified feet of snow in the Sierras, which is a good thing because Gavin Newsom won’t be able to burn his state anymore and claim that his saw is just dry.

No, it’s not. It’s not dry unless they release more chaff over there in, you know, Nevada, you know, Area 51. So is that being, is that going to get shut down by President Trump? I’ve been calling for it. So we need to start moving on some of these facilities. But it’s only been there 45 days, guys. 46 days, I think now. All right, as you guys can see, it’s going to dump snow in the North Carolina mountains again, where the Deep state basically sent a hurricane up there and destroyed those poor people in the North Carolina mountains.

All right. And they’re still living intense, still getting lots of snow. So as you guys can see, it’s going to continue to fall all the way past into spring. The first day of spring. We’re still, we’re still getting snow. And I think I saw that even into, uh, April, there’s still going to be, uh, more and more waves. It’ll warm up and then you guys are like, like, Mike, you don’t know. What we’re talking about is warm. It’s warm for a little bit and then it’s going to get cold again. Like here in Florida. It’s like we’re still having winter.

It’s supposed to get down to like 51 tonight where I’m at. It’s, it’s crazy. It was cold today. 60, mid 60, maybe high. 60 high for today. This is very unusual for Florida this time of year. So now let’s look at the precipitation that’s coming in. So the, the precipitation itself is going to come across. So as you saw, as you see here, there was a storm that came across South Carolina, North Carolina, I would assume that, that those fires are out now by having that rainfall. But we’re going to get another nice dose of rain.

As you guys can see, starting on March 8, it’s going to start moving across and move into Georgia. March 9th, early morning hours. It’s really going to start to soak that area again. We should not see, we should not see fires there again, guys. But I think you guys know better. They’re, they’re obviously targeting that area. We’ve seen that they’re targeting some mine areas where they want to extract different minerals to make nuclear technology and so forth. Because I think we’re going to start to make some little small nuclear reactors to do energy. There’s places around the earth that are going to start to do that.

I think that’s some of that is safe energy. And we’ll, we’re probably going to see that moving. So look at all that. That yellow and red is many, many inches of rain. So we should not see any more of that, but of course we are. So even Southern California is getting, you know, bands of rain that are coming in, as you guys can see. And then we have another, that other big storm that I talked about in March 12th is going to come in and it’s going to like, rain all the way up and down California, heavy, heavy rains and snows all the way through the 14th.

So. And then it’s going to rain again over in the Carolinas, Georgia, dumping a lot of rain. That yellow and orange right there, that’s, you know, upwards of 4 to 6 inches. So that’s. That’s what those guys need to try and stop the deep state. So is the deep state done? I. I think you guys know better at this point that the deep state’s not done. The deep state is very ingrained. Taking the deep state out, even though a lot of people claim that, you know, Trump in the military is in charge. No. All right. No, not completely.

All right, so more rain coming in and of course, drenching the south again. So rainstorm after rainstorm after rainstorm. So this, you know, causing these fires should be stopping. Cheers, Canada. And there’s cheers to all you liberals, too. All right, because. Because you don’t like that, do you? You don’t like that, do you, Liberals? I’m gonna do another one for you. F you. All right, so wake the hell up. We’re not going to wait much longer. And you’re gonna. You’re gonna burn. You’re gonna get apocalyptic action. The cities will burn, I promise. And not just from those people.

Like in Myrtle beach, they’re like, they want the. They want the meta. They want to go meta. They want to bring that in, right? You. You go liberal, you go dead. You’re liberal, you go dead. Right? So it’s up to you guys. You know what you do. All right, so let’s look at silver and gold. Silver and gold. It’s beautiful. It’s where you should be. I’ve been talking about it for a long time. Dr. Kirk, Ellie and I have been giving you guys a heads up. You should be in silver. Why silver and why not gold? Because silver is the one that’s going to explode up, is the one that’s mostly manipulated.

Now, as you see here, silver is up today. I think it’s a little bit. Oh, this is. This is different silver that I look at. I saw at one point. Silver is 33. 33. I don’t know if it’s still that way, but it was up today. This is a different format that I look at, but as you see, gold was up, it pulled back a little bit because it was a sell everything day. Bitcoin pulled way back. It was like I said, sell everything day. Bitcoin was down over 2,000, 2,500 points. At one point. It was below 80.

It was 88, almost 87. It’s. It’s ramping up right now. Like I said, XRP, I think the low that it had today was like. It was up 5 cents. Everything else was like getting crushed in. And XRP was up. I don’t Know, I, I don’t trust any of the stuff, guys. I don’t trust any of it. If, if you make some money off of it, good for you, right? I’m not there. I’m not there. So if you’re smarter than I am and you’re going to make money, good for you. I don’t recommend it at this point.

So look at these numbers. Nasdaq down. At one point, it was down over 3%. It bounced back a little bit. Now look at, look at the cues. Let me widen this out. Bring this in a little bit. All right, so. All right, so it started today. This is like, bring this down. So this is where it closed yesterday. It went up, up, up, up, and then it pulled back, which it has been doing into the close. No big deal. Everybody thought it would recover today and then go higher. It didn’t. It dropped precipitate. Huge gap. Look at that gap.

All the way down. And it went really low. And then it started coming back and everybody’s like, oh, it’s recovering. It just. It’s going to go all the way back and it’s going to go up higher. And then they trapped everybody because this is what they’re doing every day. See how this goes up, down, up, down, up a little bit down. Like, hammer. Hammer it up, hammer it down. They know what they’re doing here. They’re manipulating this market massively. And they’re destroying people, they’re destroying longs, they’re destroying shorts. They’re destroying everybody. All right? Everybody’s getting washed out.

No one survives in this market. And that’s good because this market is their market. And whatever they do here, they’re going to do. And it’s always evil. It’s always evil. So my, my advice is not to get involved in it at all, guys. So I’m just completely out of it. There’s too much up and down every day. You can’t make money in this. This stock market. You can’t make it up, you can’t make it down. So if you’re making money, good for you, but it’s not for any average investor by any means. All right, so this is.

This was a low today. And then it kind of ramped it up. And then he pulled it back and he ramped it up into the close, which was still extremely close. Low. Unbelievable. So as you guys can see over here, the market every. All of the Magnificent Seven. This is the Magnificent Seven. Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia Meta, Google, Tesla, Apple, all down, all down. Tesla down significantly 5.61 Nvidia down significantly 5.74 METADOWN Meta Myrtle beach meta. You guys are gonna get smoked, right? It’s, it’s down 4.35. All right. U.S. oil has been down the last, I think, seven weeks or seven trading days or something like that.

So it was like seven weeks of them, but it’s down. So why is that? Because Trump’s back, baby. Right? So the oil’s going down because that’s where the real inflation is. So we’re going to get control of that and it’s gonna, it’s gonna come back. So as, as you guys can see. Let me see if I can just focus that part. There we go. As you guys can probably see, Dow Jones at one point, I think was down over 600. Nasdaq was down over 600. Only a pers. Right, at a percent for the Dow Jones, but it was like 3%.

It was like a, it was crushed. They crushed the Nasdaq today and the SP and this sbx, Right? So the S P got crushed, Nasdaq got crushed. Dow Jones been down quite a bit, but it’s still not that bad. So we’re seeing this thing basically get smoked, guys. Now, will Trump tomorrow come out and say something that crypto likes, or will Trump come out and say something that crypto doesn’t like? Right, because that’s the way Trump is. Maybe, maybe Trump 33, 34 silver. Thanks, Tom Cartier. So maybe, maybe baby, Trump’s gonna come out and say, yeah, you know, there’s a guy that, that actually created a lot of this stuff that you guys have stolen his information could say that, because it’s true.

And if he does that, then those XRP and Ethereum and Solana, a lot of those, a lot of those companies that basically have stolen this one developer’s information and used it for their own, and he’s basically got all the rights to it. If Trump exposes that truth, then we’re going to see crypto take a little dive, right? And maybe, maybe crypto isn’t what we want, maybe it’s not what, what we want going forward. Maybe that’s all been a lie too. I don’t know. So we’ll see, we’ll see what the maestro says. See what the maestro does.

So you got silver at 32.91. Let me look at it. I’m gonna go look at Market Watch and see where they got silver at. What are the futures? All right, so Silver is at 33.21 at the close today. It Was up like, I think, like 3% or something yesterday or close to it. And today it held the 33. I was like, if it holds 33 yesterday, if it holds that 33, then that’s good. All right, so NASDAQ right now is in correction mode. I guess it must be down 20%, because 20% is correction. S&P 500 is line in the sand.

Usually we watch the s&P, Nasdaq, Dow. They do what they do, right? The S P is the one to watch. So I guess the S P500 test, the line in the sand, they pulled back. Will they continue back up? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t trust at all, guys. I’m not in it. I don’t care. I expect to see this thing fall, and I expect to see silver go up. All right? That’s where I’m at. I’m not playing and I’m not playing this game anymore with these people. These people. There’s no way to find anything, anything in that anymore.

It’s all. It’s com. It’s the most manipulation I have ever seen. Even during the dot com bust. I was there investing back then, and I was making money going up and down. And then it got to the point where kind of like now it became pretty much impossible to make money, and I just completely got out, right? And I started investing in silver. And then when silver, like, went to the moon in 2008, 2009, I was. I was good. It saved me. It saved me. It didn’t save me enough, though. I didn’t invest enough in it, and I.

I regretted that. But this time I didn’t make that mistake. I’ve invested bigly, bigly, bigly, bigly in silver. All right, so let’s. Let’s move on. We’re going to go down a little bit of a rabbit hole. This is where I believe the Mahabharata. This. This is where. And I talk about this in my book where I went into past lives. The awakening of a warrior. Michael Jacob. This is the one you want. This is the second edition that has Archangel Michael on it. You know, defeating the devil, the dragon. Right, Dragon. And I think that, uh.

And I have 22 chapters. So each, pretty much almost every chapter is a past life, right? Not all of them, but approximately 20, 21 chapters. Because I have, like, right at a hundred lives that I’ve identified, there’s many, many more, but ones that I can talk about that are in history. So I planned three other books, and at Some point, maybe they’ll come out, right? It depends on what happens when with the world, right? It’s very, very tough to make money in the book world if you’re not part of the deep state, right? If you write a really good book like I did with the Intuitive Warrior, the deep state’s going to come and basically try and take you down.

And they’ve also taken me down with the Awakening of a Warrior, made it so that I can’t make money and I lose money. So it is what it is. That’s the way it is in this deep state world, guys. Now, Obama made huge amounts of money on his book. How about that? Anyone that’s in the deep state work for the deep state. They basically do money laundering to make sure that those guys that wrote those books, they buy like millions of copies of them and they put them in a warehouse somewhere and they sit there for the rest of eternity, right? And then those, those guys get nice royalties.

So that’s. That’s the way that that is. That is done. So in the book, the first chapter, as far back as I could go, and I’ve gone back further and I’ve had more lives within the lifetimes that I was. That I discovered. Now, the first life that I was going to talk about was my lifetime with Jesus. And I’ll save that for, for the next book. I’ll start with Alexander the Great and I’ll talk about that in a little bit and I’ll go into the life with Jesus. So that, that’ll be my second book. That’s my plan, whether it ever gets written or not.

We’ll see. It’s like. But I would love. I like writing. I’ve done it many lifetimes and hopefully it’ll work out that I can start to reveal them. I don’t have to make money, but I hate losing money, right? On these books. I. And especially when I sell a lot of books. I’ve sold tons and tons of books and I still haven’t made money. Right? Now when I go to an event and I sell my books, I make a decent amount of money. And that’s really the only way I make money these days. Because if I start selling books, Amazon will request a lot of books from whoever is surviving.

You know, as far as like a book company, they’ll request a bunch of them. They get shipped Amazon. And then Amazon is, we didn’t sell them, so they ship them back. So I have to pay for the shipping. And when that happens, any kind of profit that I’ve been making on books goes away, and then I owe money. And this has happened to me many times, Many times. So that’s. This is the way they target authors that they want to take down. So it is what it is, but, you know, I do my best. So the Mahabharata is an Indian work that is a massive, massive.

I read the whole thing. I listened to. I’ve listened to it like, three different times. Uh, and it’s, It’s, It’s. It’s epic. If you took the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Bible, and I think some other book and put them all together, they still wouldn’t equal the length of the Mahabharata. So it is absolutely a phenomenal work from history. Now, I think the Mahabharata goes all the way back to Atlantean times, but they don’t think so of. And they, you know, are the people that control history. So I can only tell you what I believe. I think it goes.

I. In my book, I wrote that it. It goes all the way back to, I think, like 3500 BC, but I think it goes back all the way to Atlantean time, so before, you know, the flood. But maybe, maybe not. Maybe just after Atlantis fell. I. I don’t know, because I have memories of flying, like, craft and all kind of stuff. So pretty. Pretty amazing. All right, so the king Gudishtra, who I was in that lifetime, he had brothers. One of those was Bima, and that’s spelled B H I M A. And then he had another one called Arjuna.

So there’s. There’s many different books within the Mahabharata. And some of those books, you know, feature Arjuna and other. And another being an alien type being. And he talks to him and he talks about extraterrestrial craft and all kind of crazy stuff. There was a nuclear event that’s described in the Mahabharata where the skin melts off, you know, and men jump into the water to escape the heat. They’ve gone into the area where the Mahabharata was supposedly taking place, and they found cities that basically had high radiation still. And glass, green glass, which. Which happens in deserts when they explode in Arizona deserts.

When they were, uh, testing Nevada, when they were testing the nuclear bombs, they would come across the desert and they would have green glass. And that’s from the heat that turns the sand into green glass. So they found this green glass, and they found pottery. They basically had. Had been broken and had obviously been exposed to incredible levels of heat. And just like when we’ve had nuclear, not nuclear, but volcanic activity that has basically come down and destroyed cities like in Naples and so forth. When we had earthquake that Pompeii, when we had, uh, uh, you know, Mount Vesuvius explode, uh, there’s like this super heat wave that comes through and it, and it basically turned people into mummies.

Right, left images and so forth. And they, they poured like paste or whatever into some of these holes that they were finding. And they found these figures of men that base and women that had died from the heat from Mount Vesuvius because there’s like a shock wave of superheated gases that comes down. And this is what they found in some of these cities around where the Mahabharata was. So Arjuna, I’m just going to tell you because I’ve done the research on a lot of these characters throughout time. Arjuna was Alexander the Great Caesar and many others.

I’ll talk about that more. Bima is Trump. All right. And Trump, I didn’t talk to Trump. I’m not trying to tell people their past lives. It’s just my research and so forth. Now there’s, there’s lots of other things. My, my wife is in this. She was my wife, the queen and all kind of crazy stuff. So, so you start to see people throughout time and a lot of these things. Let me share the screen and you’ll start to see some of this start to come through. You’ll have memories that will come through and, and I’ll talk about those different people in my family that have had memories.

So this is the picture of the king and queen and his brothers. Now, to give you an idea. So we’re going to go down. So I wanted to bring this up first before we go into King David. So King David, if you, if you knew it or not, King David killed a lion. And of course, he was just a peasant boy before that, but he killed the line. Now Bema, who was Trump, Hercules, on and on. Bema is said to have fought with lions and tigers. And he says Bema’s strength and power impressed everyone that came in contact with him.

And he was quite the warrior. I mean you could tear people apart. All kind of crazy stuff. So this is very indicative of those that eventually kill the lions. And this is one of those ceremonies, one of those skills that you have to present, uh, to, to achieve some of these, uh, levels of proficiency so that you’re, uh, you can be in these warrior classes and defeat a lot of the, the baddies. All right, so let’s watch this. This Video. This is on Amazon. I highly recommend this. This is called the House of David. It’s on Prime Video.

I watched the cup. It releases every Thursday. So I’m looking forward to watching this again tonight. The, the next one. So this is where it like goes into it. This is just basically a trailer. In one act of defiance, create the legend. I will tell you the story of David. All right, so it’s a great story. It, it, it follows the story in the Bible not perfectly because we know, you know, when stories are told, they’re, you know, the telling. You can like, you know, tell one person and they pass it on to my else. And it’s not perfect, right? Although like I said, it seems the Bible, the way it’s laid out is mathematically perfect.

All right. It’s almost as if the, the word of God was given to people and they made it. Because when I do, I’ve been part of the secret stuff, right? Top secret stuff where you learn how to code. And it’s like it was coded, The Bible was coded. And, and sometimes when you, you make your code, it might not make complete sense, but, and it might not be completely accurate, but it’s got to be that way to match the code that you’re trying to use, right? You know, like every other number or letter has to be this letter which is a number, and then these numbers and letters and so forth basically break down into a code which if someone knows your method, they can use that and get information.

All right, so this is kind of what the Bible is right now. It is basically, I believe, information that has been coded and passed down to us. Now, David killed a lion and this story, it says while tending his father’s sheep. Now remember in the Mahabharata with Bima, who was Trump in a past lifetime, he basically was a lion killer and a, you know, tiger and all that kind of stuff because that’s what they had in India at the time, I guess. So, uh, so David killed a lion. Uh, and they said it was uh, it was proof that he was brave enough to fight Goliath.

And they kind of go into that in this Amazon series. So it’s really, really well done. David used his experience with the line to build his courage and see himself as a warrior. So that was one of the prerequisites to become a great warrior and go against the evil as we’re going to talk about, because a lot of people went against giants during many ages and we’re still going against giants today in this five dimensional warfare that we’re fighting. We’re going against the deep state, which is highly proficient at this warfare. Guys, They’ve been doing it for thousands of years.

All right? So we have to be drawing upon our past lifetimes and our connection to God while we fight this deep state. So this is something that we’ve seen throughout time with some of these warriors, some of these great warriors. And the information has been passed down to us now. Once David, Saul was. Was a bad king. He. He had turned from God. And then David, who was at one with God, he became king. He did something bad, right? He became adulterous. He had an adulterous relationship with Bathsheba. So he saw her bathing, and he’s like, you gotta have her.

And so he had her husband, Uriah, uh, go in battle and fight in the front so that he would be killed. And that’s the way the story is. I don’t know if that’s actual case. But regardless, that is what happened. Now, why did. Why do you think that he did that? So he’s king. He could, like, kind of fool around with what. I mean, this is what kings do. They fool around with whoever they want, you know? But why did he send Uriah? All right, so I will tell you, all right? I will tell you the real history, all right? The real history is that he got Bathsheba pregnant.

So now the story, as it’s told is their first child died in infancy as punishment from God. David repented on of his sins, and then his next child that Bathsheba gave him was Solomon. So Solomon, of course, would eventually be king. And of course, you know, the Knight Templars and the Masons and so forth, use the. The Pillars of Solomon’s Temple, Jake and Boaz, as you know, their insignia and all kind of crazy stuff throughout time. Right, so does that mean that Solomon was bad? Uh, no, it doesn’t, actually. Solomon was quite good. Solomon was my brother.

Uh, so who was I in that lifetime? So Binia is spelled. And I’ll show you. Instead of just spelling out, it’s probably better. So you start to have these memories. So I had these memories. I was like, I have these memories that are coming through. And I think I was with Solomon. And, you know, then you have, like, people help you out, you know, give you some insights and so forth. And then I started to have the downloads, the downloads of that past lifetime. So what do you think that Ben A did? He fought a lion.

He fought a lion, all right. He proved themselves. He was one of David’s mighty warriors. So David, you know, had two children. Of course, they say the one died. And so Beni was, in Hebrew means the Lord has built. And he was raised by a priest. The priest didn’t tell him that he was the son of David, but he figured out later in life. I remember that. But David made him his. His. His warrior, his, like, detail, protective detail. Sound familiar with Mike does this day? Yeah. So eventually, he would be the. The head of the army of Solomon.

He would be the head of the army of David as well. And as Solomon became king, uh, he was the head of the army for, uh, Solomon as well. So. So just a little history. I know some of you guys are. Are going to be like, what? And you’re going to want to go check that out. So go check out that life. That’s pretty amazing. So he’s. He was very devoted to and unwavering loyalty and devotion to King David, who was his father. All right, so he talks about many valiant things that he did. Let’s go into some of those.

So he fought the lion, like I talked about. He jumped into a pit after it was a snowy pit even. So Mike is like, you know, he had to overcome cold, cold in this lifetime. But back then, he jumped into a snowy pit and killed a lion. So nine facts. So Benia was, uh, in charge of David’s guard commands, David’s mercenary forces. Because I was in, you know, in charge of different forces for the CIA in many different places. Benioff’s father is a priest. A priest. A priest. Usually even in the tribe of Levi, a high priest even.

They didn’t have wives. Just like, uh, you know, today, uh, in the, uh, Catholic Church, supposedly they don’t have wives. Of course, we know a lot of them do or boyfriends or whatever. So he killed a lion in a pit on a snowy day. So just like David. So he. He passed that thing just like, you know, Mahabharata, where, you know, that we had, you know, guys doing it back then. So who was David? Who was David? Was David. I think David was also Trump. Right. And I think Solomon was Alexander the Great. So, I mean, that’s just what I think.

No one’s told me that. Those are just my thoughts on it. Maybe there’s somebody else. Maybe somebody already claims that. I don’t know, but those are my thoughts. And then Beniot killed an Egyptian giant. David killed Goliath. But he’s not the only giant slayer in the group. Benioc kills pretty tall Egyptians, about 7ft tall. And he does it in an impressive Way, I guess this guy had a massive spear and he basically snatched. He somehow snatches that spear away and kills him with it. Yeah, pretty hardcore, right? So. And he makes sure that Solomon becomes king.

So Saul was. He was a bad man. He was a bad king. Got a turn from him, and they were trying to make somebody else king. And during David’s time frame, David, while David’s still alive, Adonaja is out of line, declares himself king. Uh, and Beni basically is loyal to David, fully back Solomon, his mercenary army parade Solomon to his coronation, and that’s the end of it. All right, so it was military coup, I guess, Benny, I become Solomon’s general. So. Very, very interesting. Of course, I’ve been military generals in unbelievable amounts of lifetime. So Samson, you guys might remember Samson had the long hair and killed the Philistines, like a thousand Philistine with jawbone of an ass.

And he also killed a lion. He also killed a lion. So a young lion attacked Samson. The spirit of the Lord came upon Samson. So this is what you have to have when you kill the line. You have to be part of God energy. Because this is one of God’s, you know, natural things. But you overcome a natural thing by extreme connection to God. All right, so this is. These are one of the things that all of these guys that kill the lion, fight the lions. This is. They have to have that connection. And this is.

This is what everybody, you know, identifies with. So he made the connection and killed the lion. And then, of course, he. They, you know, kind of build it up. They said Samson tore the line apart with his bare hands. Maybe, I don’t know, maybe it was that big and that strong. Maybe usually when you. You take on the line, you’re. You’re big, right? You’re very strong. That’s one of the things that you have to have. Have coming. Coming into the fight, right? So, so of course, Samson eventually, you know, marries a Philistine woman. And she convinces him, she finds out that his strength comes from his hair.

And she cuts his hair while he’s sleeping. Uh, and they, the Philistines descend upon him and they poke his eyes out and they parade him around. They take him to the temple. And while they’re having a great temple and party and all kind of wild sex, probably out in the open, you know, Samson asked for strength from the Lord just this one last time. And he gets a strong. He gets the strength back and he pushes the pillars and the temple falls on all the Philistines and kills a bunch of them. So this is, this is something that, you know, the connection to God source that’s being shown throughout time and something that we need to connect with now, guys, to defeat, you know, these, these evil ones again.

Now let’s, let’s move forward to Hercules, which I believe is trump again. Hercules killed the lion. So this is one of the things that he was tasked with. He had 12 labors. And it says that he basically, you know, tracked down the Nemean line when he was cave. He said he basically strangled it with his own bare hands. But they also show that Hercules had a club. So, I mean, what was it? Did he do it with a club or do his parents? That’s, that’s why I’m saying these guys, you know, build. Build a narrative. They.

They build a narrative up on a lot of these stories, make it bigger than what it really is. So here’s some pictures. And, you know, you would see Hercules and a lot of paintings and pictures where he had this club and he had the lion skin. So this was basically to give him power and to show everybody that he went through this ceremony of killing the lion. And it is something that has gone throughout time. Now, is this something that, you know, great warriors have to do today? No, it. But it was one of the, one of the tasks from past life.

From past lives. Now, Hercules also was with Jason and the Argonauts and on their quest for the Golden Fleece. And I just wanted to go because some of these things that come through for me, I, I saw that I was on the ship, but it doesn’t say that I was. I was King Idomeneus of Crete. But as a youngster, I remember being on the Argos with all these, uh, heroes and learning from them. All right, so what is, what is this thing about the Golden Fleece? And it would be something that would come through, you know, all the way up into the Kings of England, where they would have, you know, this, this group of knights of the Golden Fleece.

All right, so this Golden Fleece was, was pretty much used. Oh, that’s not the one I wanted. This Golden Fleece was utilized to get gold. What’s that shaving? When you get the silver and gold, it’s like particulates or something. But they would get this Golden Fleece and they would go into the, the mythical land of Colchis, which is in modern day Western Georgia or what used to be Russia. All right? And there were. I have memories of this, and I, I remember this memories of this getting the Golden Fleece. I was like, I know about this Golden Fleece.

I know what this is. And so the flakes. Yeah. What. What’s. What’s a silver mana. Mono. Something silver. What’s that stuff? But they have monochromatic or whatever. Gold and monochromatic or whatever. Something like that. Silver Ionic. That’s it. Thanks. Fit. Five, four, one. Ride. So it is basically ionic. So this ionic gold, uh, was something that the royals used. It gave them, uh, a lot of energy, power and so forth. But it wasn’t adrenochrome like the bad ones use. Right. Uh, the giants and, uh, fallen angels and the, you know, deep state as of now. So.

And these extraterrestrial, you know, reptilians, like Nancy Pelosi. See Nancy Pelosi, her tongue kept. She’s. She’s a snake. He’s a freaking snake. She’s a reptilian. So at Trump’s event, so I’ve seen these guys. I’ve seen them. I’ve seen their eyes slit. I haven’t seen the tongues come for. Tongues coming out, but I’ve. I’ve seen them, like, they get big and their eyes start to slit, and I’m like, whoa, that’s. That’s interesting. I don’t get intimidated by it because I fought these people throughout time. But it is. It is. It is very interesting when you look at all of the.

So it’s near the Black Sea, and they would put lamb fleece, you know, they would, you know, skin the lamb, they would take the fleece of the lamb, they put it in this river, and it would basically, it would get the gold flakes, and they put it in the sun, and you can see the gold flakes on there. And they would collect that ionic gold and they take it back to the kings and princes and princesses and so forth. So that’s what they used. Can we still use that today? Of course you can. Ionic gold and ionic silver.

It’s really good for you. So that was. So I’m just giving you guys examples of stuff that comes through for me. I could go in each one of those lifetimes that I’ve already been revealing and all those. All those people and bring out and write books on it. I could write books on it, right? And the books are just basically brushing the surface of all the information that comes through. Imagine writing a book about your life right now. Right? It would be. It would be a lot. All right. In Homer’s Iliad, Idomeneus is. So that was my life, you know, hanging out with those Guys and learning from those guys.

And then I was a. I was Idomenius, trusted advisor, advisor to Agamemnon, and a prominent Greek general who fights alongside Achilles, who would be Alexander the Great. All right, so throughout time, I’m having memories and connections with these. These different people, right? And a lot of you guys, like, well, who are you to have lifetimes with these guys, right? Back then, they were just like. Just like me and you hanging out right now, it’s like, you know, it’s no. It’s no big deal. But as time goes on, it’s like, yeah, he, like, tore that line in half with his bare hands.

Like, no, he, like, clubbed it to death. It’s like. And so, you know, you. The storytelling gets a little out of control. And of course, Achilles was shot in his Achilles tendon when we were taking down Troy. And I have memories of that. So it was poisoned. It was a poison dart, right? And they would dip it in, like, bad stuff, right? And they would shoot it. And. And he got hit in the Achilles. In Achilles heel, which was one of the spots where armor didn’t protect you. All right? And Achilles was, uh, was a killer machine.

Uh, and he was like, Olympian, uh, won the. The Olympics. You know, he was great Olympian, uh, had. Had proven himself in battle. I don’t know if he killed a lion, but I wouldn’t doubt it. But Achilles was quite amazing. But he didn’t make it. And we built. We buried him in a massive burial pit. And Alexander the Great, that was one of the things that he wanted to come see. He wanted to go back to Troy. Back then, everybody knew about Troy and they knew about Achilles tomb. It was still a thing. So Alexander the Great, you know, he read the Iliad over and over again.

He always had it by his side. And then when he finally made that connection, when he went to Achilles tomb, he had. He had closure. And this is one of the things that happens in lifetimes. And we’ll talk a little bit more about that as we go forward. So that’s what I get when I have these connections to lifetimes. I get closure. I tap into capabilities that I’ve had many lifetimes, and I bring them forward. So these are the, The. The. The great things that you will get in past life. Discovery. So very, very interesting. So, uh, now there was an event that occurred during the Trojan War.

Basically, the earth stood still for, you know, like, two days. And they talk about this passing. It wasn’t a comet, but it was a world, uh, that passes by, uh, the Earth on. And some people have called it Planet X and many other names, but it passed close enough to basically capture the Earth’s magnetic field and hold it. And it’s caused much damage in the past. And I think that some of that fire that came in those, those comets and all that kind of stuff were part of the tail that’s on Planet X. It got close enough that some of that gets captured by our magnetic field, gets pulled into Earth and basically causes a lot of damage.

So that’s when we have fire. Now is Planet X coming close again? I don’t know. I don’t think so. It should have, it should have already come, but I think it’s being kept away. That’s my thoughts. And who’s, who’s doing that? I don’t know. All right, but I think it was supposed to come in. It caused a lot of damage, but it’s because of the consciousness of humanity, because we’re raising our consciousness, we are being protected to a great extent. All right, so that’s, that was one of those events it’s talked about in the Iliad, the Odyssey is basically when they return home and they’re, the seas are all kind of crazy.

It took them like 10 years to get back home. It didn’t take them 10 years, it took them a long time. The word for a long time was like got mistranslated to 10 years. So you’ll see that over and over again in biblical references and so forth, but it meant a long time. And the reason why is because the stars were in different locations because of what had happened with Planet X coming close. Now on the other side of the Earth, the Mayans talk about how there was darkness. So if you look at the Earth and you look at where, you know, the Incans and the Mayans, the Mexicans and so forth were other side.

And it was dark there for two days. So they had light to fight open battle for two days. They fought for two days in the, in the sun because when the sun set they’d go home and rest and the Trojans would go back to Troy and the, the Greeks would go back to their camp and buy their ships and, and hang out and then they come back and when the sun started coming up and fight again. So that’s what they did for a long time. Of course it wasn’t non stop for 10 years because it’s supposed to have gone on for 10 years.

Right? Long time. And then uh, it took Odysseus and all those guys in the Odyssey 10 years to get home. That’s a long time. 20 years? I don’t think so. A long time. The war went on for a long time and then it, it went, it was a long time for those guys to get back. Idomenius going back to Crete, I remember it was for my memories. I remember going to Egypt. We got washed. We came up on the shores of Egypt. Like how the hell we end up here? It was because the, the earth had been moved.

And that’s, that’s happened many times in the past. If you look at the Nile, they have talked about how the Nile at one time, uh, went to, uh, the south flow to the south, not the north. So it’s like the pole shift or some or something. So, uh, there’s been talk about pole shifts in past life and past times and so forth. I believe those are, those are caused by Planet X coming through. And there’s a lot of people talk about that over the years, but those are my thoughts on that. All right, so, you know, lots of, lots of different things that you’re going to see and hear, you know, about, you know, throughout time.

I don’t need so much light because it’s getting dark. Oh, I gotta turn that off because is blinding. But fascinating stuff, right? Fascinating stuff. You just start to put all this stuff together and then you start to see throughout time where a lot of this stuff starts to make sense. So Alexander the Great. Let’s move on to Alexander the Great. So you have Achilles and now you have Alexander the Great. Uh, had a lifetime with Alexander the Great. I grew up with him. We went to school together. And then I was his calvary officer in all the battles I fought in all the battles that he fought.

So Alexander the Great, 356 BC time frame to June 323. So he didn’t last long. Now he would be Caesar in an upcoming incarnation. Of course, many of us have many incarnations. We don’t wait. In fact, some of us have multiple incarnations in a lifetime. So like I’m having multiple lives and lots of lifetimes. So Alexander the Great, Achilles, you know, going back throughout time, many other lifetimes, going forward in time, many other lifetimes. Many of you may be involved maybe if you have like, you know, a pull to some of these, uh, figures in time.

It’s a possibility that you were involved in some way or maybe even close. If you have memories, very distinct memories, then you could probably, you know, make some connections and actually start to read about these, these time frames. Like this is some of the Things that I would do if I had a, a strong pull to a certain time frame, I would start to read about those time frames. And of course, I’ve been throughout time history here on Earth, so I’m, I’m attracted to everything. So. But you start to make the connections and you can pull through, you know, history.

Some of these names or some of these connections to these names. You may have been, you know, something that’s not in the, you know, a figure in history that’s been written about, but you distinctly have memories of being in that time frame. Maybe, you know, you were, you know, in, in a village and Alexander the Great came through and you have memories of Alexander Great that way. Who knows? But there’s many people that have had, you know, these connections. Probably a lot of people, you know, have memories of either being in combat with Alexander the Great or against him.

So there, there’s both sides now in that lifetime. I was Hephestion and I’ll show you what that, what that looks like. All right, so he was his Calvary officer and he grew up with Alexander the Great. They went to school together, all kinds of crazy stuff. Aristotle trained both these young men and Aristotle was the one that introduced Alexander to the Iliad. And then of course, the Iliad was always by Alexander until he made that connection with Achilles. So very interesting. So we know that Alexander the Great was a great warrior and very, very interesting how this goes in.

Of course, Achilles was a great warrior on and on throughout time. So this is, it says, yet Alexander could also rely on Hephaestion or for firmness and resolve when his policies had led to a plot against his life. So he was within, he was. I remember having, I remember all the battles, being in all the battles and fighting every one of them, Every single one of them. Gaugamela, you know, going into Iran was Persia at the time. I remember all the, all the battles and I have detail, extreme detail of how we fought. And the reason why we won is because we were high tech.

Our, our, we, we, our bronze was like stronger than anyone else’s out there. So our armor, the way we had our armor, because you look back on the Greeks and how they had great armor. That’s why they were able to, to beat the Trojans. They had the best weaponry. And the same thing with Alexander the Great’s, you know, army had the best of the best. They were very high tech for that time. And that’s one of the reasons why they just won. They crushed everybody and their battle tactics and so you’re going to see also in time where some of these battle tactics, because they talk about how in the Iliad how the gods and goddesses came down and actually fought with the Greeks and the Trojans.

So you had different God. It was a goddess that fought for the Trojans and there was. Who is that, that fighting God for the Greeks? I can’t remember his name right now, but he basically, they have in the Iliad. It’s been a while since I read it. So in the Iliad he talks about how he basically came in and was fighting with the Greeks. Very, very interesting. And then of course, you know, the sun stood still for two days, so they could fight for two days straight. All kinds of crazy stuff and, uh, like rivers jump their banks so you can see, you know, how something was going amiss, right? And it’s not just like, oh, it’s just myth, it’s just made up.

No, they were telling the actual. Because back then they didn’t write stuff down. They did it the right way. They communicated. Someone learned the exact way that everything was word for word and they passed it on. That’s how this stuff was passing. And in the past, they didn’t. They didn’t. Yeah, they were writing down. But the real, the real way this was passed was someone would learn it and learn it word for word, every word, perfectly, and then it would be passed on to somebody else. So anyway, I fest John broadly supportive of Alexander’s process of integration and that of Philip.

So Philip was Alexander’s father, who also was extremely effective at unifying all of Greece, which Alexander eventually did. And of course, you know, he conquered Egypt and all of Persia. It was, it had never been done before. It was like all of that eastern side of the world Alexander conquered. Now when Alexander reincarnated at Caesar, he conquered the western edge of the world. And Caesar actually, you know, when he had his little fling with Cleopatra, they still had Alexander the Great in like some kind of sarcophagus where you could actually see him and he had not degenerated.

That’s the story. So they had like preservation methods which were very advanced even back then. So it was like some kind of glass coffin where you could see Alexander the Great and he’d been dead for hundreds of years. And Caesar saw him. He was like, oh, my God. He had that connection and he’s like, you know, I guess Caesar, it was 33 at the time, and that was around the time frame where Alexander the Great died. And he was like, my God, you know, here I am. An old man compared to Alexander, who had already conquered the world.

But of course, Caesar would go on and conquer the other side of the world. So interesting how that happened, right? So. So it just goes into talking about all the different battles. I have memories of those now. One of these battles where Alexander the Great was wounded. I remember jumping because Alexander the Great, we couldn’t break the gate. So Alexander Great was like. He would get right into thick of battle, and he would drive everybody crazy. He’s like, he’s. Go help him. You know, so everybody would. And this is the way we would often win battles, because he would just like, you know, you guys aren’t fighting, and he’s just run into the front of the battle and everybody be like, what? And then they just come in and they just slaughter everybody around them.

And then we’d win the battle. So he did that quite often. So in close to a place where I was going in Pakistan, where they had ancient forts and all kinds of crazy stuff, I was. I was there, and I was having one of those. I’ve been here, I’ve been here. And so. And then I started. This was before I started having the memories of Alexander the Great, and then I had the memories of Alexander the Great, and I started looking at all the battles, and I was like, I was there, I was there, I was there, I was there.

This is what I did. This is what. But I was on horseback, and I. I was a calvary officer, and it was one of the way. The reasons why they won, because their calvary was incredible. Now I’ve been a calvary officer in many lifetimes also, and I’ll go into that a little bit, too. I get a few more lifetimes I’m gonna go into. So, yeah, it’s. It’s great, right? So, but how does this all relate to now, Mike? It relates because you have to see how we have been fighting evil for a long time and how they’ve been against us and how we have won against them and what is it that we do to win against them? So with Alexander, he jumped into this fort where we’re having trouble in India, close to where I was working at the time for the CIA.

And I was having these memories, and it was by this big river, and there’s like, this huge fortress still there to this day. And he jumped in there. He. He just, like, ran up the ladder and just jumped in to the city, and we had to, like, you know, jump in. I jumped in with him. I ran up the ladder, jumped in with him. And fought, uh, and protected him with a shield. He was wounded. And they busted down that gate and came in and slaughtered that city. And that’s one of the time, one of the only times where Alexander the Great was close to dying.

So we put him on a ship, went down the river, and then came into the Gulf. And then we came up and came around, came back up into Babylon. He recovered, and then they poison him, and they poisoned me. So I died before Alexander the Great. I was sick for seven days, and everybody, all the doctors are like, you’re good to go. So I was like, all right. So then I ate a big meal, and then I died. Sounds like poisoning, right? Yeah, it was. I was poisoned. And also for Alexander the Great, Alexander Great was getting ready to go do battle, and everybody’s like, you know how history, they go, oh, he was tired from all the fighting.

He was getting ready to go kick some more ass. And then he said he just died because he was tired. What the f. He died because he was poisoned as well. So there were elements within, you know, the Greek community, they felt that Alexander was getting too powerful. He had conquered Persia. He had married a Persian woman. I married because I was very close to Alexander, and, you know, because I kept him win so many battles, and I grew up with him. I married the sister of the guy of the woman that he married. So we’re pretty close.

And then I die. And then he dies shortly after that because they basically started taking us out because the Greeks did not like the Persians ever. And, you know, the Hot Gates later, they went against the Persians again. And of course, you know, that’s history. And they won. So that’s another story. I was there as well. Uh, so lots, lots of different things, uh, throughout time. I talk about that in my book as well. Now, here is where I’ll show you how this basically rolls throughout time. How many of us that are involved, you know, keep different things going.

So here’s Alexander the Great as Caesar. Here is Trump as Tiberius. Right. So in ancient Rome, few emperors were better at acquiring land for the empire than Tiberius Caesar Augustus, Rome’s second emperor owes his place on this list solely due to his military conquest. That guy that jumps in and fights the lions, Right? Quite the warrior. The right time. Now, look, where I was, Marcus Aurelius, known as the emperor, philosopher, the guy that writes the books, Right? So if you haven’t read Meditations, I highly recommend it. Right. It’s kind of cool to read a book that you’ve written in Pat in the past and it comes forward and it gives you insights.

It’s fantastic. Right, so that’s, that’s one of the things that’s cool also about these connections. All right, so now we’re going to move into another, another time frame where I and Trump basically go against each other. Of course he’s trying to, he’s trying to like prove himself as the greater warrior. And he does really well. He does exceptionally well actually before that. Right. So I was, this was a dual lifetime. So I was Maharaba as a Carthaginian military general and Hannibal’s lieutenants, the calvary officer for Hannibal. So Hannibal of course, you know, went in and, and hammered, hammered Rome.

Remember he came over the Alps with his elephants from Spain and Romans were like, what the heck? And he basically hammered the, the Romans. So he was a Carthaginian from Carthage. So Carthage and Rome were vying for dominance of the Mediterranean. Of course Rome would eventually win, but Carthage was, was fighting. Now Carthage, they had a very, very nasty thing called the worship of baal, right? The worship of, you know, where they offer children. So this was something that came from uh, the Venetians, right. So this is one of the things that Alexander the Great, uh, focused on, uh, destroying uh, the Phoenicians who were the worship worshipers of Luciferian BAAL and the sacrifice of children.

So this is another thing that goes throughout time. I could go down so many of these rabbit holes with you guys. They’re in my book the Waking of a Warrior, which is in, if you go down in the description box, you can look down and see the awakening of a warrior and I don’t know, help me pay off Amazon trying to rob me. So, and get a, get a good book or you can come to the events. I’m doing an event. If you go into my website, there’s a page where I’m doing an event on Saturday.

I’m going to have some of my books there. So if you want to come there and I’ll sign your book, right? So it’s cool. Or bring, if you bought it, bring it and I’ll sign it. See me one of these events. I do that quite often. So let, let me, let me reshare the screen and pull up this other, other slide that I have. So here’s Carthaginian military commander Marabah, right? So like I said, it was the, he was in charge of the calvary. And this is what, this is why Alexander the Great one. And it’s also the reason why Hannibal won in all his campaigns In Rome.

So he goes in to talk about how Marble’s next recorded appearance was in 218 when he brought Nita Calvary to the Battle of Ticinus against the Romans assembled under Publius Cornelius Scipio. Who I was. Who I was. Right. And that’s, that’s interesting because in the first battle, Scipio, this is. I think this might be my father. So Publius Cornelius. But I was a skip you. So anyway, so let me see if it’s in here. Nope. So anyway, I, I saved my father’s life. I don’t know if this was a battle. It was the first, maybe the first battle.

But anyway, the battle of Tresamine in which the Carthage Carthaginians annihilated Roman army under Flaminius Marvel, captured 6,000 Romans as they attempted to flee the field. And then a relief column came in with 4000 Romans and I captured and killed all those. So the Romans did not have Calvary worth a hoot back then. And we were very, very astute. We had learned to ride. I was Numidian, so dark, dark skinned Numidian. So I’ve been Numidian in many lifetimes I’ve been Numidian Egyptian kings. So it is, it is very interesting when you start to make these connections.

So anyway, as you might remember the, the Egyptians had, you know, you know the, all kinds of, all kinds of crazy stuff. They had the, you know, the calvary and they had, they won a lot of battles and they had those chariots and so forth and their kings and warriors. So the guys on the chariots were basically like special forces guys. Right? Of course I was, I would do that and I was in many, many battles as kings and you know, generals of our armies in, in Egypt. So even in Israel they had horses and chariots and I had those memories and I was like what? And I looked and there’s like, there’s a history of horses in the past in Israel and they had chariots.

How about that? So I had memories of it and then I did research and behold they did all right. So the Battle of Kane is one of the most. It’s a pincer movement and is one of the most famous battles of all of all time. And the pincer movement is often done by many, you know, armies throughout time. Especially the. Right now Russians against Ukraine. Russians are using pincer movements non stop against the Ukrainians and destroying them. I’ve been talking about this for several years now. So the Battle of Kane and basically he lured the Romans in and then he put on either side, he started to move his army up.

And then after Maraba had defeated the Roman cavalry, he came back into the rear of the Roman army, pressing together. When the Romans were close in, they didn’t fight well. They needed room to like, you know, move their swords and everything. When they got close in, they were very ineffective. This is something that Hannibal had observed over the last several years. And there was a massive slaughter of Romans somewhere up. Upwards of 50,000 were annihilated. And after this battle at Kane Marable in Hannibal had had a falling out. So this is described by Liby, the historian.

And he says marble and Hannibal had an exchange with the former marble claiming that the Carthaginians could be in Rome in five days. They could sack Rome. They could be in. They could be the victors. They could own the Mediterranean with a quick calvary march. Calvary march. Hannibal showed reluctance whereby marble responded. So, and this is, this is interesting quote, it comes down through history. So the gods have not blessed one man with every gift. You know, how to win a victory, Hannibal, but you. But not how to use it. Now this falling out would basically, I would leave and that, that would be the end of Hannibal’s victories.

All right? So he would start to have many defeats from that point on because the, the calvary was, was extremely effective. Now the last battle that Hannibal would have is the battle of. Now, this is interesting because if you’ve seen Patton, the movie, you might remember how Pathan comes in and he goes to this field where the Battle of Zama was. Was fought and he talks about it and there’s like Trump is playing while he’s like having these memories and he’s telling one of his generals, he’s like, I was here because Patton taught. He wrote extensively of his past lifetimes being in the Civil War and, you know, being kings and queens.

He wrote that, that poem Through a dark. Through a, uh, glass darkly. You know, throughout time, many. He basically talks about how he is warrior throughout time and had died on many battlefields and fought on many battlefields the right time. And so he’s at the. He’s at that place and Patton is saying, I was here. He. They didn’t say in the film that he was Hannibal, but he was. All right, so Hannibal lost this battle and they had more. They had more Carthaginians than the Romans. The Romans had, of course, to come across, had to do a landing and gain a foothold and then fight their way to, to this battle.

So this is interesting because this is, this is me I was Scipio Africanus right here. See that mean looking dude? That’s me for a past lifetime. Somebody broke my nose I guess I didn’t like it. It’s like he, he won. Damn him. So probably, probably in Rome somewhere. But they, we, we came together and we actually had a meeting. Uh, I had memories of this. Uh, we actually came together and uh, I met with Hannibal. Of course I’d have many lifetimes with him. So there was a connection. And I was like, you can, you can, you can surrender or you can die kind of thing.

He’s like no, we’ll fight, you’re gonna find out. And he found out. So the Roman army was approximately 30000 men and they were outnumbered significantly by 40 to 50 000. We’re on their home turf. And of course they had 80 war elephants and they had. Romans were stronger in Calvary now because who do you think went and fought on the Roman side? Maraba. Maraba, right. So this is how we defeat evil. So he basically started to see through Hannibal. He’s being controlled by the Carthaginians and he started to see the evil of the Carthaginians and their religion and so forth.

So he basically came on the side of the Romans, right? But he gave Hannibal a shot, right. So the, the, the war elephants came through. They charged the Roman lines open to allow them to go through. They had no effect. And then the calvary came in and basically, you know, drove them away. The calvary under my leadership basically went after Hannibal’s calvary which was not as strong now because I wasn’t with them. The Numidians, right? The, the dark race, right. Well no longer with them. The one that’s, that were expert at fighting throughout time for thousands of years with Egyptians.

So now we have, you know, I’m chasing from the battlefield and you know, just destroying Hannibal’s calvary. And I thought well Hannibal if it’s, here’s your chance, can you, can you get a victory without me or not? And so I, I drove the, the calvary from the field. I delayed, I kept chasing them. I was like well should have won by now. Well no he didn’t, right? So they, they, the both sides attacked each other. It was kind of a stalemate, back and forth, back and forth. And then I returned and then I fell upon the rear of the Carthaginians and there was, that’s when the slaughter happened.

All right? So then they basically destroyed Carthage and salted the earth, right so that nothing could be grown there again. And that was the end of, uh, Carthage and the bail. For at least for a period of time. Of course, you know, that would. That would. That would find its way back into Rome, because that’s the way these things are. The Catholic Church and so forth. Of course, there was the Mithraeus, you know, that came from Persia. So Mithraeus was. Was a cult, a Persian cult, and the Romans adopted it. So it’s interesting how that that transpired, isn’t it? All right, so let’s.

Let’s go. We’ll. We’ll close this up. All right. The last couple is Justinian the first, who I was in that lifetime, and Belisarius. So now we work together. So this is where the Byzantine Emperor Justinian. This was Justinian the Great. So every time they put the moniker the Great on your name, that means you have conquered a lot. And that was the. One of the largest in history of the former, I guess, Latin Greek empire, right? Justinian being part of. Because, remember, Constantine the Great, who I was founded Constantinople. Justinian I came in after. And Constantine had made Rome one of the greatest empires in history.

And then it fell in disrepair almost completely, you know, annihilated. Justinian came in and basically expanded the empire again. And, uh, with the help of Belisarius. So now they’re working together. Now they’re working together again. So interesting how, you know, these lifetimes come. Come together, come work against each other, come come together, learn, and then eventually, and this is the last one I’m going to talk about Edward III of England. So I could just go down a list and say, I was that. I was that. I was offered the great. I was this. I was that.

Kings of England. I wasn’t all of them, of course, but the great ones, right? The great ones. And then maybe one or two not so great, right? So that’s. That’s one of the things that we do. You know, we sometimes have great lifetimes, and sometimes things don’t work out. So Edward III of England basically built one of the greatest empires in history. The greatest. Probably the greatest empire of England in history. He had a son and his son. Let me see if I can get back to that. So if you look at his son, his son was Edward the Black Prince, because he wore black armor.

This was Patton Trump, you know, Belisarius, Hannibal, on and on. So he’s my son in this lifetime now. He was going to take over, but the black plague happened. It killed a lot of people. And one of these was my son Edward, or the. And he Started the Order of the Garter. All right. And all these different things, all these different lifetimes. He was in many battles, Crecy and Poitiers, where he captured a French king, John ii. So he was a brilliant and fearless commander. Again, so amazing, amazing lifetimes. And this is something I want to leave you guys with is Edward III had a daughter.

Let’s see if I can get that. So this would be last lifetime that I’m gonna. I’m gonna talk about. But Edward iii, it’s. I’m have to go back. Joan. Yes, Joan was his daughter. Where is it at? Joan? So anyway, this daughter was going to marry the Spanish prince of. Of Castile, and she was going to be the king there would be the king and queen of. Of Spain. Of course, it’d be, you know, allied with. With the English. So they didn’t have to fight. You know, they did the marriage thing, so they didn’t have to do the fighting.

They did it by, you know, royal decree and so forth. So his. His daughter Joan left and went to. Was on their. On her way to Spain, and they stopped in France, and this is where the play in Bordeaux, France. And this is when the plague was. Was going out of control. And they didn’t know that. So they arrive in the Black Plague is like just going bonkers, killing people. So they took Joan and they went into. So people on the. On the ships. There was two ships, archers and all kind of. It was like quite a royal procession.

But every. People started getting ship on the sick on. On the ships and dying. So they took Joan and they took her to a cottage down this long street. I remember this. I know that she was down a long street because my daughter Ashley had this dream when she was growing up for years of being in the plague. And she would write, she would read books about the plague and she’d talk about the plague. She’d do reports on the plague. And she’s like, I just have memories of dying in the plague. And I was like, wow, that’s crazy.

That’s pretty wild. It’s too sad. So. And she had memories of being a princess and all kind of stuff. So I’m like, well, wow, I wonder if you died in the. In the. In the Black Plague during. During a certain time frame. So I’m doing. I find this lifetime as Edward iii and I’m doing the research on it. And his daughter Joan was trapped in Bordeaux in a cottage, and she died there. And Edward III never knew what happened to her. The plague, you know, just. Just destroyed Europe, you know, people had to like, you know, isolate and all that kind of stuff.

It was, it was a real, it was a real deal. And so he survived it. I think his wife unfortunately died also of the plague. I’d have to go back through and read it because I, I, Queen Isabella. But I read all this stuff and, you know, the memories. I think he was the longest king, he was like 50 years until Queen Elizabeth II. She, she went over 50 years. He was the longest serving monarch in English history until her reign just recently. So he lived a long time and there’s lot, long, lots of stories. But anyway, once I made that connection with Joan, I cried because I didn’t.

I remember in that lifetime we were so distraught because we never knew what happened to our daughter because that, that whole, those whole, those ships, everyone died, all of them. And we never have, we never found out what happened to our daughter. And then I made that connection and I made the connection. It was my daughter, Ashley. And then I told her about that and she was like, oh, wow. And then her like nightmares and all that and her desire to read about the plague, it went away because she had closure. She had closure. And of course I had closure from that past lifetime where I made the connection.

I’m like, oh, I just found out what happened to my daughter and I didn’t, I never knew. And wow, I, I remember having tears and I, and I’m over in Yemen at the time because when I’m overseas, you know, that’s when the memories come through strongest because I’m really, you know, hitting my, my intuition very hard. So very, very interesting how these things come through now. The last thing that I want to cover is the Trump team is holding secret talks with Ukrainian opposition. Now I predicted years ago, probably around the time before I, I don’t know if I predicted it before Russia went in invaded or it was just shortly after, but I predicted that this woman would be the president of Ukraine.

This one right here. Right. What’s her name? Yukashinka Poroshinko. Senior members of the party of Petro Poroshinko. Julia Timoshenko. All right, so you, Julia Tamashenko. I said several years ago that she was going to be. She would replace Zelensky and I think we’re going to see it. So the Trump team sounds like they’re talking with her. Tomashenko has confirmed that her team is talking with our, all our allies who can help in securing a just peace as soon as possible. So. Interesting, right? So let’s, let’s hope, let’s pray that this woman can come in and stop the madness.

I, I do believe that Zelensky will probably stand justice and probably go to Russia and stand justice there and be executed deservedly so. Right. So very, very, very interesting here. Know how, you know, we evolve with our consciousness past lifetimes and you don’t have to have the past lifetime memories come through but you can look at pastimes like David, which I’m going to go down and I’m going to watch that other episode of David and see what kind of connections come through because I’m having some pretty good cool connections come through. So that’s how we learn.

And you’re gonna. I highly recommend you watch that series. It is like crazy when they go talk about the giants. Now remember how David had five stones? Why five? He only needed one. But was, was the other ones for backup? No, the other ones for, were for the other giants. There were, there were a group of five giants I believe, and David had those other stones for those other giants. It’s like having a bullet and that’s what they called those stones. When you use the slings, they’re bullets, right? So and they were very, very effective and very deadly like a bullet.

Right. And uh, the slingers, uh, in every battle, uh, if they could take out a lot of people, you had to be shielded up and you had to be helmeted. Otherwise those, those, those bullet slingers would, would get you and you’d be dead. Right? So, so those giants, they ate the flesh of humans. In that movie you’re going to see where uh, the Philistine king of the Philistines comes in and basically wants a giants to be on his team so he can feed uh, the Israelis. The chosen God, God’s chosen people. There is a reason why, you know, everyone goes against the Israelis.

Right. And not talking about the Gazarian Kazarian mafia, Ukrainian Kazarian mafia guys, I’m not talking about them. Yes, they have integrated everywhere. Just like, you know, just like the, the evil ones have integrated everywhere. The Gazer mafia is part of evil against good. So this is, this is how we understand this and this is how we evolve beyond their control system. So the giants pretty much here again, maybe not in physical form, but the Nancy Pelosi’s, the George Soros, probably descendants from these evil people. And you know, I don’t know how that ends, but it’s going to end in, in a good way for us.

Yeah. So Patton, the son of Patton Trump. Right. And you can do that. You can actually be alive and have offspring and then your consciousness shifts over or your consciousness can sh, can, can twin itself, right. Or triple itself. You can put percentages of your consciousness in each one of your souls and then you can increase that consciousness when you pass over in one life, then that frees up energy to go into a life you’re, you’re having currently. You may have connections with other past lifetimes like I have and really take your, your personal consciousness and your capabilities to an incredible level.

Right. And this is something that many of us are awakening to. Yeah, Kazarians are nasty individuals. Absolutely for fork soul. So I don’t know if you mean that in a positive way, but they’re splitting. It’s not a splitting of the soul. The soul does not split. But it can manifest itself in a percentage wise in, in different forms. Different. You know, I, I’ve heard of people like, you know, manifesting in animals as well, but usually when you evolve from animals into man, that’s the highest form and you’re not going to go back. But some people do.

I think maybe they missed that or maybe, maybe there’s something they’re going to get from that. I don’t know, maybe the, the, the. And maybe some of the pets that we have were, you know, we were like, they didn’t evolve, but we, we work with them as soul animals at one point. There’s all kind of crazy stuff. So once you start to get a lot of this positive, of course. Okay, cool. So not forking, but, you know, multiplying your, your suits. So I have many suits in this life and I have many suits that sometimes I wear simultaneously as, you know, disincarnation and I have other incarnations that are happening simultaneously.

So as, as energy leaves from one form, it’ll multiply in another form and then another one will start to manifest again to keep the, keep things going. Right. So some of us do that. There is a percentage of, of souls that do multiple lifetimes and I think it’s like 4 or 5%, something like that. Of all the humanity. That’s, that’s quite a lot, right? Tens or hundreds of millions. There’s a lot of people that actually have multiple lives simultaneously. So that’s, that’s a cool thing. It’s a cool to, to look at, you know, people throughout time and see their energy like Trump’s, like Alexander the Greats, like mine.

You start to see that. Like I see my wives, I see my children’s manifesting throughout time. So it’s really, really insightful and then some of the friends that I’ve met over time. I have one black blazer. Me too. But I also have a blue one and a multi colored one and a tan one. Who y’all? Canadians. All right. All right, guys. That’s all I got for now. It’s quite a long winded one. I hope you guys liked it. A lot of insightful stuff. I’ll see you guys next time. So I’m traveling. I’m doing an event. I will try and do shows, but I might not be doing shows.

I think I can do a show tomorrow, but on Saturday, Sunday maybe not so much, but we’ll see. We’ll see what my event schedule is like. So. So it’s good that he did a long one because it might be a little bit. All right, lots of love. And I will see you guys next time.



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