Tuesday With Mike | The REAL Jimmy Carter

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➡ This is a discussion on the Untold History Channel about Michael King, a history expert and author. The conversation includes speculation about a potential proposal to withdraw from the United Nations and NATO. The main focus, however, is on former President Jimmy Carter, who they describe as a globalist and criticize for his public image. They also discuss the Trilateral Commission, a group they believe is pushing for world government, and its connection to Carter.
➡ The text discusses various political events and figures, focusing on the behavior of past U.S. presidents’ children, the Panama Canal, the Camp David Accords, and the toppling of the Shah of Iran. It suggests that Chelsea Clinton was the best-behaved child in the White House, while Carter’s children were the worst. The text also criticizes Carter’s decision to give away the Panama Canal and his role in the Camp David Accords and the Iranian revolution.
➡ The text discusses how former U.S. President Carter played a role in the rise of Iran’s Islamic Republic by supporting the Ayatollahs and undermining the Shah, a long-time U.S. ally. This led to the Iranian hostage crisis and other issues. The text also mentions Carter’s involvement in the overthrow of leaders in Nicaragua and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), leading to the rise of communist and dictatorial regimes. The consequences of these actions, such as hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, are also discussed.
➡ The text discusses the political actions of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, focusing on his involvement in international affairs such as the boycott sanction South Africa movement, the release of Nelson Mandela, and the proxy war in Afghanistan. It also touches on the Cold War, suggesting it was used to keep people in a state of fear and served the geopolitical aims of a new world order. The text also mentions the Cuban boat lift in 1980 and Carter’s decision to boycott the 1980 Olympics in Moscow.
➡ In the past, the U.S. and other Western countries boycotted the Olympics held in the Soviet Union as a response to their invasion of Afghanistan. This led to a reciprocal boycott by Eastern bloc countries when the Olympics were held in Los Angeles. The article also discusses the political landscape of the time, including the presidency of Jimmy Carter and his successor, Ronald Reagan. It mentions the Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded to various U.S. presidents for their contributions to the nation.
➡ The text discusses the Presidential Medal of Freedom, noting that only two presidents, Trump and Nixon, have received it. The conversation suggests that despite their controversies, these presidents have contributed positively to the world. The text also mentions the impact of the Watergate scandal, which has influenced how we label scandals today. Lastly, it promotes a website offering historical articles and books, some of which are controversial and not available on Amazon.


Welcome back to the Untold History Channel. Ron Partain. Here it is, Tuesday the 4th of March, 2025. And if you hear Winchester in the background, that’s because he’s unhappy. But he, he may, he, he may show up from time to time. But in any event, the main event here, the, the main character is Mr. Michael King or Mike P. King, rather, history connoisseur extraordinaire and the author of many fantastic books that you must get. So, Mr. Mr. King, how are you tonight, sir? Hey, I’m doing good, Ron. Excellent. Looking forward to the big speech tonight. You know, speaking of the big speech, I have heard, and these are just musings and rumblings going around, but I have heard that two things that he’s going to propose tonight is getting out of the United nations and NATO.

Well, Elon Musk has been dropping that. I don’t know if Trump’s gonna actually say that tonight. It seems to me a little premature. That would be a nice surprise. But that is the agenda. Well, certainly NATO. I mean, I think NATO is right on the, is right. I think, I think NATO is ripe for the picking because of all the crap that’s going on with Zelinsky and Europe and how they’re backstabbing the United States because they want to keep the war going. And you know, I love it when with, with what Vance said the other day, it’s like, look, if y’all want to go in there, that’s fine, but it’s not going to be an Article 5 and we’re not going to come to your rescue.

So. Yeah. So anyway. Yeah. Oh, this is, this is interesting, Porter. Bill says, how many times will Trump say the number 17 tonight? That’s actually a very good exercise to, to engage in tonight. So. Absolutely, 100%. Well, because, because the event is happening here in the, in the very near future. Let’s, let’s not waste any time and jump right into, in here and go and just kind of just get right to the point. Well, that’s Jimmy Carter, president from 1977, 1980. And we’re talking about the demise of globalism and what Trump’s going to say in his speech.

But this guy was mega, mega globalist. And we’re gonna, we’re gonna have a look at this phony. And you know, unlike some of the other scoundrels that we generally regard as scoundrels, Carter seems to get a break. People think he was a nice guy, a little weak, a little naive. The bad guys played him. But like we were Saying before the show. That’s not the case at all. It was a uber ambitious man who to whatever extent he was, used, he certainly allowed it because these people made him. And he knew this every step of the way.

Right. So we’re gonna. We’re gonna crack him open like a soft peanut. Nice. No pun intended. No pun intended. Mr. Peanut Farmer himself. Yeah, well, like before he’s even elected, you know, it’s important to always look at the. The background and the pedigree these guys build up. But he was an invention of the Trilateral Commission. He was elected governor of Georgia and very shortly thereafter they recruited him. So what did they see in this guy? And Trilateral Commission was brand spanking new back then, I think was founded like 71 or 72, something like that. Something like that.

Barry Goldwater referred to it as David Rockefeller’s latest cabal for world government. And indeed it was. And he’s the founder. There he is. David Rockefeller lived only if, what, five, six years ago. He died at a hundred and something. He’s the founder. And then on the far right there, you see him. You see him again. That’s at a meeting in the Oval Office with Gerald Ford’s Oval Office. And next to him, to his right, also with his hand by his chin, is big Neil Brzezinski. And we know another winner. Yeah, he’s another one who’ve been on the globalist scene 30, 40 years behind the scenes.

He died too, not too long ago. Oh, you know, my heart breaks for him. That’s me as Mika’s daddy, by the way. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So they recruited this governor, this unknown, little known outsider governor from J, Georgia to join the Trilateral Commission. At center there you’ll see the logo of the Trilateral Commission and you can see the 666 embedded in it. I was just about to show that because the. So you can see that here, and I’m. I can’t do it on a PDF, but I will do this. There you go. If you do. So it’s.

Let me see here. If I can get this right here. Yeah, very similar to the recycling symbol. There it is. It doesn’t want to let me. It doesn’t want to let me draw on it. Dang it. All right, well, let me see if I can do it on this one and see if it’ll. No, doesn’t want to let me draw. But you can see it here. This is. These are all sixes. Very, very similar to the chrome logo. Very similar to the chrome logo. Recycling the Disney Logo, they, they embed this everywhere. So this year is, you know, this should have been the early indicator for people.

I, I always say this is a good standard. You could go by just look at Time magazine covers. You can go back a hundred years if you want to take the lazy man’s way out. Anytime you see somebody puffed up on the COVID you know something’s afoot. So there’s a Time magazine cover. There’s Jimmy Carter with the amalgamation of the U.S. flag and across the St. Andrew Confederate flag behind him, Southern boy. Georgia Governor Pat trying to pass him off as a centrist conservative Christian Sunday school teacher. But that’s when he’s governor, so you can tell he’s elected governor and they’re already puffing him up on cover.

Time magazine. Oh, here, I, I found this real quick. Just not, not that I want to belabor the point, but you know, just for those of you who can’t see it, this is a six. This is a six, and this is a six. Yeah, so you got three sixes there. So anyway, Trilateral Commission. Trilateral Commission, yeah. And the three trilateral, three sides meaning Europe, United States, North America and then Japan and various Asian countries. Ultimately they would all link up. Yeah. And that’s why Trump first week in office killed the ttp, the Trans Pacific Partnership, which was to create like a structure between North America, Asian countries and had a backdoor linkage to Europe.

So it’s all about world government with regional stepping stones towards it. But there’s more Time magazine covers from that era. You could tell they were building them up. Who. And they play this game when they want to build somebody up as an, an outsider, a make believe outsider, they’ll say, oh, who is this guy? He came out of nowhere. And in so doing they’re actually puffing him up. People don’t realize the game but that, that’s how they played it because this is right after Gerald for a few years after Watergate. So everyone’s got like a negative impression of Washington is, let’s get this outsider governor, Southern state, peanut farmer, Christian boy, etc, and they really puffed, they puffed them up.

And he was elected in 1976, defeating the sitting president, Gerald Ford. All right, that page right there tells you all you need to know. Oh yeah, basically we, I mean we’re done. They, that, that really done. The, the rest now is just icing on the cake. So right there’s Jimmy Carter, always virtue signaling. He was known for this. And, and this is why to this day a lot of people Even political adversaries have a, have a high opinion of him because they, they fell for this. There’s a picture of him shoveling peanuts at his peanut farm.

Just to clarify, he, he owned the business and he inherited it from his father. They almost spun it. Like he’s out there in his overalls every day working, you know. No, but there he is shoveling peanuts. I, I doubt Jimmy shoveled any peanuts when the cameras weren’t those, that, those are photo ops. Yeah, they’re, they’re photo ops. Okay. But again, that was the whole image down to earth outsider guy. Okay. There he is carrying his own luggage. We learn in later years from Secret Service guys, they see everything, those people, okay, that he, he used to get in and out of his car on and off his plane and helicopter holding empty baggage just to show what a regular guy he is.

And he’s wearing that stupid Mr. Rogers sweater because he made a big spectacle of turning the heat down in a White House because this is during the oil crisis, energy crisis. And hey, we’re gonna, we’re gonna, you know, I’m gonna be with you guys and, and be cool and dress warm and turn my temperature down. Yeah, I’m gonna suffer with you. And there’s him and Roslyn out in the field doing some farming. Then even after retired today, he died, he kept up this, you know, it’s virtuously. Spectacle. A Habitat for Humanity. Always when the cameras were.

Oh, Habitat for Humanity. That’s just, oh, my God, that’s serious, Roslyn. You know, I’m sure that that was just a spontaneous moment. They didn’t even know they were being filmed. Right. I, you know, I find it interesting, you know, so I, I, I, I’ve seen, I’ve written or I’ve read several different accounts from individual Secret Service agents that talk about, you know, who, who covered the president. And it’s really weird because everybody, the, the, the, all the, the consent, the general consensus is the, the very best well behaved child in the White House in The last, like 40 years was Chelsea Clinton.

But the worst behaved were, were Carter’s kids. And the second worst were the, with the Bush daughters. The, I mean, like. Oh, yeah, they were wild. Yeah, yeah. A daughter, Amy. Yeah, I think they just had one daughter. Like the Clintons. Yeah, I thought they had, I thought they had multiple kids. But whatever. The, at the end of the day, my understanding is that the, and don’t quote me on that, that’s just what I, that’s, that’s, that’s what I’m remembering that Carter’s kids were his. Or kids were. Were very, very poorly behaved. Poorly behaved, yeah. Yeah.

It wouldn’t surprise me. People have said. And I actually got us some feedback from readers on this who cross paths with the Carters, confirming that when the cameras were off, they’re both kind of nasty people. Very aloof, condescending, elitist. Especially Roslyn, she’s evidently was a real. Oh, so. So she was like. She was. She was like a Hillary Clinton before Hillary Clinton. Yeah, yeah. But posing as, you know, Southern belle. Hi. Hi, y’all. I’m Roslyn. You know, very ambitious, nasty people. Okay, let’s see his first of many screw ups. Well, I shouldn’t say screw up, although there are no screw ups with these people.

They know what they’re doing. But he. He gives away the Panama Canal, just gave it away to take effect 1999. I mean, why would you do that? The United States built the damn thing, you know, and not only are giving it away in subsequent years, US ships are paying fees on that until Trump came along. So. But this, yeah, this was a bonehead move. But again, very consistent with that whole principle of the new world order and globalism in which the United States has to get cut down in size. Okay, right. Yeah. Somebody said, why wouldn’t Chelsea be horrible? And I’m like, well, my feeling, she probably didn’t want to incur the wrath of her mother.

So she was a good little Satanist. Yeah. But she’s made up for it in her adult. Oh, a thousand percent. She is. She’s all. She is her mother’s daughter. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, boy. Let’s see. Okay. The Camp David Accords, Anwar Sadat. Yeah, this, this was a big deal because it’s. It needs to be understood because a lot of people credit Carter with standing up to Israel. Okay, but I talk about this a lot. Not everyone quite understands it. But it’s important that there’s always been a factional division within the predatory ruling class of the big Jews.

You’ve got those who are Israel firsters, all the way Greater Israel. And then you got your one world globalist. Some of them don’t even care for Israel. They see it as a big headache. Like George Soros, for example, who’s Jewish, is not pro Israel at all. And then Netanyahu’s crowd, they hate George Soros. So that’s like an internal intramural thing among gangsters. And the reason the globalists don’t care for Israel is because it has always complicated Their efforts to bring the various Arab countries on board with the New World order because to the extent that their people see them as, as American or Israeli puppets and you got that whole controversy with Palestine, it makes it hard to do business with them.

So the idea is to bring about some kind of understanding and peace between the Palestinians, other Arab countries, and the Israelis, just so they pacify the region and move on with their New World Order. So that, that’s why you always had these, this peace movement that never went anywhere because the Zionist prime ministers would always kill it a thousand percent. And I mean, Anwar Sadat didn’t, you know, by went. This whole thing with the Camp David Accords, you know, and Anwar Sadat. Anwar Sadat basically became the, it became. He, he, he led Egypt to be the first country to recognize Israel.

Yeah. And this was taken in 19, what, 70. 78. Yeah. Three. Three years later he was assassinated. The, the, the, the Egyptians couldn’t stand that he. Egyptian, Egyptian militaries just saw him as a tool. No way. They were like, they’re like, you’re sleeping with the enemy, dude. You’re done. Yeah. And this would ultimately blow back a little bit on Carter because that’s when the neocons really bolted from the Democrat party and they suddenly became conservatives. The whole issue was Israel. But this was a big deal back then. So it was not a case of garter, the humanitarian sticking up for Palestinian.

It was none of that. It’s Brzezinski’s behind this. Brzezinski’s always hated the Israelis and they don’t like him either. Nope. Okay. It’s about, let, let’s make some kind of final peace in that region. Pacify things. And then we could do business with the, with the Arabs. Just like they were able to start sucking in Sadat. Okay. So that’s what that’s about. He’s no friend. He doesn’t give a. About Palestinians. The, the only, their only purpose was it was to put an end to this headache. It’s always been a headache for the globalists. And this goes back to the days of FDR and Eisenhower.

They didn’t want Israel either. Okay. Why? Because the headaches it, it caused. So ironically, this internal divide between Israel furnisters and globalists kind of worked in our favor sometimes because they’re, they’re weakening each other, you know. Absolutely. Yeah. So that’s that. Well, don’t, don’t, don’t forget this is, this is basically 10 years post the, the, the USS Liberty. Liberty. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So. And, and we were. And the United States literally had aircraft in the air carrying nuclear weapons to, to destroy Cairo. And it was, it was Egypt that would ultimately have gotten framed for it.

You could understand now, you know, I’m sure the Egyptian military leaders who assassinated Sadat are aware of that, that, you know, you’re making nice knives with these people who tried to sink an American ship and they were intending to blame us for it. That’s exactly what would have happened had the liberty gone to the bottom. So, so that’s what this, that’s what Camp David is about. I don’t know. I don’t know if he got. I think he got nominated for Nobel Prize. I don’t know if he won it. But we have to understand the true context.

He’s not some kind of hero standing up to the Israelis. February 1979, the toppling of the Shah of Iran. Now it’s interesting, he came to power like 20 some odd years later, earlier because of a coup engineered by the CIA under Dulles and Eisenhower. Now they pulling the rug out from, from under him. Okay, so that’s what they do. They, they change players. You know, it’s sort of like when back in baseball days, George Steinburn used to fire managers every couple months. You know, the globalists. Right. Put somebody in and then they’ll get rid of him.

But the shot was toppled with the support of Carter administration and, and the Ayatollahs came in and then you had the hostage crisis and all that. But all of that tumult in Iran was enabled by Carter. Didn’t you say, didn’t you say that Sadat won the Peace Prize? I said, I don’t know if Carter or should. That one of those. So, okay, so 1978. 1978, Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin both won the Peace Prize for jointly at. But not Jimmy, for jointly having negotiated peace between Egypt and Israel. Yeah, so that was 78. Yeah. And the, the Nobel Peace Prize is basically a.

That, that’s just, it’s all it is is a, it’s a tr. It’s no different than the Presidential Freedom Award or whatever it is. It’s all, it’s all garbage. It’s just, it’s like the Oscars. It’s like the Oscars on the back. Sure. Yeah. That’s another indicator. Sort of like Time magazine. You look at the Nobel Peace Prize winners, just read their names, you know, their villains. That’s all you need to know. Yep. It really is that simple. So they top. They toppled the Shah of Iran they toppled the Shah. You go to the next panel here. This was a very recent Newsweek.

Only a couple years ago, Carter was still alive. Headline, why Jimmy Carter owes the Iranian People an Apology. Carter’s gravest mistake was his disastrous undermining and lack of support for the legitimate ruler of Iran, the Shah, who was waging a valiant battle against leukemia as the revolution unfolded. To be fair, Carter had plenty of assistance in his geopolitical quote, unquote blunder. His State Department seemed to effectively encourage the growing protests against the Shah’s reign, which came to a head when Secretary of State Vance announced that the Shah would leave on vacation. But the final responsibility lies with Carter, who saw fundamentalist sharks circling and ailing shot, and helped to engineer the rise of his disastrous successor by putting his trust in the exiled soon to be leader of the Islamic Republic Khomeini, throwing the Shah a decades long US ally under the bus.

And that’s absolutely true. Carter actually said kind words about, you know, the, the Ayatollahs before, before the Shah was toppled. So that’s the, There’ll be many other cases of this, of, of Carter toppling an American ally, presumably because, you know, the Shah in his own right was, you know, for his country. I think ultimately they just wanted to get rid of him. They probably didn’t figure on this Islamic republic having the staying power that it did. But ultimately what they really wanted in Iran was a quote, unquote, democratic government that you control the parties that way.

Okay. And then out of this grew the Iranian hostage crisis. So Carter did all this. This was another disaster. Yeah. That was a joke every day. Oh yeah, I remember, I remember 50. Yeah. And I remember the super bowl that year when, when Reagan had just taken office. And I think it was the, it was the, it was, I. Who was it? It was the Oakland Raiders versus It wasn’t. Was it, it wasn’t the Saints. No, it wasn’t the Redskins. It was before that. But, but the Oakland Raiders won that year. Eagles. Eagles. The Eagles. That’s right, it was.

That’s right. That’s right, the Eagles. Thank you. That’s right. And, and you know, they haul the, the Thai, you know, Thai yellow ribbon around the old oak tree. And that was, I mean, that was going on everywhere. But the, you know, little, little did everybody know that Bush had gone over there and made a deal with the Iranians to not allow any of these people to leave until after, you know, after Reagan won. And then, and then everybody was like, oh yeah, Reagan was going to beat on Them. And they were, they were scared of Reagan.

Yeah, it was all, it was all a freaking joke. Yeah. So. But I mean, and let’s, I mean, let’s just be honest. This is the second time that we toppled the Iranian. That’s right, because we, you know, the first one, the one that was essentially used as the, as the template for all successful coups, you know, from that point forward, was in 1954 when we overthrew Mozaddak. Yeah. And we, and we supplanted Moza deck with the Shaw. Right. And then, and then showed the Shah how to use the, the, the. What was it? The, the. The.

I want to say it was the Kazakh or the Kavak or the. Well, I, I don’t remember the name of the, of the secret police Slovakia. I think they. Yeah, they were just, I mean, they were brutal and it was just, it was straight out of, straight out of, you know, School of the Americas and how to, how to terrorize your population to make them obey. You know, very similar to the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. I mean, it’s just all, I mean, it’s all the same playbook. Yeah, that was, that was the first.

You know, CIA was relatively brand new, you know, that one. And then after that, Eisenhower’s gang did Guatemala and it’s just been God knows how many countries they’ve overthrown since. But that’s the second time, was the second time with Iran and recently they tried it a third time with those spontaneous. It was the Twitter revolution a few years ago. They haven’t, they haven’t been able to. Right. But that’s all. That’s ultimately what they wanted, is you just keep overthrowing and you keep weakening the system until you really get what you want. And the ultimate final objective, in spite of whatever intermediary rulers they put in place, ultimately they want to get to parliamentary system.

A million different parties and then you control each one and you blame against each other. Do you remember the image of when the, when the Iranians were walking and there was a flag of the United States painted on the ground and there was a flag of Israel right next to it. And they were walking all over the flag of Israel, but they were, they were avoiding stepping on the American flag. Do you remember that? No. Yeah, yeah, I’m gonna try, I’m gonna try to find that. But okay, now the next overthrow. Oh, back up within DOA Nicaragua.

This was a. Scroll up a little bit so you can see the headline there. So, July 1979, SOA charges the United States has cut off all aid to Nicaragua. So he was the strongman leader of Nicaragua, anti communist, suppressing the Marxist revolutionaries in that country, very strong American ally. And Carter and the American establishment turned on him. The pretext as always being, you know, human rights etc. And this EP article summarizes his allegations. He’s charging that certain members of the Carter administration want to ruin the reputation of my government. Mr. Samoa to reporters, American aid, including credits that have already been approved, has been cut off.

And there was a constant media attack and a drip trip just undermined his regime. Ultimately he had to step down. With all this immense pressure and Ortega and the Sandinistas come to power, we were assured that they weren’t communist though. Okay, and if you see in the next panel and there, there is, there’s Ortega at the White House meeting with Jimmy Carter. Carter gave his full blessing, this communist at the same time that he’s turned down Samoza. And then on the right, in case there’s any doubt, there he is. All besties with Fidel Castro. Who’s this guy? Which guy? Next to Ortega.

Okay, so you’ve got Carter Orga and then this guy. Who’s this guy? We’re on the far right with the tie. Yeah, probably an aid of some sort. Okay, yeah. And then of course on the far right there’s Ortega and Castro. They’re follow the like a civil war and it could totally destabilize the country. Got rid of a US Ally. Now why would you want to do that again? Anyone who falls into that category of nationalistic leader, patriotic leader, military, they gotta go here, check, check, check this. I found it. This is very short clip. So they, they, they’re organizing and they’re like hey, get off the flags now.

They, they, they. It does appear that they were avoiding stepping on the, on the Israeli flag as well. But they, but the people as they were marching down this, they were, they were deliberately avoiding stepping on the flags. And then when anybody did, they were, they were, the, the crowd was literally like saying hey, what are you. Oh, interesting. Yeah. And this was in. I don’t remember exactly when this was. This is, this is five years ago. So it was. Yeah. A lot of these mobs would be whipped up by U. S. Intelligence back when they had that kind of influence.

Right. So if they’re avoiding stepping on the U. S. I don’t know. I don’t know either. Could be rental, could be CIA rent the mob 100. You could, you, you could absolutely be correct. I mean just, just because we’re seeing with our eyes doesn’t necessarily mean that is. It is what it is. Yeah. But anyway back to the, back to the story at hand. So that’s the second country’s overthrow. Now we go to Rhodesia. 1980. First class, first world nation, white ruled along with South Africa. Rhodesia is there in the orange. Very high standard of living.

And the, and the, and the blacks in Rhodesia enjoyed relative to the rest of Africa a good standard of living very similar to South Africa. So then they started subverting Rhodesia based on human rights and racism. And you have a black majority, they should rule etc and they’re being pressured heavily. The slogan was one man, one vote. And Carter was big, was big on this. And when you bring the power and the prestige, the economic might, the geopolitical influence of the United States, the bear, ultimately these countries buckle. So they, they gave in and they had their one man, one vote.

What they didn’t say at the time is that it was only going to be one time. And they elected Robert Mugabe in 1980. There he is with Jimmy Carter giving him all kinds of prestige, welcoming him to the White House. And he ruled that country with an iron fist up until about what, five years ago or so. There he is on the far right. And Rhodesia. Rhodesia was named after Stuart Rhodes. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Cecil Rhodes. Stuart Rhodes. What am I thinking? Cecil Rhodes, the, the guy who, who you know started the Milner Group and all the round tables and you know, who really wanted the, you know, Anglo, Anglo control of the entire globe.

Yeah, yeah. So. And, and now Rhodesia is referred to as Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe. And it’s a. And they took away land from the white farmers and a lot of them fled to South Africa and the country went hungry. Hyperinflation. There’s, there’s a hundred billion dollar note and I’ve been told that they even have trillion dollar. They had tr. I have, I have a 10. I have, I have like three. $10 trillion in 10 trillion. Wow. But this was Carter’s deal. 100%. And everybody feels. All the liptarts felt good about themselves. The human rights and, and majority rule etc and once their dirty work is done, no, nobody cares about the aftermath.

And what happened to this, this country. The standard of living just plummeted for everybody. Black and white country was ruined. Now today the Zimbabwe government a little bit more sane. They’re begging with these farmers to come back. Some of these farming families and giving them land and money. Come back, come back because they’re going hungry. Yeah, well If, If South Africa doesn’t kill them all. Well, yeah. Yeah, well, that’s the irony. They fled to South Africa. And then Carter starts his. With South Africa. That’s three countries down. South Africa’s next. Although this would not come to its final fruition until years later.

It was Jimmy Carter who got the United States involved in the whole boycott sanction South Africa movement. Up until that time, it was like a leftist called celeb that taken hold in, like, European countries. The United States, not so much. We had good relations. South Africa, okay. But Carter changed that and he began to join the international community in this. This external pressure being placed on South Africa, which worked hand in hand with the internal subversion of institutions like the South African Communist Party, led by the Lithuanian Jew, Joe Slovo. You see him in that first image at the bottom with his fist up in the air next to Nelson Mandela, who had just been released from prison.

And, And Winnie Mandela. This is, this is years later at this point in time when Carter’s president, he’s still in prison because he was. He was a damn terrorist. That’s why I was in prison. But Carter began the process which. So, you know, this, this would be 1980. It took. It took about 12, 13 years, and they let Mandela out, and then he’s elected president. And the rest is sad history of South Africa. Okay, and on that third panel there, you see these three old timers as Carter. There’s Mandela. The tall gentleman there, that’s Bill Gates senior.

Interesting. Yeah, they’re all holding little black babies. I wonder why. Vaccine and the. Out of them and God knows what other purpose they might have for them, but there they are. Isn’t that special? Isn’t that special? Yeah. So he’s like the Grim Reaper tearing down our allies and, and, and, and nationalistic conservative governments worldwide. I. Somebody asked me the other day about, you know, the Cold War and how it was. Was. I said. They said, was the Cold War just another fraud perpetrated on us to keep us in state of fear? And I’m like, pretty much, yeah, in a sense it was.

Because, I mean, obviously the immediate aftermath of World War II, you had the very real Soviet threat. Okay, if the United States wasn’t there, Stalin would have went all the way to Portugal. But afterwards, after Stalin dies, I mean, you reached a point really as early as the 50s where we could have peacefully coexisted. But the Cold War was, well, it was not only much more profitable, but it served the geopolitical aims of a new World Order. Because now you had the fear of the bomb. And that was, that was one of the reasons that, you know, they, they allege that the Russians were given the technology to shoot down the U2 with Francis Gary Powers because that his being shot down in the late 50s actually is what derailed the peace talks between Eisenhower and Khrushchev.

But Khrushchev actually, I mean, and make no mistake, Khrushchev was absolutely brutal when he was a commissar. He was absolutely, I mean, he was brutal. These guys were given quotas to kill people. You know, he had like get to kill like 10,000 people a month or whatever, you know, whatever. It was just, you know, for the reign of terror. But cruise ship kind of took it to a whole new level. And he’d like, he, he would, he’d kill like 60 to 70% more just so that he could get on the radar of Stalin and, and be, you know, be, be a high party official, which he ultimately did.

But once he got to actually, once he got to be, be in that position, I think he started to soften towards the west and he wanted to have, you know, he wanted to have good, normal relations with the United States. Yeah, and, and I think, you know, I, I think that, you know, especially after the, I know this is probably not really topic of conversation, but especially after the, after the, the, the Cuban Missile crisis, that was when, because he was perceived as soft on the west at that moment in time. And that was when the hardliners came in and can he just shut him down? And then the next thing you know you get Brezhnev.

Yeah, well, I mean the game was of the Cold War to subvert the Soviet Union from within and then encircle from without. Right. And again, it’s important to understand this wasn’t done out of the cause of anti communism or freedom versus democracy. No, they need. The globalists wanted to capture the Soviet Union, break it up into a bunch of small pieces, swallow up in the new world order. And to that end Brzezinski in the intelligence community, they set a trap. And it’s interesting, on this Time magazine cover, it actually depicts a bear trap. And that’s what it was.

They set a trap in Afghanistan. So this was the Carter Brzezinski regime. I didn’t even notice that. But yeah, yeah, you got Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and there’s a bear trap right there. And obviously Russia is the bear, just like where the eagle. Years later after the fact, Brzezinski essentially admits to this and boasts about it. What they did is they Recruited, armed, trained. A mercenary terrorist force along the lines of isis, Al Qaeda, okay. Made up of whatever it could be. Mercenaries. Some of them could be just Islamics. It could be a mix of people who don’t really understand a higher purpose.

But you had this mercenary force in Afghanistan armed up to the teeth. And the President of Afghanistan actually went to br. Premier Soviet Union asking for help. And they knew what was going on. There’s like this, this is Western intelligence is setting this up in my country. We need your help. And Brezhnev turned them down. He says I can’t go in. First of all, your people won’t accept it. They won’t understand what’s going on. And then all hell will break loose geopolitically. Everybody will blame us. You got to find a way to solve this problem. But eventually, this force overthrew the Afghan government.

The Soviets went right in and they, they, they uncooed the coup and boom. Soviets invade Afghanistan. That’s the headline. And this really amped up the Cold War and it entrapped the Soviet Union in, in what Brzezinski himself says. I gave them their Vietnam. And this ultimately helped to bring about the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Ten years later. It became very popular and expensive. But it was all a globalist war in the Soviet Union, which later extended to, to Russia. And we see it today coming to its, it came to its conclusion, peaceful conclusion thanks to Putin and Trump, notwithstanding all of this play acting going on.

Absolutely. But that’s, that was, that was Carter’s deal, this ten year proxy war. Oh, here’s another, here’s another big screw up. The Cuban boat lift. This was 1980. This went on for like five, six months. Castro essentially opened up his prisons, got rid of a lot of political dissenters, but also got, you know, some Tony Montana types came into this country. Well, that, ironically, that’s where Tony Montana came from. I mean, the whole, that whole movie. If you, if you, if anybody, if any of you have ever watched Scarface when, you know, at the very, very beginning when all these guys are, you know, in this camp under the freeway, under overpass or whatever, those were guys from the Mariel boat lift, which is, you know, that’s what this is.

And that, those guys were, it’s, that’s exactly what it was. You know, I’m a Paroco refugee. I want my human rights man. Yeah, exactly, that’s, it’s definitely one of Pacino’s best, best acting jobs. But this, this was highly, highly unpopular move. So by this time Carter is tanking in terms of popularity and you know, Reagan is clearly going to be the, the nominee of the party. But you know, he did, he did his damage. And this was just yet another example of that Cuban boat lift. 1980. He ruins the 1980 Olympics. It was, it was hosted by Russia, so.

In Moscow. Yep, Moscow. And, and this is a big deal. Back then, even 1980 Olympics was still a big deal, you know, and it’s always been a politicized event too, going back to the so called snub of Jesse Owens, which was a lie. Right. It’s a big event. And you know, you have to feel for these athletes who trained their whole life to get to this moment. And Carter just pulls the rug out from under them. Why? To punish the Soviet Union for going into Afghanistan to quell his mercenary army. Right. So this is really dastardly stuff.

And who else joined us in this boycott? I think the UK and a bunch of European countries. So, you know, you ruined the Olympics for them. And they say the Soviet Union put on quite a spectacle the show and then four years later they returned the favor because the Olympics were then held in Los Angeles. So all of the Eastern bloc countries boycotted that. But I just think this is a very shitty thing to do because first of all, they’re not at fault. It was your war. Oh, wow. I did. You know what? I did not realize that it was so many.

I just did a search. This is the 60 other countries, primarily western nations, in response to the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. United States, Canada, West Germany, United Kingdom, France, Norway, the Netherlands, Japan, Turkey. Wow. Wow, that’s just. And that’s. Yeah, it was 60. Yeah. Wow, that’s crazy. And you know, I remember, you know, if you’ve ever seen the movie Miracle, there’s a scene in there where, you know, they’re getting ready. He was training in the summer of 1980 for the 1980 Olympics are actually. Was it. Well, those. They were the Winter Olympics. So the winter.

Actually the winter. Have them in the same year. Yeah, the Winter Olympics happened before the Summer Olympics and then they, and then they changed it so that it would be every two years so that the. They still are every four years. But they oscillate. But the. So, so the Winter Olympics happened first and I remember he was really, he was really frustrated because he was like, he didn’t think he was going to get a chance to play Russia because Carter was threatening to boycott the, the Summer Olympics. But the. Every, all the Russians and all the.

All The Eastern bloc countries, they all came to the e. To the Winter Olympics, so. Right, right. Because they, they didn’t want to screw this up. They hope that they could come and that set an example, but, you know, it didn’t. But they, yeah, they, they all came in spite of the fact that this proxy war was being waged against them. So. Absolutely. Yeah. Oh, God, this makes me vomit. Yeah, so this is, this is at the end. I mean, he’s lost to Reagan in 1980. That was, that was a landslide. All due to this, this stuff that we just reviewed, which was so unpopular and then you still had the inflation going on which really plagued this country throughout the 70s.

So it was time for a true outsider, and that was Reagan. Unfortunately, it would later turn out they would have. They would saddle Reagan with the likes of the Bush and the Bakers and that old greasy bunch. Exactly. But nonetheless, it was, it was still, it was a mitigation of the horror that we were going through under this clown. But on his way out the door, he awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to his handler. It’s big new Brzinski. And look at that smug grin on his face, as if he’s actually achieved something. Actually he achieved a lot, but it wasn’t on our behalf.

Yeah, go read, Go read the Grand Chessboard by Zigny Brzezinski if you wanna, if you wanna find out what’s jacked up about our world right now. That is the, that is one of the quintessential works. And he was the architect of that. You know him, you look at, you remember in the early, in the mid, early to mid-1980s when you had movies coming out like Invasion USA and the Delta Force and Navy Seals and things like that, and they were all targeting Arab extremists. And you know, this is before the first Gulf War. And so, I mean, they were already planting the seeds with, you know, with hijackings and stuff like that, that, the, that, that, that radical Islam was going to be our next enemy.

Because once the, Once the, the, the wall fell and the curtain came down, you know, now, now we needed a new enemy. And they, they had been preparing for that new enemy in the. As early as the seventies. And the. Zigmund Brzezinski was one of the primary architects of that. Yeah. You know that. That book really tells you all you need to know about what the. Not only what the Afghan war was all about, but also the second Afghan war and 9 11. He uses the term Pearl Harbor. He telegraphs the coming event 99. That’s just two years.

That’s about the same time he wrote that book. 98. Just two years before nine. 11. And he was. He was emphasizing how important it is to achieve domination of Central Asia. Oh, and he’s enormously proud of it. Yeah. Yeah. And then. And then there’s Jimmy on the right. You just back up a second. On his way out. Well, no, this is years after his retirement. There’s Bill Clinton before he’s leaving, giving out his medals. And everything comes around full circle. Jimmy. Presidential Medal of freedom. Nearly 20 years later. They just take care of. They take care of each other.

You know, it’s all. What. What president. What president hasn’t been awarded the presidential Medal of Freedom? That’s an interesting question. I’m curious to see if Reagan ever got one from Bush. Yeah, I’ll have to look that up. Yeah. And there it is. 1980, the Reagan landslide. Carter loses his grip on the solid south, and that’s about. That was the last time the south really went Democrat. Well, Bill Clinton got a few states too. You know, if you put up a southern governor and he mouths a few conservative slogans, you could steal a few southern states. But Reagan took the South.

He took the. He took everything. He. It was a big landslide. But unfortunately, as you’ll see in the title of that book right next to it, neoconservatives and U. S. Foreign Policy under Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Voices behind the throne. So what happened is these, these neocons and really worm their way into the Republican party, both in the political structure and also in conservative media. Things like National Review magazine and Weekly Standard, that sort of stuff. And they all. They’re all a bunch of Democrat Jewish Marxists who suddenly in this era decided. Discovered, you know, we’re conservatives now.

And, and, and they came on over and they were welcomed with open arms by naive traditional conservatives who thought, well, this is wonderful, where all these Marxist Jews, they’re finally seeing the light and they’re joining us. Isn’t that. And, and before you know it, they took over the conservative movement, both politically and journalistically, and they had a very strong foothold in the. In the Reagan administration. And then you also had your traditional globalists. We can do another show on Reagan. I mean, I like Ronald Reagan personally. I think was a good man. I think his heart was in the right place.

But this is long before the Internet or cable or the Q operation or anything like that. You’re just one cog in a machine. And his presidency would turn out to be. It wasn’t like a disaster like the Carter years or some good things that happened. Nonetheless, nothing was rolled back. Nothing fundamental ever got rolled back. You know, so if we’re going to be critical of the Reagan administration, you know, the one, the one major thing about the Reagan administration that is that we are still feeling the reverberations from today is, is that Reagan blew the national debt up.

I mean, he just was. He went into a spending frenzy and then he did like the, then he did the amnesty program in 86. You know, it was under his watch that you had Iran Contra. Now, whether or not Reagan knew it or not, I don’t know because I do believe that Bush had a major role in that presidency. I did find. I think they took a lot of his heart out after he got shot. Six weeks. Yeah. And that was, I mean, I mean that was like right in the freaking. Right at the beginning. Six weeks.

Yeah. But here I found this. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian award in the United States, recognizing individuals for contributions to national security, world peace, culture or other significant public or private endeavors. And what a bunch of horseshit. U.S. presidents who have, who have received the Medal of Freedom. John F. Kennedy posthumously in 1963, awarded by Lyndon Johnson after his assassination. Lyndon Johnson posthumously in 1980, awarded by President Jimmy Carter. Gerald Ford awarded by President Bill Clinton for his leadership in healing the nation after Watergate. Ronald Reagan, awarded by President George H.W. bush for his role in ending the Cold War.

Jimmy Carter awarded by President Clinton for his humanitarian efforts. George George H.W. bush awarded by President Barack Obama. That’s all that’s interesting. For his leadership, including his role in foreign relations. Bill Clinton awarded by President Barack Obama for his post presidential humanitarian and diplomatic awards. Barack Obama, 2022, awarded by President Joe Biden for his historic, historic presidency in service. Notably, some presidents like Franklin D. Roosevelt were honored posthumously with a similar medal for merit, a precursor to the modern Medal of Freedom, but they were not officially awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. So. Yeah, so you’re right.

The only two in here were Trump and Nixon. Yeah, interesting. Yeah. Yeah. And those are the two that you and I argue are probably the, the, the ones that are most responsible for, you know, the, the good things that are going on in, in the world, in many respects. Yeah, so. Yeah, so that’s interesting. I’d love to do so. You know, I mean, we keep doing these things about the negatives of, of, of guys like, you know, Ford and Carter and guys like that. It might be a good idea to do something on the positive side for Nixon, all the good things that he did.

Yeah, yeah, that would be good. And also to get into Watergate and what it really was, you know, because I think there’s a lot of people who really, to this day, I mean, every, you know, the, the term gate is literally associated with everything now just because of Watergate, you know, a Lewinsky gate. You know, I mean, just everything, everything is put, you know, any, anything that is a scandal has the, has the, you know, the, the root word gate put at the end of it as a, you know, as. As that branding it as a scandal.

Well, Mr. King, let’s tell people how to find your books and whatnot. Let’s cut this short because I know a lot of people are eager to. To go watch the resident next scene of the movie. Yeah. Real news and history.com, where the motto is fake history is the fake news that is passed into the rearview mirror. So be sure to bookmark it and get on the mailing list. You’ll see at the bottom of any page how to respond to an anti conspiracy theorist. All the arguments you could use against normal. That’s fantastic, by the way. I’m gonna do a show on that one.

Review it. I actually use the puzzle things. I actually use the puzzle today. Yeah, that’s awesome. You can sign up and that’ll at least get you on the mailing list. And you know, this, this site is very, very easy to navigate. So. Yeah, have a look at all the free articles there and then the books which are paperback. I have an Amazon page, Mike King or Mike S. King. And you can also get the books through the website, through the books page. Some of this stuff, the more controversial stuff, Amazon, you know, they won’t accept it.

Like particularly my claim to fame, my flagship book, the Bad War. Right story. World War II, that you could only get at my website. Absolutely. So that’s the deal. Well, I don’t know what the commander has to say. Yeah, so we’re not. We’re gonna, we’re gonna kind of keep it short tonight here, guys, just, just so that you guys can watch. So thank you for tuning in and thank you, Mike, for another excellent job. And I look forward to seeing you again next week when we still don’t know what the topic is going to be. But I’m sure it will be something very, very good, as it always is.

So in any event, everybody go enjoy listening to this. The President talk to Congress and hopefully fingers crossed that he’s going to say we’re going to get the hell out of the. Out of NATO and potentially out of the United Nations. That would be. I mean, if we get one of those tonight, it’ll be a win. If we get both of them, it’ll be a freaking slam dunk. So, anyway, thank you, Everybody. Thank you, Mr. King. Enjoy the rest of your week, and we will see you when we see you. Have a good night, everybody. Okay.

Good night.



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