Epstein Files Dueling Cabal Factions and Gold from Ancient Civilizations w/ Dave Hodges

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➡ The text discusses two main topics: the increasing interest in gold by banks and Wall Street, and a new anti-aging breakthrough by Dr. John Lakey. Banks and Wall Street are accumulating gold in anticipation of a change in world currency. Dr. Lakey, a renowned beauty expert, has developed a simple, effective anti-aging solution that has gained popularity online, with users reporting significant improvements in their appearance.
➡ The text discusses two factions within the cabal, one being the old, evil group involved in human trafficking and satanic practices, and the other being a newer, less evil group that is more business-oriented and technocratic. The newer group is seen as better, despite their ruthless business tactics, because they oppose the old group’s horrific practices. The text also discusses the rise of big tech and the need for people to understand technology to protect their freedoms. It ends with a critique of Elon Musk’s creation of company towns in Texas, which are seen as exploitative to workers.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the potential formation of a North American Union, which could negatively impact the American dollar’s buying power. It also touches on the importance of maintaining American control over such a union. The text further delves into issues of corruption, money laundering, and the manipulation of power structures, using examples like the Epstein case and the actions of Donald Trump. Lastly, it emphasizes the need for individuals to strive for higher moral standards and to stand against evil, while also highlighting the increasing importance of gold in the current economic climate.
➡ The text discusses theories about hidden gold reserves, potential economic collapse, and ancient civilizations. It suggests that old stashes of gold could help us out of debt and usher in a new golden age. The text also delves into conspiracy theories about UFOs, ancient civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria, and their potential influence on modern events. It ends with a discussion about a product called Native Path collagen.
➡ The text discusses theories about ancient civilizations with advanced technology, possibly living among us, and their potential influence on current events. It suggests that these civilizations, like the Lemurians, might be withholding their knowledge and resources until humanity rids itself of nuclear weapons and evil forces. The text also mentions theories about a potential fake alien invasion, known as Project Blue Beam, which could be used to unify the planet under a single, evil government. Lastly, it touches on the idea that the media is controlled by these evil forces, influencing public perception.
➡ The text discusses the infiltration of alternative media by individuals who spread negativity and despair, aiming to induce a state of learned helplessness in the public. It also touches on the concept of transhumanism, the merging of humans and machines, and its potential dangers. The text further delves into theories about soulless individuals, likening them to programmed AI. Lastly, it discusses the severe psychological impact of child sex trafficking, suggesting it can lead to a disconnection between consciousness and soul.
➡ The text discusses the impact of trauma, particularly sexual abuse in childhood, on mental health, leading to conditions like multiple personality disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It highlights the challenges in treating these conditions due to limited insurance coverage and the side effects of medication. The text also mentions the rise of suicide rates and the development of other personality disorders. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of cognitive behavioral therapy and the need for more comprehensive mental health support.


Well, the independent media is bought and paid for for people like George Soros. We know who he plays for. He’s a Rothchild bank of London kind of guy. Speaking of bank of London, the United States banks to shift gears for a second here. This is important. Are they are grabbing gold like there’s no tomorrow. But this is going to shock you, Sarah. I just learned this in the last two days. It’s not just the banks doing this and I understand they’re preparing for all this gold that’s going to hit the market and change the world currency.

But Wall street is now hoarding gold. We’ve been told our whole lives that wrinkle cream is the best way to look younger. But according to Dr. John Lakey, the world renowned Beverly Hills beauty expert, most wrinkle fixtures are nothing but glorified moisturizers. They hardly make a dent on your appearance and many of them are actually dangerous for you. Recently, Dr. Lakey has moved away from mainstream cosmetic practices and instead is pursuing a revolutionary breakthrough in anti aging. One that say it could really challenge the cosmetic industry and empty their wallets. You may even be mad at how easy it is and how you haven’t heard of this before.

His personal clients have dubbed it the do it yourself age rewinder because it can take years, even decades off your appearance. In light of this amazing breakthrough, Dr. Lakey has released a step by step video to the public that is uninterrupted, where he outlines how you too can use this simple solution at home. He believes that if he can help even one person be more confident, he’d be absolutely thrilled knowing these help so someone. But his video has gone viral. At first it was shared on Facebook, but now it has over 2.3 million views because it’s just pretty amazing what he’s doing.

So far the comments have been outstanding with women reporting that they look years younger. One viewer even commented this is the best results they’ve ever seen and they will not stop using it. And they’ve tried all sorts of stuff. So if you are interested in trying it just like me, you can go to bhmd1.com Sarah or click on the link below in the description box. That’s bhm d1.com Sarah welcome to Business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have a really interesting show with my friend Dave Hodges. We’re going to talk about the Epstein list. I have a theory that I’m going to be throwing out there and what I think is going on.

And then he’s going to comment on it. We’re doing a dual show today. It’s going to air on my channel and on his and then he’s going to talk about ancient gold, ancient civilizations and how it ties into today. Really fascinating discussion. He did a three part series on Lemuria and Atlantis and he believes that there are ancient technologies there and ancient gold and it ties into today. And I talk about some of the research that I’ve been doing on the gold part as well. And talking about gold. We also talked about the fact that gold is being brought back into the United States and it’s not just the most savvy, wealthiest people in the world anymore.

It’s also Wall street and everybody’s trying to rush to get ahead of the dollar collapse that’s coming. He has a theory on what’s happening with Fort Knox and what Trump is planning on doing with that, which is plausible. We’ll see what’s going to happen there and he’ll explain it. So if you are interested in getting gold or silver, I highly recommend it. This is one of the best times in history for you to buy and get ahead of this. Silver is really I buy for Miles Franklin and you can get their private price list. They give you a wonderful service and the best prices in the industry.

You can use the form below sarahwestel.com Miles Franklin fill that out and you will get access to their private price list. I promise you you are going to get amazing service. They know what they’re doing and you do not want to pay more than you need to. You want to be taken care of and you want to protect yourself because there are gold companies that are totally taking advantage of people. I’m hearing horror stories from people that have invested 100 grand in their from their IRA and now it’s worth only 60,000. Even though gold has gone up by like or silver, because I think this one was in silver that I’m referring to right now has gone up by like 50% since they bought things like that is what I’m hearing.

So it’s really imperative that you buy from a trusted dealer. And so that’s why I tell you to go to Miles Franklin. So Sarah Westall.com/miles Franklin or use the link below. You can also go to sarah wessel.com under shop or and find their logo. Okay, let’s get into my conversation with Dave Hodges and our guest and we’re guesting on her show too. We’re doing a joint here mutual broadcast. The lovely, intelligent and widely distributed Sarah Westall, her show is number one internationally in business and she’s just kicking butt and taking names. And she’s on Rumble and she is rumbling through the crowd while yours truly is trailing behind trying to play catch up on Sarah.

Sarah, I’m so happy for you though. You’re having such good success and I know really bright days are ahead for you. So even brighter days. So. Well, after all the dark suppression, it’s starting to come. So that’s really nice. It’s, it’s that some of the suppression is lifting. So that’s really. Well, my, my late brother in law was air force pilot, bombardier and he used to say, you know, you’re over the target when you’re taking flack. And you’ve taken a lot of flack. I have too. Yes. Yeah, yes. YouTube notified me eight days ago. I’ve been reinstated.

I’m still waiting. YouTube, I’m still waiting. You sent me the email, now put me back on. Anyway, that being what it is, we’re going to talk to you today about Epstein. Sarah’s got an interesting theory. She’s going to run bias and I’ll no doubt comment on it. And then we’re also going to look at Lemuria Gold. What’s going on with Donald Trump? Who are the real aliens? Oh, my goodness, we’re going to be all over the map. Anyway, Sarah, so glad we could do this together. So, Jeffrey Epstein, let me just set the stage. I love Representative Luna.

I love her, love her. She’s so intelligent, so brave. She’s so for the people. And she’s calling out Pam Bondage. I mean, Pam Bondi on the Epstein deal. And she’s basically saying, hey, you’re covering things up, girl. Get on the stick and get the real stuff out. And she’s in a key position. She’s in charge of the dissemination of the House oversight documents so she can cause Pam bondage. I mean, Pam bonding, a big problem. Anyway, what do you got? Pam Bondi was the, what Attorney General over in Florida when all this stuff went down. So Pam Bondi knows more than what people realize.

But I’ll tell you what my prediction is, okay. And what I think’s happening based on what I’m hearing on the media over the last two days, you know, they use the mainstream media to bring this out. And so I’m thinking what’s happening is that they’re going to do a combination of exposing people like Bill Gates. I think they’re going to use the Epstein situation to take Bill Gates down. That’s my prediction. Because they don’t want to use. I think they don’t want to use the COVID thing or the COVID thing’s not going to work like they want it to.

Even though they might start. They might disclose what’s happening with the COVID thing. I sure hope they do. But I think they’re going to use the Epstein thing to take people like Bill Gates down because it’s kind of like Al Capone being taken down by tax evasion. I think that’s what they’re doing. I think you’re right. And I’ll tell you why. Bill Gates has one degree of separation, because of Fauci. Fauci’s the frontliner. Bill Gates is kind of the man behind the scenes, you know, the puppeteer. Without direct evidence. I think you’re right on the money with that.

Yeah. And. And I think that the Pam Bondies are going to. It’s going to be a limited hangout. They’re going to take down people they don’t care about. You don’t have power or influence. And the Bill Gates type. And I think this is a total operation to take those people down and their enemies with inside the Cabal. And then the people who are their friends will probably be covered up. That’s what I think is going to happen. I mean, I don’t know. I’m just throwing it out there. You know, you’re leading us right into something you’ve been talking to me about for a few days now.

And I first noticed this in 2009, actually 2008, in the campaign, what we’re calling the two cabals, one I refer to as the old New World Order, and the other is kind of the new New World Order, not quite as evil as the old New World Order. Do you want to comment on that? Well, yeah, I think there’s two factions of the cabal, and one is the Satanist animals. Just horrible that we’re all revulsing over. You know, they. The human trafficking, the satanic occult stuff. And then the new one, which is they revulse over that too.

They don’t like it, but. And so they think they’re better. They think. And they do resonate better because they’re revolved over that. But from the perspective of people who are not in the Cabal, they’re still. They probably won’t like them either because they’re going to be more technocratic technocrats. They’re going to be more business narcissistic. But they’re in. They like innovation because they like business, they like freedom, because they like the innovation that that drives. But they’re going to be there. But they’re ruthless, right? They’re ruthless business type narcissist. But they’re better than the satanic animals.

That’s what I think is happening. Mean, they’re better character. Yeah, they’re, they’re, they’re, they’re not as evil. They’re revolved over, revulsed over that as much as we are. They don’t like it. Yeah, I can see why Biden did his September 1, 2022 condem of of MAGA. Because when you’re showering with your daughter and that’s unmistakable y release of the files, when you’re doing that kind of perversion and other things that go with that, clearly you’re as satanic and you’re as evil as the child sex traffickers and so forth. And I don’t care if Biden was cognitively diminished or not.

That’s his character. It’s, it’s, it’s not, it’s not acceptable in a civilized society. And these people are realizing it. And there’s a pushback. There’s two factions. This is. My sources told me about this, just like you in 2009. I heard about this years before COVID 2016 maybe where I started getting this information that in people who were in intelligence, who were worked with MK Ultra victims and people inside telling me that there’s been a plan for decades to do this and they’re implementing now and they’re taking down the satanic animals, these guys, this other side of the cabal.

And like you said, it’s the new, it’s the new side, but it’s also probably the younger generations too, that have just kind of went in different directions. No, I think you’re right on the money with that. You know, I saw it in the campaign in 2008. As I was telling you in our prior discussion today, John McCain aligned with organizations out of Central America and companies like Citgo with Chinese ties. And they were the forerunners to the bricks. And the bricks are the ones who are in opposition to the old money, the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, and Biden, who was in bed with the old New World Order.

And this is where I actually began to categorize the two. And my broadcast partner on the intel report, Doug Thornton, has picked up on this in the last couple years as well too. So I think it’s obvious to a lot of us, and we come to that information different ways, but we’re kind of aligned with Trump, with the better of the group. But I don’t think Trump seeks me, put it this way, and I want to get your opinion on this. I don’t think that Trump has exhibited behavior that causes him to sink to the lowest level of morality of the better of the two.

What do you think? I, I think that taking out these real bad guys makes him already a good guy in my mind. And I, I’m not. Once that’s cleared out, it’s so imperative that they’re, they’re taken down that I, I, you have to support these activities. Right. And, and, and he’s, they’re doing it with military precision. This usaid, this takedown, it’s like a bankruptcy. But they’re going in with military. They’re just slashing, burning, right? It, it is shock, in awe. And they’re taking these people down. It is kind of something to behold really. And it’s, and the people who are against it, they might not like the technocracy stuff.

There’s, and there’s some, you know, mosque is quite, I’m not gonna defend mosque and all these things, but I will defend these actions. And that’s why I think it’s important that people understand computing. Like, because big tech, and I keep saying this, big tech, this, this, the boat has sailed, the ship is out of the harbor and big tech runs the world now. Okay, When Saudi Arabia, when Saudi Aramco is now number six, a big oil company and everything else on the market cap, the largest market cap companies in the world are all big tech. You know that sip, that ship is sailed.

Right? And so what is Trump going to do? People are upset because they’re saying he’s all aligned with the tech bros. Are you? I mean, it’s, it’s kind of like you got to get aligned with somebody in the tech world too, because they run the world now. So is he aligned with the right tech bros? I don’t know if that he is or not. But what that tells me is there isn’t enough people that understand technology. We don’t have hardly. We have one person with a computer science degree. Three. I think with electrical engineering. Those two degrees are what dominates big tech.

Okay? That’s all of Congress, Senate and the House. And then you have almost no one in the media that understand it. They talk about it abstractly, but they don’t get it. And the reason this bothers me so much is because in order to protect our freedoms in this next stage, that’s Coming. We can’t talk about this in an abstract way anymore. We can’t say CBDCs are bad. We have to say, yeah, tracking, tracing and acting on that is bad. What Bill Binney and Snowden came out with years ago saying that these guys are tracking and tracing everything we’re doing.

That’s what we should be fighting. And we need to understand from a technical standpoint, when we see that in legislation, when we see that in actions, because they sure the heck aren’t going to call it something that we all recognize if they really want to implement it. It’s like we have to be smarter. And that means we need people who understand this. Trump, what he’s doing, aligning with the, the tech guys, tells me that he gets it. The whole world has moved in this, in direct, this direction. It’s why he got elected. He got elected because of online.

He got elected because they understood how to use that. That the tech, the online tech part, he knows, he knows all the future of money. The way we’re going to manage money is going to be digital of some sort, period. And it already is. And so we. You can’t just say this is all bad and ignore it. You have to say it just. It’s like with any new technology, you have to say, okay, this is. This can be used in a bad way. This can be scary. This can completely dominate us. So we need the engineers that understand this to go in and help us create solutions.

It’s kind of like the transhumanist thing. Like, we can’t just say, oh, it’s all bad, it’s all bad, and then not have these engineers come and help us create solutions to protect ourselves, create blocks to too much sentience on the part of robots where they can outpace us and therefore eliminate us. You have to use that technology against it and get ahead of observation about Musk. And let me say this, I am 90% in favor of Elon Musk. And you’ll find out what the 10% is here in a second. He is wonderfully equipped to cut down fraud, waste and abuse in government.

And he’s doing a heck of a job. We couldn’t have had anybody better doing that. With his qualifications and background and his intelligence. Now he’s doing something in Texas I want to bring out. I don’t like it one bit. He’s creating company towns for his factories. He’s building these tiny homes. And Texas has really liberal, no restriction on development of land. So he comes in and he buys up land and he puts These tiny homes on it there to be the workers. Then he’s putting the businesses in. It’s the old company town of the 1800s, late 1800s, early 1900s.

That was exploitive. They control your groceries, they control your government, they control your police force, they control your house. And you can only sell your house back to the company. You can’t sell it to an outside. And they’re not $10,000 homes. That’s B.S. 10,000 is the down payment. This is what’s being falsely reported. The real homes average about 60,000. But here’s what he’s doing that’s real smart. He’s also making money. This is nothing wrong with this part. I don’t like the company town is exploitive to the workers, but he’s buying up land out to about three to five miles.

And the research shows that when you build a community like this, the real estate values in five years go up about fourfold. So he’s gonna boatload of money and then, then you’ll have like a, a $200,000 house be worth about $800,000. But this is where I get at my point where the new faction are ruthless business narcissistic kind of behavior. And that’s what we’re gonna see. And that’s why it’s important that we don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. We go, okay. This is, that’s why we need people who are, who are informed and educated.

This action is really great. This one, not so much. We won’t support it. Yeah, I know. You know, and, and Trump is building a North American Union. Greenland, Canada is the 51st state getting control of Panama. But the thing is, is America controls that North American Union. That’s fine. But if you make these other countries co equal partners, I want nothing to do with that. Because if you go to match even a failing dollar with the currency in these other countries, you and I are going to lose buying power. And that was my objection to the North American Union when they tried to bring it in under George Bush.

And Trump looks like he could be doing that. But my guess is he’s going to do it with American control. And if he does that, I’m fine with it. We deserve to have the Panama Canal back because they’ve broken every agreement they made with us on it. They forfeited on the deal. I like Greenland because we need minerals to offset the failing dollar. I like the Ukraine minerals deal because we’ve sent so much money to them in the form of weaponry and stolen Money bribes. I mean, they’ve done everything. You know what Tucker Carlson said? He was in a Swiss Alpstown.

He said you could spend a million dollars a day here. And he said the only people he ran into are from Ukraine spending American money. Yeah, that is. Yeah, because they’re laundering the money through and then they’re. They can give us their damp minerals. Well, that. Yeah, well, and I just want to make. Because of this ruthlessness of this next group, we also have to try to raise our. I, I don’t even know if that’s the right terminology. Raise your vibration, be better Christians. No, no, no, no, no, you’re right. You know, brain thoughts have frequencies and listen, I speak from.

This is my right, my deal. I’m a psychologist. I have done research on this. There’s quantifiable research to show that hate has one frequency. That’s right. Is another. Okay. We are beings of frequency and they’re talking about getting into a higher frequency. That’s not mumbo jumbo New age nonsense. This is scientific fact. And you’re right. We need to aspire to be better and operate out of a per. I think a position of love and helpfulness to each other. But love also means standing up for the right thing and taking a stand against evil. Well, and it doesn’t mean send all our money so they can launder it and use it to live high off the hog and abandon our weapons in Afghanistan so that the whole dark, you know, deep dark agendas get.

Have weapons to do whatever the heck they want. That’s not living a good life. I mean, that’s not living and being a good Christian. That’s not living in higher frequency. And that’s the kind of behavior. That’s why I am adamant that they have to. We have to support this effort, the usaid. There were some good parts to it. The fronts were good. And those things, those things should be supported. And they’re going to use the takedown of the fronts. That’s why we have to be careful. They have to be careful. They’re going to use the takedown of the fronts to fight the takedown of the crime in the back end.

And that’s exactly what they’re doing all over the propaganda media. And the people who are naive believe that these fronts were, are the whole thing. It’s kind of like the fronts to the human trafficking. You know, they take down human traffickers that are competition. And so they look great, but they’re actually a front to protect the human traffickers. It’s like the deal that the DEA under Obama made with Guzman’s son and he went on trial in Chicago and he presented evidence that showed that Eric Holder made a deal with him in the Sinaloa’s that they would only interdict 20% of drugs crossing the border and the other 80% had to go scot free.

And his argument was he got caught laundering the 80% and so he should be let go. And by the way he got off this was 2010. I wouldn’t known about the trial but I was working with the DEA age and at the time in 2014 and he sent me all the transcripts of the trial. Fantastic stuff. Now by the way, Guzman son’s in prison in Colorado now. So they’re holding him but he did get to go free because of that. And you’re absolutely right. They look like they’re taking down the big fish, but it’s a small fish.

So the big fish can survive and the criminality goes unabated. I totally agree. Well and that’s what we’re going to see with this Epstein list a little bit. But it’s not, they’re, they’re using this to completely take down their competition of the bad. The other faction of the cabal, which I am 100% for. We have to support that. Even if you don’t like the other side of the cabal, they’re. What they’re taking down is so bad that we have to support it. You know my, my frustration with Donald Trump right now and it’s small compared to the great stuff he’s doing is there hasn’t been perp walks.

Now maybe I’m being impatient and it’s too early for the perp walks. I understand that could be he’s building a lower level case to get to the higher fish. Well, that’s what I’m hoping this Epstein list is. Exactly. And but I want, we the American people need to see someone in handcuffs and a pink jumpsuit. Okay. Being taken into the courtroom. And it has to be someone of prominence. By the way, you mentioned usaid. A story broke today. DOGE has discovered that a company that Jamie Raskin was on the board of directors for and they did nothing for the money.

They got $160 million and Jamie Raskin is now implicated. That’s beautiful. I mean that’s the kind of stuff that is just beautiful that’s coming out. It’s like they’re going after it with military precision. And the people who are against this, I think they’re, they don’t they see the other side of the cabal and they don’t like that. Okay. But they’re, they’re being very short sighted because what’s being taken down is so much worse. And they’re. Part of me believes this side of the cabal is funding them. There’s no question. That’s what I mean in the independent media who is so against it? Well, the independent media is bought and paid for for people like George Soros.

And we know who he plays for. He’s a Rothschild bank of London kind of guy. Speaking of bank of London, the United States banks to shift gears for a second here. This is important are they are grabbing gold like there’s no tomorrow. But this is gonna shock you, Sarah. I just learned this in the last two days. It’s not just the banks doing this and I understand they’re preparing for all this gold that’s going to hit the market and change the world currency. But Wall street is now hoarding gold. Well because they realize that the most savvy investors over the last few years have been hoarding gold.

Gold for a while. This has been going on now. It’s way ramping up and these people who have any kind of resources are like holy crap, we got to get out before the boat sinks. I know. I’m. When, when we conclude our interview today, I’m calling Noble Gold and I’m doing another deal with it with money. I just closed another deal and I’m not putting in the bank because a lot of people think as many as a thousand banks could fail by the end of the summer because the dollar’s in big trouble. Well, that’s what Weiss Research Group said is that they are imminently.

There’s about 1600 that are going to fail imminently. Yeah, yeah. And I don’t remember. That’s the top of my head. So I don’t know exactly, but I know it’s, it’s in that ballpark. And then there’s another couple 1500 or so that are on the edge. And yeah, so it’s bad. And so I’m going to be contacting Miles Franklin. We both sold different. They’re both great gold companies. But I agree, I agree. But listen to this. Warren Buffett is now going to take out $324 million of cash. He’s not leaving it in the bank. Well that’s, that’s the situation that we’re in.

Right. I mean that’s serious now. What do you think? Because I’ve been, you know, that I behind the scenes I’ve been working with, doing a lot of journalistic work on the gold and crypto and I can’t actually come forward on some of this stuff yet because it’s, it’s the timing. First of all, I have no power. It’s dangerous for me and I can’t come forward unless I. Things start to develop. Right. And both on the, in the crypto world and in this gold world. But from what I can talk about, there are bodies of, or stashes of gold that’s very old that could pretty much bring us all out of debt.

I mean, we could get in, we truly could go into a new golden age. And you have some insight into this and who this all belongs to. Can you talk about that a little bit? I think the UFO disclosure that Congress is engaged in has a real dual purpose. And if you notice, except for a Commander Farver, except for him, I think it’s fravor, excuse me, every other witness before Congress over the last year and a half is deep intel. You can’t believe deep intel farther than you can throw them. They’re all pointing to alien, extraterrestrial, as they call non biological entities with technology way beyond us.

That sums up what they’re saying. They are full of crap. I concur with your notice about the gold and in fact, I’ll tell you what I’ve been told. Okay, Philippines is one location, but I’ve heard there’s two others. And the person would not tell me that I was talking to because it said it would put their life into jeopardy if they came out with it. But he said it’ll become apparent. And Trump’s phrase of the golden Age, a new golden age for America is intentional and he’s going to use Fort Knox, I believe as a psyop.

I think there’s going to be problems with gold there. And he’s going to blame past administrations to take anger away from him about what’s coming in the economy. The dollar’s collapsing and people like Jim Rickards and all these great economists are saying this could happen any day. That’s right. People are pointing, they pointed to February, end of February, they’re pointing to March, they’re pointing to April, but they’re all saying the same thing. And Trump is going to use Fort Knox as the excuse for past administrations that caused the dollar to fail. But we got the answer.

We’re going to go basket of currencies to back up gold. It’s going to be gold, it’s going to be crypto. It’s Going to be silver and maybe some other things like lithium. And this is where we are headed. And this will make America a dominant power if the gold comes to us that’s being held by ancient entities. And this is what I’ve covered on my show. And some people might say, Dave, you need to lay down until you feel better for saying what you’re going to say. Sounds so crazy, but I’ve heard some things I’m going to tell you.

I’m going to give a little history lesson here real quick. In 1947, Truman allegedly met with alien entities that reached an agreement with him. Abductions for a transfer of technology. And Roswell was the COVID for doing some of that. Okay, he had a meeting with entities, but I’ll define that in a minute. And on February 20, 1954, Eisenhower disappeared for 16 hours and the AP reported him as dead and had to retract it. And he had a secret meeting at Vandenberg Air Force Base with alleged alien entities. Do you want glowing skin, healthy joints and nails without breaking the bank? Meet Native Path collagen.

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And by the way, these entities, and this is what’s come out in the MJ12 documents that have been released they tried to get. First it was Stalin, then Khrushchev and Truman and Eisenhower to give up nuclear weapons. And if we go back in the folklore of history that’s well documented across many continents, the ancient continent of Atlantis and Lemuria, the other continent, mostly Pacific islands, Bahamas, Atlantic for Atlantis they. Atlantis was a good society like America became evil like America. And they wanted Lemuria’s gold because they saw that’s where the real power was. And when Lemuria wouldn’t play ball and be subservient, they had nuclear exchanges.

It basically destroyed the planet with massive flooding because the tectonic plate shifted and there were survivors. In fact, the people in the Bahamas actually refer to themselves as the descendants of Atlantis. It’s really interesting. And Vietnam Road and the under underwater city off the coast of Cuba. That’s all kind of proof of that. On the other side you got Yonaguni and the pyramids beneath the ocean near Okinawa. That would be the Lemurians. And the Lemurians survived according to legend. And Plato talks about this more intact. And they have all this massive gold, but they have a.

A real hatred towards the use of nuclear weapons. And think about this for a second. UFOs going over Russia in 1987 and they activated the missiles aimed at America and turned on the launch codes and then they turned them off. And the Russian Air Force couldn’t do anything about it. They couldn’t override it, they couldn’t stop it. And they were showing we have control. I don’t believe it was aliens. I believe it was Lemurians with their advanced technology. And I believe that Truman and Eisenhower met with Lemurians. They control the gold. And right now they’re trying to wean us off this war.

Like going into a new age. No nuclear weapons, more peace oriented. And they’re going to choose the faction to dump this gold on that will help them dominate and rule the world. I believe Trump knows it and I don’t think his statement of a new golden age is an accident. I think it’s an exact replication of what’s going on behind the scenes. And I have to leave out a lot of detail because we’re limited by time. I did a three part series on Rumble and on my website about this and I go into great detail and, and I will tell you there’s.

I’ll just leave this as one example. The Black Triangle in Alaska. Thousands of people disappear, ships, not ships, but planes have disappeared in great numbers. And people that go there to look for this underground pyramid have all met disappearances and no one know where they went. And these are well documented. And what we know now from the leakers is that there are aliens working in the pyramid with humans and there’s technology transfer going on. But it ain’t aliens. I believe it’s Lemurians. Wow. And okay, so do you believe that there’s still Atlanteans alive as well? And now they’re very evil.

And if you want to connect them to something, try the Rothschilds. Interesting. So it’s almost like this two factions, we’re repeating history now with these two factions, you want to go even deeper. This is the old Genesis 6. Fallen angels would be on the Atlantean side. And they became very, very evil. And I believe it was their women that intermarried with the fallen angels and then created that separate race. And I think that their descendants with their DNA survived Genesis 6, verse 4 talks about this, survived the flood. And I believe that’s the evil force dominating the planet.

So I think it’s evil deep state. And then I believe it’s Atlantean descendants, which are really fallen angel descendants by the intermarriage of the fallen angels and Earth women. Lemurians remain more of the pure race and not affected by it. And they were the better of the two, but both of them lost the war. We have proof of the nuclear war. And here’s. And I told you this yesterday when we talked about this in India and in the Gobi Desert. Sand has turned to glass in some areas. That’s what you get with a nuclear explosion and the hope.

The Hopis have this in their legend. The Indian RFA has this in their legends. The ancient Chinese have this in their legends. I mean, it’s all around the world. In fact, I got to meet with some Hopi elders because one of my former students was a grandson of one of the Hopi elders, and he really bonded with me. And I heard the same legend from the Hopis. This is. Do you think that they’re still alive or not? You know, they’re still alive. But do you think the ancient ones have longevity technology that’s allowing them to live longer, or is it all their descendants? Yeah, I think it’s descendants.

Okay. And the descendants, they just learn things different than the rest of us. Like we go to regular public school. They learn about their past, they learn about their technology. It’s like a. A whole secret technology or a whole secret civilization. Yes. Yeah. Well, you’ve talked about this, that when People go and try to find the gold stash in the Philippines. They meet with very untimely and very bizarre and high tech opposition. Well, I’ve heard there’s been thousands of mercenary types that have died trying to do it for China, for the Cabal, for the un, for that’s what I’ve been told.

In the area called Denali, which was off the map for years. It was called not yet explored in the middle of Alaska. Not likely. And now it’s on the map. Denali Mountain. This is where this underground pyramid is. And there’s been leakers now coming out with this. Some of them are deep state intel, so I don’t pay attention to them. But some of them people that actually work there. One guy actually remote viewed it and his name escapes me, but he worked with Ed Dames, who I knew and he, they were in Project Stargate together. His first name was Pat, and he actually remote viewed.

He said that our people were actually working for the aliens. Now he called them aliens. I think they were Lemurians from this Earth. It’s not extraterrestrial. And Pat was killed mysteriously. He was poisoned in a restaurant four months after he revealed this on remote viewing. Well, how do they live? Do they live among us? Or do. Do they look like us? Do they? No. One big group is in Mount Shasta and, and I used to think this is folklore and legend and I didn’t believe it. But as I talked to the Hopies, and this is going back 30 years, when I talked to some of the Hopi elders, they told me about man, Mount Shasta.

And they said the local Native Americans there have a rule. You don’t go above the tree line because you’re going to meet creatures that aren’t good for you. They say UFOs that fly into Mount Shasta, not in a portal, they go into Mount Shasta. So they’re very advanced in their technology and disappearances are frequent there as people stumble onto what the Lemurians don’t want out. In fact, one guy, J.C. brown, back in 1891, he found he was extremely exploring Mount Shasta for gold, for his gold company. And he found what he believed was an underground city plated in gold.

Wow. And he wrote this in 1891. Now here’s what’s interesting. He kind of freaked out and thought he’d be labeled as a nut. So he moved the rubble back and covered the cave that he had stumbled into where he thought he’d found this ancient underground city. And then he read a book by Someone about Lemuria. And he goes, I think this is it. So he started lecturing, and he organized an expedition in the early 1900s to go there and unearth it. He disappeared the night before the expedition was to go. And this made all the newspapers in Northern California, like the Stockton newspaper.

They said, researcher and explorer to find the lost continent. Survivors of Lemuria has gone missing, and we can’t find him. So, pretty interesting stuff, but I think there’s a lot more to our history that we don’t know. Well, do you think that we are starting to get to the point where they were back then and it’s. It’s why everything is coming to a. To a head? Well, okay, if. If your planet was destroyed by nuclear weapons in Le Murray Atlantis, I’m convinced from all the legends among all the different ancient cultures, this is what happened. I believe the story that they told Russian and American leaders, you had to get rid of nuclear weapons.

And I think they’re ongoing in that endeavor. And they’re not bestowing the gold to try to build a new age on the Earth where it’s peaceful and plentiful. No one’s in poverty. I think that they’re withholding that until these nuclear weapons go away. But also they know they’re in opposition against the evil ones. If I were to make a guess as to what their plan is, their plan is not to wage war against the old New World Order of the Rothschilds, fallen angels and so forth. I think they’re basically going to try to bankrupt them and make them secondary.

And the only kind of war they could ever wage would be terrorism, which is not going to change politics. That works anyways, right? I mean, getting rid of their funding. Yes, exactly, is how it works, because you’re not going to be able to criminalize everybody, get rid of their funding, take down the big ones, because we, we as humans need that just for our own mental health. Trump is going to build a dome. Okay, here’s part of what I’m saying. Trump wants to build a dome against what? Nuclear weapons. And if the dome is effective, the nuclear weapons aren’t.

Aren’t the weapon of choice any longer. They’re going to fade into oblivion. And I see that as a connection to this story. And Trump is about making peace, correct? I mean, he wants to end the war, not start, you know, he doesn’t want to start wars anywhere else. He was very good about that in his first term as well. He’s carrying out the peaceful mission, I believe, of the lemurians to gain favor so the gold is bestowed upon America. Well, I think that. Here’s my twist to that. I think that they can’t bestow the gold on us until we grow as a.

As a people. You have to get rid of the bad cabal who are just going to use and abuse it. And we have to grow to be able to handle it, because otherwise it’s. It’s a waste of a resource. Look at what Doge is taking down. This is very revealing about character. They’re taking down trans funding for transgender operas and. And all the other things that 10 years ago we would have said people who are engaged is. Look, my training as a psychologist, okay, we learned about transgenderism. And I don’t stand in judgment of these people.

These people mostly are mentally ill and they’re in need of help. They’re in need of our help. They’re human beings crying out for help, and they’re trying to manifest their pain through transgenderism. And this is how I was trained as a therapist, and this was the intervention. And now the evil has tried to normalize it. And what’s MAGA doing? They’re trying to criminalize the funding of these organizations. They’re making a moral statement and that. And I think this war now, from the Lemurians point of view, is about establishing proper morality. So when you say that we need to reach a new age of maturity, I think we’re saying the same thing.

Yeah. Because otherwise it’s a waste of. I mean, it’s not going to work is the bottom line. If you. We don’t grow up and behave differently, the solutions don’t work. But this is a really fascinating discussion. When do you think that we will see the alien disclosure? Or have we already. Here we go. Have we already started seeing the alien disclosure? Is it just pure diversion? And will we see real disclosure? I see why people like you as an interviewer. Your questions are so good. And I mean that sincerely. I. If I were to write a war game for the Naval War College to play this out and go through the scenarios, this is what I would install in this.

I would look at what I believe groups like the Lemurians are doing and. And the morality movement that’s beginning to creep up in our country. Okay, that’s the good. And the disclosure will be. We’re getting help from others, probably non specific reference. But the disclosure movement with UFOs and ETS. I don’t believe that. Back in 1985, my dad told me about Project Blue Beam. It’s been around for a long time. Fake alien invasion to unify the planet under the evil ones. And you have one world government and then it’s hell on earth from there on out.

And you go into the tribulation as described in the Bible. That seven year period of three and a half years peace and three and a half years of literal hell. And I think the bad guys, I’d write this into my war scenario for the Naval War College, the Rothschilds, you know, the fallen angel types, the evil deep state. They’re going to perpetrate Project Bluebeam and try to expose the others as alien race that poses a big threat to counter what’s going on on the other side. And we’re all talking about the same thing, but it’s going to be what the public is going to be told.

And remember, one of the advantages that the evil ones have is they control the media and people are still stupid enough to watch CNN and msnbc. Well, and that’s what the USAID and some of this stuff is about taking down, dismantling the funding of their propaganda networks and bringing in different media into the White House press room and starting to elevate people like us who have better numbers than the legacy media, so that it, it changes. And so real journalism now we’re really infiltrated too. That’s really clear now. Right. We all know that. Well, that came out of usa.

Did you? Where USAID funded infiltrators and the alternative media. Yep. Yeah. And we know who they are. We just don’t get into a pissing match with this and. But we know who a lot of them are. Well, and that’s why I bring up the fact that the people who are fighting the, the takedown of the really, really bad guys, they’re either duped because. Yeah. When you’re talking about two factions, this faction isn’t amazing, but it’s a heck of a lot better than these guys. Right. And so when they see kind of the bad stuff going on here and then they only focus at taking these guys down, they’re doing the bidding of the, the evil ones.

And they are either doing it because they’re duped or they’re being paid. And a lot of them are being paid. They’re being paid. Well, yeah, it’s like how can you have well publicized financial problems and expand your business? And we see that with a few of these people, and I won’t be more specific than that, but you know, and they create a Persona that makes us look unprofessional as a group. And that’s as close as I’m going to get to identification. But here’s how we’ve talked about this before, Sarah. One of the telling markers is this.

These people are implanted into the alternative media to make the public lose hope. They tell you like if you have a range of how bad something could be from 1 to 10, they always choose 10 and they go the worst case scenario and they never give you any solutions. And when I listen to your show, if you listen to my show, I can’t always come up with the best solutions, but I try. And so I’m well intentioned that I want the condition of our country to be better and people’s lives to be better. So are you and so are a lot of our friends, you know, like Paul Preston, Doug Hagman, I mean really good people who care about the country and care about people.

What you see that’s absent in infiltrators in the alternative media. It’s to depress you, induce a psychological condition called learned helplessness. So you’ll just give up. That’s right. And we saw that big time before the election because they wanted you not to vote. Now there is an anarchist group who truly believe in not voting. But I think they’re using that as a mechanism to try to get people not to vote. That was happening big time. And I realized that the voting is all screwed up, but that was a mechanism to get you on the sideline, period.

They were using it. Now they’re using it to fight the faction of the cabal that’s taking down the really bad guys. And so it’s just, to me, I’ve been in this for over a decade now. It’s so clear, watching these patterns. You’re absolutely right. The patterns are on the present, but there are spiritual forces. You know, I want to throw AI into this equation too. I think the AI will go into two camps. And this is another thing I’d write into my war game scenario. The evil AI, the sentient, the merging of transhumanism, man melding with machine.

So AI sentient robots are on the same side as transhumanists. And then they’re against humanity and they’re against the improvement of like Make America Great Again movement. And I, I believe that transhumanism will see sentient robots come out that might be capable of destroying humanity. And for people who are Christian, listen to this. What does the Bible say in the book of Revelation, if Jesus didn’t return for the second time, no flesh would be left alive. Well, AI can become sentient if it merges with human. If it doesn’t, then it can’t. I don’t think that’s my opinion, based on my background.

But if it merged and you did the transhumanist route, then it can get really creepy. And I don’t know if that’s the only way, but I agree with what you’re saying that it can happen that way because it’s. What’s transhumanism defined as? The melding of man and machine. Yeah, I think. I don’t know if that’s the only way Sarah could happen. I don’t know. I’m speaking out of ignorance. There could be an infinite number of ways it could happen. I don’t know. But I think you’ve hit on the big one. We can all agree on. Yeah, yeah.

I, I just don’t. I. I think it’s kind of like NPCs. Have you, you’ve ever talked about NPCs? Like, not the. That there’s certain people that are soulless and they’re really considered. This is theory. Okay. I don’t know what is true or not, but the concept is there’s a certain large percentage of people that we’re like. We’re in a matrix, we’re in a simulation. That’s the concept. Okay. And that a certain percentage of people are really just a simulation. They don’t have a soul, they don’t dream. But they’re sophisticated AI, but they don’t have a soul, they don’t dream.

They’re kind of blank, stared. Because they’re programmed. And that’s an example of an AI that isn’t. I mean, they’re sentient, I guess, but they’re not. They’re programmed. And that’s why when you tell them something that goes outside their program, they’re just like blank stares and they don’t get it. That’s the concept. I don’t know if it’s true or not. Conceptually, it makes a lot of sense. I thoroughly think this is true. In fact, I’m going to give you the first cousin to this. It’s child sex trafficking victims and what I have seen in people. And I didn’t have extensive work as a therapist in this, but I had enough to see it.

You would encounter someone that you knew that was repetitively abused and it was really bad. You would see a lack of empathy, almost a lack of the desire to self defend, lack of ambition to move one’s life forward and recover from what you’ve been through. And what I described one time to a pastor, I said, it’s almost like these ritualistic sexual acts separated people’s consciousness from their soul. They’re broken, and you can almost see it in the blank stare of their eyes. There’s a body language component to it, like I just mentioned here, with the eyes.

And. And so what do the elite of the evil empire like, they sponsor child sex trafficking that blocks the connection between consciousness and soul. And what. What are they supposed to. What are they opposed to? The soul. In fact, my friend Vance Davis, who was in the NSA attached to NATO back in 1992, his indoctrination, they told him before they started him on a project, they said the good guys and bad guys found out in the cosmos and the bad guys lost and were cast to earth. And they wanted to capture the human soul to get back at the supreme Creator.

They wouldn’t talk God and Jesus. They gave a secular version of Genesis 6 in his NSA training, but they couldn’t figure out how to capture the soul. So they decided to morph the human being. Vance left the military and wrote a book called Unbroken Promises. And he put that in his book in 1988. It was 12 years before transhumanism appeared as a term, but that’s exactly what he was describing in his book, they want our soul. So if you go back to the sex trafficking aspect, where you basically create soulless beings, that furthers that entity. Well, and then it takes a lot of therapy to re merge that because they’re so broken.

And that’s the fraction. Fractioning of the personalities. Well, if it happens before the age of eight, you often end up with what we called. Well, we call that. I’ll just use the clinical. The. Not the clinical term. I’ll use the layman’s term. Page. Multiple personality disorder. The clinical term is disassociative identity disorder and multiple personality disorder. Most frequent cause is repetitive sexual abuse. And you think you’re making progress as a therapist and you get out 20 years in therapy, and I’m not joking, it can be this long. And they went from maybe 65 personalities to three, and then they get to one, and then there’s a trigger in their life which is negative.

And then they go back and they. They reinvent more personalities. And the people in this condition, they’ll invent personalities to handle situations that you and I have different moods for, but they create different personalities to handle what we do in different moods. And it’s extremely stubborn to treat. And this is why they like the young children, they want to so impair them and damage them that if you do this before the age of eight, See, these kids engage in fantasy thinking. When kids are 7, they think those Hollywood trees actually talk and dance together and Santa Claus is real and all this.

So they have fantasy thinking. And the way they escape the pain of the sexual abuse is to create a personality that is happening to them, but not to me. And this is the beginning of how multiple personality develops. And this is why they want. These really young children, they want to so damage them, they can never come back. Can you damage an older person and create multiple personalities, or is it pretty much just. No, it’s. It’s usually before the age of 8, sometimes up to the age of 10, but after that age, then the fantasy aspect disappears.

So you don’t create personalities. You get things like post traumatic stress disorder. Okay. Become so severe that now you get into hopelessness and suicide and so forth. Okay. And that’s what we’re seeing more today with a lot of adults with everything. Suicide rates are exploding in this country. Yeah. With the. With everything we’re seeing, people are becoming. And then they’re also. What we’re seeing is things. The nerves, the anxiety, like, they can’t. That’s PTSD to a lot of degree, isn’t it? Where they just can’t. Yeah. And they need to calm themselves down. You’re in constant fight or flight, and you can’t turn it off.

You can’t sleep, and you have nightmares. It manifests in different ways, but the person is basically on edge all the time. And my uncle from World War II had this. I remember when I was about nine years old, walking down the street, the street with him, downtown Denver, and a motorcycle backfired. He dove under the car that was nearby. Yeah. He was just. What is the best way to deal with ptsd? Because I. I think that’s an epidemic in our society right now where they just. They. They can’t fly. It’s. They’re always in this fight or they’re just freaking out.

How do. What’s the best way to calm those nerves down? Big pharma sucks. They want to just. They want to just medicate it and. And medication can control some of the external symptoms, like maybe help you sleep better. But they’re side effects. You don’t get REM sleep with these. With these drugs they give you. So then you’re restless during the day and you’re not getting the restful sleep. But basically you have to do what we call cognitive Behavioral therapy. And, and, and so what they do is they pair regular life situations with the trauma they’ve been through.

It’s called classical conditioning, Pavlov’s dogs model. And they have to unpair that relationship. It’s a painful process, isn’t it? Yeah. And it’s laborious. And, and unfortunately, today insurance companies typically give therapists about six to eight visits with a client. Now they circumvent that by having the clients do homework and read things and do exercises on their own to try to lengthen the, the period of therapy. The basically you get six to eight visits and the insurance companies don’t want to pay for more. And so we have a lot of people that have had partial treatment but can’t afford to continue to see a therapist because their insurance has run out.

And so that’s why they medicate. And they self medicate with drugs. They medicate with alcohol and drugs very often, yes. They have a high suicide rate. This also leads into ancillary personality disorders like borderline personality paranoia. And, and these personality disorders come in a basket of clusters. You don’t just have one, you usually have several. And PTSD can open the door to all these personality disorders where they have trouble just functioning in society now and they can just go off on people. And that’s the borderline personality aspect. Anger explosion that we see a lot. Exactly. Yeah.

There’s a phrase for. There was a book written about borderline when it was first became a definitive disorder and it was called off to the rages. And these people, you know, they have this anger because of what’s happened to them and they go from zero to 60. Like you and I might get angry, but it takes us a little bit of time to build up to where we’re really mad. These people go from zero to 60 like that. And that’s typical of borderline. And a lot of it stems from ptsd. When we’re talking about the evil ones and what they’re doing to the society and inducing mental illness, they know exactly, exactly what they’re doing.

If you go back to writings out of London in the 1920s, they talked about how to psyop a personality, make them dysfunctional, and to do it to an entire society. Sarah, we’re almost out of time. We are. This goes so fast. This was really interesting. Yeah, I know. Well, when you get back from your trip, we’re going to hit some other aspects that we haven’t talked about yet, like with the food supply and folks, I’m telling you, this is going to worry you. And if you’re not stocking up on storable food, you will after you hear this show.

But Sarah, tell people. And I’ll do the same. Tell people how they can follow you. Go to Sarah Westell.com and please like this show that you’re watching right now because I need more likes. We need more likes because that’s what helps with the algorithm. But follow me on my different platform, Sarah westall.com Sign up for the newsletter that’ll get on my sub stack. Newsletter. Yeah. And you will also, you know, get all the updates on things. But follow me on these platforms whether it’s Rumble or X and help grow because. Or even the podcast. You too, the audio podcast.

People, when you’re in the car, tune us in on Iheart or Apple Podcast and listen to us and subscribe there as well. We need help to keep growing our subscription because we’re competing now against mainstream media who’s all being. They’re getting shut down everywhere and they’re flooding into this marketplace. Can you believe how many people they’re firing in mainstream media? It’s shocking to me. And. And they’re firing the worst of the worst. And they’re all making podcasts new podcast. Oh, you hear those crickets chirping? That’s their audience right there. Anyway, you can, you can follow me on the commonsenseshow.com and I have a newsletter and you should sign up for it.

All you gotta do is put in your email and you’ll get a daily recitation of what we’ve done in the previous 24 hours. And people love it because it’s one stop shopping. We’re number two on Studio, which is a podcast service in the world. We’re in the top 0.5 across the board from Listen Notes. And you know that about my show. Yep. I’m just telling you, I. We’re reaching a level that shocks me. I’m not bragging, but I think we get guests like Sarah on that really have valuable things to tell us and to teach us.

And I would encourage you to follow my podcast as well. And same name the Common Sense show dot com. Well, Sarah, I know you’re going to be off to see family. Okay. And I’m sorry for the success level of your. It’s kind of funny. Our kids have some things in common and one of them is they’re doing very well in life. I’m really proud. Yeah. Yeah. And you know what? This is what I want to help bring to America. You know, I want to try to lift America’s mental health, their level of hope, their spirituality. And I want people just to do better.

Because when I leave this planet, I got to stand before Jesus and said, I tried. I did my best. That’s right. And. But I really appreciate you coming on. And we’re going to talk about the food supply when you get back. Thanks so much for doing this. Thank you, Dave. This is great. Yeah, it is. Talk to you soon.



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