Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to talk about something again that the CIA has purposely tried to cover up for six decades. And then when they get accused of covering it up, they release unrelated morsels of information that have nothing to do with the premise of the material we’re going to talk about. There was a prominent scientist who wrote a book called The Adam and Eve Story. And we’re going to look into this, what he said, what we know and what we can prove from outside sources. And we’ll look at the cover up of the CIA, surprise, surprise.
And then we’ll take a look at what’s likely. Pretty scary stuff. It truly is, I’m telling you. And if you take this at face value, like I have, there’s something to worry about. Unless you put your faith in Jesus, then you have nothing to worry about. My name is Dave Hodges. I’m the host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. We’re brought to you by olive oil. You say olive oil? Yeah, no, it’s not the Popeye kind, okay? It’s olive oil that you ingest.
And I don’t think I can find an expert who says that this is not good for you. It is not only good for you, it is great for you. You’ll look younger. You’ll feel younger. There’s the cleansing element in your body. It’s like a detox. It’s wonderful. Dr. Gundry, world renowned cardiologist, expert nutritionist, he says there’s a problem. Yes, olive oil is good and we should consume it every day. However, he says that all olive oil is not created equal. And he’s correct. Manufacturers who are greedy want to cut corners, make money after the big pharma model.
They will take advantage of the consumers and they’ll cut corners and you’ll get less of a product than you should in terms of efficacy of what it does. And Dr. Gundry said, okay, I can’t take this. I’m going to make a video free and I’m going to put it out there and show people what they should do. They should and should not be taking with regard to olive oil. Fantastic. And we should all be on the olive oil kick, but let’s make sure we’re not wasting our time and money. Let’s get on the right kick. I’m going to send you to the video.
Get olive one. That’s get the number one. Get olive one dot com slash Dave. Get olive one dot com slash Dave. And it’s all you got to do and it’s completely free. Dr. Gundry, what a great man he is. You know, I wonder if there’s a place for him with RFK. Be a good choice. Take advantage of this. All right. I want to talk to you about the end of the world. Okay. And I want to talk to you about a book that was written. It was called the Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas. And Chan in there looked at stuff and he said, you know, there’s a problem.
We go through a cyclical cycle destruction about every 6,500 years. Now I know people in the scientific community that will extend that out to about 10,000 years. And it’s kind of an intramural argument. I’m not going to get bogged out on the comparison. One has to do with the reversal of the magnetic fields. The other has to do with an ice age. I think they’re both related. We’re not going to get into that debate, but it’s true. We do agree that we go through cycles that practically wipes out all civilization and also decimates the population.
Now, according to Chan, what he’s found from his research into global calamities and he’s done the geoengineering analysis. He’s done the weather analysis. He’s done so many different avenues of this. It’s such a thorough work that it’s hard not to take him seriously. In his opening chapter of the book, the next cataclysm, Thomas wrote, like Noah, 6,500 years ago, like Adam and Eve’s 11,500 years ago, this too will come to pass. Thomas connected these cycles to shifts in the earth magnetic field, which he believed triggered massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and extreme weather. He cited archeological data of sudden global changes in climate and geography as proof, but some people said they’re not convinced.
Well, hold on. Mainstream media in your fake sources. How can you analyze something that has been hidden from the public for 60 years? Answer, you can’t. Now, what the CIA has done is it’s kind of a like the Kennedy assassination. Let’s release everything that doesn’t point back to us. Even though most people know, like Dave Hodges, Jim Mars, Oliver Stone, Jim Diugeneo, I mean, all these great people out there that research. We know CIA, you started the plot because you took orders from the global elite, particularly the American corporate moguls. Yeah, I’ll name it. David Rockefeller, Dave John Kennedy died.
Rockefeller won the big biggest lottery ever in governmental action. They release everything not pointed to them. And they’ve done it again when this Chan book, and they’ve released things that they kind of pique your interest, but they don’t tell you anything. They leave out the really good parts. But fortunately, there are enough people who know the good parts. And this is an area that I have actually studied, as I used to go to seminars, tightly controlled, non disclosure agreement. I’ve got a real education on this stuff and how it works. When Thomas said the shifts are due to changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, that’s true.
What is left out is what other people have forecasted, like in places like University of Washington, where they say, and many like them say, including myself, based on what I’ve learned, that there are a lot of things that are left out. What I’ve learned is that when the magnetic field shifts enough, the rotation of the Earth slows down to an infinitesimal speed. See, we’re hurtling through space. It was 17,500 miles an hour. Our topical rotation would be about 1,000 miles an hour, but we don’t notice it because everything’s relative and gravity keeps things in check. But if that slows down, the geometric forces of the wind and everything else associated, they keep going.
Imagine getting hit by 1,000 mile an hour wind. Imagine the height of the tsunamis that would sweep the United States in about three hours. Most of your survivors would be at the equator. Where would your food supply come from? Power? It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? Do we know anything about the cycles? I’m stepping away from the book for a second to talk about my experience in this. I think the Hopis have one of the best accounts, although their account is similar to China and India and other legends around the world. Okay, now we know about Atlantis.
Plato even wrote about it. Lemuria is less well known, but it’s a predecessor to Atlantis, as is Mu, which is almost strictly a Pacific-oriented region. And I think the pyramid found underground, which was clearly part of a civilized structure off the coast of near Okinawa, Yamaguni. They had some of the most impressive structures. The Hopis say we’re in the fifth world. There have been four destructions. Here comes number five. They also say it’s the last one. Now, their legends tell them the star people are coming back in a restore order. There’s division in that opinion, though, and I’m not sure I buy that either.
So anyway, let’s go back to the book now that you’ve got some ancillary information that’s filling in gaps. The CIA took the book and classified it. How could something on this topic be a threat to national security? It’s happening to the planet, not something just being done by a foreign adversary to the United States. CIA had no jurisdictional authority, but they took it. And now they want to release, what is it, 57 to the 200 and some odd pages? Okay, we know what that game is. JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King. They know who murdered him and why.
They know the same people that murdered one murdered all three. I’m not talking about the hit men, I’m talking about the planners. And the CIA will never give you that, just like they’ll never give you the true story here. It’s the most lying organization ever. Now, NASA’s weighed in on this now. Why would NASA care about a book that’s written 60 years ago that could end up being made into a sci-fi movie? Why? Because it’s probably true and they got to debunk it. That’s why. So, NASA said, the magnetic field weakens, but does not disappear. That may or may not be true.
But it doesn’t mean that you can’t have a pole reversal. And how do I know this? Because approximately 15 years ago, all the runways in North American airports had to be moved to one degree. Why? A pole shift. What causes that? Magnetic reversal, in part. It’s a mini, not a maxi. Unbelievable. Thomas, though, counters in his book, and he said these reversals could cause the Earth’s crust to shift rapidly. So you have two competing crusts for control. One is the slow topical that slowly separates South America from Africa. We’ve all seen the map, we know how they fit together.
But the inner is amazing. And I covered this just about a week and a half ago in something related to another topic. In 1988 in Siberia, Russian people found a woolly mammoth, not from Siberia, with undigested vegetation in its stomach. So whatever transported from a tropical region, that woolly mammoth, to a tropical region happened in under 20 minutes. That speaks to slow rotation underneath fast rotation, like the Earth’s shelf is on roller skates. Oh, the Cascadia volcanoes and all the template shifts there. Oh my gosh. We’ll find out how correct this book is. So what Thomas said is he believed these reversals would cause the Earth’s crust to shift rapidly, leading to dramatic geological and climatic consequences.
It’d be over less than a day. The idea is referred to as crustal displacement theory. Now, mainstream media says this lacks scientific backing. Maybe in the conclusive 100% level of confidence, due to chance 0.05 kind of thing, if you know your research anomalies and terms, that might be true. But what’s not accurate is to say that disqualifies us from consideration because the other ancient theories about Earth changes aren’t nailed down either within that level of confidence. Okay, so we already see something concerning, and I mentioned this in passing to another story as well last week.
It’s called the Ring of Fire. This is where volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and so they get their start. About 19.5 degrees latitude. It gets its start, and this is where the process begins, and it seems to be a cohesion point where there’s a magnetic shift going on and it coalesces and the event starts to factor in at 19.5 degrees, which runs direct line through Mexico City. Mexico City’s in big, big trouble for another huge earthquake, like the one in 1985. Very big problem for them. Okay, also going through more of the book, the 57 pages they allow us to read, isn’t that nice to them? His book paints a vivid and challenging image of what he claims will be a pole reversal.
Now, let me step aside. I know something about this. I was at a privileged briefing, okay, with prominent people, astronauts, scientists, and so forth, in La Placidas, New Mexico, in 1997, and this came up. And they said, we’re going to have to redo the North American airports and probably spread that. But they said they were covering something with information they had given to NBC with Charlton Heston, famous actor. They had made a pilot of geomagnetic pole reversal. This was going to air on TV. Also in the show is really interesting archaeology. They found human footprints at the same strata is dinosaur bones.
And this was from University of Texas, archaeologists. This was it. And we got to watch the whole video. One of the members of the presenting group came in. They had the video. It was 60 minutes long. And I think it was actually about 48 minutes long. And we watched it and discussed it relative to what we would know. Well, here are some of the things they covered. Massive earthquakes. And even in Thomas’s book, he says California’s mountains will shake violently, reducing cities like LA and San Francisco to rubble. Entire regions would collapse into the sea or be buried under debris.
That’s not controversial. That’s not a conspiracy theory. That’s accepted. Mega tsunamis. In one part of the book, Thomas said a colossal wave over two miles high originating in the Pacific will race eastward across North America, obliterating everything in its past. And that’ll be the three hour end of America. Crustle displacement that we just mentioned. He theorized that the Earth’s crust would shift suddenly, relocating entire continents, altering the planet’s geography. For instance, the Bay of Bengal would become the North Pole, while the Pacific Ocean near Peru would become the South Pole. Global annihilation was another concept that was covered in this book.
The destruction would not just be limited to North America, but the continents worldwide would experience variations of the same cataclysm from cracking ground to volcanic eruptions. No part of the planet would be spared. Thomas claimed those events would unfold within hours, leaving little chance for survival or preparatory reaction. He said this is a reset for humanity, forcing the few survivors to rebuild civilization from scratch. Now, why did the CIA suppress this? The decision to classify the Adam and Eve story in 1966 remains shrouded in mystery. Speculation is that the agency feared the book’s apocalyptic predictions would incite public panic.
Is that even believable? So I pick up a copy of the book and I’m reading it. Oh, my gosh, this guy says we’re all going to die and the Earth’s going to shift. Oh, tsunamis. Oh, no. Helen, get the gun. It’s time to leave. Does that even sound practical? It’s a joke. It’s a joke of an explanation. It’s always about we’re concerned. You can’t handle it. You’re little children. Let the CIA and the government tell you what to believe. OK, and a NASA researcher came out and this is a joke of a statement. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
And there’s no proof, no science, no physics behind. How would you know, NASA researcher, unless you read the 200 pages, not the 57 page snippets that the CIA allows the public to read? You wouldn’t know. You’re a cover up agent. NASA has further clarified the past magnetic reversals have not been associated with climatic shifts or catastrophic events. OK, well, how do you explain the last ice age? How do we know that true north used to be about where Newfoundland is? That’s accepted fact. Say they’re ignoring their own science. There is no evidence that the Earth’s climate has been significantly impacted by three magnetic field excursions, nor by any excursion event within the last 2.8 million years.
Then why do civilizations have to start over? Why did Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu be destroyed? The book, it’s a good book, the 57 pages I was allowed to read. Thank you very much CIA censorship. The Adam and Eve story continues to captivate those drawn to apocalyptic narratives and government secrecy. Well, there’s brainy with cancer causing agents with chemtrails. The chemical analysis has been done. They’ve been published and been covered everywhere except the mainstream media. It’s true. And we had brainwashing and sometimes fatal programs with MK Ultra. Exactly. You just really can’t look at this.
And the mainstream media is calling this a declassification of the Adam and Eve story. You’re getting about a quarter of the book. Does that sound like declassification to you? That’s like covering the Kennedy assassination. They release everything up to the moment Kennedy shot. And then they blank out everything after, including the autopsy, the investigation. It doesn’t make any sense, does it? Can you get the book? All you got to do is put in search engine, the Adam and Eve story. Why I think the CIA is afraid is they know we’re near the end of an age.
They know there’s going to be unbridled trouble and they want to control the narrative. That’s why they’re doing this. There’s no other thing that makes any sense. So there’s my take on the CIA coverup of a mundane book. I just shake my head in amazement. Well, we’ll see you back here next time. Thanks for joining us. Check us out at our newsletter, the Go to the upper right hand corner. You see the newsletter fields plainly exemplified and you can put in your name and your email. It’s not required. It could be anonymous. Just put in your email and no one will ever bug you.
You’ll just get a daily update of everything we do for the previous 24 hours. I’m Dave Hodges. This is the Common Sense Show. We’ll see you back here next time. [tr:trw].