Twin Suns Trigger the Plasma Apocalypse ft. Tommy Truthful Jay Dreamerz

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âž¡ This podcast episode discusses the concept of a flat Earth enclosed within a dome, with mysterious lands beyond an ice barrier. The hosts discuss celestial events, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, triggered by the gravitational pull of a colossal landmass called Nibiru. They also talk about various theories, including the existence of two suns and the role of plasma in natural disasters. The episode includes a discussion on alternative cosmologies, the potential for AI deception, and the importance of seeking truth in all things.
âž¡ The text discusses various theories about mysterious fires, plasma weapons, and the possibility of a plasma apocalypse. It also explores the idea of multiple worlds under a great dome, each possibly having its own sun. The conversation includes speculation about the nature of the sun as a focal point of light passing through the firmament, and how this could vary across different worlds.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various topics, including his dislike for dubbed movies, his thoughts on the new Squid Games, and his experiences with technology acting up. He also talks about his podcast, where he invites guests to discuss various topics, and his plans for future episodes. Additionally, he mentions his website where he offers various services and products, and his struggles with changing website platforms. Lastly, he discusses the concept of life being a simulation and the use of Gematria by elites to hide secrets in codes.
âž¡ Are you just a game character or living your dream? Understand the truth, break free from lies, and discover your value.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various theories about the universe, including the idea that it’s mostly made of plasma. They also explore the concept of plasma holding consciousness, likening it to spirit or ghosts. The conversation then shifts to theories about the Earth, including the belief in a Hollow Earth and an underworld. They also discuss the idea of the dome, a structure over the Earth, and the possibility of it being a portal for beings to enter our world.
âž¡ The text discusses various theories about the universe, including the idea that our world is open to other beings and energies, and that humans could potentially leave it with advanced technology. It also explores the concept of multiple suns, suggesting that the sun and moon in our sky have not always been there, and that there may be other suns or light sources. The text also mentions the belief that these suns could be portals to other dimensions. Lastly, it discusses the idea that our world is a self-sustaining closed system, and that the sun and moon may have different phases or disappear entirely.
âž¡ The text discusses various myths and legends from different cultures that talk about multiple suns and the cyclical nature of the world. These stories often describe catastrophic events involving the sun, leading to the destruction and rebirth of the world. The text also suggests that these ancient tales could be a warning for future disasters, possibly involving intense heat or fire. The author encourages thinking outside the box and considering different perspectives on these myths and their potential meanings.
âž¡ The text discusses various signs and omens that are believed to precede significant cosmic events, such as multiple suns appearing in the sky, intense heat, celestial disturbances, and moral decay in society. These signs are often associated with the end times or apocalyptic events, as depicted in various myths and religions. The text also mentions the concept of life, death, and rebirth cycles, suggesting that these cosmic events are part of a natural order. Lastly, it discusses the idea that these signs may already be manifesting, hinting at an impending significant event.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various theories about the world, including the idea of a cyclical event that destroys and rebuilds civilizations. They mention the concept of a ‘vapor canopy’ and a world born from mist, possibly referring to a cataclysmic event. They also talk about ancient cosmology, the idea of an underworld, and a place called Hyperborea, where inhabitants supposedly live longer due to an amplified electrical field. The speaker also shares a personal story about a fight and addresses some criticisms from their audience.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various interpretations of Superman, ancient Egyptian gods, and religious symbols. They believe that Superman’s powers are tied to the sun and gravity, and they draw connections between Superman and the ancient god Enlil. They also discuss the concept of a dome in the sky, which they believe is depicted in various religious and historical texts. They suggest that this dome reflects the world below and is connected to the biblical figure Jesus, who they associate with light born from a plasma volcano.
âž¡ The text discusses a theory about Jesus and Mount Maru, suggesting that Jesus stands on this mountain, which is like a throne. The text suggests that a beam of light shoots up from the mountain into the sky, ionizing the atmosphere and leaving an afterglow. This afterglow is then sucked back into the earth to recharge before the sky opens again. The text also mentions a podcast collaboration and discusses various pieces of artwork, suggesting they depict this theory.
âž¡ The text discusses a dome featuring the sun, moon, and stars, which is believed to represent the sky during the golden age. The speaker suggests that the sky looked different due to changes in the atmosphere and earth. They also discuss various symbols and their interpretations, including a ribbon-like cloud around the dome, and the depiction of stars on the dome. The text also mentions a movie called “Flow” which is recommended for its symbolic representation of a post-apocalyptic world.


Welcome to a world beyond the known where our flat earth is encased within an immense dome. Surrounding us lies an uncharted realm guarded by an unyielding ice barrier. Beyond this wall, hidden from human sight, lie mysterious lands. Nibiru, Osiris, Valhalla, and Isis. At the heart of this hidden world is Nibiru, a colossal landmass orbiting under the dome with its own mighty sun, the Destroyer. Together, our sun and Nibiru’s destroyer follow elliptical orbits, creating a dynamic interplay of light and shadow. When the Destroyer approaches, its immense gravitational pull triggers earthquakes, tsunamis, and fires across our continents. These celestial events serve as reminders of the powerful forces at play just beyond our icy barrier, shaping the fate of our world.

At the core of our lands stands Mount Moreau, a symbol of resilience and the enduring spirit of humanity. Within this enclosed dome, join us as we explore the mysteries of our flat Earth, the enigmatic lands beyond the ice wall, and the celestial forces that govern our existence. Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. Today we’re going to be discussing the twin suns from a flat Earth, enclosed cosmology and perspective. Before we get going, this is called fair use and it’s allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody, which doesn’t fringe of copyright under 17 USC 107.

So crazy things going on in the world right now. Fires, all kinds of stuff. Make sure you go opt into our daily newsletter that’s over on truth you can find that link down in the description. And then today we’re sponsored by Body Align in the energy wellness that this band’s amazing. It’s got the suge knight, the toine, everything grounded up and in this medical grade silicone. And that promo code is Truth Mafia. It protects you against the emf, the electromagnetic frequencies. It has a hologram on the back of it. Really amazing stuff. We also have the nanosoma, which saved my life.

I had this fungal like it was taking over my body. Probably that damn nano fungus that they’re spraying overhead in the chemtrails. And I used this stuff and within three days I took myself off the antibiotics and it really helped me out a lot. So that link is down below. And if you guys want to get your personal decode and find out your role in this simulation we call life, you can get that. That’s on my other website. So we have truth where you’ll find amazing truth seekers like J Dreamers, Donut Factory. That’s about it, you know, no I’m joking.

B. Dell, there’s a bunch of us over there, but we also got this new image. I made guys with the NPC fighting the first player character so them decodes we do. We all have a source code attached to our name. So whether it’s attached to the name you were born with too, your first and last name, middle name, doesn’t matter. This doesn’t have nothing to do with your married name, it’s the name you were born with. Because I believe we live in an enclosed organic simulation and God spoke us into existence with the spoken word with some type of angelic technology.

That’s my theory. And this is on that link’s down below. Today we have a special guest and we’re going to get into the. The flat earth, the different land masses, the two sons. We got a. A bunch of really cool stuff for you. And without further ado, my brother from another mother, Jay. Dreamers. Hey, that’s too funny, bro. You’re like, we got dreamers and donut, and that’s about it. And, and when the intro first, I love the intro. Like I said before, you showed me before, but I’m like, oh, my first Wikipedia article ever is going to be on this video.

Like, it’s like flat earth is, is a pseudo scientific, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah, I made it with Nvidia AI, guys. So it didn’t get it perfect. Like, I didn’t like how it put it on a. A spinning ball at the end, the flat earth. But, you know, I try to get it as best as I could. And then it mentioned gravity in it too, so there was a couple flat walls. But, you know, give us a little break. We’re coming along here with the, with the AI technology. And unlike a lot of these people that use AI to deceive the masses, I like to use it to help tell the story.

But I’m not going to put a video out like this one me and Jay was talking about that is going viral everywhere. And people are saying, oh yeah, there’s a mysterious explosion in the sky before the wildfire started in la. And you can clearly tell it’s AI. I mean, look at the. Their Instagram handle. It even has AI at the end of it. She sees everything AI. So, Jay and Jay, what you say? What’s your opinion on that AI brother? Yeah, I think it’s possible, but like I said, it doesn’t matter to me if it’s AI, if it’s fiction, if it’s a Commercial.

I, I’m gonna always look for the truth in it because I, I believe there’s, there’s truth in everything. I think everything is true. It’s just that it’s twisted and warped and tied into knots and stuff. So the truth to that video is there will be a thousand points of light in the sky. There will be dots and flickers and striations and filaments that are, that are self illuminating and plasmoids and toroidal fields and, and things that, that light up that are phenomenon and people think that they’re ghosts or, or spirits or gods or angels or creatures or whatever.

So I, I mean like that is just us. Even if it is AI or even if someone made that or whatever, that’s us tapping into a. What I call our ancient oblivion and our collective subconscious about ancient history and, and even the future too because the, the past and the future are the same. Yeah, yeah, I kind of agree with you there. And shout out to everybody in the comments. Welcome to all Jace people over here. This is being hosted on my platform but we’re streaming it to my brother Jay Dreamer’s channel too. So everybody, you know, we got the Good Vibe tribe in here.

Yeah. Mafia crew. So you know, these are, these are two amazing families to get together. They’re. They’re really good people and, and we’re happy to have you all here. Fantasoids and these other entities, Jay, that show up and guys, today we’re going to get into here in a minute we’re all going to roll into just the perspective. Me and Jay had a conversation on the phone. Like what if instead of how everybody says that Nibiru is this sun on elliptical orbit with our sun, but it’s coming from way beyond Pluto. What if it’s really this other sun that is on the other side of the ice wall? Because there’s these other land masses over there.

So it would make sense that there could be two suns in here, right? And they’re on elliptical orbit. And when that comes around that causes all this destruction known as the plasma apocalypse. As many different names to rapture. And that’s when the depressurization happens. Plasma pours through. You know, it was just a perspective we were talking about. We thought it’d be a cool perspective to talk about with you guys. So speaking of fantasoids and we got to get into the, the fires going on because everybody’s talking about the fires but nobody’s talking about the fact that it could be plasma.

You know, a lot of things. Jay’s been saying for years are manifesting in front of our eyes. Right? Yes. That’s, that’s why I, I feel like having an alternative cosmology helps. I mean it’s not necessary. But that’s why I’m cool with that intro. And that’s why I’m cool with, you know, our people and our crowds that are open minded and you know, truth seekers and researchers that, you know, may or may not follow, you know, different beliefs or, or world views or whatever. But having a different cosmology allows for more possibilities depending upon what, what that cosmology looks like.

And plasma within the Earth and plasma outside, which, you know, is acknowledged by academics that there’s a whole plasma sphere. These are crucial, I feel, to understanding what happens in here, in the world, in the closed system that we live in. And I talk about it all the time, how the Earth is releasing masses of massive, unprecedented, except for, you know, like the last age or whatever amounts of gas, like all the gas that’s being released, gas, everyone knows gas can explode. Everyone knows, or many people know, that gas can ionize. It can become a neon light, it can become luminous and a dark light and a glowing light.

But it can also combust, which I think is happening, you know, more and more as we go forward. And there’s more pockets of these gases that are being released, you know, from certain cavernous areas. But, but specifically in places that have like natural openings anyways, like volcanoes or volcanic islands or places around the Pacific Rim or, you know what I mean, places that have deep cavernous systems that go into the Earth. All that gas could be ionizing or combusting and causing these fires in these random areas or whatever. 100 and no one’s talking about that. And I’m all about the, the dew drops.

You know what I’m talking about? The dew drops. I’m all about them using not. And guys, look, they’re so far beyond just directed energy. They, they actually have plasma weapons too. So I mean, I’m all about that. Yeah, the government could be doing that. Could be a major land grab. But it could also be, they could be pushing that narrative. We have to think, think outside the box always. They could be pushing that narrative to keep us away from the fact that we go through these psychical events. And it might be the plasma apocalypse, the cyclical, you know, think phenomenon that happens over and over again.

And they know it happens. So speaking of fantasoids, Jay always talks about during, when we’re getting closer to this time, the veil starts to thick within and entities start to enter our realm. Well, there was some entity seen in the sky during the fire. My boy Sheldon on Instagram, he. He was talking about this. It kind of looks like. I don’t know. Jay, what the heck do you think? It’s not the best video. So here, let’s start it over again. Kind of like a dragon looking thing. I don’t know what that is honestly. Sometimes, sometimes they’re.

You know there’s definitely something there. You know these videos. But I mean something is something as sort of vague as that is open to all kinds of theory and speculation, interpretation. But the one thing that I can agree on is there’s something up there. Yeah, I can agree on that could be a kite, who knows. But there is something up there. And for all my people, I. I just want to let you know, check down in the descriptions and check out some of J Dreamers amazing stuff he has over on his channel. Check out. Oops. Is that the right one? Oh well, no, the, the.

It’s halfway right. I. I left the part. That was me. The donate part is not right. That was from Phase Ones. Let me erase that part. But Jay. Sorry about that guys. They can get my books and stuff if they just go to yeah or on Amazon. Amazon’s just get plain vanilla, you know, plain old book. But if they order from my website then they get all the merch extras and autographs and you know, dedications or whatnot. He’s got some really cool stuff on his website and he just hooked it up. I got all of his links down below.

So what I did there, I had interviewed Phase One a couple weeks ago and I took Phase One’s name off and put J Dreamer’s name in the middle. And I forgot that I had Phase One’s donation thing below it. So that was my prop fault guys. My apologies. And there’s been a lot of different perspectives on, on this fire. Let me show you another one. Maybe this was plasma, I don’t know. Was that watching Fox News coverage of the Eaton fire. There is this light that goes from the fire as you can see here and it zips across the screen out of range.

I don’t know what we all just witnessed. I wasn’t the only one that saw it. There are many other people online that have screen recorded this. It is super weird. Did you see it? What do you think it is? Yes, I’ll tell you right away that I think that that’s a. A likely Candidate for plasma. Because I see the same exact type of lights that shoot out of volcanoes, and volcanoes are electrical in nature. Like, so you have all that debris that’s. That’s going up into the atmosphere, which is basically a fluid, and, you know, it can allow electricity to pass through.

And you see all these like, volcano lights and orbs. And people oftentimes think that, you know, there’s a UFO connection or whatever. But I’ve seen similar lights just like that there. And to me, they’re plasmoids, they’re ball lightning, which. Which develops and then it immediately continues upon an electrical current, you know, I mean, usually going down towards the ground, which that particular, particular one did. I mean, I don’t know what it was, but that. That seems like a good candidate to me. Yeah, no, me too. It. It definitely looked like plasma. I thought so. And I seen someone in the comments say, could you drop a link to the thing in the sky? I actually don’t have a link to it, but I can give you the Instagram guy’s name if that’ll help you.

His name is Sheldon. S U R Y A369 Sheldon. S U R Y A369 Tell him, Tommy. Truthful saying, he’s a good guy, really good guy. He’s got some interesting stuff. Yeah, that was an interesting one. And then my boy Shaney. I would always like to see Shaney and Jay do a podcast together because you guys both got that whole good vibe thing going on. Shane has a whole different perspective. Let’s see what he’s saying. Solidified, melted metal action from this car. Many people are already going to be thinking that would be a pretty hot fire, which it would be.

So there must be a forest right nearby that’s burnt. Oh, not really. Now in this book, where did the towers go? There was a parking lot, and it was. They called the toasted car park because almost every single car in this parking lot got toasted and it was near the towers. Makes you wonder. But the strange thing is that you’d have images like this where the outside of the car is toasted, the paint is melted off, but inside, plastic and vinyl still is intact. Same thing with this toasted exterior, but unburnt upholstered street. Unburnt seat belt, plastic molding, and it’s all about the strangeness of what happened to some of these cars on 9 11.

Makes you wonder. Does make you wonder. And then we had this one. Know y’all thoughts on what y’all think about la. Been set on Fire. So everybody heard about these mysterious fires that had happened in la, literally transforming large parts of the city into looking like a wasteland or a war zone. But why is nobody talking about this? What around town is a large proportion of the fires is man made. Like people are literally lighting the city on fire, like causing the fire to spread on purpose. So, you know, this one’s interesting. I guess there’s been many people arrested.

But again, this could be a narrative to keep us looking at that whole perspective. All it’s a land gravity and we know the government does do evil stuff like this, but we can’t overlook a natural event. You know, this, this phenomenon that we’re talking about, the plasma apocalypse. And from the perspective I was looking at, Jay, the cosmology, I mean, it was hard to find different flat earth maps. Here’s one I found in on the. Have you ever seen this one, Jay? Yeah, I think it’s called NOS confunded. Yeah. Yeah. So I put his link up there as IG and all that.

The guy that made it, and he said there’s 178 worlds under the great dome. Well, 178 is artificial reality. It’s the number of the Saturn matrix. So if there was this many different lands under this dome, it. There would have to be another son, if not a couple. Right? Right, Jay? Yeah, it stands to reason, you know, especially like, I mean, to me, I’m just gonna say this, like that particular image really resonates with me because you remember I was telling you about the fractal verse theory that, that I talk about. That looks to me like, like the tip of a neuron or a synapse or something, which to me gets even deeper into like, you know, simulation theory in the mind of God and how all things are created and how they’re sustained and stuff.

But on a lower level, I, I believe that the sun. Now this is just, this is my, you know, perspective on, on what the sun is. That it’s a focal point up in the heavens. And I believe this is why I said cosmology is important for me whenever considering what the sun is and how it can act and how it can appear to the inhabitants of the surface world where we live and how it can change and alter its movements and position and size and color. And it has to do with where it is actually coming from.

Where. Where is that light coming from? This, the sun is for me a product of light that passes through the firmament and meets at a focal point and redistributes that light into what we call daytime. So depending on how that light interacts with the firmament above us, and dependent upon what the shape of the firmament above us is, it can alter the. What we call suns under the dome or lights under the dome. Yes, luminaries. Yeah. So if there’s plasma going all over all of those worlds and they’re all domed, hypothetically, then yeah, they should. I believe they should all have, you know, various forms of suns, and that would be, you know, they figured out main science anyway.

Said that most of the universe up there is made out of plasma. Now, they emitted that. Did you hear that? No, I have not. Yeah, they changed it. They. I forget what they said. It was before. Yeah, Untold Libraries. He. He just did a video on it. Oh, yeah. Library of the Untold. Yeah, sorry I messed up Joey’s name. Library of the Untold. You. Did you interview him? I have not interviewed him yet. He’s on my list of. Of guests. I’m gonna get him if I can. And jwtv, those are my next two that I’m inviting over.

I know he was super excited about doing a podcast with you, my boy Joey. So that’ll be cool when you guys do one because. Yeah, he did one. He’s all into plasma right now. And the video that he was talking about, you got to go watch his newest one on plasma, guys. Library of the Untold. And he gets into that. I forget what he says. Most of the universe was before, and then they changed it and said it’s mostly plasma now. Yeah. And there’s many people that even have. Have looked into theories of plasma holding some sort of consciousness.

Have you ever heard of this? Yeah, yeah, I. I believe that. I think that plasma is conscious. I think it’s basically spirit. Like, you know, they’re. They’re basically ghosts, like, you know what I mean? And it’s in and it’s electricity, and that’s. That’s how we are conscious. Like, the word conscious literally means with knowledge and. And knowledge can only be passed by way of chemicals and. And. And electrical signals in the brain, between neurons, through the synapses. You know what I mean? That’s why I said it was so interesting that it looks like that. That map of those worlds.

If you look at a synapse, like the top portion of it, that’s what it looks like. You. You would have all these little bubbles that bubble up out of the neuron, which is actually just chemicals and electrical signals that’ll. That are bubbling up and welling up through the neuron to be stored within these little top portions, and they wait for an event to happen. That event opens them all up and releases those chemicals and electrical signals, AKA information, in a data harvest. That’s known as a synaptic connection or a synaptic event within the mind. Oh, yeah, I like that.

I like that, man. I like that theory. And this is kind of totally off topic. Well, before I get to that, let’s talk about all the different Bible verses that mention that we live in a flat. You know, some type of enclosed simulations and enclosed planes. Right. That’s an underworld below it, too. Yeah. Which was. Is that supposed to be hell, Jay? Yeah, it’s the same. You know, how. How these places, how we feel about these places is. Is. Is flavored by our perspectives, our life’s experience, how we were brought up and stuff. But hell is not just some evil place.

There’s different sections to Hell. There’s different sections to Sheol and Hades and the underworld or the underd. Dark or the Upside down or whatever. There’s different. There’s different cavernous openings, and they all have different regions to them, just like how we have different regions up here on the surface. And it goes into this an extent, extensively, in the Book of Enoch, where he has actually taken down into the underworld and shown the different holding areas, the different places for different types of beings and stuff that live down there. But, I mean, I’m. I’m sold that there’s a Hollow Earth and that there’s.

You know, there’s. There’s a whole world underneath us. Yeah, I’m not one of them people. Like, some people think, oh, if you believe in. And excuse my voice, guys, I don’t know what is wrong with my voice right now, but it’s like every time before I do a podcast, they hit me with some freaking direct energy weapon or some. I don’t know what’s going on, but, you know, I’m not one of them people that think, oh, you can just believe flat Earth, But. But. But you can’t believe there’s an underworld too. Like, I believe it’s. It’s a.

There’s an underworld. It’s enclosed. The moon and the sun are local. I think there’s actually two, maybe three sons. I know Santos Bonacci believes there’s three sons. He’s been going a little. Little. How do I say this in a nice way? A little crazy lately. You know, he got his YouTube taken down. But. But shout out to Santos. He still brought us a ton of knowledge out here, and, and, and we all have our hard times, so it’s okay. Yeah. I don’t, I don’t know why these images remind me of an eyeball. Kind of reminds me of an eyeball.

That one in the top left corner. Yes. Many people have made the connection that the ancient cosmological depictions of Earth do tend to resemble an eyeball. And I, I love that because I, I tend to agree with them. See, the thing is, I don’t believe that the dome is strictly dome shaped. So I believe that the dome isn’t just like as simple as being a bowl over the earth, but it’s bowl like, but that it actually has other shapes as a, as a part of it. So like, for example, let me show you this. I talk all the time about what I call the apex dome, and that is at the apex of the firmament itself here.

Can you put me up real quick? I want to show this thing. So this is just a fishbowl that I bought at the, you know, at Walmart or whatever. You see that? So there’s a fishbowl, right? So it kind of bows out. This, this would be like, you know, the underworld down here. Okay. And then you fill this up with land or whatever, but at the top, you can see there’s an indentation at the top. See how it kind of drops down right there. That is what I call the, the apex dome. That’s why I bought this so that I can use it as a, as an example.

It’s hard to get the depth perception on the video, but as you see and I see it, you know, it dips downwards. That is the eye. That’s the all seeing eye. That’s the great eye in the sky or the eye of Providence that is looking down at the world. And whenever we go through a polarity reversal, terrestrial beams of energy shoot up from all those gases that are bursting out during the depressurization event. They’re, they’re shooting up through caves and openings in the earth, creating these light pillars, basically beams of light that illuminate the firmament. And people see this, they see this, this alternate sun that’s, that’s lit up up there in the heavens or primeval sun, I should say.

Now talk about what you, what you was talking about on the phone with me, where you said you had a theory like Nibiru could be a reflection off the dome to too. Yes. So my theory on Nibiru is that Nibiru is actually the apex dome itself. So for in my, from my Perspective. There are no. Under the dome, that there are no planets. There are no, you know, other worlds. There’s no rock, moon or anything like that. That everything up there is a luminary, which is a light. There are, I believe, other actual physical worlds beyond the dome, just like how we were showing, you know, the other map or whatever that has those other domed worlds and stuff.

But within the dome and under the dome, everything we see is. Is a light. Now, the lights we have right now are points of focus, meaning they’re just light and they’re projections, meaning they’re. They’re projected light that represents a physical object behind it. So, for example, the moon, for me, is a projection, which means that the. The image we see of the craters and which are probably really domes, because that. That projected image is actually inverted and upside down. And so we see a projected image of a portion of the actual firmament above us that the light is passing through, and the planets are that as well.

They’re just different portions of the firmament itself. So Niburu, that is an exception. That’s a different one. So Nibiru, for me, if it’s the apex dome, which is that eye in the sky that dips down from the top of the firmament, right? The firmament itself just dipping down, making an inverted dome. If that lights up, and it lights up red, which I believe it will, portions of it will. I mean, the color is. Is besides the point, but behind it is ionized hydrogen, which tends to be a red spectrum. But if that lights up red and it opens up and it allows for beings to come into our world, which is an enclosed system.

Now we have the portal of God, or a star gate, an actual gate that looks like a star in the sky opening itself up, and other beings and creatures and energies can come into this world and do. And we may leave. If we have, you know, sufficient technology to survive the harsh conditions, you can. You can actually leave. Which is why I think NASA and Elon and those people are all doomsday preppers, and they’re getting ready to leave the world behind. Agree with you. And I’ve seen this person said, we give everyone a chance to think.

So. They said flat Earth is a psyop designed to critical thinkers, and it worked. Leslie, could you give us why you believe that, honey? Why. Why do you believe that? What is your theory on that or your thesis on that? We would love to hear it, because I, you know, I’m always willing to go listen to anyone with an open mind, but, Jay. Yeah, I I. So, you know, let me exit this out right here so people see. Okay, so the, the concept of sons as well. Like this goes back to. Like I said, I call Nibiru, or what you call Nibiru, I call the apex dome.

Same thing. That is to me, the primeval primordial sun. That, that, that. That is the actual sun. That, that is the original light source. But it’s a physical object. It’s not. It’s not just light like the other illuminators, like the central sun. Have you ever heard about the central sun? This would be the central sun. That in my perspective, at the center, it’s at the axis Mundi. Or it’s not the axis, Moody, it’s. It’s the axis. What would you call that? Axis cosmos or axis coelom or something. But it’s. It’s at the center of the sky.

Instead of Maru is access Mundi, or that the center of the world, in the middle of the world directly above Mount Maru is what causes the image of the moon, which is the. And it also probably actually causes our sun too. But that’s the light. That’s Nibiru. That’s this huge eye directly above Mount Maru. And the beam that comes up from Mount Maru. Yeah, that’s fascinating, bro, because I was. The other day, I was doing a decode on this girl and she had all this matching numerology with the central sun. And if she’s in the comments, shout out to her, because I just sent her decode over to her.

And so I’m, I’m looking, I’m looking into it. What is it? What. What’s about? What’s it all about? And I found all this cool information about the central sun. I’m like, wow, you know, I learned new things every day myself. I didn’t even know. And this thing goes back to like Mesopotamia. They were talking about this central sun, and it’s connected to our soul and a higher consciousness, and they believe it’s an actual. An actual thing. There’s some people as well, Jay, that believe the suns are portals to other realms and other dimensions higher and lower.

Now, me, I believe that this organic enclosed simulation is coded to the speed of light, and that’s why you have to travel beyond that, travel beyond the speed of light to then, you know, break out of this or travel through the stargates to other realities throughout the multiverse or. Or whatever it is these other worlds you can travel to. But I definitely believe, like you do, that there is other worlds out there. They’re just not the way they explain them to us, like planets. So. You know what I’m saying? Yeah. So the, the primeval sun, to me, like you may have heard people discuss like different timekeeping methods and one of the older forms was called the Shar.

Right. And to me that was just. That was just Niburu or the, the apex dome as, as the light swirls around it and it goes through its own phases, just like the moon goes through phases, but they’re on much longer time periods or whatnot. And this, this was an older sun. Usually it’s depicted as being red. So if you look at all these old depictions of the sun or what we think is the modern sun, in the ancient days, that was a red sun. It was gigantic, just like Nibiru. It’s huge and it’s red. And that was, that was one of the original ones.

But then there was more than one son that came about. The one created two, and there’s two sons or, you know, like I. I’ve got some information on this that I’ll share later. But there was like the moon and the sun, but at first they were both sons. According to the legends in the myths, it wasn’t just some dead world called the moon and then some light. There were two. Two lights initially. Yeah. They think. Yes. Well, I, I also think that. Yes. So Saturn, definitely. Kronos, Saturn, all of these things. So Leslie, this is her argument, I guess it’s not very great.

Honey. I thought he was gonna come back with something better than that. Flat Earthers aren’t going to ascend. That’s does it doesn’t explain why you believe that or nothing. But hey, I respect your opinion and you have the right to it, so that’s cool. Yes. We’re not gonna send. I guess. Alrighty. So do you have some of them videos, Jay, that you could show us without the audio of the different. Like that one in Russia was fascinating. That. Yes. Different sons. Yes. Yeah. So check this out. Before I play the video, I just want to tell everybody there hasn’t.

The sun in our sky has not always been in our sky. The moon has not always been in our sky. There have been times when there was no sun at all the world across. And I know people, you know, sometimes especially academically minded people will go, oh, we would all die. We would all be dead or whatnot. But I don’t believe that’s true. We live in a closed system. The Earth sustains itself. Itself. It provides heat for cell for itself and water and gases that we need to live and stuff. There’s been records that the sun has been gone missing and, and these were what our major holidays all revolve around.

Going back into antiquity is a fear that the sun would. Would be gone again, that it would disappear. So not only was there this sun that’s in our sky right now, that’s been acting real weird and real funny, and it’s interesting times that we live in, and it’s changing colors and it’s doing all kinds of strange stuff. That sun wasn’t always there. There was a time when there was no sun and there was a time when there were many. There were many different sons. And I’m going to show you an example right now. I’ll get my screen shared and I’ll show you that video.

Shout out to my homegirl right here, too. I love her. Amazing person. She’s been following me since the beginning. All right, I got it muted and queued up. So this is a video in Russia. And this video was just taken only a couple weeks ago. Two, three weeks ago. Okay. There were five sons spotted in the sky. Check this out. Here’s one right here by these construction workers. Now he’s going to pan over and you’ll see like sort of a dimmer one right here, another one on the other side, another one right there. And then a fifth one upside down bow arc.

It’s not even a plain spraying chemtrails. Yeah, doesn’t. I mean. I mean, if. I mean, just. It does. It’s no leap of the imagination to look at this right here and go, that looks like a heavenly body. That looks like it’s. There’s an object out there or something. Right? A reflection of the dome or something. Yeah. Yes, exactly. This is. I believe that these are. We get insight every once in a while when the. When the atmospheric conditions are right and we can see shapes that the dome has. That. It’s. That the light, thanks to the light, the light passes through the dome.

And so the image from time to time of the dome or parts of it are revealed to us. And that’s what I think that we’re. We’re, you know, seeing from time to time, but five different suns. And this is just one example of one video. And this is. This one right here is one of my favorite ones, because this one does not give off the feeling, for me of it’s just a camera artifact. Oh. It’s just, you know, something that’s messed up or whatever with the camera. And it’s how the light is Reflecting in the camera.

The camera doesn’t have anything to do with this because the. The camera is panning around 360 degrees and showing you these different suns that were seen in the sky. But sometimes, even when the camera does it, it’s still showing us how our sky and the lens above us is working because the camera is doing the same thing. Yeah, Travis, that’s very interesting that you say that. You know why? Because if you look at Yalda Bail Off’s picture, you know who Yalda boss is, right, Jay? Yeah. Demiurge. Yes. If you ever look at him, the head archon, he’s always depicted with the head of a lion, the body of a serpent, and he’s in the Vivica Pisces, which.

The Vivica Pisces is the shape where we get a football from, guys. There’s also always depicted two sons by him. There’s the real sun and then the false son. And you’ll see the false son has It’s. It was really a representation of the eight pointed star, the star of Babylon, the star of Anu. So I think y’all the boss, the false God, is kind of like what you’re saying there, Travis. He’s that false son where when they get deceived, they end up, you know, going back into the reincarnation cycle connected to Yalda both y’all, the bay off.

And then his. His head worker is called Abrasix, which in Jupiter Ascending, that movie, that was the family that went around harvesting all the worlds. Remember the Abrassex family? Yeah. And in. In the video here, they’re. They’re showing five sons, right? And the five sons goes back to native mythology and their history of the world and the creation and destruction, destruction cycle, specifically that of the Nahua and the Aztec people. They have what they call the five sons, which is akin to the five worlds or the five resets that this world has gone through. And every time we go through one of these resets, which is just an apocalypse or a cataclysmic event or a polarity shift, we get a brand new sun.

The sun is young. The Earth is older than the sun because that this sun is a focal point. It’s created brand new each time. It’s just a. It’s a. It’s a. It’s a. It’s a different appearing of a light source that is passing through the firmament and meeting at a focal point up in the heavens. Right. And this is also how I believe, you know, we can account for things like comets, which are chromatic aberrations. The light passing through, you know, anomalous forms up there on the. On the dome, like craters or domes or whatever. So these are the five suns.

So if anything, it’s an omen that harkens back to the time we see multiple sons, or the different sons of creation or the different resets that we’ve been through, that we’ve been through many. And this is cyclical. And to me, I talk about the omens all the time. And. Oh, I want to. I want to throw this out there. Since you did the Hopi. Don’t the Hopi talk about the five. The five ages or something? And we’re going into the fifth age now. Yes. So different American tribes have different ages and, like, how many there are.

Sometimes it’s five, sometimes it’s six, Usually one of the two. But all of them have this in common, that they believe in the cyclical nature of these different ages and these different Earths and these different suns that appear. Interesting. Yeah, that is very fat. So, guys, it could be something like that that’s causing all these natural disasters, all these floods, all these. All these fires. Or it could be the government with a land grab. Who knows with them, right? I mean, you never know, but it’s. It’s cool to think outside the box. I mean, everybody’s saying the same thing.

It’s like everybody on YouTube, everybody on Instagram, they’re a bunch of parrots. They hear one thing and then repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it. I like to look at things from a different perspective sometimes. Yeah, I think. I think it’s cool to. That’s why I always like podcasting with you, bro. And Ania Soru, he’s like that, too. My boy Ani, he’ll come at it from a whole different angle than most people. B. Dell. B. Dell, he. He comes at it from his own angle, you know, and be. Dell. He’s into the whole.

The alien stuff. And. And look, I believe there are entities, too. I just believe they’re interdimensional. So I have a little different belief. And even him, he says there’s a dome. B. Dell believes in other planets and aliens out there, but he even believes in a dome. He calls it the. The net of. Dang, I wish I. I just texted him today, too. The net of Vendria and B. Delphi messed up. I’m sorry. Something like that. The net Avendria. And he said, and little creature created it. One of the Anunnaki And Lil. And it was like to trap the souls from getting out.

Right? Yeah. Enlil was the God of that. That’s, that’s, that is in those. He’s a portion of the dome to me. Right. I see Enke is being the blue beam and Enlows being the, the apex dome. And there was these other subsequent gods that were created too or sons in ancient history. So for example we’ve got, I pulled up just a couple different examples if you want to hear some different examples of like times when there was multiple suns in the sky. Yes sir. So we got the Chinese myth of ten sons. In ancient Chinese mythology.

I’m going to read this. In ancient Chinese mythology there were ten sons each represented by a bird, usually a three legged crow. These sons took turns illuminating the sky. But one day they all appeared at one time, scorching the earth and drying up rivers. Humanity suffered greatly under the intense heat. Emperor Yao, a wise and legendary ruler, sought help from the archer who ye. So there’s the archer, there’s the holy arrow reference that I was talking to you about. So this archer climbs up this high mountain and he shoots down nine of the ten sons with his bow leaving one to sustain life.

This myth reflects early explanations of solar phenomenon, droughts, etc and I just want to comment on that too. So I, I’ve always, I’ve. I’ve also done a video about the Hindu legend of Tripura or Tripura and this, this legend about this Tripura was that there was these three celestial cities up in the heavens or three objects up in the. Seven up in the heavens. And these three objects could not be destroyed except for by a holy arrow that was shot by Vishnu. Lord Vishnu became the actual arrow. And you’ll notice the Vishnu is often depicted as blue as well.

So this blue. Yes, this blue beam shoots up, this arrow shoots up and it pierces these three objects during the only point in time which it can, which is during a sy. Which is when these three celestial objects in the sky basically go into conjunction and they line up and then this arrow pierces them and shoots them. And these are these three suns, these three objects or lights or whatnot up there in the heavens. So that’s one example. These 10 suns in Chinese mythology. In Australia we have the aboriginal myth that tells of a time whenever the world was incomplete and multiple suns rose in the sky creating unbearable heat.

These stories often explain how the the present day balance came to be. So the Aborigines also, you know, speak about a time when there was more than One son. So one of the things you’ll notice about all these stories is when there was more than one son. They talk about how the world was destroyed by fire. And there’s. This is that cycle that goes back and forth. There is the flood and there’s the deluge and there’s the washing away and then there’s the burning and there’s the, the trial by fire and being tested and put through the fire.

We’re headed for the fire. Is, is my belief the oceans are still here, the water is still here. The world, the world is still flooded, so it needs to be removed. It needs to be burned off and sucked up and taken out of our atmosphere. And that’s the next one that’s coming up. So it, it stands to reason if the ancient legends about multiple sons and the world heating up are true, then it stands to reason if we use that as a starting block, we can look forward to it happening again. We can see that there will be a time again whenever there’s more than one brilliant, bright light source up in the heavens that we call the sun.

And the Bible even says that this will happen. It says that the moon will become the sun. The Bible talks about how the moon will become as bright as the sun. In Hopi mythology, the Hopi people of North America believe in a cyclical view of time, with several worlds that were destroyed and reborn. On some accounts, previous worlds ended due to catastrophic events involving the sun. One story suggests that the destruction of the past world, the sky burned brightly as if it. As. As if there were multiple suns bringing in intense heat. So we’re seeing more burning, more intense heat.

Hindu month In Hinduism, Hindu cosmology, the universe undergoes cycles of creation, preservation and destruction called kalpas. During the destruction phase, known as Pralaya or Prava. When I say that, I don’t know. During this destruction phase, legends describe the sky as being filled with multiple suns, symbolizing the cosmic fire that consumes the world. This phenomenon is tied to the God Shiva, who performs the dance of destruction, which to me is also the exact same as, you know, Nibiru, the apex dome, etc and so on and so forth, right? To dissolve the universe, paving the way for its rebirth.

Now check this out. I’ll share one more thing with you and tell me what you think about these, because now I’m going to talk about the omens that, that you can watch out for, that lead up to more suns appearing in the, in the sky, right? And the world getting hotter and the trial by fire. So there’s omens that led up to all of these within the, within the myths themselves. So for example, within the Chinese 10 sons it says that the sun’s orderly rotation failed. And so all these sons appeared together, symbolizing a breakdown of the natural order.

The ancient people carved out holes in megaliths that lined up with solstices so that they could check it during a certain point of the year to see if the sun was in its proper space, in its proper points and its proper place and time. And when it wasn’t, they knew to get ready. That’s why they were. They studied the sky. The sky. There was also drought and in an intense heat that they experienced before all these suns appeared. Also there was unrest amongst the other celestial objects up in the heavens. So lots of strange signs and lights and omens and harbingers that were seen up in the actual heavens.

The Aborigines talked about dreamtime chaos. In aboriginal cosmology, the world was initially in a state of disorder and multiple suns rising represents the lingering chaos of the dream time, a primordial era when the rules of nature were still being established. To me, I call that the time of magic. The dream time is where we’re headed into right now. Right now we’re in, right now we’re in sleep time and everybody’s just unconscious. Basically people are just sleepwalking, you know, like robots walking around, bumping in and stuff, just living, but they’re not really alive, you know what I mean? There were changes in the land.

So the land itself was going through extreme changes. The hopies talked about human corruption. This is also mentioned in many different religions. Obviously that before the end times come, before these great resets and cataclysms and apocalypses come. One of the omens that we see before we see anything happening in the heavens is we see changes within us, humanity collectively, which is the degradation of society and moral, moral values and the, the lines between right and wrong being blurred so that you know, they’re basically flip upside down, which to me indicates a polarity reversal, you know what I mean? The whole world going from, from left handed to right handed, that indicates a polarity reversal.

And it affects us on a, on a, a polarity level, you know, electromagnetic level. And so people become evil. Like, you know, basically good becomes bad, bad becomes good. That’s, that’s a polarity flip. So corruption within humans, that’s another sign. Signs in the sky also, celestial disturbances, cosmic disturbances, moral decay and other astronomical phenomenon like eclipses, comets and whatnot. So I’ve Seen a lot of these and I talk about these all the time on my channel. This is a good example, I feel. Don’t you think when you see this video of these five sons. I should have been playing this video.

When you see some stuff like this in the heavens, that’s an omen. That’s. That’s something that’s abnormal. That doesn’t always happen. Right. What kind of stuff have you seen? Your mics was muted, bro. I don’t know if you’re talking. Yeah, no, I know I muted it. I was back here looking at, trying to record this. So what you were talking about there. Have you ever watched that movie? Because it was reminding me of the three body problem, bro. Oh, yeah, that’s what I was thinking of. And so like there, there was this graph that showed the, the three body problem and that’s what the three different sons, and they kept coming to these cataclysms every time.

And the, the three body problem that was on Netflix, that’s what it was all about. They were trying to figure, figure out how to solve this. Right. That’s what I was thinking about. And you’re talking about it. Sorry about that. That’s why. No, you’re good. I totally agree. I think that entire movie is about this, actually. It’s about the times. There’s chaotic times and there’s times of peace here on Earth or whatever. Right. And. And the whole concept of three body problem was trying to figure out how to prevent the apocalypse. The reality is you can’t.

That’s the three body problem. You. There is no preventing the apocalypse. There is. Maybe you can do something to make it, you know, to, to push it back a little bit or to hearken it and to make, to call forth the apocalypse and make it happen quicker. But it’s coming. It’s. It’s a part of our. It’s. There’s. It’s life, death and rebirth. Our world has to go through these cycles that are part of the, the cosmic order or the heavenly order, the natural order, whatever you want to say, that’s a part of life. It’s a part of all creation.

You know what I mean? 100%. And in that three body problem, wasn’t it like the, the, the places like CERN started tweaking out in that. Right? Yes. There was glitches in the sky. It was like a Matrix, man. And then the Hydron colliders started. I think it was actually called CERN in it. They used a real name. Yeah, yeah. There was like even one Part. Whenever all the stars flashed, they all turned off. Yeah, yeah, that’s. Yeah, bro. That was right. And it’s. It’s. It’s easy for anybody to just. To just minimize that and say, that’s just a movie.

They can make anything happen. No, it grabs us because it’s true. There’s truth to it. That is a possibility. And it has probably already happened in the past and we’re tapping into it. How could all of the stars just flash and turn off all at one time? The answer is simple. Because they all are created from the same source, which is the light that is on the other side of the firmament, which is creating the stars passing through the apex dome. Hey, can I show you some pictures of this? Some of these older Renaissance pictures? Yeah, yeah, please.

I even have some of triple suns in the sky and stuff. Yeah, please. Let me throw this up there. And guys, remember, check out Jay’s book. Check out his stuff. All of his stuff. His links are down in the description for all my people on my channel. Check out his stuff. He’s got an awesome. Probably one of the best websites in the world. I love his website. I kind of try to model mine after his a little. It was. Was. He just did such a phenomenal job with it. And it’s really cool. But. Yeah, did you out.

Okay. You added them right here. Here we go. Yeah. So here’s one example. Check this out. This is from 1535. So this is. This is the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages, if you believe in the thousand years being added to the calendar. The sky opens up. It opens up and you see this all the time. I don’t know where my mouse is. See? How do you believe in the thousand years being added to the calendar? I feel like it’s pretty compelling so far. Yeah. Yeah. What about this? Jay, before I forget. So everybody’s talking about this fog right now.

This fog showing up. People sick. So, dude, I’ve heard a lot of people that talked about Nibiru and talked about the plasma apocalypse that said during that time, some fog would come. I think I even heard you talk about the fog or the mist before. Yes, there will be fog. It will. Well, there is. It’s here, you know, so I think it’s already starting, bro. And then in the movie, guys, Stephen King’s the Mist, okay, the fog shows up after this crazy storm. Remember? They all go hide in that store. And then what comes after the storm? These crazy entities.

Entity shows up. But then what has. So the veil’s thin. That gets into CERN’s connection. But then what happens? The power grid goes down. So they love to play it out on the world stage too. If it’s not the actual mistake from this event, which I, I’m leaning more towards that, that it is, that it could be them, you know, playing the script out on the world stage and the power grid might be going down. Right. So I, I think that before the apocalypse comes. Because to me, that’s what we’re talking about. Like, to me, it’s, it’s all about the, the beginning and the end.

So before the apocalypse comes, we get little tastes, little previews, little, little hints which are omens basically of a small scale. Things that happen that will be happening on a grand worldwide large scale. So the fog is one of those things. The fog is, is created whenever you have a depressurization or a differential between pressure and temperature and stuff in this world. So whenever you have an influx of all these different gases and you have these different temperatures that are being created from the gases that are coming up from the earth, which are usually warm, warm air that comes up from inside of the earth because it’s warmer down inside the earth.

And you also have. Damn. I just, my mind went blank just now. Sorry. But, but anyways, the, the fog is, Is to me symbolic of whenever. The ultimate event when the vapor canopy is introduced to this world and we go back to living in a cloud, we have to emerge from a cloud to. To. To be born again, I guess you could say, or to, to. To start this whole cycle over. Not, not like on a religious tip or anything, but just the world being born again. Just like the Phoenix reemerging from the ashes or whatever.

The world is born in mist. It’s born out of a dream, out of a fog, out of actual mist. You know what I mean? And that happens whenever the atmosphere is ripped apart and, and depressurizes. So you’ll have all this mist and it happens now. So there’s all these phantom islands that are constantly surrounded in fog and they’re basically. Oh yeah, yeah, you’re talking like new Brazil. Yeah, this one still shows up every like seven years. Yeah, and shout out to Graham Hancock, because I was trying to figure out who was like one of the first people talking about this whole Phoenix thing.

And I traced him back, talking about this Phoenix event on one of Joe Rogan’s podcast, like 12 years ago. And he, he’s talking about mainstream cosmology. You know, that they, they’re, that they’re lying, that there’s some cyclical event that’s showing up. And he even believed. He even said on Joe Rogan’s podcast, this is like 10, 11 years ago, bro, that he believed there’s an advanced civilization that shows up and rebuilds after these things. Now he kind of hinted at they were from inner Earth too. I don’t know if you guys know who Graham Hancock is. He has this.

What’s. What’s that. What’s that series called he has on? It’s called Ancient Apocalypse. Yeah, yeah, shout out to him, man. Yeah, I decoded that whole first episode. He did. Oh, did you? Yeah. I mean, I really like the. The things that they’re showing and. And sharing with people because it’s. It’s a lot of good evidence for the things that. That I’m, you know, that I’m tapping into as well, which has to do with cosmology once again, a return to. In alternative. In ancient cosmology. And there being an underworld is one of those things, there being, you know, something beyond the dome where other.

Other beings and creatures come into this world. But there’s also hyperborea to take into consideration. So there’s a middle ground, which is. Which is the Garden of Eden. It’s hyperborea. It’s the land at the North Pole that surrounds Mount Maru. And those people and those inhabitants, they stay there and their lifespans are extended because the. The stimulation from the electrical field, the amplified electrical field in their atmosphere stimulates their skin to constantly create more and more and more elastin and collagen, and it brings life to a dying body, so it doesn’t allow it to die, basically, which they become the immortals.

Those are people on the surface levels that are basically our elders because they’re older than us. And. And whenever they’re kicked out of hyperborea or they’re kicked out of the Garden of Eden, they become nomadic and they wander around. Those that didn’t go, you know, retreat back into the Earth or leave up into the heavens, they stay here and their family members become nomadic and they bring this ancient knowledge in different ways and strange ways to the Southlanders. Out. Out in the, you know, surrounding areas. I got those pictures pulled up, if you want to put them up.

Yeah, yeah, let’s pull them up. And I seen somebody say, show your face. My g. Right here. Well, Jay, did you just see my face two days ago, didn’t you? Yeah, there’s. There’s a reason I don’t go on screen no more, guys. And that’s personal Things, but I’m a real person. I promise you. There’s many videos out there where you can go watch and see my face and. Yeah, plus you have no business telling other people what to do. Yeah, yeah, just you know, get off my buddy, man. Don’t tell, you don’t go around telling people what to do.

I don’t feel comfortable right now and the reason is I’ll be. There’s times I don’t want to be on camera, you know, like, oh, I look like crap sometimes. My son went to a party, guys and my son’s biracial and they called him a word there that, you know, kind of hurt his feelings. So he got in a fight and they jumped him and he came and got his dad. I went back there and me and the kid’s dad end up boxing and let’s just say that his dad didn’t fare too well but he had an 18 year old son that came up from behind me and, and bash me in the mouth with a baseball bat and knocked out several of my front teeth.

So you know, I’m going through some surgeries and stuff, get my teeth fixed. That’s the truth. Hey, thanks for sharing that. But even I’m just saying as my friend, regardless, you, this is your channel and you get to be whoever you want to be on the Internet. You don’t have to show your face. You can show your face. That, that’s your, that’s up to you. Nobody has the right to tell you what to do. And, and also to me, that’s another omen of the times we live in is that you know, the humanity is just full of entitled people that feel like they, they just get to be served and everyone should just do, you know, live up to their expectations or whatever and you know, like, like somebody saying to, to telling you to, to show your face or whatever, that’s just that they’re paranoid.

Oftentimes people start saying like, oh this channel, they don’t show their face. They, they, they. No, we don’t know what they look like. Who cares? I’m so sorry, but excuse me man, that, that’s besides the point. Why don’t you listen to the information and see how that vibes with your life experiences and your, your learning and your knowledge and stuff and forget all this, you know, trying to create conspiracy theories in your mind and, and jump off the rabbit hole without being tethered. You know, like I, I bungee cord down into the rabbit hole. You, some of you people just jump and you’re Gone, man.

You disappear. Just go, hey, dude, they’ve said, look, bro, they’ve said I’m a clone. I’m an AI robot now. They killed the real Tommy. Truth. They’re not listening. You know what I’m saying? They’re not. I don’t even care if you are a clone. Like, all that matters to me is that the. What I consider to be the truth vibes throughout me and resonates with me and brings me to freaking life. And that’s why I vibe with you and other truth seekers. I don’t care. I don’t care what you look like. I don’t care what you sound like.

I don’t care. I mean, I, you know, to a certain extent, I have to be able to communicate with you, but all that other stuff is people getting lost. They’re getting lost and they’re getting caught up and. And this is. This is exhibited and proof and evidence of their upbringing. They’re. They’re into, you know, all of these reality shows and. And being in everyone’s business and having, you know, the authority and. And being allowed to talk trash or like, even on video. Anyways, I don’t. I don’t want to go off too much on a tangent. All I’m saying is that we’re better than that.

And I would just block people like that if I was you, just instantly. Because that they need to go home. They need to return and. And get better prepared because they’re bad guys. They’re bad guys to me. Okay? Why worry about, you know, and that. But. But I felt. I’ve told the story before, so. But you got a couple trolls that always want to come in. Show your face, Tommy. Show your face. And you know, I. I do. To my friends. I can’t wait to meet trolls in the post apocalypse because it’s going to be Dungeons and Dragons, buddy, and I’m good at it.

Yeah. Step up, trolls. Let me meet you in the apocalyptic world in the post apocalypse. If Kronos doesn’t eat your ass when you get sucked up into the heavens and electrified and turned into stone and petrified and, you know, you’re pissing your pants because all the stuff you never thought and couldn’t even dream of happening is now happening, or all the fantasies of the world are now coming true where we’re getting them. Let me meet up. Meet me on the field. Let me see. Oh, I. I don’t. Bro, I’m a. No, no, no. When we get the superpowers, bro, that’s when I’m telling you, just wait.

I’m gonna. It’s gonna use. You know how in the movie Superman will like, you know, he’s so strong he could like toss a dude into space? Yeah. I’m gonna slam somebody against the freaking firmament, dude. I’m gonna. I’m tossing trolls. I hope. Guess what? You can’t hide in the post apocalyptic world because there’s going to be telepathy reinstated. Okay. So you can’t hide and think that you’re just gonna not let everyone know that you were a troll in your past life. I will know, buddy. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think about the new Superman you sent me? You asked me, Tommy, did you see the trailer? And I don’t know if I don’t know what I think about it though, they’re going like back to the old characters character, ain’t they, man, I didn’t see too much.

There’s a dog, but. Thank you for sticking up for me, Jay. I love you, brother. You know that. But. Yeah, he’s wearing underwear again. Superman. I don’t like it. I don’t like the underwear. Superman. I’m not feeling it. I think it’ll be cool. My guess is that, you know, there’s truth to Superman and stuff too, but you know, this, the time of superheroes was a hot time. It was a hot age. This was back when people were either didn’t wear clothes or they only covered up to bare minimum because the world was very tropical in nature.

Well, what gave Superman the power, Jay? Our son, remember? Yeah. Our son gave him the power, that’s why. Because it was something to do with our son. That in. In our gravity, they said, which. Who even knows if that’s real. But. But that’s what gave him his powers. But look at his name. It’s L. It’s all tied to Enlil L. L. It gets into the Elohim. Saturn. L. You know, there’s a bunch of different connections there with Superman. Yeah, that’s Aten. So that sun, that’s the primeval sun. That’s not. This son. This sun’s weak. Hold on.

Where’s my. Okay, you got the pictures up there? Yeah, yeah. Okay, so this right here, this is the primeval sun. It’s also, you know, it goes by Yahweh and some other stuff too, but it’s extremely powerful. This is the inverted dome up there in the heavens. It’s. And. And it. And the light, The. The rays of light that come down are not just light, but they’re radiation. And they are electrical and they’re plasma and they, they snap make on down into this world and they bring things to life and they amplify things and they mutate things and they strengthen some things and it causes all kinds of chaos.

That’s why this is also the Chaos Star or the, you know, the, the chaos magic or whatever. You’ll also see like, here’s another example of like the beams that shoot up from the plasma volcanoes. These are the seven septon trio. This, what do you call it? Septon tree analysis. And they all, they all shoot upwards to this inverted dome. This is a dome up there in the sky. This is Aten. This is the ancient Egyptian God Aten. Just one of many names. Tetragramma Tan is really. Ain’t that Aten that they’re praying to? I believe so, yeah, I think so.

So I mean you’ll see the Tetragrammaton which you know is up here at the top. In Judaism they, they don’t say the real name of, of God. Yeah, that’s not even a name. This is, this just, this is just. That’s Yodhe vav. Hey. Which is. Which means I am or I live or I exist. It’s Hawa is also the name of Adam’s wife. It’s actually not Eve, it’s Hava. So this is Ihava I Eve or I am or I live or I exist or whatever. But anyways, I don’t want to get too, too far off the topic, but these are different examples of this inverted dome that you see oftentimes depicted right above Mount Maru, right above where Jesus is.

This is a rip, a rip in the sky. And you see how it’s red behind, Right. In this particular image from the Middle Ages, right. You’ve got all these clouds that go around. That’s because it’s depressurizing right there. The atmosphere is deep. There’s a pressure differential up here. There’s a lot of other things happening too because of the super cold conditions and electricity and things. Go ahead. Well, what do you think about this? Okay, so I seen like the, you know the star they always talk about that led the wise men to Jesus. Yeah, it’s the eight pointed star, dude.

And what if Jesus is, is what is considered like what they say Nibiru is or the destroyer. And that’s when he comes back and judges the, you know, there’s theories on that. I’ve always wondered, is there any connection to that, do you think? Is there a connection to what Jesus And Jesus Christ being Nibiru. Yeah. The destroyer of worlds. Yes. There is a connection. So here, this is another good example too. I really like this one. I like these middle age Dark age manuscript drawings and bestiary drawings and stuff. But this is. This is. This is exactly what I’m talking about.

You see how, like, you got the plasma squiggles that are coming down worms. Yes. So you see that in the ancient Egyptian God Aten as well. But see, here’s a good example. This. This actually has Jesus in it. And many of these will. Let me see if I can find a better one. Hold on, let me see real quick. I think I got another one. So Jesus is. And this one actually shows you. So this is a top. This is. This is a view of the inverted dome up here at the top. This is a view from below.

And it always contains the stars and the sun and the moon. Three objects. This one, the sun behind his head, Jay. The iron cross. That is the oldest symbol for Nibiru. Yeah. Which was called the crossing. Right? It was that symbol. Yes. That’s the doom shape or the dome shape. So if this, if this right here. Hold on. If this. Let me find a better one. So here’s another one. So this is like an inverted dome up there in the heavens or whatever. If this is made of a reflective substance which all of the religions tend to indicate, then it would reflect, especially when it’s lit up from below.

As you see this plasma volcano shooting, you know, light up to it. If it’s lit up, then it would logically reflect the world below. Now, directly below this inverted dome is. Is Mount Maru. And surrounding Mount Maru is a big X in the form of these rivers. That image. Right. So this is. Look, that’s the inverted dome at the top. You can see it up here. Yeah, that’s the inverted. Don’t see how it’s red on the inside, but blue around the edges. There’s like little cloud formation where the blue is up the top. So that’s. That is.

To me, that’s Niburu. That’s the apex dome. That’s Nibiru. Jesus represents the light that is born out of the world coming from this plasma volcano. This is Mount Maroon, the center. He’s always flanked by two witnesses, which is an Anode mountain and a Cathode mountain. And you know, electrically speaking, you have a positive and a negative. And Jesus is in the middle. He’s always directly below this inverted dome. He’s always directly below the father. You know, know, sometimes it’s. It’s known as, like, the Father, the Son, and all that stuff. But these are different depictions of it.

And sometimes you see, like, the fire, the flame comes down and the flame rests upon these people. This is like Pentecost. So whenever. Like Jesus’s followers and the apostles and whatever there was, the day of Pentecost, whenever the Lord above breathed on them this holy, heavenly fire, and the fire descended upon them, and they were. All of a sudden, they had telepathy. All of a sudden, they had these powers and they had the ability to understand one another. There’s another one. This. This guy’s standing on the snake and the lion, and there’s the dome with the hand coming out of it right here.

Right. This is. This is, to me, the primordial sun. And in many of these depictions, it actually shows the sun and the moon, our sun. This is not the sun. This is not the focal point up there in the heavens, in the sky today that. Look, it’s setting things on fire. You see that, right? See all the fires that are coming up and stuff? So there’s a connection between this object, which is blue on the outside and then red on the inside. And it’s also the dome shape or the doom shape. In the Colburn Bible, it has an X on it.

This is. He’s getting ate by a dragon. Yeah. You’ll see the Fantazoids and. And there’s mutations and stuff, too. So there’s humans and things like that. There’s another one down here. Oh, and that’s Jacob’s ladder, which also represents our. The kundalini traveling up the. The vertebrae of the spines connecting to the pineal gland, the third eye. What’s up at the top of that? Jesus. Oh, yep. Yeah. So, dude, this is where Jesus goes. So check this out. Hold on, let me find a good. I got another one in here of, like. There’s pictures of Jesus being sucked up into this apex dome, up into the heavens.

I’ll show you a picture of it, and then I’ll talk about it real quick here. But there’s pictures of him standing on Mount Maru, standing on the. The pinnacle of this mountain. Here’s a good one. So he gets sucked up. And this is the apex dome above. It’s just kind of squiggly right here. But hold on. So. So you have to imagine that you’ve got Mount Maru, which is like the throne or the seat or the thing that Jesus stands on or rests upon the light of the world. Right. That beam shoots up into the atmosphere, and it stays for a long time, and it ionizes the surrounding atmosphere.

So you don’t even need the original beam. The. The surrounding atmosphere is so electrified or amplified that it leaves an afterglow. It leaves a charge. So whenever that beam retracts after we go through a polarity shift and that beam gets sucked down into the earth to charge once more, where it is now, before the sky opens again, you will have an afterglow, or the spirit of that light, or that phoenix or that savior figure, or that God or angel or whatever. There will still be an after go, an afterglow glow, a golden afterglow. And whenever the sky opens up once more, that afterglow immediately afterwards, basically, that afterglow gets sucked up along with the aurora borealis and many other things.

They get eaten by Kronos. They get pulled up into this opening up there in the heavens. Damn, that’s fascinating. And shout out to my boy, Jacob Israel, another Truth Mafia member. Jacob, I think I seen on my phone, brother, that you messaged me on X, so I’m gonna hit you back. I hope you did, because I’ve been excited to do that podcast with you. It’s just like we keep missing each other and it’s. It sucks because Jacob’s one of the best ones out there. Have you ever podcast with Jacob yet, Jay? No, I don’t think so.

Oh, he’s amazing, bro. You would love him. He’s been doing it for a really long time. Okay. He’s really good too. You should check out his channel. Yeah, shoot me a link and I’ll. And I’ll go subscribe and check it out. Yeah, it’s just Jacob Israel. Okay, so pretty cool name too. He’s a really good guy, though. Yeah, Jacob, we’ll definitely link up, man. I’ll. I’ll get a hold of you, bro. I met him through Donut Factory. Oh, right on. Shout out to our brother Donut. Oh, this is also shown in Within Freemasonry. I’m sorry, like, I don’t mean to.

To change the subject. No, you’re good, you’re good. But this is also shown to us within Freemasonry as well. And you see, okay, notice right here how there’s like these three flashes coming out of this Apex dome up here. This is how it was described within that Chinese legend. Remember how they said that the suns look like three footed crows or three legged crows? I don’t remember remember that one. But that’s okay. Well, these are. Just go back to that one. Go back to that one. With Jesus. Go back to that one. One more. That one.

Yeah, that’s pretty fascinating there. Explain this one. Okay, so this is a traditional depiction of Jesus’s like, baptism, you know, I mean, it’s showing multiple things happening at one time, like him walking on water and other things too. But there’s also a play that’s happening with. With perspective. So one perspective is that he’s like, this is like a river, and this is just the land, and it splits and it just goes that way and it goes that way. But another perspective is that this is Mount Maru. This is the Split Mountain. This is the Mount of Olives, and it is split, and Jesus is the cause of that split.

And that this isn’t water, that this is actually plasma that is eroded, erupting up into the heavens and, you know, re. Reionizing the atmosphere, basically. And then you have the introduction of, like, monsters and sea monsters and stuff too. See how. See how big he is compared to these little tiny dudes? Yeah, he’s way big. That dude’s got a wing or something. Or that’s his coat. No, it’s probably a demon. Yeah, I think what’s crazy. Yeah. So why. He’s got that same iron curl cross thing, which is that symbol in Nibiru, man. Right. I’m telling you, there’s something there with that.

Check out. Look at this one, too. This. And this isn’t always even. You know, some of this Renaissance artwork is Christian in nature, but not all of it is. So, for example, you can see this is like alchemical work. Yeah, this is. This is some alchemy right here. Yeah. They’re showing you this fluid that is up there around the apex dome, which is basically a gigantic superconductor. And that there’s the same. There’s people hanging out of it all the time. It’s showing you that this is the Planet of the Crossing. This is where other humanoid beings come into our world.

And you can see the light flashing. The Planet of the Crossing. He’s throwing up blood into that thing too. Yeah, it did look like he was throwing up blood. That was pretty. Pretty tight. There it is again with. With all the little red plasma coming off of it. Look at that. It looks very similar to what the Jesuits use. Yes. I think this is the origin for many of the. Many of the different types of symbolism. Here it is again with the three lines. I think these three lines are actually just three beams that shoot up from the anode cathode in Mount Maru itself.

There’s the Jacob’s ladder. Here it is again. This is Jonah and the whale or fish or monster or whatever. And here he is up there. Here it is again. But my. I’m actually looking for one that shows. I’m looking for one in particular. Pictures, bro. There’s. There’s many. Like this one right here is actually. This is Mount Maru. But they force a perspective once more. See on this picture how it looks like you’re looking straight, but you’re actually looking down. This is a view of the top of a mountain going into the Earth. This is going down.

This is leading you down into the Earth. But it’s a. It’s a strange perspective because it’s from the side. But they can’t show you the side angle here and the landscape angle with the important stuff up here. If they show you down into the Earth. So they just. They just take the Earth perspective of looking down into it and they flip it sideways and, you know, they can show you both Alchemy vibe to it, too. Yes, that’s. This is all alchemy. This is the origin of alchemy. This is the great alchemical wedding between the Earth and the sky.

There it is again. But Jesus is almost always, you know, represented in many of these. There’s sometimes there’s a hand coming out of it. But this was a. This was a son getting back to the sun topic. This was this. Look, you can see the Tree of Life, right. Right here. Right. And then the inverted dome right above that. Is that the Phoenix flying up there? Yes, yes. So there’s also going to be a Phoenix, because the Tree of Life is the Phoenix. It’s the Jesus symbolism and the light of the world and whatnot. And it’s cyclical in nature.

So you’ll see there’s like. There’s often. There’s a volcano. This is a plasma volcano. It’s plasma erupting up out of it. And that’s the Phoenix. That’s where the Phoenix is born. It. It is born on a mountain and it dies on a mountain. A normal person. Oh, that’s an orange tree, right? Nah, this is the Tree of Life. That’s what they think. And these are all the different, you know, symbols and stuff that are on there. Yeah. Somebody that doesn’t know there’s the sun and the moon right there. This is all alchemical. Yeah. So this is, like I said, it’s not just Christianity.

This one’s really interesting, too, because look how they have the sun depicted, Right. There’s a moon, which is actually like a. Like A mirror over here, that’s Isis, the water, the, the. And then you got the male, the sun, the masculine, the feminine and masculine energy, the two polarities. Yeah, that’s interesting. Why does I. That’s cool that the, the, the, the double headed phoenix is over by the male energy and well the females got the double headed peacocks. Huh, that’s interesting. Yeah. So this is like the blue beam is the sword also. So this is the sword of truth.

This is the straight and narrow path and it goes straight up to the eye. It’s the beam in the eye. Here’s Mount Maru again. Jesus is inside of it, being born with Mary. There’s the apex dome up there. Oh, here’s a good example. So this one has. Oftentimes you’ll find the apex dome featured and it has the, it has the sun and the moon and the stars inside of it. And yet this is the background. Notice how it’s all golden. Yeah, that’s because that’s the color the sky was. This was the golden age. And this is, they had a different looking sky than we did because of the different circumstances that were happening with the atmosphere and the earth and stuff.

But, but this right here is the apex dome. This is a cloud. This ribbon is actually a cloud that goes around it. It could be like a super fluid or you know, something like, you know between a, a vapor and a gas. Like it’s electrically amplified. Right, right. Am I tripping or does it look like there’s 3? 3? Like it looks like a sun and two moons. Like one’s being eclipsed by the other. Yeah, I don’t know why they do that. Maybe to put a face on it so it doesn’t look like Mac tonight from McDonald’s.

Okay. I don’t know, I, I have no idea. But yeah, this is, this is the moon, this is the sun. These are the stars. The stars are not in any of these depictions. They’re not depicted in the background. They’re depicted as being on the apex dome. Just like right here. You can find it on, on many of these. See, they put the stars there. Background is golden. That’s the sky. The stars are up here because this is probably where the stars are created. The gold. This is interesting. Hey, this is Snoop Dogg’s little hand signal that he does, isn’t it? Yes, that’s, that’s the Lord throwing some gang signs.

Very similar. That’s the number six. Dude, when you do like that, it’s Roman numeral six. Very similar to stupid. Even this over here in the look in the top left handed corner. That looks like some gang writing, right? That’s funny, it was gang banging back in these days. Guys, make sure you smash them like buttons please. And we got the legend up in here. We didn’t just have Jacob Israel. Now we got the legend. Donut factory. Oh snap. Shout out to Donut all star cast. We hung out a little bit last night. We had a good time.

Shout out to my brother. This is one of my favorite ones. This is Jesus just hanging out. Is he getting sucked up there too? Yes. Now check this out though. Watch this. So remember that one? Here he is again. So this is Mount Maroo. Okay. He’s not standing on a tree stump. He’s not standing on, you know, some small hill. This is a small depiction. This is just a cartoon style image. That’s symbolic. This is Mount Maru. This is his feet. This is where he stood. It’s clearly goes straight up into this opening that has all this plasma that’s shooting out of it.

There it is again. This time it’s not with this time it’s without Jesus. And then these weird plants back during the middle ages too. Look at these strange trees. Dude. This asparagus trees, all that purple. That’s all tied to Saturn. See how they put the stars in there background that color purple. J. It came from a snail. It was very rare. So like the peasant class, they couldn’t. They weren’t even allowed to wear that color. There was a certain time you. You could get killed for wearing that color. Or at least so this, you know, right.

Now see here we have the introduction of otherworldly creatures, monsters, mutants or whatnot. Which I think these are just mutated humans. They look like they’re either coming down or they’re getting sucked up. What do you think? I don’t know. Coming down maybe, right? That one dude, he has. He has freaking entities on his elbows. Yeah, let’s check him out. Look at that. Look at that. He’s got a little, little like a little nose mouth. Radioactive looking signal on the one elbow eye. Yeah. But this is that same ribbon, that same blue ribbon. This is the. Yeah, this is the Apex Dome up there.

Do you think they were being sucked up or coming down through the crossing? It could be either one. It depends on what point. So immediately after depressurization, everything’s going to get pulled upwards and outwards out of this world. So it’ll just get sucked out, just like when you first open a soda. But after it reaches equilibrium, the atmosphere and everything, you know. Everything has been depressurized. That’s when things can float back down. And they. Then they do float. They don’t just fall down. So the. The buoyancy reaches an equilibrium and then things can float back down to where, you know, gravity restores, basically.

But it’ll be way less dense and. And way less. Things will be less heavy. And so things will be lightweight because of the increased buoyancy. So you hear, you see like many examples of. This is a sun, though. This is the. Many people look at this and say, oh, that’s the sun. They were sun worshipers. This is the sun that they were looking at. This is not the sun. This is this the dome in the sky that was lit up that they could see during these times? Yeah, you can clearly see it. But a lot of people don’t know how to read symbolism, you know, that’s why I love symbolic Donut.

Shout out to my boy Donut. He’s really good at that too. Picking out symbolism and re. And there’s two donuts in here. This is a different donut. Yeah, that’s the Danger Mouse donut. Yeah, yeah, he’s cool as hell, man. He’s from across the pond. And then we got our American Arizona donut. The famous one, you know, the famous donut, he’s like. He’s like Justin Timberlake. Now, have you seen the new movie that just came out called Flow? No, cartoon. It’s about a cat. I haven’t seen it yet. I’m recommending it to you, my bro. I recommend it.

I’m gonna break it down. I’m definitely break it probably, who knows, this Sunday, I don’t know, but it’s soon. I’ll check it out then because I love the movie. There’s a scene that is this. There’s a scene where there’s this white bird. It’s basically like a bunch of animals in the apocalypse. Okay? There’s no humans or anything. It’s just a post apocalyptic world. And it’s from the perspective of these animals. There’s this white bird that goes on the top of this mountain, just like how I showed you with Jesus in Mount Maru. And this bird gets sucked up into this, you know, plasma up above.

And this opening up in the sky, they show this. It blew my mind. Well, now, what’s it called again? Let me write that down because I’ll forget. Yeah. Oh, snap. That’s odd. There’s a lot of good movies. Oh, guys, before I forget, Donut. Listen to this, brother. There’s this new documentary out. It’s called 2073, donut. Watch it. Which 2073. Rearrange that around a little bit. What do you got? 237. Which is the hotel room or the. The room in the Shining? That 237 is a very, very powerful number. And great catch, by the way. Donut on the fire truck and the little meme girl with the fires out there in LA.

I seen you caught the.38 on the house and the fire truck, which comes from Murder by Numbers. So I was proud of you for that. I seen that. Made me very proud of you, just to let you know. But, yeah, 2073, Jay. It’s a new documentary out, and it’s straight about the plasma apocalypse. It gets into Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and. And them trying, trying, trying. Well, it also has what’s his face in there, Mark Zuckerberg, how they’re trying to set up this uber bros Society because they know some cataclysm’s coming. It’s very fascinating, bro.

It just came out. It’s called 2073, guys. It’s a documentary, but it’s kind of played out in a way, like. Well, now, what’s the name of that movie you told me to watch? Sorry, I’m having, like, technical difficulties. That’s why I’m all dark, dude. Electronics just do whatever they want. Like, I swear they don’t listen. The movie, I think, is called Flow. Let me see. It’s about a cat. You’ll see. It should be like a picture. Yeah, it’s 2024 Flow. Definitely. Check that out, dude, because it’s all over the movie. The whole movie is. Is showing you the truth of the.

Of what has happened and what will happen again. Oh, this cat here, this little. Yes, yes. There’s. There’s no. This is. This whole movie. There’s no talking or anything, dude. But, yeah, no, it’s. But it’s. It’s because it’s all animals and they don’t talk or anything. It’s not like Disney. So. But here’s the thing. The animals are done in such a way that it’s like you hear them talking. It’s like you’re watching this movie and there’s no words at all. There’s no subtitles. There’s nothing. But because of how these animals act, it’s like you can hear dialogue.

I’ll try to get into it, but my son Carmine and Donut try to get me into squid games, and I could not do it. And my son Carmine’s like, dad, what do you mean it’s in English? I said, no, dude, that’s like one of them old Japanese movies or Chinese movies. It’s not in English. They’re just using English voice actors over it. I. I can’t watch movies like that. It drives me absolutely nuts. Absolutely nuts. But, Donut, are you watching the new Squid Games, bro? I know my son Carmine said the new. The new one’s pretty good.

Yeah, it. No, it’s 2073, my friend. 2073. I said if you mixed a couple numbers around, you get 237, which is the number of the room in the Shining, but the. The documentary is 2070s. See, Donna said I didn’t like it. The new version of Squid Games. Wow. You like the other ones, though, right? Donut, you should watch that torching 2024. It was kind of like that roasting. There’s so much predictive programming in that. It’s got that. That bold comedian that he. He’s on. He does the roast, you know? I’m talking about Donut. It’s a new Netflix series.

It’s called, like, torching 2024. Check it out. You. You do really good at breaking that down. That’s more. I got it all fixed up. Sorry, dude. The freaking. I can’t explain. Like, I use this TV for light. You know what I mean? And I have it on YouTube, and I have it set to, like, some channel that provides the. The light that I want, and it just turns off all by itself, dude. The tv, it turns off, and then my gaming system turns on, and all the. Is acting out of control and doing whatever it wants to do.

I’m sorry, My bad. Like, that’s called being hacked, brother. This is garbage. What the hell? Why does it. Like, if. Like, if I leave something on, the. The freaking people are. Are. They’re coding it, they’ll be like, oh, are you still there? Are you still listening? Are you still watching? For your. For your. For your protection. We need to save energy. We’re gonna save you some energy. And, like. No, leave my stuff on. I will leave it on if I want it on, okay? You don’t need to do stuff on my behalf, dude. My stuff gets messed with so much, though.

And it’s usually when I’m doing podcasts with certain people. People. Yeah. That’s why I’m on a VPN right now, triangulating in eight different countries at once. They don’t know where the hell I’m at. But. Well, Jay, we’re actually at an hour and 37 minutes, that sacred 137 number, we’ll let it get past that. We wind it at 138 because that’s a, a number one of our buddies like. But yeah man, thank you know, I really appreciate you coming on. Do you got anything you want to plug? Why don’t you plug your new place where people can send you pictures? Because your old one got broken.

Oh right. That’s right. Yeah. So I think Tommy put a link in this video’s description, but I’ll probably update all my videos too. But I, I have a new link for my Omens episode so people can send me, people can send me their video submissions of like strange omens that they’ve recorded, you know, cell phone videos or home videos or whatever, pictures too. So those will be, you know, taken into consideration for sharing during my Omen segment. And it’s just my Dropbox. Basically I just created Dropbox. The old software program I was using was like charging too much and the, the memory that they were giving me was, wasn’t enough.

So I took that down from my website for a bit. But I’ll, I’ll add it back. And then of course, you know, check out my website, and there’s a free 24 hour cram session so you can check out all the members only stuff and see all the behind the scenes episodes and back door to my website and all the member stuff and my books and all my merch and all the, all that fun stuff is available, you know, for purchase on my website too. I was doing plasma apocalypse consultations just to sort of like, you know, do one on one videos, meetings with people to answer questions and help them to better understand the plasma apocalypse and stuff.

And many people started to sign up for that. But I haven’t figured out a way to offer that service through my website since I changed stuff. So that’ll be something that returns in the future. Yeah, WIX is always changing everything. I don’t like their new version, dude. I like the old version much better. But then you don’t get the option to turn it back, you know, it makes me so mad. And don’t forget guys, if you want to get your decode and find out your role in this simulation we call life. If you’re an npc, maybe one of these very powerful first player characters like, like J Dreams and Donut, they’re both carriers of the rare Neo code whether they know it or not.

You know, you can get that over on and I make you a custom image. I like this one that I did for Kelly because she was. Her spirit animal is the same as mine. If you’re a Capricorn, your spirit animal is the snow goose, which sucks. But, hey, you know, it’s a. It’s a very powerful bird. I heard. I always get all those stupid things. I’m a Capricorn, which is like. It’s a goat mixed with a fish. Donuts is tied to. He’s a half puma, half wolf. I mean, that’s a crazy animal. Yes. Well, that’s interesting, too.

Like, the. Just. Just the word Capricorn, it implies goat and fish, but it’s actually like Capri, which has to do with the waters, and then corn, which has to do with horns, which means horns that come up out of the waters. And it might have something to do with the waters above, actually celestial waters. And then the. The horned one or the horns that come up out of those waters that. That. That will come down towards us, which is all related to what we were talking about. When are you and Donut gonna do another podcast, bro? I don’t know.

Yeah, that was. That was a pretty popular one. So I’ve got a. A podcast called Truth Seekers, where I just, you know, I invite guests on or whatever. And Donut was on there, and we were talking about his Illuminati worms, which I really like. I really dig this whole Illuminati worm stuff. Stuff. So that was really good. But like I said, right. For right now, I’m trying to get as many different guests on as I can so it doesn’t just repeat itself like the. Just the whole podcast. Eventually, I’ll invite the same guests back. You know, it’s.

Otherwise, you’d be on there, like, you know, all the time or whatever. But right now, I want to get as many different ones as I possibly can. And so I’m gonna reach out to my buddy jwtv, shout out to his channel. And then, man, I can’t remember the other person that I just said I wanted to get, but there’s a bunch of people. And also, I’m open to, like, you know, people, you know, suggestions. I’m. I’m willing to be a guest on other people’s channels, too. You know, like, that’s fine. So I can promote, you know, my books and my work and stuff.

Yeah, you could probably go hook up with Donut and check out his channel. He’s got some really cool followers. I’m sure he’d have you on, man. Yeah, Once he comes back and is doing, I wanna, I wanna have all you guys on you donut. I love that idea. I think because my birthday’s coming up the 17th, so I already got a bunch of donuts that he’s coming. I want you to come. Israel, I would love you to come on January 17, brother. You know we always do a birthday. We need an all star, like Hollywood Square style.

Like we need an all star event. Whole truth Mafia squad, like the. The top tier. Yeah, I gotta hit be Della Poniaso, you know, all the top dogs and get us up on there together. Yeah, that’d be a fun one, man. But thank you for coming on today. And all the links are down in the description, guys. Gonna end this. It’ll play an outro. So if you want to stay on Jay or if you got something to go, you can go and handle that. No, I’ll hang out and say goodbye. All right, brother. Let’s play her out.

Reality’s a game NPCs around us they all look the same Soulless entities controlled by AI quantum computer running light Asking why are you just a player controlled by machine Or a first player character living the dream? Tap into the code Break free from the lies Decode Georgia matria See through their disguise in the simulation what’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or controlled? Can you navigate? Elites Use Gematria secrets in the code Find out your archetype Let the truth unfold super quantum computer pulling all the streams NPCs moving like puppets on a swing the Matrix got nothing on the life we lead Green letters falling is the truth we need Are you just a player controlled by machine Or a first player character living the dream? Tap into the code Break free from the lies Decode your gematria Seek.



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