Secret Financial History of the United States

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âž¡ The text discusses the financial history of the United States, suggesting that the U.S. Constitution is a financial document that marked a shift from being a republic to a financial arrangement with England. It also promotes a quantum financial system, gold and silver investments, and a healthcare alternative called Impact Health Sharing. The text also introduces a guest, Mike Barra, who is a best-selling author and expert on space science, NASA, UFOs, and the link between science and spirit.
âž¡ The Articles of Confederation were the first laws of the republic, emphasizing individual responsibility and fairness. However, after the Revolutionary War, the U.S. was in debt to the Rothschild’s Bank of France. To settle this, the U.S. made a deal with the British Crown, giving them national property in exchange for securing the debt. This agreement was documented in the Constitution, which is actually a financial document. This arrangement made the U.S. debtors to the British Crown, changing the nation from a republic to a debtor nation.
âž¡ In the War of 1812, the British seized U.S. property deeds and forced the U.S. to agree to their terms, leading to the creation of the Second Bank of the United States. By 1859, the U.S. had a $500 million debt from the Revolutionary War, which was now owed to the Rothschild Bank of France. The northern states asked the newly added southern states to help pay the debt, but they refused and formed the Confederate States of America, leading to the Civil War. After the war, the U.S. became a corporation under the Act of 1871, and the original Constitution was replaced, leading to a cycle of debt and control by foreign creditors.
âž¡ The text discusses the concept of financial sovereignty and how it has shifted over time in the United States. It explains how birth certificates are used as financial instruments and how the banking system operates on a fractional reserve basis, creating money based on these certificates. It also delves into the idea of ‘real money’ being gold or silver, and how the shift to paper money has affected property ownership and mortgage systems. Lastly, it suggests that each individual has a significant financial worth based on their birth certificate, held in accounts at Federal Reserve branches.
âž¡ The speaker claims that the numbers on dollar bills correspond to someone’s Social Security number, suggesting that the government prints money from individual accounts. He recounts an experiment where he used this theory to pay off a credit card debt, which was initially successful but later disputed. He warns against trying this due to potential legal risks. The speaker also discusses the history of the U.S. financial system, suggesting it’s based on debt and emergency states, and advocates for a return to an asset-backed system.
âž¡ The text discusses a system where the elite can reclaim their spent money from the IRS, which is funded by American taxpayers. It also mentions a plan to allow individuals to buy foreign currencies, which was previously only allowed for institutional investors. The text suggests that this plan is connected to Nesara Gesara, a proposed economic reform theory. It ends by discussing the possibility of doubling Social Security payments, which is part of the Nesara Gesara theory.
âž¡ The text discusses the concept of national debt and how it could be paid off using methods like minting a high-value gold coin or linking the debt to the value of gold. It also talks about the lack of understanding among people about the origin of the debt and suggests focusing on personal debt instead. The text further discusses the idea of Nisara Gesara, which involves implementing financial reforms in a digestible way for the public. Lastly, it touches on the transition to a new financial system and the need for gradual change, suggesting that it might take generations for a complete shift to occur.
âž¡ The speaker believes that President Kennedy was assassinated due to his knowledge of alien technology and bases on the moon. He suggests that recent releases of UFO information and Kennedy documents by President Trump are part of a plan to prepare the public for the truth about aliens. The speaker also discusses his theories on the financial system and his desire to testify about his beliefs on the Kennedy assassination. He mentions his various podcasts and books where he further discusses these topics.
âž¡ The text discusses various books available on Amazon, a recent radio show, and an upcoming event. It also promotes LegalShield, a service offering legal assistance for a monthly fee, and, a platform for buying gold and silver to preserve wealth amidst an anticipated economic crash. The text emphasizes the importance of wealth preservation and suggests that investing in gold and silver is a good strategy, especially for those who find cryptocurrency complex.


Secret financial history of the US that is one of the most amazing topics. So much of what’s wrong with the world, right, does come down to the financial system across the world and here in the States, tell everyone, like, what is, what’s going on, what’s been happening. A constitution is not superior to the Articles of Confederation. It’s actually inferior. It’s a financial document. This was a financial arrangement between the Crown of England and the newly formed United States of America. And at that moment, we ceased to be a republic because we were no longer paying our own way.

So this is what sort of the reality of what happened was right. Before we get started, folks, make sure you hit the pause button. Okay? Go down below. There’s a rumble link. Go over to rumble and follow us over there. QFS17 is without question the holy grail of what’s to come. Okay, T shirts, you got to get yourself decorated. This way people will ask you, what is xrp? What is the quantum financial system? What is this? What is that? And you send them where the where they need to immerse themselves because we’re going to burn down this system down to the ground and out of the ashes will rise to Phoenix.

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And today I have the honor once again of sitting in for Mel. Going forward, as you know, I’m going to be here a couple of times a week. We’re going to have some amazing guests talking about some really fantastic subjects and please like and share if you enjoyed this video, leave some comments as well. We love to read them. Now I want you to remember and I want to remind you guys that we’ve got the upcoming Quantum Summit 2 on March 8th and 9th, which is going to be in Cape Canaveral. And you know these tickets are going pretty fast so you’ve got to register and you’re going to want to be there.

Not only are we going to have two days of amazing panels of experts talking about all kinds of things as it relates to to the health of our country, governance and all other subjects you can imagine in the truther community. I’m going to be one of your co emcees along with my special partner there in crime, Molly Elwood. And you’ve got to, you got to move fast on this. We’re also going to have an amazing gala with karaoke and all kinds of great food. So you don’t want to miss this. For more information go to quantum now without further delay, let’s begin the conversation today.

I’m so thrilled to invite on our show today our guest Mike Barra. And just a little bit about Mike. Mike is a New York Times best selling author, lecturer and TV personality. He began his writing career after spending more than 25 years as an engineering designer consultant for major aerospace companies where he was a card carrying member of the military industrial complex. A self described born again conspiracy theorist, Mike has authored numerous books including Ancient Aliens on the Moon and Ancient Aliens on Mars. Ancient Aliens on Mars two Ancient Aliens and Secret Societies and Hidden Agenda and NASA and the Secrets Space Program.

Mike has made Numerous public appearances, lecturing on the subjects of space Science, NASA Physics, UFOs, and the link between science and spirit, and has been a featured guest on many radio programs. He’s also appeared as a Featured expert on UFOs, the lost evidence for the Travel Channel. And in 2019, Mike played the conspiracy theorist in the Science Channel series Truth behind the Moon Landing. Wow. Welcome, Mike. Yeah, that’s not even all of it, but, yeah, that’s. That’s. Did I send you that? I sent you all that I didn’t mention. And there was more. There was more.

Yeah, there’s more. Ancient aliens, jfk, Dark Mission, and secret history of NASA. All that stuff. That’s. That’s cool stuff and fascinating. You got to get me. You got to get me down there to that event down there in Cape. Cape Canaveral. I got to be there. Yeah. Well, you know, for anyone who’s listening now, Mike, you’re already on the roster, so you’re going to be there. Okay, well, good. Got you. We’ve got you in there. And we got to get all your. Your followers to come down because you’re going to bring a lot of great information, you know, to.

Basically what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to have different subjects, we’re going to have panels, you know, we’re going to kind of do it a little Johnny Carson style, and we’re gonna, we’re gonna just, you know, let the conversations go and just be great. Bring lots of information. So. So let’s get into this, you know, secret financial history of the U.S. right, right. That is one of the most amazing topics. And, you know, just a little bit of my background, like, I had a huge spiritual awakening in 2017. Right. I was always kind of a conspiracy theorist.

And, you know, people thought I was crazy. My family thought I was crazy. You know, I was off the deep end with this and off the deep that. But in 2020, you know, right around the election time and everything, I feel like as a collective, people’s awareness, you know, was kind of expanded beyond where many people were before we started to realize that, you know, maybe things just haven’t been the way we thought they were. Maybe a lot of the truths that we were taught really weren’t what was really going on. And I have to tell you this, the financial history of the United States was something that kind of blew me away.

Right. And I, I, you know, I still, I still realize that so much of what’s wrong with the world, right, does come down to the financial system across the world and here in the States, as well as, you know, what money actually is. So, you know, I want to turn it over to you and just let you kind of do your thing and tell everyone, like, what is. What’s going on? What’s been happening? Well, the US Has a very unrecognized history, very interesting financial history, and. And there’s so many things about our history that were lied to about and that we don’t really understand.

And that if you look at them in the context of what words actually mean and go through dictionaries and things like that, you begin to get a different picture of where we came from and how we got here. And, you know, I think a lot of the story is basically true that you had these colonies who wanted their independence from the English crown. They weren’t happy with the sort of tyranny that they were experiencing. Which, you know, it’s pretty funny because basically we went to war with the British over a 3% tax on our tea. And think of all the taxes that we put up with today, all the excuses that they give us.

You know, basically they want to tax the air and tell us that we’re saving the planet, which is all complete nonsense, right? So it’s, you know, but back then, it was. It was a different story. 3% was pretty high. And it really got everybody mad. And so we had this. These 13 colonies that formed into a nation under the Articles of Confederation. Now, most people have never heard of or even read the Articles of Confederation, and they’re very interesting because as you go through them, what you see is that these were basically the laws that you need, and these were all the laws that they felt they needed in a republic.

And the idea was that they were going to create a republic, which means every person is responsible for their own behavior and their own conduct and to conduct their affairs in a way that. That is in alignment with being good and true to their fellow man. In other words, you don’t steal from other people. It was designed, you know, you don’t steal from them. You don’t rip them off. You don’t. You. If you do something that damages another, you make him right. You do what you can to make that guy right. And it was the concept of every man, you know, a king upon his own land.

And that was the idea that every individual would be a king. And, you know, it just. It really cracks me up when I hear people talk about, oh, well, you know, what’s going on now is we’re, you know, we’re in a war and, and certain people are going to be sacrificed in a war. And you know, when you see these political persecutions going on with the January Sixers, it’s like that’s completely anathema to what America is supposed to be. In America, the individual is supposed to be the supreme, okay? So you do not let one of your fellow Americans experience tyranny or repression or suffering because, oh, well, we can save these four people over here.

You don’t do that. You don’t let anything go uncontested. And yet we’ve got this new idea from the supposed white hats that people like to talk about that, oh, it’s okay that everything that we’re waiting for is taking so long because, you know, we’re in a war and there’s always casualties in a war. Well, that’s not what the concept of America was. The concept was that every individual was sovereign and every individual was just as important as anybody else. There were no kings, there was no nobility, there was no royalty. And the politicians certainly weren’t supposed to be higher up than, than the, than the individual citizen.

They were supposed to be working for the individual citizen. So we had the Revolutionary War and it went back and forth and there were battles and concepts because the Crown was not anxious to give up their very, very rich colonies. I mean, we all know how rich our country is, and this is before the days before we really even understood the value of coal and all the other things we have here in the US the natural gas, the oil, all, you know, it’s pre industrial civilization practically. So the war went on and most people believe or were told that we won the Revolutionary War.

We did not win the Revolutionary War. The English simply walked away. And the reason that they walked away is because we came to a financial arrangement with the Crown of England and they said, okay, look, tell you what, you can go your own way, but in return for that, we want your national property. So that was actually the terms. I mean, most people don’t understand it that there was no surrender at Yorktown. They simply, you know, they simply said, okay, we’re, we’re just going to make a deal and we’re going to leave and you guys are going to pay us in perpetuity.

So we made an agreement with them. And the problem was, is that we had reached a point where we were so deeply in debt to the Rothschilds bank of France, who were not our real allies. They had helped us against the British because they were fighting the British. But we realized, look, we have more in common with the English than we do with the. With the French. So if you will secure our debt to the French bank of the, you know, Rothschild’s bank of France, we will make a deal with you and you can have the property of our national government.

So that was the actual agreement that ended the Revolutionary War. So what we had to do then is come up with a document which dictated out all of the rights and privileges that we had and what the British Crown would get in return. And that document is called the Constitution. Now, what most people don’t really think about or even understand or know is that the word constitution comes from constitutor. Well, what is a constituteur? It is someone who secures the debt of another party. In other words, if you had a car payment, you owed 15,000 on it.

You’re like, Mike, I lost my job. I can’t pay it. And I said, okay, Elisa, I’ll. I will, I will become your constitutor and secure your debt and say, if you can’t pay it, then I will pay it. I would do you that favor and you would give me something else in return. We don’t know what right. So that’s why it’s called a constitution. A constitution is not superior to the Articles of Confederation. It’s actually inferior. It’s a financial document. And if you go through and you look at certain words that are capitalized for no apparent reason, and you kind of piece them together and run it through Gematria, you see all kinds of really interesting stuff.

But this was a financial arrangement between the Crown of England and the newly formed United States of America. And at that moment, we ceased to be a republic because we were no longer paying our own way. We had become debtors to the Crown of England. So. So let me just ask you a question. So. So. And it’s kind of a rhetorical question, but let’s ask it anyway. So this is what sort of the reality of what happened was, right? Why is it a secret? It’s a secret, and we will get to that. Because. Because as of 1933, we’re all supposed to be rich.

Every single American is supposed to have more money than you could ever spend in a lifetime. And they. So that we’ll get to that when we get to it. Okay. Yeah. That is a secret that they want. They do not want you to know the real history of the United States and how it was formed. So. So the Constitution was ratified in 1789. Now, as part of that process is the United States Government had to enter bankruptcy, we had to go into international bankruptcy. And international bankruptcy has a 70 year cycle. So every 70 years you have to deal with your bankruptcy again because to discharge a bankruptcy, when you’re bankruptcy, if you have to file bankruptcy, and some people do, when they say it’s discharged, it does not mean your debts are forgiven.

It means your debts are put off for 70 years. That’s what discharging a bankruptcy actually means. What that means is that in 70 years you got to come back and figure out a way to pay your debts. And sometimes with interest, right, but not always. So the assumption is that 70 years from now you’ll be dead and so everything will just get written off and it goes off into the paper cloud somewhere and it just is written off and it’s just a bad debt that never gets paid. So the United States under this into this agreement.

Now the Crown of England wanted to have control over the US and our money monetary system as a way of securing what they were doing to pay off our, I think it was a $500 million national debt from the revolution which the colonies owed white which the colonies owed to the Rothschilds bank of France. So the British Crown said we will secure that, but we also have to have control. You have to have a central bank and we will run it. So we came up with the bank of the United States, the first bank of the United States which was chartered in 1791.

So two years after the Constitution took two years to negotiate the terms we had the bank of the United States and it was given a 20 year charter. 20 years after 1791 is 1811. Now can you think of anything historic that happened after 1811? How about the War of 1812? Right. So the traditional thing is oh we had some territorial disagreements with the Brits and they invaded and they burned Washington and all that’s bs. What happened was the president at the time, Madison Jackson, I forget which president it was said we’re not going to renew the charter of the bank of the United States.

We’re not going to have a central bank because as we’ve seen with presidents like Jackson, our most, the times where we have the most robust economies and where we are, we have the best circumstances is when we don’t have a central bank to control us and manipulate us. So the British said oh no you don’t. So they invaded. A year later they invaded and they marched on Washington and they burned the White House. But what most people don’t know is the first place they went when they got to Washington D.C. the Capitol was not the White House and it was not the Capitol, it was the courthouse.

Any thoughts about why they would have gone to the courthouse first, Elisa? Because what do you. Have you ever owned a home? Yes, you have? Or well, you think you have, but you have. Well, I have a death gauge, right? Yeah, right, but we’ll talk about that too. But what’s in the courthouse is all of the deeds to the property. So the British went and they seized all the deeds to the property that the United States government owned. And they said, okay, we are foreclosing on all this stuff unless you guys agree to our terms. So they burned the White House, they took the President prisoner, we went through the whole thing in the War of 1812 and we agreed, okay, fine, you can have the second bank of the United States.

So we agreed to that. The war ended, they went home and we were back under their heel again, under their boot. Right. So they were controlling us. We were free to make our own decisions, but they were taking money out of the United States the whole time. All right, so then let’s go from 1789 and jump 70 years ahead because here we are and it’s now 1859. Now in 1859 the debt comes due again. So we have to figure out how are we going to pay this 500 million dollar debt. Well, since 1789 we’ve added a bunch of southern states, we’ve added all these new colonies to the United States of America.

And we went to them, the northern government went to them and they said, we have to pay this debt. So then you jump forward to 70 years after 1789, after the died and the debt comes due again. So it’s 70 years. It’s an international bankruptcy cycle. And we have to address this $500 million debt that the United States has acquired from the Revolutionary War and still hasn’t paid off. So it’s time to meet with the creditors, it’s time to sit down. And basically what’s happened between in the 70 years is that the Crown of England has resold our debt back to the Rothschilds bank of France.

So now we own the French owe them the $500 million. And we’ve also added a bunch of states, the southern colonies have been added to the United States. So the northerners go to the southern states, the new states, and they say, look, we have this debt and we have to pay this off and we need you guys to help us pay it off. And basically what the south says is, forget it, we’re it’s not our debt. We didn’t pay for it. You know, we didn’t take on this debt, so we’re not paying for it. So we’re going to form our own country.

So they formed the Confederate States of America. So in 1859 they start this whole red herring thing about slavery. Well, slavery is wrong and slavery is the big issue. And we have to go to war over slavery to make it seem all moral and correct. When in reality what it really was is it was a war of financial interests. Because the Rothschild bank of France then financed Abraham Lincoln. They started the whole slavery debate. They pushed all that stuff forward with the idea that they were going to get these guys back in line. So they financed the north, which only increased the debt and got us back into the battle of the Civil War.

So we went back and forth in the Civil War. The north eventually prevailed because they had the industry and the money that they were getting from overseas creditors. And once again, that put us even deeper into debt. But at the end of the Civil War, what happened was, is that the states lost their sovereignty. So in 1789, the national government lost its sovereignty and became a vassal state of England. And in 1859 or 1865, when the war ended, the states lost their sovereignty. So to codify that, they created the act of 1871, which we all know about, we’ve all heard about before, which basically turned the United States into a corporation.

So at that time, the original Constitution, which was the Constitution for the United States of America, was replaced with the Constitution of the United States of America, which is what we’ve been living under sort of a corporate yoke now since 1871. So that’s what we all know. They formed the corporate government, but the Republic still existed in parallel. It still existed as a shell around this, this corporate democracy democratic entity. But they introduced all these concepts like insurance, liability, all these things that you need to have in a democracy. So it’s a 70 year cycle. We’ve had the war, the north has won, the south has lost.

The creditors say, okay, we’re gonna take this new deal where you’re going to be paying us, you know, by collecting taxes or whatever, whatever the methods were, tariffs, taxes, that kind of thing. And that’s how we’re going to get paid back and we’ll see in 70 years to see if you can pay this debt off. So I’m. The American people have no clue what’s going on. They don’t. I mean, I like to think of myself as a pretty you know, pretty hip person when it comes to a lot of this stuff. I had no clue about, you know, the act of 1871.

I didn’t know that corporation until maybe four or five years ago. So I think if you speak to the average American today in 2025, they don’t understand this. They don’t know what’s going on. And I have a question before you move on. Where does the bar fit into all this? And maritime law, like how that enter have we. Is that to come that you’re going to talk about or did this start back? Well, that part of the process is not really, not really part of this. My presentation on this. But it is, it is important because the British Accredit Accreditation Registry, which is basically that you create an attorney to a torn is to twist or distort.

In other words, everybody who’s a member of the bar works for the creditors of the United States, the British Crown. So the whole purpose of the court systems in the US has become extracting money out of the people, right? It’s part of the way of paying our debt off. And so that’s why courts say that they’re open for business from this hour 9:00 to 5:00. That’s, it’s open for business because that’s the way, that’s what the courts are all actually for. So that stuff’s all interesting. And then you have the 13th amendment which was, you know, became the slavery amendment.

But in actuality there’s the original 13th amendment which was passed under the old republic, which basically was about there will be no nobility or esquires. You know, they had to get rid of that in order to bring in this sort of lawyer society where they could use the courts to put laws upon people, enforce laws upon people that were not passed by their representatives. And that was to circumvent the democratic and republican process of the U.S. government. So that, that’s not, you know, that’s not a primary thing. But maybe I should add it because I gotta, maybe I should go a little deeper into this and add it to add it to the presentation.

I think it’s important because when you consider that nobody is really sovereign and you always have a partner, I mean, you get married, it’s not just you and your spouse, it’s you, your spouse in the state, right? You, any, anything you do, you are, you are partnered with, you know, this, this group that you have to go when you’re married, when you’re married, you are a corporation, you guys become a Corporation. And your job, actually is to produce assets for the state, primarily children. That’s what you’re supposed to do, is produce more taxpaying children for the state.

So, yeah, all that stuff is really true, but to me, it’s kind of a sidebar. Yeah. Because it doesn’t. Those things do not necessarily. Do not. They were not what drove these historical events, which is what I’m focused on. Absolutely. So. But I think it comes into play as you go further when we start getting into like 1933 and birth certificates and all of that, because it kind of circles back to this whole idea of maritime. It does, yeah. But. Okay, go ahead, finish your presentation. Okay. So. So, you know, 70 years after 1859 is 1929.

Well, what happened in 1929? Well, we had the stock market crash, the onset of the Great Depression, which was all arranged, and the implementation of the Gold act and the new monetary system and the New Deal. So that was all, of course, rehearsed, or that plan was created in 1909 at the meeting in Jekyll island, where all the bankers, all the creditors of the United States, which by then were Warburg Pincus and the Rothschilds, bank of France and all these. These different corporate entities, these bankers got together at Jekyll island and said, okay, we have this bankruptcy thing coming up in 20 years.

What are we going to do about it? Because they’d already taken the sovereignty of our national government. That’s why the United States has always been obligated to help the British, because they’re, you know, we were subjects of them. Right. And, you know, in the Civil War, we took the sovereignty of the States. The States don’t really have states rights anymore. They thought they did, but they really don’t. So what are we going to do next? So the next thing they do is they say, okay, well, now we’re going to take the sovereignty of the people of the United States.

So they create the birth certificate, which is actually a financial instrument. Your birth certificate is put together with all the other birth certificates from all the people born in your birth year and is put together into a security. Any four financial instruments put together become a security. Right. And there was actually a time, believe it or not, when you could go to the Fidelity website and you could do a search for mutual funds. And I did this. You can type in your birth year, you know, 1970. Type in your birth year. And it will come up and it’ll say, yeah, there’s a mutual fund called 1970.

And here it is. It’s 11 point. The value is $11.6 billion. Now that gets really interesting because. So explain that. Anybody who doesn’t understand in 1933, after they were, you know. Because again, these events happened and then it takes a couple years to pass all legislation and get it all implemented. They implement the income tax. That was part of the, that was part of the payment plan for the 1933 debt. And what they said is, okay, we’re now going to take away the sovereignty of the people. But the law of contracts says that if you give something away, you have to give them back something of equal or greater value.

So what do they give us? Gave us the ability to create unlimited credit. Okay. That’s what we got as citizens we were supposed to get in 1933. So that didn’t exactly happen. Right. I, like, I. Can you create unlimited credit? Yeah, you can. Because every time you write a check, every time you, you know, every time you spend cash, it’s not money, it’s credit. Your money, your dollar bills all say it’s a promissory note. It’s not a payment, it’s a promise to pay, it’s a debt. So you pay a debt with another debt. Well, okay, I want, you know, $5 for this.

Well, okay, here you go. Here’s, here’s a promise to pay you $5 at some future date. That’s all it is. So it becomes a giant sort of Ponzi scheme. So they then they secured the system under the quote, full faith and credit of the people of the United States. And they meant that literally because they turned us into financial instruments through the birth certificate process. We became monetary instruments, each and every one of us. That’s why, you know, and nothing again can be created without a signature. So you have to sign on the dotted line. You ever heard that expression, sign on the dotted line? You know, you write a check, you got to sign on the dotted line.

What does that even mean? Well, tell you what, if you take a check financial instrument, and you put it on a high resolution scanner, super high resolution, scan it as high as you can, and you zoom up on that signature line, it says authorized signature. Authorized signature. Authorized signature. What that means is as the author, you are the creator of something, right? So when you sign, that’s where money is created. Banks don’t have any money. Only human beings do. Only conscious, living, breathing, spiritual entities with a soul have a financial creation capability. So everything you do becomes money.

So when I, when I write a check for $10, which God knows who can write a check for $10 anymore. It’s like, exactly. Everything’s 100 bucks, right? The bank takes that, and then they take it back to the Federal Reserve window, and then they say, hey, this Mike Barra guy gave us $10. And they give it to the Federal Reserve and they say, okay, yeah, he’s got $10 in here, here’s $100. So they, they, they. It’s a fractional reserve banking system where the bank gets ten times the money that you just created to loan out for other purposes or spend how they want.

So what they did basically was they said in order to do this, we have to take away the real money because we’re now going to a funny money system, a monopoly money system. And the game Monopoly was created to basically teach you this, that this is all just worthless paper, right? And the only thing of any real value is the property that you own. Right? But so what they did is they said, okay, we’ve got to get the gold and silver out of circulation. Because if you look at a Black’s law Dictionary in 1933, it says money is.9999 pure gold or silver coins in a 1oz silver coin or silver or gold coin.

That’s what actual money is. Now, if you were to pay for your house, let’s say in gold coin, okay, with whatever value it’s been given at the moment, but you paid it in gold coin, you would have what’s called a loyal title to your property. That means that this house that I own, well, I don’t own it yet, but, you know, I own it. That it’s, it’s my property and no one can ever take it away from me. No government can tax me out of it. No one can foreclose on it. No one can take it.

It is my property, which was the intention of the creators of the United States, that, that would, everybody would have that sort of security, but they had to take that away. So they wouldn’t let you pay with gold or silver anymore. You had to pay with these phony paper financial instruments, which are actually debts. So what that means is that every mortgage that you’ve ever created is actually your money. It’s not their money, it’s your money. The bank does not have any money. When you sign a mortgage, which I did because I wanted to move into this place, when you sign a mortgage, they take your application to the Federal Reserve window and they go, okay, Mike Barra just signed this financial instrument for $350,000 to buy this house.

So what happens is Then is the Federal Reserve bank then gives them the $350,000 plus 10 times that amount. So that’d be what, 3,500,000, right? So they, they fractionalize it, right? So they get all this money and then they defraud you into signing a document because they won’t give you, they won’t give you the, quote, mortgage. They make you sign a document that says, and I guarantee you, if you look at your mortgage, somewhere in there there’s a note and it says, I understand that I am giving the bank an interest in a property that, quote, I already own.

That’s why on your paperwork it calls you the homeowner. The bank is not the homeowner. You are the homeowner. Why? Because they took the money out of your own account at the Federal Reserve. They’re making you pay them back your own money at interest to them. So it’s all fraud. So plus interest. And that money, that’s. That the Federal Reserve has is that security that they put together when, when you know, like you were explaining. Based on your birth certificate. Yeah, based on your birth certificate. So the, and the interesting thing about all that process too is that there are 10 Federal Reserve District banks, okay? And each one of them, if you look at your social, if you got a new Social Security card, if you got an old one, get a new one after 1999.

Because in 1999 they started putting these red numbers on the back and it will have like a letter which would be like E, and then it’ll have nine digit number. That is your account at the Federal Reserve branch that that card was issued from. So if you got a card, 10 different Social Security cards, they would all have a different red account number on the back. Red is the color of the Republic, by the way. So it. Blue is the color of the democracy. So it’s public funds versus private funds. So what they’re saying is that, guess what? When I say people born in 1970 are worth $11.6 billion, it’s $11.6 billion times 10.

Because you have an account at each one of those Federal reserve branches, all 10 districts, you have an account. So how much are you really worth? Hundreds of billions of dollars. So when they print money, people say, oh, they’re printing money out of nothing. They’re not printing money out of nothing, Elise. They’re printing it out of your bank account at the Federal Reserve at one of those 10 different districts. So if you look at dollar bills, I don’t have my wallet in front of Me, I should have been more prepared. I should have had my Social Security guard here.

But if you look at dollar bills, they will have that same thing. They will have that letter E and then nine digits after that. And maybe now they’ve started putting the letter because they’re printing so much money. So they’ve added other letters in front and at the end. But if you just focus on the first letter and the nine numbers, I guarantee you that is a number on the back of somebody’s Social Security card printed in red. It is printed out of their account because they have no money. The bankers don’t, and the government does it.

They print this illegally out of your account at one of the Federal Reserve branches. So I would suggest everybody get that copy now. So you think this isn’t true? Okay, fine. I heard about this in, like, 2009. I’m like, well, I got this Capital One credit card. You know, I owe about $4,500 on this. Hmm. I’m gonna go online and pay this bill. So I go online and I pay this bill to pay the bill, and I look up and I’m like, okay, letter E. What is the letter E that designates which Federal Reserve branch it comes from? So I went and I found Federal Reserve.

Just did a. You know, Federal Reserve letter codes A, B, C, D, E, E. Oh, Federal Reserve bank of Atlanta is E. Okay. What’s the Federal Reserve bank of Atlanta’s routing number? Because, you know, on a check, you have a routing number. Yes. For the bank, and then you have an account number. Right. So I typed in the routing number that I got as the routing number for the bank account, and then I typed in the nine digits as my account number, pressed enter. Boom. Went through zero balance. Boom. Now, it’s important to understand that would not have gone through.

Yeah, that would not have gone through unless there was a real account there with real money in it. Because they do an automat. They even. 2009, they did an automatic ping. Yep. The money’s there. Boom. Your $4,500 is paid off. Now, they came back two weeks later and said, oh, well, you can’t do that. And I’m like, well, I just did. And they said, well, you know, that. That. That can’t be right. That’s. You still owe us the money. And I said, no, I don’t. I paid it off, and you just sent me these receipts. Here’s the receipts.

Never heard from them again. The account disappeared off my credit report. Never heard from them again. Wow. So they just said, okay, this guy knows that. This guy knows what the scam is. We’re just going to leave them alone. So that begs the question, like, let’s just say everybody’s watching this show. Right. I’m sure most people, the majority of people have balances on their credit cards. Right. Because we’re living in a debt system. Right. What if they, what if everybody did that? Well, I wouldn’t recommend that. And I’m. Do not give financial advice. Right. I’m just saying hypothetically, like, they, they would have to pay it off, but they’ll try to come back and say, you, you can’t do that and you shouldn’t pay that off.

So, you know, it’s, it’s risky because they can call that wire fraud if they want to argue. So I don’t, I don’t do that anymore. It was just an experiment and it’s evaporated into the autumn mist. So who knows, you know, now? But I would be careful about doing that, and I would certainly not advise anyone to do it. But on the other hand, if you want to fight them, you know, just go ahead and do it and say, okay, let’s see what happens. It’s, it’s interesting, like, as an expert, you know, from an experiment standpoint, that, that, yeah.

People that. Right. That can sort of, I don’t know, just. I, I do not encourage and I am not encouraging. Yeah, and neither am I. I just was saying from a theoretical standpoint, not even like, to that question. But if everybody understood this, this, I guess, was more of my point. And you have like, you know, you know, a hundred thousand or a million or 2 million people doing this, what would happen? Like, you know, it’s more of a. More of a hypothetical question about, like, how would they deal with that? You know what I mean? That was really what my point was not.

Well, it would be great if, you know, people talk about how to mess up, how to mess up the system. And if everybody did that in one day, yeah, it would really mess the system. It would be pretty interesting. Right, Right. So they created this system. So all this stuff’s happened. They take away the gold and silver, you can’t have a loyal title anymore. So now not only do we own all the property of all the individual citizens, we own the individual citizens themselves. They become chattel or whatever. And that’s when they brought in, you know, the birth.

What’s a birth? In, in naval terms, it’s a place where you stick a ship. So you’re, you’re a ship at Sea in commerce. And they created, you know, all the stuff with the strawman account and all caps and all that stuff that we know about in 1933. But the agreement in 1933 was. All right, in order to pay this off or get the, get the, the creditors off our back and allow them to agree to bankruptcy, we have to go to the next step, which is, okay, you’re gonna have to start a war. Civil war paid us really well.

We want to get paid again. So World War II was started, and it took time. The Rothschild. There’s reports that the Rothschilds were the primary financiers behind Hitler, that he wrote Mein Kampf on a. On a Rothschild typewriter or typewriter they bought for him in prison and all this stuff. And so we had World War II, which was the way to put. Put us forward into the next debt cycle. So we had World War II. And then it was really interesting because what do we do after World War II? They came up with the Marshall Plan, right? Remember the Marshall Plan? You ever hear about that in school? And then we had.

We had the Japanese Plan. And so what they did is they destroyed these countries, and then we created new currency for them. And ten years after that, the German deutsche mark and the Japanese yen revalued, and suddenly all of the debts were paid for. They were all paid for. It’s really interesting stuff. I mean, people don’t realize, you know, when World War I, you know, when World War I ended, according 2018, it ended in 2018 when the Germans made their last payment under the, the, the Treaty of Versailles. So they were paying for a hundred years before that finally all ended.

And, you know, so this is all really interesting stuff. And the other thing people don’t understand is that all the things they did in 1933, the New Deal is completely extra constitutional. It doesn’t. There’s nothing in the Constitution that allows you to create an irs, an FBI, Department of Energy, a department, you know, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture. It’s only maintained by the United States being in a state of declared emergency. And the United States has been in a state of emergency since the day the New Deal was implemented in, I believe, 1933. So all we have to do to put an end to all of this bloated, corrupt government bureaucracy.

All Trump has to do is cancel all of the states of emergency in the United States. I mean, they have. We have been in a constant state of emergency that lasts, you know, three months, six months, a year. Presidents have completely, continuously, repeatedly done this. I Even went and found on the White House website, oh, there’s United States is under a state of emergency because of the threat posed by the nation of Montenegro. Okay, like that’s how ridiculous. If you go to the website, they just use any excuse to keep this state of emergency going to state of emergency going.

And it is an excuse. Excuse after excuse after excuse. So you, you know, you have all these new concepts. The money now becomes a paper system which isn’t going to last forever. President Reagan and Francois Midoran meet in the 1980s and the President of France, who you know, by the way, the Rothschilds, own most of our debt. And so they said, look, this fiat system is not going to last, so we have to come up with a plan to replace it. So that is where we are now in 2025, still waiting for the Reagan mineral protocols to be executed and us to get out of this system and back to an asset backed or gold back system.

But let’s jump forward 70 years. So we go from 18 or sorry, 1929 to 1999, 70 years later. So we have another debt situation. So what do you think they came up with this time? Well, they came up with something called the 1099 OID original issue discount, which is a tax write off for all the credit that you create. Okay. And it’s actually in the tax software, the tax documents, it says, do you have any 1099 OID income? Nobody nearly knows what that is. So you just say, yeah, well, how much do you have? Well, let’s see, let me go back through my bank account.

How much money did I spend last year? Oh, $114,000 is what I spent. Okay. I had $114,000. So you’re supposed to get that back. That’s one of the things they gave us in 1999. Now some people did this and got into trouble for doing it. Sean David Morton, the late Shawn David Morgan Morton being one of them. And it was part of this process. So basically what this was is for the elite, for every dime that they spend, they get that money back from the irs. Where is the IRS getting that money? They’re getting it from the taxes on the American people.

So you are paying for everybody else’s finances. Now you could try this. And it did work to a certain extent for some people, but then they went after certain people because everybody figured it out. And I had a conversation with an IRS agent or whatever, she’s like, that’s only for banks. And I said, oh, okay, show me in the tax code where it says that click, she hangs up on me. Because it’s not in there. It was supposed to be for us, right? So we can. What’s happening is that they’ve created these systems to enable us to have our birthright, all this money, and be able to spend it as Americans any way we want, even if it’s a.

Even if it’s debt, basically, technically. And they’ve lied to us about that and robbed us of it. And that is why all these people in Washington D.C. and all these bankers are criminals. And again, you own your home. That’s why you’re listed as the homeowner on the mortgage. So it’s all fraud. So really, in reality, if you look at your credit card agreements, if you look at your mortgage agreements, they’re all fraud. And in reality, they should all be rejected. And we’re hoping, you know, under Nesara Gesara that those kinds of things happen. So what was the solution to 1999’s debt? Well, you got to start a war.

Got to start another war workforce. In 1929, we started a war, lasted 15 years before it was over, created all this money that we, you know, revalued currencies. And so you got to start a war. Well, how are we going to start a war? Well, 911 was how we started the war. And they got us into the war on terror. It got us into the invasion of Iraq. And the plan for Iraq was to invade Iraq, reprint their currency. Obviously, the United States prints their currency. We were printing the deutsche mark. We were printing after World War II, the Japanese yen.

Guess who was printing it? Our mint was not theirs. Ours is. It’s our money. And you know, so they, they had tested this out In Kuwait in 1991, right. Ten years before 9 11, they convinced Saddam to invade Kuwait or however that was done. And we go in and guess who printed the new Kuwaiti dinar. United States did. We printed their new money for them. And then seven or eight years later, in 1998, they revalued their currency to $3.22 to the US dollar. And all of a sudden we had a budget surplus. Remember that? The Bush bucks.

We all got $800 when Bush took office from that money. So the plan was that worked great and we all got rich off of it because we all had a bunch of Kuwaiti dinars. But they did it again this time. But somehow they slipped in this plan to allow the individual to buy the currencies. Because under the old laws in the 1990s, you and I would not have been able allowed to buy Iraqi dinar. We would not be allowed to buy that. We would not be allowed to buy any of these exotic foreign currencies and possess them.

You had to be an institutional investor worth at least $10 million. So again, it was all scam, it was all a sham. And that was the plan. So we had the. Now what are you saying? Like, because I know a lot of people have invested, right. Like, you know, that’s a lot of us are kind of waiting, you know, for the RV to happen and everything so that we can. So are you saying that the fact that common folk, if you will, like us, are able to buy far have been able to buy foreign currency, are you saying that is.

Is connected with Nesara Gesara? In a sense, yes. And I believe that plan came out of what Reagan and Francois Minoran agreed to in the late 1980s, the Reagan Mineral protocols, which guys like Leo Wanta were involved in that. And, and we’re supposed to execute this for the good of humanity and return us to a true monetary system where gold and silver and oil and natural gas and all that stuff had. Yeah. And commodities, a commodities based system, an asset backed system. So yeah, I believe it’s all connected to that. And I think presidents have had guns to their head, basically forcing them to continue to this EO where it’s okay for us to have this again.

I just, I just wish. They need to get on with this. It’s gone on way too long. It was supposed to happen in June of 2011, June 30, 2011 is when the RV of the Iraqi dinar was supposed to occur, which again was about 10 years, eight or seven or eight years after, after the war. So that was the plan initially and it then was circumvented by what we now call the white hats, who I’m not totally convinced are good guys. But they said, no, we have a better plan. We’re not just going to do this with Iraq, we’re going to do this with every country in the world and create sort of a new golden age.

So that’s the plan as it stands now. Although I cannot, God, for the life of me understand why it hasn’t been executed, why we’re still sitting here waiting for this crap to go after all this time. Because it is time to move us in there. So what we will be getting out of this is our birthright. Because our birthright as an American citizen under all these things is supposed to be access to kind of unlimited resources to do with, good with, as we will to our fellow man. But, you know, along the way, the bad guys have infiltrated and polluted our institutions and we’ve lost our moral compass, we’ve lost our moral direction.

And, you know, we’re all looking out for ourselves because they want to create an environment of scarcity. Well, at least in this country, we’re not supposed to be living in scarcity. We’re supposed to be living in abundance. And that’s kind of how they got us here in a situation now in the endless wars. And, and you know, you look at, you look at Trump and you say, he wants to put a stop to the wars. And that’s what everybody wants at this point, the vast majority, I think, of Americans. So, you know, we’re in a situation now where that is one of the tenets of, you know, of Nesara Gesara, right? That no country can be at war with another or its own people.

Right. Because we see that over and over. So, so let’s talk about that for a second just to kind of, you know, I don’t, I don’t care what we call it, right? Because, you know, I don’t know that like, like, there’s not going to be a day, in my opinion, that someone’s going to like, you know, pick up a phone and say, hey, everyone, we’re implementing Nesara Gesara, right? Like, it’s not going to happen like that. It’s going to happen in these small ways. They’re not, it’s not going to be called that. So now we’re talking about ending the irs, right? Which is, well, and as an example, as a great example of that, I just read a story where certain people in Social Security are going to be getting an extra 1800 and some odd dollars a month for quite a while.

And it’s like a certain period of years. And you look at that and it’s like, okay, that’s basically would be doubling the average Social Security payment, which is part of Nesara. You’re going to get a lot more benefits, right? Because after all, it’s all your money anyway. It’s all coming out of your accounts. But they still don’t want to tell you that. So that’s already starting to happen. And then they’ll just go, well, if we’re going to give it to these people, then somebody’s going to say, well, we should be giving it to these people too.

And then pretty soon it’ll be, well, why doesn’t everybody just get their Social Security Doubled. Shouldn’t we do that? Because let’s face facts. If we could, if we can afford to pay all the money we pay to Ukraine and everything, we could afford to double everybody’s Social Security, would double their government benefits. Why? It’s just paper money, right? And here’s the other thing. People don’t know the national debt. Oh, we’re so concerned about the national debt. Well, okay, how about this? You print out, mint a single silver or gold 9999 pure silver or gold coin in the denomination of $36 trillion.

And you take that to the Federal Reserve window near you and you say, okay, that paper debt is paid off. You can pay that debt off with a single piece of real money. Actual cost is a couple grand to mint that coin goes out, boom, the national debt is wiped out. The other thing you could do is you could link the national debt to the value of gold and you could say, well, the value of gold is now a million dollars an ounce. And all of a sudden all the gold we possess pays off the national debt.

So people are concerned about these things, and I think they need not be because there’s lots of bankers tricks to get rid of this, this debt that we have that the nation has. Absolutely. And I think a lot, honestly, a lot of people don’t even understand where the debt is coming from. Like, they don’t, they don’t understand it, you know, and they, they just do. Like, they just repeat these, these, these talking points without really understanding what it really means and that forget about the national debt. Worry about why you’re in debt. Why are you in debt? What, what put you in debt as a, as a person, you know, and it’s, it’s very interesting because, I mean, if you had a guess and you’ve been, you’ve been in this for a long time, you know, where would you say, as far as Americans go, like the, where you think the percentages of people who kind of get it and don’t get it because, oh, less than 5%.

Less than 5. Yeah, it’s gonna say same thing with, yeah, less than 5% that they actually get it, because if they got it, they’d be involved in, and I don’t want to say an investment, because it’s not an investment. It’s a redemption and exchange of, of foreign. They’d be involved in all this stuff. They’d be involved in crypto, they’d be involved in, in foreign currencies. They, they’d have be hoarding gold and silver. And so Few people are really doing that. So there’s not very many people that are actually awake. It’s a, it’s a very limited, limited degree of people that are into it.

So. And do you think that’s part of the reason why they’re going to float, if you will, these, these aspects of Nisara Gesara in a, a digestible way that people can make sense of? Like, they have to look, they have to do something to placate us because they cannot tell us where money really comes from. You know, that’s one of the things where I’m, if I talk about that, I’m gonna get in trouble. Not with the government, necessarily with the people. Let’s say the white hats, let’s say I got invited to Mar a Lago. Well, you know, I’m probably one of the few people there besides Trump.

And some of these people understand what money really is, where it really comes from and who it really owns it. They can’t do that. They cannot go to the American people and say, oh, by the way, Everybody born after 1933 was supposed to be worth billions of dollars and we just kind of stole all that from you and didn’t let you access any of it and made you miserable and broke up your marriage. And they’re not going to say that. And they can’t say that. So they have to keep belief in the system alive to a certain point.

So what they’re going to do is they’re going to placate us with benefits, with our Social Security. They’re going to say, well, the banks, everybody thinks the banks are thieves anyway. They’re just going to say, well, the bankers kind of ripped you off. You got mortgage, here’s your interest back. They shouldn’t have charged you interest. So they’re not going to give us our principal back, they’re just going to give us our interest back. But everybody’s going to be so happy to get. Let’s say you had $400,000 in debt in your lifetime, your car loans, your home loans, your credit cards.

Let’s say it came to 400,000, so they’re going to give you that back plus 10 times because it’s a fractional system. Right? So I go, well, you know, they’re not going to tell you you have unlimited funds. But they’re going to say, well, how about, how about $4 million? Will you take $4 million and be happy? Hell yeah. Who’s not going to say no? Right, Right. So, and same with the income tax, right? Which we’re hoping will happen. Yeah, yeah. Passing into the mists of history. Yeah. So if you look at Trump like you say, he’s, he’s outlining all these principles, he’s coming.

No tax on tips, no tax on Social Security. No tax on. Good. Next. It’s all Nasara. It’s right out of Nasara. But, oh, oh, according to Jordan Sather and certain other people, Nasara is a joke. It doesn’t exist. Oh, yeah. They’re just implementing every aspect of it on an individual basis. Yeah, but it doesn’t exist. Not really. Yeah. And what’s your feeling like when it comes to. And again that we’re just having a discussion here, we’re not giving advice or anything like that. But like, when it comes to, you know, the stock market in Wall street, like, how does that all play into this? Because we know through the years this has all been rigged and it’s all been like you said before the crash, it was, it was orchestrated.

Etc. So, so, like, how does. Because, you know, you still have today. Like, I know in my daily life in, in my profession, you know, as a coach, I, I work with a lot of professionals and, and you know, to talk to financial advisors and different people. They, you, they’re like, that’s it. This is the world. Like, you know, when I sort of have conversations with them and say, well, you know, I’m think moving all my, you know, my IRAs and, you know, to gold and silver and it was almost like, why, you know, like they, they couldn’t quite get it.

So those people are still very much in that matrix. Right. Talk about that a little bit. Like, where do we go with that? What happens with that, in your opinion, with, with Nisara and Jasara? You know, you talk to people like I interviewed Carrie Ann Thornton, who is. Great interview, by the way. Yeah, thank you. And wonderful, wonderful woman and you know, and has great information and, and it’s like, you know, oh, we’re all going to move into 5D and we’re, you know, we’re going to move beyond this and there’s not going to be any money.

And it’s like, I do not see that transition happening rapidly. I don’t think it’s an overnight thing. I think it has to be generational. You have to raise kids in an environment where things are different. The people who have been raised like you and me, we’re still going to need the old system for a while. I mean, we are, you know, it’ll suck if I can afford a Ferrari and everybody can afford a Ferrari. I don’t want that. I, I want to, I want to go 10 or 20 years where, no, it’s just like it is now, only, only I could afford a Ferrari because I was smart enough to figure this out.

I mean, we all want that, right? So that system is, is going to be in place for, I think, for a while. I don’t think it’s an instantaneous change. And what they will do, like you said, is just sort of implement these things incrementally, bit by bit by bit until we’re in a, in sort of a new world and a new way of thinking about money and resources to the point where eventually it’ll be a, maybe a Star Trek thing where we don’t need money. But it’s funny because if you watch the original Star Trek, they still had money.

You know, if you watch the original show, they’re like, it’s always talking about getting paid. And. Yeah, you know, so it’s, it’s. I don’t know. I just think, I think that it’s going to take some time to get everybody up to speed on this. You know, a lot of my friends in the alien community, which is where I came from, think, oh, we’re going to have disclosure tomorrow. It’s like, no, we’re not. No, people aren’t ready for it yet, but they’re getting them ready. And I think what’s going on there, not that you asked, but is, please say, because you know, that I’m a big, That’s a big area for me, you know, personally that I am so intrigued with.

Right, yeah, tell us, tell me. Well, I wrote my book Ancient Aliens in jfk because basically the premise is JFK had agreed with Khrushchev to go to the moon with Russians. We’re going to go together. We were not going to fight. There was not going to be a space race. We were going to go together and we were going to share whatever we found there. And the inside guys knew that there was alien bases on the moon. They knew there was alien technology on the moon. And, oh, we’re going to go to the moon with these guys who just pointed nuclear missiles at us a year ago in the Cuban Missile crisis.

We’re going to go there with them and we’re going to share the alien technology we find on the moon. I don’t think so. We have to kill this guy. And that’s when they decided to kill President Kennedy. And I think that’s the reason for it. And, and then I look back and I look at Trump, and Trump released a bunch of Kennedy documents, and they supported, like, my theory about the Kennedy assassination. That’s what, you know, pushed me to write the book in 2018. And then at the same time, all of this UFO stuff started appearing in the news.

The New York Times, Washington Post, TV network, 60 Minutes started doing these reports on, oh, the government is now leaking what they know about UFOs and aliens, and there might really be aliens and maybe they’re bad. And so we had to start. This all happened in 2017. But what people don’t remember is what happened with the documents that Trump released. He released a lot of the Kennedy documents. He did not release all of them. He was asked by the intelligence community to hold certain documents back, and he did it. Now, Donald Trump is no fan of CIA, FBI, the intelligence community.

Why did he do them that favor? And then there’s the rumors that he said to somebody, somebody asked him at a party at Mar a Lago or something, what’s in the Kennedy documents that you held back? And he said, it’s terrible and you won’t believe it. So I started thinking, okay, so right after that, in 2017, is when all this UFO stuff started leaking. The Pentagon released the reigns, and a lot of these videos are, they’re just drones. But, you know, we got that. And then we’ve got, we’ve got this constant aliens, aliens, aliens thing in the news, being taken seriously by the news when it was never taken seriously before that.

And I thought, okay, maybe I’ve got, I’m onto something here. Because here’s the thing. If Kennedy was killed because of aliens, because they were, they didn’t want alien technology or the secret of the existence of aliens to get out to the world. And that’s what’s in the documents. What do you have to do before you can release those documents? You have to, just as we talked about with the financial stuff, you have to condition people that the idea is possible. So I think when I look back at all this stuff that’s gone on in the news media over aliens and including the drone sightings, I think this is all stuff to condition us for the idea that there might be aliens, to get us used to, for what happens when those documents come out.

So I think that. And it’s the same thing with the financial system. They’re. They’re going to get us, they’re going to slowly condition us into the new system and the new way of thinking. But I think in that one, they’re going to try to not tell us the whole truth. They’re going to kind of like not tell us the whole truth. And I, I gotta be honest. I was on, I was on coast to Coast AM with George Nori last night, and he knows, apparently text with Bob Kennedy. And I said, you got to get me on that assassination committee.

You’ve got to help me testify, get, testify in front of them. Because I’m going to line up everything about why I think his uncle was killed, and I think I can support it with evidence and documents and stuff. So anyway, we’re in an exciting time. We are. And, and, you know, like, I think the other important thing is though, like, not to go too far down that rabbit hole, but, you know, alien, financial alien. Like, there’s a lot of, a lot of, A lot of things that gel together because even with Kennedy, you know, if you’re not talking about the, the secret alien technology or any of that, you’re talking about the financial system that silver certificates.

Right. Were mad at him about, you know, so either way, you’re talking about these secrets in these areas that have been kept from the people. And you know, listen, you can’t. It’s just like you’re not going to wake someone up by throwing a bucket of ice on them, right? They’ll give them a heart attack. So, you know, they have to do it in such a way that. That serves no purpose. Right. Like, I know, like in the community, we get so frustrated because we’re tired of being either insulted or told we’re crazy or, you know, after doing like 11 million hours of research and, you know, we still don’t know what we’re talking about.

And we want sort of that vindication sometimes, you know, like, I don’t care. Let them hear. But from a spiritual standpoint, we don’t want that. Right. Because these people are on their journey. But we have to start. It has to be done in such a way that, like you said, people become conditioned and, and also it’s like the opposite of how they’ve been not only conditioned, but brainwashed. So we’re sort of undoing a lot of that brainwashing. We’re, It’s a, It’s a deprogramming plan. Yeah, and I agree with you too, about all the Kennedy stuff. I mean, I think that it wasn’t the reason they killed him, but I think it was the final.

I think it was the last straw. I think, because 10, 10 days before his assassination, he had signed these national Security action memos to tell NASA and CIA to start sharing information with the Russians. And they were like, okay, I think that was the last straw. But they had all these other reasons. You’re right. Including the financial reasons for wanting to get rid of him. And, yeah, that revelation will be terrible. But I’m with you, too. I’m like, let’s pull the scab off. You know, let’s. We’ve put it out there. Let’s just get it done. Let’s just.

Let’s do it. Yeah. Because people, people. Because people like us, you know, we’re not just looking at, like, okay, we want all this. This abundance, but we want to do good things, too. There’s so many people that want to start helping and doing humanitarian things. And the reason that we’re here, you know, and it’s not just all about, like, oh, I want to buy a Ferrari, you know, like, okay, that’s. That’s fun. Well, there’s a little bit. But, yeah, no, it’s fun. Right. But I think it’s interesting. I. I had a psychic once tell me it’s like, it’s okay to do that, to go buy a ridiculous car and drive it around for a year, if that’s what you want to do.

Because when you go to give, you’re going to give with a fuller heart. You’re going to, you know, you’re. Everything’s. You’re. Whatever needs you had are satisfied. So you’re going to be able to give in a. In a happier, better way. So I think that’s true. Absolutely. Why not show it off a little bit? Exactly. So. Well, listen, this has been so amazing. I want to tell everyone how they can get in touch with you or how, you know, how they can follow you. Okay, well, I got a website. Mike It’s a cheap, doesn’t cost me anything website.

So you go there. And that has links to the shows. I do. I do lots of podcasts. I have real news Live with Mike and Jen, with my partner, co host, Jennifer Falla. She’s a wonderful person. She’s an angelic psychic medium. And we talk about the financial stuff and the political stuff and everything that’s going to happen. So that show is Mondays and Wednesdays at 1pm Eastern, so tune in for that. I have toxically masculine Tuesday on Tuesday nights, which is 9pm Eastern, and I do that with a bunch of guys, Steve Doran and Dr. Brooks Agnew and Blake Wally, some of my friends.

And, you know, that’s a take on the news that’s more secular. It doesn’t involve the rv. It doesn’t involve angels and spirits. It’s just, what do we think is going on? You know, why, what are they lying to us about Ukraine this time? Like, what’s, what’s the, like coming out of Ukraine this time? That’s a good show. And then, and then I do Whiskey and Wisdom with my friend, the original Mark Z, who is a wonderful guy, very deeply involved in the RV for years and years and years. I do that show on Wednesday nights with him at 8 Eastern.

And so him and Zester and me, we, we sit around and again, just kind of like, you know, tease the ladies a little bit and have a good time and drink some whiskey and just be guys. So you can find that, you can find all my books on or you can find them at Adventures Unlimited Press, the Choice, which is about the physics of spirituality and how there’s a lot of reason to believe in all this crazy crystal crap and hippie stuff that’s available from New Page Books. And then you’ve also got Dark Mission, the classic that I wrote with Richard c.

Hoagland about 2007, is available from Feral House. And again, they’re all available on Amazon and all the places you would normally get books. And let’s see, what else do I do? Well, that’s, that’s it. I’m just around all over the place and check out coast to Coast AM from last night. It was a good show. All right. Well, you know, as I said in the beginning, Mike’s going to be one of, you know, one of our esteemed guests at Quantum Summit 2 in Cape Canaveral, March 8th and 9th. So be sure to get your tickets and come down and check out all the other amazing people that we’re going to be interacting with.

And again, Mike, thank you so much. I’m so grateful for you being on this show today and for all you do for the collective and, you know, to bring truth and information. And we’ll see you soon, everybody out there. Thanks for joining us. We’ll, we’ll see you next time. Remember to keep that vibration as high as you can. Stay in an energy of love and abundance, and you’ll persevere through these difficult times until all the good stuff starts happening, which I think we’re on the road to now, hopefully this weekend, let’s hope, right? Let’s keep our fingers curled.

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