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âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, discusses the threats facing America, including the Democratic Party’s deep state terrorism and the Chinese threat. He also talks about President Trump’s complex approach to dealing with China and the need for a different strategy. Hodges also promotes Noble Gold, a company that can help secure your retirement by backing it with gold or silver. He ends by discussing the downfall of Alibaba, China’s biggest company, and its implications for the U.S. and President Trump’s future dealings with China.
âž¡ The article discusses the complex relationship between the US and China, focusing on the alleged corruption and economic issues in China. It suggests that China’s economy is failing due to corruption and interference from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), leading to the downfall of companies like Alibaba. The article also mentions the need for the US to balance its approach to China, stopping harmful practices like spying while also supporting the Chinese economy. Lastly, it emphasizes that Donald Trump, despite his aggressive stance, needs to make beneficial trade deals and avoid war.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here. I’m the host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America, one in slave-minded time. Thank you so much for joining us. Really good to be with you. And we do appreciate you coming here. I appreciate you. How much you care about your country, your family, our collective future, knowing that we got to work together, knowing that we have to stay engaged to support the Trump agenda. And I’m going to say this too. If you’ve been married, you’ve got friendships, whatever your relationship status is with somebody, it’s never smooth sailing a hundred percent.

It’s give and take. It’s overall, this is really good and I like it. And I have to put up with a few things. Just ask any woman who marries a man and think she can change him. Yeah. Okay. There go the smiles on the faces. Okay. That was the icebreaker. But the deal is, is we’re not going to agree with President Trump on everything. But there’s a couple of things that we really should be concerned about. The number one threat in America is American Democratic Party sponsored deep state terrorism against the United States on a multifaceted of planes that I have covered.

And if you missed my show with John B. Wells last week on Caravan at midnight, you might want to go look that up in the archives because I laid out the levels of threat as they exist today. Now, the Chinese threat is number two. And the Chinese are desperate. And Donald Trump’s approach is very complicated. And we’re going to talk about that complicated approach. It’s not the same as it was when he kicked their butt in 2017 to the time he left office. He did a masterful job of turning around the Chinese dominance over our economy.

But this time it’s going to require a different touch. And we’re going to tell you why and why the Chinese are so very desperate in part. Part two of this series. And let’s hope this guides our thinking about what we’ll support from Trump, because we may see some things that look supportive of China. Why has he changed? No, no. He’s walking a fine line. And there has to be give and take. We’ll lay that out for you. We’re brought to you by Noble Gold. And I am so glad to bring this particular ad to you at this time, because it’s going to help you just having the knowledge of what I’m going about to tell you could change your perspective on how you handle investments.

Number one, the banks are in trouble. And in a future segment, and I’m not sure when we’re going to place it, we’re going to look at the Chinese banking system and say, this is where we’re headed. And the same people are behind it. And you’re going to go, OMG, Dave has been right all these years. Dodd-Frank 2010, the banks can do what they want with your money. Yes, and it’s the model that’s in China. It’s the model that’s here. They can take your retirement. You can’t start over. So on the surface, let me just say this.

Noble Gold can extract your retirement from the bank, put it under your name. You own it. They can’t control distribution, anything else, other than following existing federal laws. And then, and then you back it with gold or silver. And appreciating asset. In other words, you’ll grow your retirement in retirement, as opposed to the high risk dollar that we’re now now, do I think Trump will turn us around? Yes. But he’s going to use a basket of currencies. So you’ll be doing the same thing Trump will be doing to restore the dollar. Also, there’s another element here very quickly.

And this is a news item. This isn’t part of the ad. But my friend Colin Plume, who is the CEO of Noble Gold, and you see him everywhere. Fox News, I mean, they’re everywhere. You know why they’re everywhere? Because they’re that good. They never pressure their customers, complete respect, total answers, total clarity. And then they let you decide. They make you decide. But let me tell you what they’re moving towards. And they’re right. Silver is the new oil. Colin has written a book about this. I’m going to interview him in about eight to 10 days on this.

And it is silver is the new oil. If you want to move ahead, if you have a nest egg and you have money, air dispersal, don’t keep it in the bank. Keep operating capital of the bank to live day to day. But take that excess money and go and buy a load of silver, because you’ll be far ahead of the game. And Colin and I will lay that out when we do that show. So I feel like I’m doing a public service announcement here. OK, because Noble Gold is going to crash forward with great numbers of people following and entering what they’re doing.

Their growth is phenomenal because their business model works. And I’m telling you what’s coming, because I want you as an American to move ahead of the pack. We need to be on top of the world. We need to be the world’s dominant power. Why? As much as we have shortfalls, this is still the most virtuous nation on the face of the earth. There’s none that even comes close. And we can return to our roots and we can start to have normalcy in our lives again, get the woke the hell out of our society. So this is where I went with this.

Anyway, Noble Gold, how do you get a hold of them? 877-646-5347, 877-646-5347. Now, the ad for Noble Gold is a contrast to the presentation here. And I love it when I can take a sponsor and say they’re so valuable. Here’s how they enter into the story I’m about to tell you about. And we’re going to talk about the story of Alibaba. China is destroying its own economy. And we talked about that in part one. The narcissistic pathological ego centrism of the communist Chinese party, where they view themselves as virtual gods, they’re killing their economy. And they’ve alienated an ever increasing number of their population.

The people don’t embrace the CCP. In fact, let me quote Jack Ma. Go, who’s that Jack Ma member, the former head of Alibaba, Japan’s biggest or excuse me, China’s biggest company. And he said, very politically, love the CCP, but don’t marry them. And he is right. It’s a model of destruction. They want you to be successful to a point so they can extract their taxes. But they don’t want you to be so successful that you’ll become independent of their system. And the fall of Alibaba and the spinoff effects from the fall of Alibaba really highlights this self destructive attitude in China.

Now, stay with me because this is going to end up telling you what the threat is to the United States and what President Trump is going to have to deal with. So let’s take a look very quickly here. Jack Ma took Alibaba to unprecedented levels. Now, let me say something about Jack Ma. Number one, he’s brilliant. If he were in America, he’d be up there with people like Elon Musk. And so he’s that good. But he’s also right out of the Chinese model of you get ahead by corruption. It’s a mafia approach to success.

Industrial spying was a hallmark of Alibaba. Cheating people along the way, like middlemen and so forth, was a hallmark trait of Alibaba. But they paid their employees well. And the banks associated with that company and their spinoff business endeavors were very successful. Everybody was happy in that tree. Now, that tree will get chopped down. Jack Ma stood up one day at a conference, international conference. And he made that quote that I just said about, you know, love the CCP, but don’t marry them. But he also went on to say, we have archaic enforcement practices that are hurting productivity.

He’s exactly right. The old Chinese dictatorship model of how to manage a global economy does not work. You have to allow some freedom, some adaptation to the countries that you’re dealing with, with regard to culture, politics, geopolitics. And the Chinese Communist Party determines you as a company, what you will and will not do, even when it’s not in the best interest of your company, and does very little harm to the CCP. But anything that threatens the authority structure is forbidden. And when he said our enforcement methods are on the archaic side, and we need to update them.

That was the beginning of the end for Jack Ma and Alibaba. Now, Alibaba fell first in Canada and the United States. Why? Because they were embedded in Canada as a big Chinese corporation. And Trudeau is the bitch of the Communist Chinese Party. Excuse my French, but that is the best way to describe it. You people in Canada are so much better off today, knowing that his days are numbered. And by the way, he hasn’t left office. He’s still dangerous. But he absolutely bent the knee to China and Alibaba. Then you have the Biden administration.

If you missed the congressional hearings that showed proof beyond doubt, that the Biden administration led by the big guy in quotes, Joe Biden made tens of millions, if not more from the illegitimate CCP through bribes and pay for play. So you have two leaders of two major countries bowing down to the CCP. And when they came to Biden, and they came to Trudeau, and they said Alibaba needs to be brought into line, they completely complied. And Alibaba was dirty enough, as most Chinese corporations are, that they had committed acts of industrial spying, acts of industrial terrorism, violation of security and monopoly laws inside Canada and the United States.

So there was plenty of fertile ground from which to bring them down, complying to the CCP requests. Well, it’s not just Alibaba and Jack Ma. 40% of the banking structure of China was tied into this company and its spinoffs. They went down too. If you are a middleman, a subsidiary. Chances are your corporation went down too, resulting in tens, if not hundreds of thousands of layoffs. The freezing of bank accounts, which is another topic we’re going to cover separately. And we see what happens when you do a top down autocratic rule of what should be on paper, a free enterprise system.

And the Chinese economy is in big trouble. And the spinoff effect is a spoiler alert, is the people are having trouble just getting regular amounts of money out of the bank, even when they deposit their paycheck. So when I tell you about Dodd-Frank in America 2010, that practice is in play right now in China. You need to be worried about your finances. This is why I continue to push Noble Gold. I have other gold companies that approach me. Some have tried to outbid for my service. That’s a fact. But I ain’t leaving Noble Gold because they’re that good for America.

They are that good because they understand what I’m telling you. And I hope that you come to understand it. Now, Trump has a problem. This is the third final part of this presentation is that Donald Trump first said tariff, tariff, tariff, tariff, tariff, tariff, tariff, American industry comes back. China has to compete. So they have to lower their prices. They have to change some of their business practices. And Trump used his leverage for industrial spying, hacking into sensitive areas. That’s right, computer crimes. And Trump took care of that like a bowl in a China closet.

And we owe him a great deal of debt for what he did in his term because when Biden came in, he had a harder job to bring down America, which was his mission because of what Trump had built with China. It took layers and layers of undoing to get back to ground zero. And they still never reached ground zero. Things are still better today with China and the United States than they were before Trump was the president. Now, here’s the problem Trump has. The bowl in the China closet can be applied, but it has to be applied selectively.

If he comes and does universal across the board and the Chinese suffers a more precipitous drop beyond what they’re already going through because China’s a failed economy, he’s going to have a big problem. Because here’s the other problem China’s having with regard to its military buildup. There was, do you remember when Xi Jinping fired his top nine military advisors? Do you remember that? It’s because of the extreme corruption. A lot of the high grade quality weapons in China don’t work properly because of cutting corners and taking bribes. I’m surprised Xi Jinping survived because this was on his watch.

The Chinese have built up an impressive military, but it’s regional, it’s not global. And they can’t defeat the United States in a world war. But what they can do is they can secure their region. But they don’t have a lot of time because the corruption has eaten away at the Chinese economy in the military sector. And this has spread to the public sector with companies like Alibaba failing because of extreme interference of the CCP, people being disenchanted. Like homes in Shanghai, I’ll just give you an example. An average home in Shanghai was going for $450,000.

It’s now going for $50,000. The Chinese have a small window to start military conquest in their region. And this is analogous to Japan in World War II, when Japan did not want to fight the United States in a war, not initially. They wanted to secure the raw materials they needed from their immediate region through invasion and do it quickly. If the British get in the way, we’ll kill them too. But they didn’t think America would intervene. America didn’t for the most part, except for things like the flying tigers. Now, the Japanese were being successful.

So the US said, well, okay, there’s a lot of motives here and I’m not going to get into why rural harbor happened. But it didn’t really have a lot to do with the conquest of Japan. It had to do with what was going on in Germany and Japan became the excuse to go to war. Now, looking at the situation today, China’s in a similar position where they need to acquire materials to support their growing economy. They are not a self-sufficient nation. Their economy is going to be a little over 300 million colonists in and harvest the resources of America.

That’s why I always say there’s never going to be an EMP attack because it would be too much for China to overcome in the foreseeable future. But they don’t plan to have us here if they had their way. And I’ve been covering this along with people like John Moore and the late Paul Martin since 2017. The topic’s eight years old. It’s not new. So where does this lead Trump? He has to restore some viability to the Chinese economy. He has to make some trade deals beneficial to them that can in turn be beneficial to us.

He can’t come in and just wipe out the Chinese economy to our benefit. But he does have to stop the Chinese practices of spying, domestic spying, industrial spying, stealing our blueprints online for our latest weapons systems. There’s a lot of leverage there. So what Trump is going to do may not look like a lot to the average American because it’s not slash and burn. But he is the man who is the art of the deal. And I have confidence he’s got the right people in place to do this once he fires all these Pentagon traders, hopefully puts them on trial.

So this is where we are going with this. This is a complicated relationship. The war you don’t fight is the best war. And Donald Trump made it clear he does not want war. So look for some compromise here, but be mindful to get something big. You’ve got to give up some things. So oh, he’s part of the Chinese New World Order, I could hear the allegations now. And it’s not the truth. It’s what he’s going to have to do to overcome this. In the next segment, I’m going to talk to you about an alliance that I’ve been talking about now, since 2016.

And it looks like it’s going to come into play. I want to thank you for joining us. Make sure you check out our newsletter, the Up right hand corner is the link for the email that you put in. And you’ll get a daily update of everything we do late afternoon, early evening, depending on your time zone. And we never sell your data. We will never do that at the commonsend show. I think it’s illegal as hell. I think Facebook and YouTube owe the public trillions of dollars for the misuse of personal data.

So it ain’t going to happen here. The, put in the email, you get the update from the newsletter. [tr:trw].



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