âž¡ Ukraine is using a fully robotic army for the first time in its conflict with Russia. The robots are remotely controlled or use artificial intelligence to identify and attack targets. Meanwhile, the U.S. President has commuted the death sentences of many criminals, causing controversy. The article also discusses political tensions and potential changes in Europe, including France, the UK, and Germany.
âž¡ The speaker is warning that difficult times are ahead for everyone, with justice coming for certain individuals. They anticipate things will move quickly after Christmas and the new year. Despite the tough experiences everyone will face, the speaker encourages staying positive and sends love and Christmas wishes, planning to return after the holiday unless something unexpected occurs.
So January 6, 2025, is that date actually going to come about? Now, I know that they’ve basically designated that now a counting and certification of electoral votes designated as a national special security event. So they don’t want anyone to come in there and, you know, violate that again, as they say it happened. And will the electoral votes actually happen on January 6? I say there’s a decent chance that they could come in. I get a feeling, remote viewing type thing, that, you know, there could be a delay. Some people have talked about this already.
I’m not sure if it’s, I see Trump being inaugurated on the 20th of August. So stand to reason that if there is a delay, it’s not a long delay. They don’t get away with it for much longer than a few days or a week or so. And then they, you know, vote them in. So what could happen that would cause them to basically, you know, shut down the voting or not even meet? Is there some kind of event that might be happening? Now, we know that, you know, they don’t really need people there to vote.
Like we saw one Congresswoman, I guess a longest standing Congresswoman or Congressperson, 30 plus 35, I don’t know how many years she’d been in Congress, but she wasn’t in Congress for like six months. And she was in a nursing home with dementia, but she’s still on the rolls. I don’t know if she voted, I don’t think she voted, but it is, you know, one of the things that we’re seeing with this Congress, they’re pretty much, you know, it’s a ragtag group of knuckleheads that pretty much a good portion of them probably need to go to jail.
There’s people calling already. Kevin Shipp, I think it is, former CIA guy was just recently, I saw where he said that Biden had committed treason and it should be a product on treason charges. You know, it’s a lot of rhetoric. It’s a lot of talk right now. We know that Biden’s not around anymore. So maybe they need something like that so that they can go ahead and, you know, the trial that maybe was, they can kind of like, you know, put that out there. So I don’t know. It’s a mess out there.
And we’re going to continue to see, you know, these guys create messes and have problems like that. So until this basically gets resolved, as far as like the deep state, we’re going to continue to have problems. All right. So let’s look at this one video. It’s, you know, there’s a lot of people out there that are talking about, you know, problems that are happening with the deep state and so forth. I don’t really know if that’s going to continue. If we’re going to continue to have, you know, these events where people come in and say, yeah, we see drones and they’re, you know, they’re going to, they’re spraying chemicals and they’re all kinds of other things.
We have Dr. Stephen Greer. He’s come out now and said there’s going to be some type of an event. So let’s listen to a little bit of this and see if we can piece together maybe some truth out of this. I was in a helicopter last year. After that, I was almost killed, frankly. And we were over these black sites and saw the openings that go into underground facilities where there are the man-made UFOs that come out, but also where they have illegal electromagnetic pulse weapons where they target and down the extraterrestrial vehicles that are then reverse engineered.
Okay. Let me stop you. Let me stop you right there, Dr. Greer. Let me stop you because I want, I want everyone at home to, I want us all to be on the same page. You’re saying that we have the technology to shoot ET craft, not of this planet out of the air, and we are reverse engineering those aircraft. One hundred percent, and there are multiple men coming forward. They’ve been with Jay Sock and Special Forces, who are also Knox and unofficial cover in corporate world. One of them has been there about 29 years and is very senior and has all the evidence and they’ll be releasing the evidence and the information.
Now, this creates a dynamic because it’s happening before the inauguration. They plan to do it sometime between now and early January. And I’ve been working with these men for about 19 months and they’re serious and they have the goods. They can prove what they’re stating, but they’re also going to unmask themselves. They will come forward, the name rank, serial number, and the whole history of this, including the illegal nature of some of these programs, which we don’t have time to go into, but they’re, they’re, they’ll curl your toes, some of the stuff that’s been going on.
All right. So, you know, there’s, there’s many of us have been talking about this for, for quite some time. There is, you know, a lot of activity out there from deep state, trying to create a false, false narrative, I think. Is there, there’s talk of dirty bombs that are out there. There are drones that are looking for the dirty bombs. They’re, they’re drones out there that are, you know, coming in and out of, you know, view drones that are disappearing into the water, coming from the water. There’s, there’s quite a little mosh pit out there for the, in the drone world.
Now, is some of that getting us used to the drones? Some of these drones have come over very protected military bases. There’s, there’s now talk that the drones can be shot down. Some, I think in New York, they’re like saying that their police force is going to actually start to target the drones. They have lots of snipers, they say, that can like shoot at the drones. Now, depending on what, what the technology is of these drones, these drones will just move away from that energy that’s coming at them. We’ve already seen, you know, drones and ET craft and so forth that have withstood barrages of weaponry from the American military, even going all the way back to World War II off the California coast.
There was an alien invasion. They made a movie out of it. It’s a funny movie, but there, there’s documented where these alien craft or some kind of craft just located off the coast of California, Santa Monica area, and the military rolled out and just like discharged all kind of weaponry at them and they didn’t, didn’t even move. So, you know, some of this stuff is, has been out there for a long time. I think the, the ET craft are going to get even more and more extreme as far as like, you know, what we can see.
We’ll see like much, much larger graph drone technology is just nothing. I don’t think even the ETs are involved in all the drones that we’re seeing. Why would they be? So we’ll probably start to see some very, very advanced real ET craft that will be indistinguishable from, will be distinguishable from regular deep state, you know, craft and so forth. So that’s, that’s a possibility potential that we’ll see. Will that be enough to stir everybody up into or panic everybody or make everybody go, oh, we’re, we’re finally seeing the ET craft or who knows what’s going to happen.
But some event, I believe could happen with the, with the, basically the, you know, selection on January 6. And then after that, whenever it happens, then President Trump will be inaugurated on the 20th. So we may see some like, you know, movements that are going on that’ll be stopped out and so forth. So Mount Kilauea in Hawaii, I’ve been predicting that it would erupt. I didn’t think it would take as long, but it is erupting now just started erupting today. I don’t think it’s going to be a big eruption yet, but I think it could potentially grow into something very, very substantial.
We’ll probably see like, like I predicted, eruptions of volcanoes in the west, the west coast of the west coast of the United States. So all the way up the range, we’ll probably see maybe in Washington state, Oregon, and in California, some of the volcanoes start to erupt. So very, very active timeframe. Tsunami, like I predicted, possibility, I think it’s a strong possibility of a tsunami in California. So will all that happen over the next next year? I think it’s very, very possible. So like we talked about the deep state activity is not going to extinguish right away.
So the technology obviously is going to start to increase. Like we talked about robot army, Ukraine deploys all robot battle force for the first time as deadly tech is launched at Putin’s troops in Kharkiv assault. So they have all remotely controlled, just like a drone, or they have AI. So they have a target that they go after and they recognize and see the target and they open up on it. So this is what’s happening now. And we’ve seen some of this technology already that the Ukrainians have put out there. But now it seems like they’re going to go a little bit further because they’re running out of men to fight, men and women.
So women also fight in the Ukraine war. They dropped the age, first it was to 18. And they were saying that it’s just for, we’re just going to start training man at 18. Now, men 18 can and will be drafted. Are they going to go to 16, 14 years old? Possible, right? Is it going to stop? I think at this point, Putin shouldn’t stop until all of Ukraine has been pacified. There is no military left at all anywhere on Ukraine because Ukraine has proven over and over again that they’ll make a peace pact and then they break it over and over again.
Or they’ll claim they’re going to talk peace. And all that was, was the opportunity for them to just build up their arms and then attack on a greater level. So I don’t think that Putin should stop. I think it should basically make sure that the Ukrainian army is completely and totally obliterated and that it can never ever reestablish itself. And that there’s an agreement with whoever’s left over from Ukraine that they will never form up an army strong enough to like, you know, attack Russia ever again, or any other place. So it’ll be, it’ll be very interesting going forward.
Now we have, we have basically our illustrious president has commuted death sentences for many killers. And no, he’s saying that the reason why he’s doing that is because, you know, Democrats don’t believe in the death penalty. It looks like Democrats don’t believe in law at all because they released people that have committed crimes and they go out in the streets and commit more crimes, raping, murders, and so forth. So I don’t think they, the Democrats are, are all about, you know, how horrible it is to, you know, have the death penalty.
I think what they’re about is like, they want to make, make it so horrific on American streets. It’s three, three, three in my, my time right now that there’s, there’s no one that feels safe in the streets because they love fear. Democrats have turned quite evil, unfortunately, and, and very stupid and very stupid, very harmfully and threateningly stupid. So I think that the law will actually start to be implemented quite substantially. Trump has already said that he’s going to have the death penalty for child murder, child rapists, murders, and so forth pedophiles.
So they don’t like that because they really like the pedophiles like Biden, like Biden, old Biden, when we actually had a Biden that was alive and not an actor, that guy was probably very much a pedophile, right? And a lot of people have stated that. So he basically commuted the death sentence of 37 inmates. One of those that he commuted was a man that killed a woman and her daughter saw that and he slashed the daughter’s throat, 12 year old girl slashed her throat so that she couldn’t tell and she died, left her, looked them in the woods.
So Biden commuted that sentence for that person. There’s other, there’s other men. There’s one man that basically killed an entire family. There’s another man that, so that sounds, because he basically commuted all but three that were mass murderers. It sounds like these guys are mass murderers. When you, when you kill two or more people, that’s considered a mass murder, right? So Biden is choosing, you know, it’s like, like typical Democrat is choosing, you know, who’s going to, who’s going to, who he likes and who he doesn’t. It makes no sense. It makes no rhyme, no reason, but he’s going to commute, you know, because Trump is bad.
He’s going to come in and bring back the death sentence and kill these people that are, you know, a good part of society. So another, another person basically raped and murdered two, two girls. So again, mass murder. And so I guess if you’re a child murderer, it’s okay that Biden doesn’t have a problem with that. Right? And because he’s basically telegraphing to, you know, the people that support him, other pedophiles, that it’s, it’s, we’re going to, we’re going to do what we can for you all the way to the end. Right? These people are horrific.
Very, very horrific. So the three that basically, he did not commute, that were mass murders, Robert Powers, responsible mass shooting at the tree of life synagogue in 2018. That’s 11 people dead. Dylan Ruth, a white supremacist who killed nine black parishioners in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015. And then he said, Tez, Tez Nurev in 2013, Boston bombing. So he’s basically going to let them go ahead and be killed. So he wants to do away the death penalty, but not for those three guys and not for people that murder children, rape and murder children.
No, that’s okay. That’s, that’s okay. Those people should live. So, I mean, you know, he’s basically going to go out as the worst president ever. And I guess he wants to go out with a big fat bang. Right? So Merry Christmas. All those people that suffered from those, those killers that were on death row for good reason. Right? So this is, this is the thing that we’re dealing with with, with this horrific deep state, right? And what did the Dow close at today? It closed at 6669. Right? Merry Christmas, America. Right? So there you go.
All right. When the stock market crashed in 2008, when the S&P reaches bottom, it, it turned around at 666. These people are, they need to go bye-bye. They need to go bye-bye. All right. So the real Biden is bye-bye. This is basically, I guess, just in your, in our face, making us even more pissed off and more committed to like, you know, getting rid of these Democrat assholes. All right. So, and of course there’s rhinos in there too. So you, you Democrats get your panties in a wide, don’t worry about it.
We got a lot of, a lot of rhinos as well. In fact, I think we should just lock the door, lock the door like the British did during the revolutionary war and just burn the whole place down. How about that? So of course that’s not going to happen. There are people in there that are actually good people that we don’t want to go wrong. But man, boy, do we get, we get pushed, don’t we? We get pushed to the limit. And it’s, it’s not going to stop anytime soon. We have another a couple of weeks to go, three weeks or so or more before Trump gets in there.
All right. Time is ticking for them all. Absolutely. Um, it can’t tick fast enough. Can we like increase the speed of that times? Let’s roll the clock forward like they screw with us and roll the clock back and forth, right? Let’s roll the clock forward. Let’s like, uh, that week’s gone. That week’s gone. Now it’s time for you guys to die. Like you’ve been killing us. All right. Uh, and that’s, that’s going to be a very interesting, I think, uh, very, very interesting, uh, to see these people, you know, uh, get their justice justice justice is coming, uh, one way or another justice coming.
So the, the people in Europe, they’re, they’re starting to, uh, turn their, uh, their countries around as well. Uh, we see, uh, Macron is probably going to get taken down. Um, and we’re going to have the, um, the party, I think in, uh, the UK, uh, it’s going to get taken down and, uh, we’ll probably have garage come in and, uh, Germany, uh, we’re going to have the, uh, the guy that’s basically saying right now that he believes that the war, uh, Ukraine and Russia war has gone too far. He’s going to travel to Moscow.
You better be trying. You better not telegraph when you’re leaving. You better fly out on a very secret flight. Um, it’ll be, it’ll be very interesting, you know, uh, because people are going to die on both sides. Uh, we’ve been seeing, you know, truthers die. So, uh, you know, there’s, there’s lots of people that are, um, being suicided. Uh, there’s lots of people, uh, that are being killed and so forth that, uh, that is definitely going to continue. Uh, cause sometimes justice has to, uh, be served, uh, that way, uh, for some people, of course, they feel the same thing.
Obviously, uh, Scott Bennett just recently departed from a turbo cancer. Uh, and that’s one of the ways that they, they love to take out, um, people that are against them. They’re like the cancer, a lot of people have been able to beat those cancers fortunately, but some of them don’t. And when they do the slow death, uh, it’s basically a signal to every, all those people that would talk, uh, like Scott Bennett and, uh, you know, have a very, um, horrible death. So it is, uh, it is going to continue. It’s going to continue faster and, uh, we’ll, we’ll see some of these people, like I said, see justice.
Justice is coming. Can’t I just want to get out there and get you guys thinking about, you know, what’s coming. Uh, I think that, uh, things are going to move very quickly, uh, probably after Christmas, and definitely after the new year, uh, it just feels, doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel good right now. Uh, there’s lots of things, uh, that are, we’re all going to be tried. All of us are going to have to go through, you know, uh, tough experiences going forward. Uh, no one, no one’s going to be, uh, out of this.
Everybody’s going to have some, some tough times. All right, look, uh, bless all of you guys. Um, uh, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas. If I don’t see you guys again, unless something like crazy happens, I, I, I will be off, off until after Christmas. Uh, lots of love, stay in the love vibration. We’ll see you guys next time. [tr:trw].