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âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, discusses his concerns about potential conflict, particularly with Russia. He mentions the presence of U.S. troops in Syria and recent incidents involving American planes as signs of escalating tension. Hodges also promotes health products from, which he credits for his improved health. He questions the motives of the current administration and suggests they might be provoking conflict for reasons other than national security.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show that is Freeing America, one enslaved, one at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. I wanted to give you a brief segment here on something I’m noticing, and it’s a reaction to a question I often get. Dave, how close do you think we really are to war? Is the Biden administration going to be able to pull this off and prevent Donald Trump from coming into power? Well, I tipped my hand yesterday with regard to my feeling on that question.

I think undoubtedly it’s true. I’m going to walk you through a couple of steps that I know that we’re moving in that direction and tie it back into a previous segment on this show. Hey, we’re brought to you by slash Dave Hodges. This is The Metasomer Gel. Now, this is good for cuts and burns. But I use it because it promotes stem cell, potent stem cell development. And I rub it on joints, knees mostly. And when I had to make a comeback from Stripped Lung Lawnings RSV, and I started to take the Nanosoma spray, which really boosts your immune system, same manufacturer.

I was told, Dave, if you want to increase your workouts to match your ever increasing health, you’ve got to treat those joints. Where you got bone on bone, you’ve got to treat it with this, this Metasomer Gel. And sure enough, I can work the living heck out of my legs and the knees don’t swell. The muscles make me quit before the joints do. And that’s a reversal of 25 years of suffering. And I can only accredit to the Magic Dicol family products, the Nanosoma spray, the Metasomer Gel, in particular what I’m talking about. And you can be the beneficiary of this too. slash Dave Hodges. slash Dave Hodges. Well, we’ve had two incidences here, I’ll point to. How close are we to war? And I don’t have to make this a long and complicated presentation. When I’m talking about our hip series and pole shifts, I can’t do that. In around a half an hour. I mean, it takes that much time. I can’t do that in five minutes, too complicated. This is very simple. Number one, we have troops on the ground in Syria, and I don’t necessarily disagree as a preventative measure for ISIS rising up. But this administration never does anything for the pure interest of the safety and security of the United States.

So there’s alternative motives there. There’s Russians in the area, and I can see them provoking a fight with Russia. It’s very dangerous to put our troops in proximity to Russian troops. And honestly, I don’t give a crap what Syria does. If ISIS gets out of hand, Donald Trump could bomb them into the Stone Age. I think it’s a fool’s errand, what they’re doing. And I think it’s designed to try to promote conflict with Russians and just looking for the right opportunity. That’s scenario number one. Scenario number two goes into what could be an accident, but with the high technology we have, accidents just aren’t very likely.

The odds favor that what happened yesterday with the shooting down of an American plane and the forced ejection of two American pilots to be rescued, this is not good. That means we got hair trigger responses to what’s going on in the area, and we’re really not in control of where we’re flying. Are we trying to provoke conflict? Are we trying to initiate a shoot down of, say, a Russian plane misidentified that was actually an American plane, but hoping a conflict will arise? It takes me back in time to debate number two between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

And she said, oh, enforce a no fly zone in Syria, meaning a shoot down of Russian planes. And Putin said, had she been elected, we would have launched a first strike against you. I see this being in the same modality, the same mentality. And I look at these two instances and I say, we are damn close to war. Now, let’s link this back in to a third element in this particular presentation. And it has to do with what I was told by a very reputable source who’s been right and given me info because their spouse has access to good information.

And also this person’s a hello researcher. And they said they’re getting info and I’ve had people confirm this to me, email and on the comment sections in social media saying, yeah, we’re hearing this too. Here’s what I reported if you missed it. This is not good, that Kamala Harris is going to assume the presidency because Joe Biden’s going to resign because of some exacerbation or admission or whatever it is, health condition, 25th amendment, bye-bye Joe for the good of the country. I’ll secure the transition of power by putting Kamala in charge. I just can’t do the job anymore.

I got to go die. Okay. So she comes in. We have a provoking incident. We get locked down martial law, no inauguration. We said before the election right here, we said if Donald Trump overcomes the massive voter fraud that’s in place and manages to win, which he did, they will do anything to prevent the peaceful transition of power. We’re looking at some of these elements. This is real. The approximate timeframe I was given by my source if you missed that earlier report was sometime in and around Christmas, but before the new year’s out. That’s pretty definitive.

This is December 22nd. We have nine days left in the year. I’m nervous. There are people with serious ulterior motives who do not have your best interests at heart. In fact, they serve globalist interests who want the majority of us dead. They can’t build a new world order with people that are conditioned to civil liberties and over 100 million gun owners and 7 million veterans of fighting age where most of them own guns. That ain’t happening with occupation force. So they need you dead. You need to take this very seriously. Now, there’s exacerbating issues too with regard to this new budget bill.

Mike Johnson is a traitor. I’m going to do something on this in a minute. You need to stand up. You say it doesn’t do any good to contact your Congress. Well, the hell it doesn’t. If they hear from us in mass, these people are mostly cowards. They’re power hungry, greedy cowards. Most of the people in politics to various degrees. Some are extreme. Nancy Pelosi. Some are more minimal. Mike Johnson’s at the top. He put Clinton staffers on his team and caused his longtime supporters to leave. What does that tell you? Contact your representatives. Tell them, one, there will be no vaccine mandates.

Two, we will stand down in war. You can draft anybody and we ain’t going. And this time in American history, we mean it. Hell no, we won’t go. We will not support any action that leads to a war. Vladimir Putin, my message to you. Don’t always agree with your politics. I’d rather live in America, but I’ll say this. I would rather have an alliance with you, Donald Trump and you, than ever submit to these Rhino Republicans that are screwing our country. Just hang on until January 20th. We won’t obey a lockdown. We won’t participate in military action.

And I’m calling on the military to stand down. Stand down. Do not participate in the exacerbation of war. That’s it for the Common Sense Show. We’ll see you back here again next time. [tr:trw].



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