flights 11 77 | A Discussion With A Former USMC Airline pilot With 35+ Years Experience

Spread the truth



âž¡ Ron Partien introduces his friend Kurt, a former marine pilot, in a discussion about their shared perspectives. They discuss their experiences, beliefs, and the importance of questioning everything. They also delve into the topic of 9/11, agreeing that it was an inside job and not the result of terrorists with box cutters. They emphasize the importance of open-mindedness and critical thinking in understanding complex events.
âž¡ After the 9/11 attacks, a group of pilots, supported by some senators and congressmen, started a program to arm and train pilots as federal law enforcement officers. This program, called the Federal Flight Deck Officer program, was run by the federal air marshals and resulted in 15,000 to 20,000 armed pilots. Despite facing opposition from the TSA and airlines, the program was successful and had an excellent safety record. However, the pilots were not compensated for their participation and were told they would not receive legal protection if they had to use their weapons.
âž¡ The speaker, a retired professional, discusses his experiences and theories about a controversial event. He debates the possibility of holograms being used, questioning what would have happened to the passengers and crew if this was the case. He also talks about his extensive experience with different types of airplanes, their weights, and speeds, arguing that a plane could indeed hit a building at high speed. He compares this to the difference between an empty and a full soda can being thrown, emphasizing the impact of weight and speed.
âž¡ The text discusses the impact of foreign objects on aircraft, using examples like bird strikes and debris on runways. It also talks about the strength of aircraft and buildings, referencing the 9/11 attacks and a historical incident where a plane crashed into the Empire State Building. The text ends with a debate on whether real planes or holograms were used in the 9/11 attacks, with one person suggesting drones might have been involved.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks, suggesting that the planes were remotely controlled like drones and hit specific targets for specific reasons. They also mention a friend in the FAA who claimed that the lead hijacker was in the cockpit due to having pilot credentials. The speaker also mentions reports that some of the hijackers were allegedly found alive after the attacks. The conversation ends with technical difficulties during a video call.
âž¡ The conversation involved technical difficulties with an echo during a live stream, discussions about a controversial topic regarding hijackers, and plans for future research. The speaker apologized for the issues and ended the stream, promising to return after fixing the problems.


To the untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partien, and I am joined by a good friend of mine today. I’m gonna call him Kurt, and he’s gonna go by the call sign crayon six. I’m probably not gonna call him crayon six, but he is a former marine pilot, so I think maybe I’ll do this voice to bring myself down to the marine level. Navy. Marine Corps. Gotta harass each. Yeah, exactly. So, anyway, no, Kurt is actually a very, very wise individual. He and I met, we had an interesting circumstance of how we met, but suffice it to say that we are.

We are on the same page with the vast majority things. There’s a few things we disagree with, like every other human being out there. But let me go ahead and introduce Kurt here and let him kind of give you a little brief down to his history. So, Mister Marine, take it away. Thanks, Ron. Appreciate you having me on the channel and a chance to let your audience know what I think from my perspective real quick. We met some years ago at an event, and we talked, like, what, over an hour? And just. Yeah, I mean, like souls.

And it. From there on, it was met mutual friends. You’re one of just a handful of people I know, friends and patriot community, that. That we think mostly alike. And it’s a breath of fresh air, because there’s. There’s so many of. Even my patriot friends, Navy, Marine Corps, you name it, who are. Are still, I hate to say this, clueless. To this day. It’s hard to talk to them. I’m basically looked at as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. Well, can I interject there? Sure. I believe that you’re probably not nearly as despised or reviled as much as you think you are.

In fact, I think the vast majority of people would say. Cause I feel the same way that you do, that. You know, we have friends that are. Oh, they’re just, you know, they think that we’re wacky and crazy. But I think there’s a. There’s a lot more people coming to our method or way of thinking, and I don’t think you should be so hard on yourself, because about that, I I think you’re. Personally, I think you’re way ahead of the curve. I think we are way ahead of the curve. I think we are. So. Yeah. Well, let me give you a little background.

I’m I’m, uh, I’m pushing 70. A little older than you. Um, I. A little, yeah. And, you know, raised in a fairly conservative family. Irish Catholic, believe it or not, but my. My parents were Goldwater republicans, but I remember JFK assassination and my dad having disrespect and just saying, hey, I may not have voted for president or Kennedy, but, you know, we have to show respect. And this is horrible. And he’s the one. He was the first guy I remember he bought the first edition of the. The Warren commission report, which I have and have read.

So I guess that started it so many years ago. I. From him, I believed in this mantra my whole life. At face value, believe nothing of what you hear, 5% of what you read, and 10% of what you see with your own two eyes. Okay. Question everything. Engage in critical thinking. Okay. Right. And I also collect quotes, and I think I’ve sent you most of my quotes. But, you know, one of my. One of my quotes is never attribute to malice or conspiracy what can easily be explained by incompetence or stupidity. Now, that being said, we all know where the term conspiracy theory came from.

Clowns in America. Okay. Right. Um, I have. I have softened a little bit on that. And, uh, so I don’t question. You know, I question everything, but I don’t dismiss anything anymore. There are certain things I have dismissed in the past that I have now seen evidence of, and I’m like, oh, crap. Okay, I may have been wrong on this, so I’m very open minded, but I question everything, and until I know for certain. And so a lot of what I’m going to say is my opinion, but it’s based on my education, experience. So a little bit on that.

Started out flying in the late sixties. My first flight, I think, was in 69 in an orca champ. I’ve got 40 plus years as an international military corporate. You didn’t tell me we were going to have pets on. I don’t really have any control of when she jumps up. So, an airline pilot. So, 13 years active duty Marine Corps, flew both fix and rotary wing. I’m a dual ATP, flew general aviation, corporate, around the world, internationally, and then over 20 years at one of the two airlines involved with 911. And you can guess which one. So, 911 hit me hard.

Okay. I can go back, you know. Well, let’s. Let’s. I’ll tell you what. Let’s. Let’s. Let’s get to that. Let’s get that in time. I think we will get to that in time. Um, but I want to. I’m going to preface this conversation, guys, with the fact that, look, Kurt and I do not, uh. We actually just. Or we. We actually agree on most of what we’re going to talk about today, this is not a discussion of whether or not I, the towers came down by because of the planes, whether or not it was controlled demolition.

We fully acknowledge that the, the end result of this whole thing was can, was the controlled demolition, not the aircraft that did. But there’s, there, there is a divide out there amongst the patriot community. I believe that we, you know, I mean, people will latch on to pieces of information and they’ll cling to it as though, and it’s like, you know, they’re very, very dogmatic about it, like, oh, this has got to be right and I’m right and you’re wrong. And I don’t believe that that’s healthy, first of all. And I secondly don’t believe that what we’re going to discuss today, you’re probably not going to come away with any clear cut idea of what it is that we’re, of that we’re trying to do.

We’re just discussing the possibilities. So, specifically about flight eleven and flight 77 and whether or not they were, whether or not they were the real airplanes that took off from Boston, Logan that day, that morning, whether or not they were drones that were replaced mid air someplace during their flight paths down to the towers, or whether or not those planes actually landed. And the planes that we actually saw hit the Pentagon or hit the, hit, the, hit tower one and two were, were actually aircraft or holograms. So because I know there’s, there’s, there’s, you know, Jim, I’ve watched some of Jim Fetzer stuff, and I know that he’s very big on the fact that these were holograms and he’s got, you know, he’s got video evidence and all kinds of stuff, but I don’t, I have a hard time trusting video evidence ten years after the fact.

Video, everything, everything can be manipulated these days with computers and whatnot. So I don’t know. I don’t know what it is. I said this yesterday when I was talking to us when we were doing Scott, and I said there’s a scale between probably one and ten. One means I absolutely just completely reject it. A tendency is I absolutely believe it with everything, and I’m willing to fight to the death to defend it. All right. I very, very rarely will you see me get to a one or a ten. Something that would be a ten would be like my faith in God.

Okay? That is a ten. I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m parking my flag on that hill and I’m gonna die on it. Uh, my of loyalty to the country. That is a ten. I will, you know, I will always be a patriot to the United States. I’ll plant my flag and I’ll die on that hill. Some of the things about this, about 911, I’m going to plant my flag and die on the hill, that it was an inside job. But all of the little idiosyncratic and nuance things that occurred on that day, I don’t know. I can’t say for an absolute fact what it was.

But I think at the end of the day, we can all agree that we know what it wasn’t and it wasn’t terrorists with box cutters. I agree. I agree. I will tell you, for the first five years, I was pretty, you know, when people would question 911, I was pretty adamant that they were wrong. Then I really started doing some deep dive research into it, and it came abundantly clear very quickly that something was seriously wrong. And the more I dug into it, and we’re talking about, you know, I went to an engineering school, talking to civil engineer friends of mine, talking to other friends in the construction industry, aviation industry, it came abundantly clear to me things didn’t happen the way they say that happened.

And I also had other, you know, I follow aviation accidents and incidences and actually, I follow that guy as well. Yeah. I get from the FAA the actual reports. One of them was the JFK junior airplane crash back in 99 or 2000, which, you know, I have my own opinions on. Now, we can, we. Let’s not get derailed. We can. So anyway, a lot of, I’ve quickly learned that most of the stuff we think we know, we don’t know. I will tell you, about five years in, I was pretty much convinced something nefarious went on. However, at the time, we as pilots decided that we needed to be armed, okay? And I am a big second amendment person.

We had a core group of pilots and a couple senators and congressmen that supported this, okay? And we started the federal flight deck officer program run under the auspices of the federal air marshals, okay? We armed over 15 to 20,000 pilots. We were credentialed armed, trained federal law enforcement officers, the jurisdiction being the cockpit of our aircraft, okay? At one time, we were the second largest armed federal agency in the US. Wow. We were volunteers. We were unpaid, okay? In fact, the average FFDO spent $20,000 of his own money in the first six to ten years to be a part of the program, okay? We were vilified by the TSA, the airlines hated us, yet they couldn’t do anything about it.

And I will tell you a quick story. Okay. Prior to 911, there was a law that was on the books since we first started flying the airmail in the 1930s. When the airline started flying the airmail in the 1930s, there was an act of Congress that said, because you’re flying the air mail, airline pilot needed to be armed. So really? Yes. So in the 1930s, a friend of fact, one of my classmates at my airline, his dad was a pilot in the thirties, flew Curtis tri Motors, Ford tri Motors, retired on the 707. When they started flying the airmail contract in the thirties, he was told, hey, get a gun and put it in your bag.

He was in New York City, went down, bought a 1911 45, put in his kit bag, and blew for it for 2030 years until we started getting, having to go through security. Mm hmm. And all that. And when, when did the. Okay, so let me ask you this, because this is something that I don’t know. Yeah. When, when did we have to start going through metal detectors? I always remember having to go through a metal detector. It was in the seventies, I believe. Okay. And I have to look at the history of that now. I tell you.

So, yeah, there was. Remember then the sixties? We had the, the hijackings. Oh, yeah. Take me to Cuba. There is a little known story. I’ve confirmed it. It’s get news articles of a cuban hijacker trying to hijack an American Airlines airplane. He tried to shoot the first officer. The gun misfired. The captain pulled out his. 38 out of his kit veg and shot the guy dead. Wow. Yeah. And that was in the sixties. Whatever. Okay. Well, I’ve, not to interrupt you, but to piggyback on that story, I have seen pictures, you know, from, like, the fifties and sixties where I remember one very vividly, where the guy was showing a rifle to the stewardesses.

He literally was able to carry his rifle on the plane and put it up into the overhead carriage. Overhead carry. Yeah. Don’t get me started on this. I grew up in upstate New York in the, in the sixties and seventies, and during hunting season at my high school, every pickup truck had an easy rider rifle rack and a shot rifle and a shotgun in it. Okay. Nobody called the police. Nobody shot anybody. Okay. How times have changed. All right, so anyway, so back to my story. So this law was still on the books, but we could no longer carry firearms.

And a lot of guys just stopped doing it because once again, they weren’t paid, they weren’t compensated. They was just told, hey, it’s federal law. You’re carrying the airmail. You have to do it. Well, they ignored it. Okay? Comes 911. And we brought that up. It’s like, hey, this lost all in the books. We should be carrying firearms. So let’s take another law. Guess who quietly took that law off the book so we couldn’t be armed as airline pilots after 911. Probably Bush or bush. Okay, wash. Well, did. Okay, did Bush do it via executive fiat or did he do it through? I don’t know.

I need to find out how exactly he did it. But he. They quietly took that off the books, which, you know, made it a little tougher. We got it pushed through. It’s a very good program. I can tell you, as you know, having gone through the program, having flown armed for well over a decade, all right, we get some of the best training in the world. The federal air marshals that we train under now, those are the guys in the back being paid. And the reason the airlines don’t like them is they lose two to four seats on every flight that they have to give up revenue to put a.

Put a federal air marshal. Now, the federal air marshes. The government doesn’t pay for those tickets? No, they don’t reimburse. They don’t reimburse the airlines. They make it a man. They make it mandatory that the airlines have to do that. Shoot, I want. I wonder if. I wonder with Chevron or whatever, if that can be overturned now. Yeah, that’s a load of crap. And those federal air marshals are amazing dudes. Okay? They all, the whole spectrum of law enforcement, military. It’s kind of a boring but cushy job. Is it on airliners armed? You know, they know that, you know, chances are of them ever having to fire their weapon and anger are slim and none, in fact, we’ve even been told, okay, if it comes down to it and you’re in the back with your weapon, don’t pull it out.

Let us. We train for this. Right. You know, where this itching that. This is all really interesting stuff. And of course, this is all stuff that, that. That arose after 911. And I find it interesting that they. I want to give you some background on some of my, you know. Okay, well, go ahead. Go ahead then. Anyway, you know, did that for. Did that for well over a decade. Retired. Got nothing from it. No retiree badge, no nothing. The air marshals loved us because we allowed them to be able to do the european flights where we couldn’t go on.

Now, we could do domestic, we could do Puerto Rico, Guam. We could actually do Israel, Haiti, and one other country. I can’t remember which one. So there are three foreign countries we could actually go to. But I’ve been Puerto Rico plenty of times, armed, and. But it allowed the air marshals. Now, in my later career, I did international, so I did London and Hong Kong and Sydney and Tokyo and all that. And we had a lot of air marshals on the London flights. Okay? And England is very, very anti firearm, okay? And so. But they appreciated it because by us doing what we did as volunteers, now, they trained us.

They loved us. They said, listen, you know, down where you guys are trained, in artesia, when we train, the border patrol agents, the instructors all wear bulletproof vests because they don’t trust some of these guys. They said, you guys are smart, you’re educated, you’re motivated, you’re some of the best shots out there. And we’re not worried one single bit about any one of you. In fact, so much so that we had the best safety record of Henry federal agency, bar none. There was one or two accidental discharges. Lack of procedure, yes, but also equipment failures. But as far as everything else, now, we were restricted as to where we could carry, but overall, we were very hardly regarded except for the rank and file TSA that hated us.

So I don’t want to even get into that. But anyway. But I knew that I would probably never, because I was a ff do, because I had to submit the flights I was on. I knew damn well there would never be a terrorist on my board. My airplane. They were targeting an airplane without a federal air marshal or an FFDO on board. Which is why now that I’m retired, I can say this. I never signed up and told them. It’s like, hey, if you don’t think I’m armed, great, I am armed. Guess what? And it got bad toward the end when the lawyers basically said, hey, if you have to use your weapon to save your passengers, to save the airplane, you’re going to be on your own.

And I’m like, wait a second. Okay? We have. We’re federal law enforcement officers. We should get protection. You know, we’re sanctioned, we have deadly force authority. And you’re telling me that they’re going to throw us under the bus? And I’m retiring in six months, and it’s a good thing, because I’m done. I am done with this nonsense. Oh, you’re. You’re still. I didn’t. I thought you were already retired. No, I am. No, I’ve been retired for four years. Okay. That’s what I thought. But at the time, it was. It was one of my last, and it was fun.

I mean, you know, tell me I can get a badge, a gun and carry in an airplane, and I’m gonna. You know, what did I get out of it? I got. I got 100, 200 free rounds of ammo a year maybe, and that’s it. You know, I had to pay for my own range time, pay for my extra ammo. If I wanted to shoot once a month and shoot 2300 rounds, that was all on me. I had to take time off the work to get trained, pay for my food, lodging, they helped with. But, you know.

But we were all volunteers, and most of the guys believed in the program. So. Anyway, that’s enough on that. Let’s get back to. Well, yeah, so, yeah, okay. So the first thing I want to address is, the first thing I want to go into is I want to go into the hologram theory, because that’s the one I think that everybody is probably the most divided on. If it was a hologram, you know, there’s always going to be questions, right? Whatever. Whatever conclusion we come up with, there’s going to be something that’s left out, right? So, for example, if.

If it was the real planes, then why. Or then if the real planes hit the. Hit the towers, then we know what happened to the passengers. Okay? If the real planes were landed someplace else and swapped with drones or. Or holograms were used, then what happened to the passengers and what happened to the flight crews? Right? Yeah. So there’s always going to be questions. Something’s. You know, there’s. You bring up exactly the points I’m going to bring up here. So I don’t know for certain. I don’t know about. I know a little bit about hologram and AI technology, deepfakes, all that other stuff.

But once again, critical thinking. Think about this, okay? Paper trail evidence. Okay? You don’t want to leave any evidence around number one. No. Okay, so by flying the real airplanes in the building, you kill the hijackers, you kill the passengers, you get rid of the airplanes. So that’s easy. Now, how is that done? I’ll get into that. All right. Then you’ve got the point of once the first plane flew into the building, okay, every eye and every camera was on that freaking building. Okay? How are you going to do a hologram on the second airplane? I can see maybe mass hysteria.

First building. Hey, yeah. The airplane flew into the building. Well, I never saw anything. Do you heard it? You see the explosion? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, look at the film footage on the news. It’s showing an airplane flying in the building. Well, I guess you’re right. You know, it’s like the sheep all convinced themselves the airplane flew in the building. Well, yeah, maybe, but I’m not buying that. Okay? Now, I don’t know for sure. This is me and my speculation. Critical thinking once again. But that’s the first airplane, second airplane, guess what? Everybody’s eyes are up there looking.

And when united flew into that building, okay, it’s going to be a hell of a lot harder to convince people, you know, that. That there was an airplane when there was no airplane. Okay? Well, besides the fact that, once again, you know the logistics of getting rid of passengers, airplanes and all that. Thirdly, it is not that hard, okay? These are fly by wire. I flew in my career with the airlines, well, over 20 years. Everything from. I flew the seven three, the seven five, the 7.6 and the triple seven. Okay? The 7576 series were one type rating.

I flew that for many, many years, domestically and internationally. So I flew the 757 200 series, 250,000 pound airplane, quarter of a million pounds. All right? Fully loaded. The seven 6200 er, which is what flew what flight eleven was, and the 300 er, okay, the 200 er is about 100,000 pounds less than the 300 er. So we’re talking about a little under, you know, 400,000 pounds for a 200 er. That’s a 400,000 pound airplane at max gross weight. Now, they didn’t have. They had half the passengers they could hold, and they didn’t have all the fuel because they were only going cross country.

They weren’t going to Europe. So they may have been 300, 350,000 pounds. Okay, so they’re having. How much does. How much does a 767 weigh? Fully fueled. Fully fueled, 387,000 pounds. Seven six, 7200 er. 387,000 pounds, I believe. Okay, 380,000 pounds. Yeah. That’s not what. Okay, well, I threw the triple 7300. That had a ramp weight of 777,000 pounds, a takeoff weight of 775,000 pounds, over three quarters of a million pounds, and we held 220,000 pounds plus a fuel. Almost a quarter million pounds of fuel. I get. I get that, but I need to get people to understand the numbers we’re talking about here.

I understand that. What I’m saying is, you know, 308,000 pounds is 190 tons. Okay? That is. That is not a small number when it comes to a piece of metal that is flying through the air at 500 miles an hour. That is. Let’s talk about speed. Tremendous amount of inertia. Yeah, let me interject here. I’ve seen a lot of people say there’s no way that airplane was going 500 miles an hour, blah, blah, blah, the wings would rip off. I’m like, thank you for chiming in when you’re not a freaking airline pilot, okay? I love it when non pilots, non experts chime in and try to tell me how my job is done.

Yeah, I’m sure you’re, you know, whatever expert you are out there or in the audience. I’m sure I can hear you now when. When the news media is talking about your expertise and they get it 100% wrong. Well, I’m telling you here now, that airplane has a max speed of v and e velocity never exceed redline barber pole of 360 knots. Nautical miles per hour. A knot is not the same thing as a mile per hour. That’s right. When you were doing 100 knots, you’re doing 115 mph. So you gotta, you gotta factor in nautical, because a nautical mile, a nautical mile is what is 1.15 miles, right? 1.15, yeah.

So when you’re doing 100 knots, you’re doing 150 miles an hour. So when you’re doing 360 knots, you’re doing 414 mph. Now those airliners were screaming. I could hear the engines. They were probably at redline. They had pushed those throttles up to the firewall. That airspeed indicator was well past that 360 knots. Okay? It was probably pegged. They were probably doing 430 knots, which is 500 statute miles per hour. Okay. Couldn’t do it. Long engines will blow up wings, permanent structural damage. They didn’t care. They’re about to crash into a building. Okay, so they firewalled those son of a bitches.

Okay? They were probably doing close to, like I said, 430 knots, 500 statute miles per hour when they hit those buildings. That’s a lot of inertia when you’re 300,000 plus, so. And the kind of the point that I want to make with that is, you know, we’re not talking about aluminum coming into contact with steel. We’re talking about aluminum that has a tremendous amount of weight behind it and is going on an extraordinarily fast, you know, rapid pace. And when it comes into contact with that steel, you. It’s, it’s not like it’s an empty tin can.

So look, this is a great, this is. Let me see if I can use this as an example, there’s a difference of when you pick up a can of soda that is pressurized and full. Right. You know, it’s, it feels different than when you pick up an empty tin can or an empty, an empty can. Aluminum can. Right. So if you. When you throw, when you throw the aluminum can at something. Yeah. The aluminum is probably going to be weak and if it hits something, it’s going to puncture and it’s going to, you know, the pressurization is going to cause it to go.

But still, if you’re, if you throw that, as if you throw that aluminum can at a human being or something, you throw it hard enough, it is going to penetrate, or it could penetrate, puncture, whatever. Not a human. But I mean, like, you know, if you put, if you put the aluminum can into a full aluminum can, it’s like a cannon, and then you fired it at a, at a brick wall, the aluminum can is going to explode one up. But the initial, um, the initial mass that comes into contact with that brick wall is very likely going to cause it’s going to dent it or something.

You’re going to have, you’re going to have some sort of a Rem. REm remaining mark on the outside of the wall, correct? Yes. I mean, just think about it. I’m sitting there with an empty aluminum can run, I’m mad at you and I’m going to throw it at your head. Are you going to be really fricking worried? No, I’ve got a full can of soda and I’m going to throw it at your head. And I’ve got a damn good arm because I used to play baseball. You know, you’re going to have a little bit of a hurt.

Not going to kill you, but you know what I mean? So another analogy, and this is, this is part of Mythbusters, urban myths. They had cannons where they used to shoot chickens at airliner windshields to see if they could withstand a bird strike. Okay. Well, the Brits started doing this and they were breaking the windshields. And they wrote to the Americans, said, hey, we keep breaking the windshields. I don’t know how you’re doing this. And basically the Americans wrote back and said, thaw out the frickin chickens. They were shooting the chickens frozen at the windshields. And they went through, if you shoot a regular fleshy chicken out of a cannon, you know, these windshields can take quite a bit of an impact over that.

So, you know, density of the frozen versus, you know, same thing with an airliner. You’ve got, you got, you know, systems and, and engines and fuel and passengers and cargo and all that. So, you know, they’re pretty. I was, I was watching one of the, one of the videos that fetcher did explaining his position, and he used photographic evidence of a yemenite of like, planes that have been damaged by bird strikes and, you know, showing the, just the carnage on the plane, you know, where if, because, I mean, you know, you, I’m sure you can attest to this.

If you take, if you’re taking off from, from an airport, like, let’s say you take off from LAX and you, you have a bird that gets into the engine. I mean, it’s going to destroy the engine. I mean, it’s titanium, but the, but the sucking in that, that bird is going to, it’s going to destroy that engine. It may not destroy it, but it’s going to damage it to the point where it’s no longer, it’s certainly not going to be. People don’t realize those turbine blades spin at 2030 40,000 rpm, right? 40,000 rpm. That’s, that’s not the written, I don’t want to say they’re well balanced, they’re tough, they’re titanium, but you throw an object in there.

Um, which is why we have things called. And you, you know, I don’t know if you were on, on aviation part, but fod walks foreign objects. Oh, yeah, I know. I used to walk the flight line and pick up anything that could be sucked in and understand those jet engines can pick you up off your feet and suck you into the engine. And for those, for those of you who don’t know a fod walk, fod is foreign object and debris. And so which would every, what they do at basically every airport, I don’t know how often they do it at the airports, but I know what we would do.

We would do it in the navy on the, on the flight deck, they would do, you’d have to walk the entire length of the fight deck and you’d have a, you’d have a line of people shoulder to shoulder walking, looking for anything, a pebble, whatever, anything that was on the deck that didn’t belong there, and you got rid of it. That is a, because the american aircraft and the Russians actually did some interesting things to get around this. But american aircraft are very sensitive to foreign objects. That’s one of the reasons why you see the a ten with the engines high, so that the engines, it avoids, it reduces the risk of foreign objects getting into the engines of the a ten.

But if you look at all major aircraft, they’re, the air intakes are under the fuselage or under the wings, something like that. But they’re on the bottom part of the aircraft, so they are more susceptible to sucking in things. And if you ever look very critically at an air intake, you’ll see like a kind of a red triangle or a subdued triangle, and it says danger zone. Do not get close here, because if that engine is going, it will. It could suck a human into the engine and kill him. And it was just a guy, a ramper.

That happens all the time. Yeah. Yeah, there was a ramper. I can’t remember what airline, in front of a seven three. They had the engines up, taxiing in, picked them up, sucked them in, and basically made red mist out of them to be graphics. Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s pretty gross. But anyway, so the kind of, the point that I’m trying to make here is that, you know, if you’re talking about a straight, strictly aluminum plane that’s hitting that steel, I’m going to absolutely agree with everybody that anybody who makes the argument that it’s, there’s no way that a plane could penetrate the steel beams of that.

But if you look very closely at, at pictures of the world, not the World Trade center, but the Empire State Building back in 1944, when a B 25 Mitchell was flying, and it, it crashed into the going half the speed, and it penetrated the concrete and, and the steel beams that out, that were on the outside of the, of the Empire State Building. So to say that that can’t happen, I believe is Isdev false. I believe that the speed and the inertia of the plane could very well splice through the steel. What’s your take on that? Yeah, absolutely.

Remember, the Empire State Building was old school built with, you know, much sturdier materials, light made materials. The core of the World Trade center are four steel beams on the interior. Okay. You, you hang those facade panels. Yes. There are steel beams on the outside, too. It was a very strong building. But, you know, when, when you get, you know, a third of a million pounds doing 500 miles an hour punching in, you’re going to do some damage and you’re going to get inside the building. Will you slice it in half? Hell, no. No, it didn’t do that.

It went in the building. And basically, the four central beams where all the elevators were kept kept the structure intact. Okay. So I have no doubt those airplanes just punched right into the side of that building. I don’t think you needed holograms. Okay? That was the. That was the. That was the. The light show. That was the show, right? Show the global public. Hey, airliners flew into the building and. Well, ignore all the control demolition. Ignore all the other stuff. Ignore. Ignore the free fall pancaking of the buildings. You will. You. Basically what you’re saying is, is that we couldn’t have a building seven with buildings one and two.

We had to have an event. And they blame. They blame seven on one and two, collapsing, causing the. Causing damage which no building in the history of buildings has ever free fallen at the rate of gravity. 9.8 meters/second squared. Okay. Because it caught on fire. All right? And then don’t even get into all the other. What was in that building and what disappeared when it disappeared. Right. Now I’m gonna. I’m gonna say something that’s gonna be contrary to the. Or an argument against the hologram thing is, because there were no. Everybody saw flight 77 hit the south tower because everybody had.

I mean, you had, like, what, five or six camera crews positioned cameras onto one, one and two that were looking straight at it because one was on fire. Because. Because of flight eleven. Well, the na. They brothers were down in. They were down there filming a documentary on the New York City fire department, and they. The. One of the cameraman’s heard the. The plane fly over and he looked up and he pointed the camera and he zoomed in on it right as it contacted building. Building one. And to me, if you were doing it as a surprise like that, there would be no reason to do a hologram.

Right? Yeah. All right, so that was. I believe that that was a real aircraft that hit because you could hear the. Not only. Not only could you see the plane, but you could hear the plane. I mean, they. In the. In the audio of the recording where the guys are, they can hear the plane coming. Right. They heard it. That’s what caused the guy to look up. Yeah. So with a hologram, you can’t create sound. As I understand it. Yeah. So to me. To me, that. As we understand that, that totally pooh Pooh’s the idea of a hologram being used on.

On the first flight. So I kind of. I kind of think my eye lean towards the drone. I lean towards the drone. The. The drone being swapped out with the original plane. This is where we disagree. Right. And that’s okay. You know, there’s. There was. There’s a guy named Mark Burnback who was a reporter for Fox News, and he said he came on. And was interviewed shortly after this. This actually only aired one time. And they asked him, I said, what did you see? And he says, well, I hate, hey, gentlemen, I’m totally freaked out. I saw, what I saw was a big gray plane with a blue circle logo on the front.

It didn’t have any windows. And, you know, there was, it looked like a military plane. It did not look like it belonged in this area. And I’m totally freaked out. I mean, I’m, I I’m kind of paraphrasing what he said, but he, that’s what he saw. And then there was another, there’s another video where a gal said she, you could hear her say, that was not American Airlines. That was not American Airlines. And, and then if you slow it down, you can see you. They say, oh, well, that’s just you audio dubbing her, that voice over her saying that, but you can actually see her lips moving.

And when you slow it down, you can actually read it. That’s exactly what she’s saying. That was non American Airlines. I’ve never heard some of these things that people are disputing that they were american and united. Well, I’m a little bit, I’m a, I’m a nerd, okay? And once a year, I spend a minimum of two weeks, sometimes three or four, going out, going back, and just reviewing all the things, 911, just to kind of keep myself refreshed on it. And, and the repetition actually helps me remember things, and it brings new things to light, and it helps me see things that I didn’t.

Maybe it helps me connect events to current events. A lot of times, um, because I’m like, oh, my God, I didn’t even know. I didn’t remember that. And that event is now connected to this event. So it’s, you know, it’s. To me, it’s a good exercise to do a refresher on that stuff from time to time because you lose it. You know, it’s like a, it’s a perishable skill. If you’re not, like, constantly reading it, you know, or looking at it, you kind of lose some of that information. So, like I said, I’m a nerd, and this kind of stuff, I can’t satiate my appetite.

Well, I’m a detail guy, and I tell you, just for my case, okay, why go to the effort of trying to swap out planes, trying to do all this stuff, when you can actually basically hijack or intercept that flight control system, like a radio controlled airplane, take control of that airliner, okay? With a camera in the front put across air on exactly what floor you want to hit. The hijackers are along for the ride. They’re sitting on their thumbs. They’ve already taken out the pilots. Okay. They’re sitting on their thumbs. All the people said, you know, and this is a valid point, how do these guys have the skill to fly those airplanes into those buildings? They didn’t have to.

Okay? They remote control e and this is absolutely can be done. Took control of those airplanes and flew them. So they, so what you’re saying, what you’re saying is, is that you believe that they, that they were the original planes, but original. The original planes behaved as drones because they were remotely piloted, they were remotely violent because then you’re going to have to get rid of those airplanes and all those people. What are you going to do? You know, execute them? I think so much simpler to, to electronically hack into the system, modify the airplanes by putting the camera in the front.

Guy sits there with a crosshairs. Okay. And, you know, some of the place on, at least I think it’s flight eleven with, with american, the floor they hit, there’s a lot of anomalies as to where they hit, what business was there and what people didn’t show up to work that day and what they did later on that day. So that plane conveniently hit, well, the same thing with the Pentagon. It conveniently hit an area, that Pentagon. And you can look at all and you know, this is conspiracy theory. These are facts. The area hitting the Pentagon and the people that were killed, I, okay.

We’re investigating serious things that could have implications politically and financially in the US, namely $2.3 trillion going missing from the defense budget. Right. Again, I know there’s, because there’s a few people in the chat that have said, you know, you know, debating, debating though, the, all this little, this little nuanced stuff about were there planes or were they holograms? Is that really necessary? Because we’re really, at the end of the day, you know, the most important thing is who did this and why. And I agree with you. I agree. I don’t disagree with that at all.

But, but at the same time, there’s, you know, there are nerdy people like you and I who do like to get into the detail and the weeds of this stuff. And that’s kind of what we’re doing here today. Let me give you a little inside information, okay. That I have because of who I am and what I do, being a marine, being an airline pilot, uh, you know, having my brothers and sisters kill them that day, it affecting me greatly. Okay. I have a friend, Marine, very high up in the FAA, came to me and my friend, who’s also an american, hit his, you know, and said, listen, we got this through freedom of information.

I can tell you, I will swear on a stack of bibles this is true. Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker on flight eleven, was in the cockpit that morning because he had airline pilot credentials. And that affected me greatly because I said, that motherfucker, we let him. That’s a privilege as an airline pilot to ride the jump seat in an airliner. It’s a courtesy we offer our brothers and sister pilots, okay, to get to work, to travel, to go on vacation or whatever. We let them in their cockpit and they’re sitting right behind us. So they let that sob in there on that day and he slit their throats from behind.

And you know that. And he said, you’ll never, you’ve heard it from me. You’ll never hear it again because it will be covered up and never let out. But that guy had pilot credentials. Now how did he get those? That’s a whole other story. There’s a lot of other stories with flight attendants and other things that go on, but as a personal note, since I’ve got a platform there, I wanted to bring that up. That’s, that infuriated me as a pilot to know that happened. Let me. I want to. I’m going to see if I can’t get this screen to share.

And. Hold on 1 second here. Yeah, you can replace my picture. Just, you know, as long as I can still talk. No, I can’t do it. I’ll just, I’ll. Because if I. If I do what I want to do, it’s going to reveal your face and I don’t want to do that. So the. Okay, so the hijack says, all right, leave that right there for a second. Okay, do that. All right. Let me share this screen here. And I want to do. Okay, and now let me. Okay, so can you see this? Yeah. You see this report that came out on 23 September 2001.

It’s from BBC where it talks about the hijacked suspects are alive and well. No, I haven’t seen that. Men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington in New York has turned up alive and well. The identities of four of the 19 suspects accused of having carried out the attacks are now in doubt. I, saudi arabian pilot Waleed al Shari was one of the five men that the FBI had deliberately crashed american flight eleven into the World Trade center. His photograph was released. And there are people who also said that Mohammed Atta was also alive.

So. But anyway, I mean, again, I’m not trying to poopoo what you’re saying, but it’s one more piece of information. In the back of the brain, there are reports out there that some of the hijackers were alive. And there’s actually. This was just immediately after. And there’s more reports after the fact. So I don’t. You know, I don’t know what that means. Can you show the f four video and the other video. Hello? Yeah, are you there? Are you there? Yeah, I’m here. Hold on, Kurt. Yeah, hold on. I can’t hear you if you’re talking. Interesting.

I’m here, Kurt, I can’t hear you. I’m not muted. Hold on. Can you guys hear Kurt? Can you guys hear talking? Hear him talking? I don’t know. This is weird. I didn’t do anything but cover up the camera. Okay. I can’t hear him. Hold on a second. I’m not muted. This is weird. It says, I’m on the show. You can see or hear me, Cart? Yeah, I’m here. This is frustrating. I can’t hear him at all. Interesting. Standby, let me check something. Talk to me. Say something. Yeah, I’m here. Yeah, okay. I can hear you now.

I don’t know what happened. I have no idea what happened now. He’s like, you were gone, so I apologize. Thanks, guys, for apologizing. I have no idea what happened. I can hear you. Yeah. Okay, well, I’m getting feedback, though, now that I’m talking. Oh, you’re getting an echo? Yeah, I’m getting an echo. Feedback. Let me see if I can. Now, I have echo cancellation on you, so I don’t know why you’re. You’d be getting feedback. Maybe you have a. Do you have it on someplace? Do you have the computer on? Computer on? No. Yeah, the computer’s on.

I mean, I don’t hear the echo now. We’re good. Okay. Okay, let’s see. So we were talking about the hijackers being. And if the high. If hijackers are a lot, then what? What does that mean? Does that mean the people who did it were used false identities and on the people that actually are still alive or the people actually were. They weren’t the same. I’m posing. Are you there? Can you hear me? I’m here. Okay. What? Are you posing again? I missed it. I’m posing. If you. If the hijackers are live, who hijack the plane? Is.

Are they? And I don’t know if they’re still alive. I’m excited. Like I said, I have no proof other than one article. Believe nothing of what you hear. 5% of what you read in 10% would see with your own two eyes. So you know it’s a report. I’ll file it in the brain housing group. I’ll have to do more research. Okay, hold on, guys. There’s a massive echo I’m hearing. Yeah, I’m now just looking at some of the live stream chat comments. Sorry, guys. Not sure why this is doing this. Output is. How about now? Is that better? Yeah, that’s good.

Yeah, I think the echo is gone. The people that chat saying they heard the. They could hear us both, but they could also hear the echo, but the echoes. Gone. Everything’s good. Is the echo gone now? Yep. No. Well, it is for me. All right, guys. Well, that’s just me. All right, well, let me. I’m just going to go ahead and kill it for now. We got to talk about a lot of the stuff that we wanted to, but I can’t put out a product that’s going to be garbage. So what we’ll do is we’ll get.

I’ll get. Yes, there’s still a massive echo. I’ll get Kurt back on another time and after I fix my settings and whatnot. So this is just one of the issues of going to the Mac. I’m still learning my way, so. And I don’t know what happened, though. It was when I changed this thing. So, anyway, guys, I will be back here in a little bit because I’m gonna go live here about 04:00. Four or 05:00 so I will see everybody then apologize for the. For the technical difficulties, but. And. And thank you, Kurt, for coming on today.

Thanks, Ron, for having me on. Yeah. All right, guys, we’ll talk to you soon. All right.



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