âž¡ Meyer Rothschild and twelve wealthy men devised a 25-point plan to gain global control by manipulating wealth, resources, and people. They aimed to use various tactics like promoting liberalism, initiating class warfare, and using propaganda to control public information. Their plan also involved infiltrating Freemasonry and using it to spread their ideology. The ultimate goal was to establish a one-world government, with them at the helm, using economic warfare and control over police forces to protect their interests.
âž¡ The Bavarian government banned secret societies and pursued members of the Illuminati, a group that had infiltrated important societal positions. Despite the ban, the Illuminati continued to operate under the guise of Freemasons, using misleading symbols and explanations to keep their secrets. The text also discusses the ancient symbol of the skull and crossbones, its occult meaning, and its connection to secret societies like the Skull and Bones at Yale University. The Phoenicians, known for their secretive trade routes, are speculated to have reached Brazil before its official discovery, with evidence found in ancient inscriptions and ruins.
âž¡ The text discusses a secret society known as the Illuminati, which is believed to be controlled by a group of powerful bankers and masons, including the Rothschilds. The society is said to have a hidden agenda to destroy Christianity, monarchies, and nation states, and promote homosexuality and promiscuity. The Illuminati is also accused of controlling major corporations, media, intelligence agencies, and universities, and using social engineering to manipulate the public. The text suggests that the society’s ultimate goal is to establish a new world order, undermining the European heterosexual Christian character of Western society.
âž¡ Dr. Henry Macau and David Bay suggest that certain interpretations of Jewish texts contribute to anti-Semitism. They argue that the Kabbalah, a Jewish mystical tradition, is central to Western occult thought and is used by secret societies like the Illuminati. The Illuminati, which includes influential banking families, is said to practice forms of Satanism and sex cult rituals. The text also discusses the Hegelian dialectic, a method of argument that splits ideas into two opposites, and suggests it is used in politics and major historical events.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the control of a few dominant individuals over various systems like banking, news, and Hollywood. He also mentions a controversial historical event where Jews were made to leave Europe, specifically Germany. The speaker then talks about a cancelled interview with James Perloff, who was upset because the speaker read his book without permission. The speaker ends by asking for audience support to convince Perloff to come on the show and mentions future plans for the show, including discussions about 9/11.
The untold issue channel. My name is Ron partain. It is Tuesday and it’s an empty Tuesday because Doug, Doug sent me a message. I guess he’s on a cruise ship or, I don’t know, he’s doing something and he doesn’t have any Internet connection. And then this morning I got a message from Mike. Actually, I got a message from Mike yesterday saying he was having Internet connectivity issues because I guess the modem or something, a modem that broke. And he sent me a message this morning and said he, there was no way that he was going to be able to fix it in time.
So unfortunately, we, I am not going to be able to have either of them on today. So I’m just going to continue on with the Robert Sepper book. And then another thing, I didn’t do this with Mal intent. I did it with actually very good intent, intentions of educating the audience in preparation for James Perloff to come on tomorrow. But apparently I don’t think he was very happy that I read his book online, word for word, out in the open. So he canceled on me and I’m trying to resurrect that, but I’m not having very much success.
So he, he accepted my apology. And I know I told him, I said, look, I’m, it was, my objective was not to, you know, do anything to cause you any financial harm or anything. I just, I wanted to, I thought it was actually the very best thing that I could do to read the book and then have you come on and talk about it and, you know, go into even further detail. But he didn’t really, he didn’t really see it that way. So if you guys would still like to have him on, put some, put some comments in the comment section of this video.
I removed the three videos that I did. Well, I didn’t remove them. They’re just, they’re set to private so they’re not visible. At some point in the future, I’ll probably turn it back on, but not, not in the immediate future. Not for a while, anyway. I just, I feel that’s, I didn’t mean to rub James the wrong way. That was not my intent. My intent was to, you know, put some information out there and then have him come on and even go into even further detail. But he, he didn’t like that so much. So, you know, again, my, I’m not laughing at him.
I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m a kind of laughing at myself. And, and, you know, I thought I was doing something good and it. This didn’t come out the way that I anticipated it would come out. In fact, it went the wrong way. And anyway, that was probably poor judgment on my part. I probably should have reached out to him and said, hey, this is my plan. What do you think? And, you know, because I didn’t really incorporate him in that decision, you know, I have to own the fact that I, you know, kind of upset him. So, anyway.
But I would love to have some notes from you guys to, you know, saying, hey, I’d love. We still want to hear from you and da da da. So, you know, just some ammunition to kind of help me, you know, maybe revive that a little bit if you guys so desire to have him on, because I sure as hell do. I’m a huge per law fan. He’s one of my. He’s one of my most favorites. So, anyway, that said, let’s dive back in to the 1666 book, and I started a little bit early so that I could.
I kind of get that out and get some people in. So, again, apologies for no Tuesday with Mike tonight or the constitution class. Both of those gentlemen were unavailable due to Internet connectivity issues. So. So that said, let’s. Let’s jump in here, and let’s dive in. So how you doing there, CPA deb? Okay, here we go. So we ended yesterday with chapter two, and we’re going to jump in here with chapter three. All right. May 1, 1776. And, of course, I’m sure many of you know, or maybe you are unaware that May 1 is a very, very satanic day.
It’s why the Russians celebrated all their stuff on May day. I mean, it’s. It’s. May 1 is a very. Is very, very big day in the. All them. So. Okay. Hey, how you doing there, sd gardener? All right. May 1, 1776, was the formal date that Adam Weishauptenhe der perfect telebistan. I don’t know. That’s obviously german. The order of perfection or perfect abilities. Also known as the Illuminati of Bavaria. Weishaupt was the son of a jewish kabbalist rabbi in Bavaria, but educated by the Jesuits, who converted him to Catholicism after his father died when he was five.
He eventually became a priest, but defected and formed an alliance with Lord mayor Rothschild, who financed the Illuminati agenda. When Adam Weishaupt formed the order of the Illuminati, he arranged the timing of the key events by cabalistically arranging numbers in a manner which would add to numbers of greater. Of the greatest occult significance. For example, he chose May 1 because may the fifth month added to the first day equals six. Wysat chose 1776 because the four numbers of this year add up to 21. One plus seven plus seven plus six. Further, the sacred number six plus 21 equals 27 was another number with occult kabbalistic power because it is formed by multiplying three times nine.
Weishaupt carefully chose this date because he believed that even the greatest plan would be doomed to failure if it was not carried out in the most numerically advantageous time. The long term political goals of their occult so secret society called for the execution of the following abolition of all monarchies and all ordered government, abolition of private property and inheritances, abolition of patriotism and nationalism, abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, the establishment of communal education for children and abolition of all religion. In his book, Zabatai Zebbi. Labor. Labor. Zionism and the Holocaust, jewish author Barry Chemish says that the Rothschild’s goal was to convert, was to control the wealth of the planet.
And the frankest vision was the destruction of jewish ethics, to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God’s intentions. When these factions blended a bloody war against humanity with the Jews on the front lines erupted. And it is reaching its very pinnacle at this moment. I’m not sure when he wrote that book, but I want to go back and touch on something here. When it says here that the wishop carefully chose this date because he believed that even the greatest plan would be doomed to failure if it was not carried out on the most numerically advantageous time or at the most numerically advantageous time.
And, you know, not sure what a lot of you guys think about wano sovereign. You know, I. I’m, I’m kind of. I’m neutral on that topic, but you’ve never really seen him on my channel, so that should give you something. I’ve been on with him in the past and I’ve met him. I don’t have anything against him. But. But anyway, he kind of has a little bit of a bad rap. But one thing that he did say in his book and that he’s talked about verbally on some of the programs that he’s been on, is that the elite, it is very, very important for them to do things in with numbers that are specific.
It’s very important for them. That’s why 911. That’s why seven. Seven. That’s why there’s a number of different things that happen out there where numbers come into play. And that is absolutely true. Continuing on in 1777, the Illuminati began to cooperate with all of the masonic lodges, especially the grand Orient, with the purpose of infiltrating them. Even the Duke of Brunswick, grandmaster of Germany, said in 1794 that the Illuminati controlled the masonic lodges. In time, the Illuminati won control of every masonic order in the world. When Weishaupt became a member of the grand Orient, Mayor Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty, provided the financial backing for the lodge.
According to the british historian Nesta Webster. I’m sorry. According to the british historian Nessa Webster, according to Rabbi Marvin Adelman, Rothschild convinced Wiseaupt to accept the frankest doctrine and afterward finance the Illuminati. He aimed to fulfill the frankest plot of subverting the world’s religions and the Zionist objective of instituting a global government which would be ruled by a king from Jerusalem. And let me pause this here and kind of check the chat, because there’s a lot of people here. I’m sure there’s a lot of people expecting Mike and no Douglas tonight. Internet issues. Yeah, no Doug and no Mike.
Sorry, guys, the both of them are having Internet issues, so it’s not a. It’s not me. I was ready, but they weren’t. They were unable to come. So apologize. Apologies for that. We will. We will resume next week. In Latin, Lucifer literally means light bearer, and its name implied members of the Illuminati possessed the light of Lucifer. They believed that people who possessed it were truly enlightened and capable of governing. Their avowed purpose and goal was the establishment of a novus order, seclorom, or new world order, or one world government ruled by its capital. In Jerusalem.
Meyer Rothschild summoned twelve affluent men to Frankfurt and asked them to pool their financial resources. He then presented the 25 point plan that would enable them to gain control of the wealth, natural resources and manpower of the entire world. This plan included instructions on how to preach liberalism to usurp political power, initiate class warfare, dismantle and reconstruct all existing institutions, and remain invisible until the very moment when the illuminati had gained such strength that no cunning or force can be or could undermine it. Other highlights of their plan included the use of mob psychology to control the masses.
They would systematically advocate and use alcoholic liquors, drugs, moral corruption, and all firms of vice to corrupt the youth. In addition, they plan to use the press for propaganda to control all outlets of public information while remaining in the shadows, clear of blame. The plan called for masses to be made to believe that they had been the prey of criminals, and they would restore order and appear as the saviors. Sounds like a false flag operation where they make a. Make a. They show you a problem, create the reaction, and then offer the solution. And that was the entire goal all the time.
Okay. A key to their success was the infiltration of freemasonry to take advantage of the grand Orient lodges, cloaking the true nature of their work in philanthropy. Or have you ever heard that before? Like the gates, the bill, and Millennia Gates foundation. Just one example. They plotted to use this influence to spread their atheistic, materialistic ideology among the goyimous, or gentiles cattle, through systematic deception, high sounding phrases and popular slogans. Ultimate world government was the goal through corporate monopolies. So even the large fortunes of the goyim, or non Jews, will depend on them. There would be all out.
There would be the all out use of economic warfare with a combination of high taxes on unfair competition. They intend to control sufficient police force and domestic soldiers to protect their interests. They would call this paradigm the new world order, and eventually point at a dictator. This is going to be nasty because it’s cut off. The pages cut off. Fritz Springmeyer, an author who is currently serving time in federal prison, had written several books on the Illuminati bloodlines and the Illuminati formula to create an undetectable total mind control. He described this global communist plan. There is a connection between Marxism and a group of Satanists called Frankists.
One of the strongest satanic cults to take control over the jewish population was called sabbatanism. Jacob Frank assumed the role of the leader of this group, and afterward his. This brand of Satanism was called frankism. Freud’s sexually obsessed theories came from frankism. Frank taught his followers to convert to another religion and hide behind that religion to protect, to practice their Satanism. That’s sick. Adam Weishaupt founded the order of the Illuminati on approximately the same structural principle as the Jesuit order. He had worked five years to develop or modify a system based on that of the Jesuits, which divided the order into three classes.
The Jesuits had four. The first class was for novices of the lesser illuminated, or the mineral, the second for Freemasons, including the scottish knights. And the third, the mystery class was comprised of priests, regents, magicians, and a king. The Jesuits had a general. The plan for seizing power was ingeniously simple. They would make the molders of public opinion, priests, writers, officials, into obedient tools, whereupon they would, in Wysop’s words, surround the principals, or that surround the princes, rather, as advisors to the elite, they would influence politics in favor of the Illuminati’s aims. When entering the order, new brothers vowed, I shall never use my position to post against another brother.
Though the network of Illuminati membership my. Through the network of Illuminati membership, Meyer Rothschild redoubled his efforts and his banking empire became firmly entrenched throughout Europe. His sons, who became barons in the austrian empire, continued to build their father’s financial empire and to expand their political influence. In 1785, Mayor Amschel Rothald moved his entire family to a five story dwelling he shared with the Schiff family. He died on September 19, 1812. He his will spelled out specific guidelines to be followed and maintained by his descendants. One all important posts were to be held only by family members, and only male members were to be involved in the business end.
The oldest son of the oldest son was head of the family unless otherwise agreed upon by the rest of the family, as was the case in 1812 when the family appointed Nathan, the patriarch, the family was to intermarry with their own first and second cousins to keep the fortune in the family and to maintain the apparatus and to maintain the appearance of a united financial empire. This rule became less important in later generations as they refocused family goals and married into other fortunes. There was never a number three. There was never going to be any public inventory made by the courts or otherwise of my estate.
Also, I forbid any legal action and any publication of the value of the inheritance. In 1894, a well known jewish author, Bernard Lazar, wrote his book le antisemitism that kabbalist Jews surrounded Weishaupt confiscated documents show that 39 Illuminati holdings lesser leading positions, 17 were Jews. The high or, excuse me, the higher one looked into their ranks, the larger the percentage of Jews. There were four especially important Jews in the illuminati leadership. Hartwig or Naftali, Hertz, wisely or Wesley. Moses Mendelssohn, the banker Daniel von Idzig and the businessman David Freelander. The initiated all took a vow to eternal silence.
Under violating loyalty and total submission to the order. Each member had to promise. I pledged to the court that what is best for the order as my own best, I am ready to serve it with my personal fortune, my honor and my blood. The friends and enemies of the order shall become my friends and enemies. Then, to ensure utmost secrecy, the group formally warned each new member, if you are a traitor and a perjurer, then you know that the brothers shall take up arms against you. Do not hope to flee or to find a place to hide wherever you are.
Shame, contempt and the wrath of the brothers shall pursue and torment you to your innermost entrails. The order led most members to believe that the lower degrees of mystery they had reached were the highest. Few members knew about the true purpose of the order. Many members believed themselves to be working towards the support improvement of the world. They never guessed that the true or deeper purpose was to establish novice order secorum, a global. A global program for world domination. Adam Weishauptot to form or to some of these freemasons we shall. Sorry guys, my site’s giving me a little bit of trouble today.
To some of these freemasons we shall not even reveal that we have anything more than what the Freemasons have. All those who are not suitable for the work shall remain in the masonic lodge and advance there without knowing anything about the additional system. And this is where I think this is probably kind of some concrete proof that not every single freemason is bad. There are some who come in and they think they’re being good people and they don’t know. So anyway. But this paragraph to me, this paragraph to me highlights the fact that not everybody in Freemasonry knows what’s going on.
In time, the illuminati won control of every masonic order in the world. The illuminati moved freely within the many secret societies of time or of the time seeking to utilize the liberal ideology of Freemasonry as bait for those who lack knowledge of its true purposes. All illuminati and Freemasons are. Excuse me, all illuminati are freemasons. But far from all freemasons are illuminati, stated Professor Kassende and Renner from the Munich. From Munich in their testimonies in April 1785 implying that only a minority ever reached the highest mystery degrees, Adam Weissat himself wrote, the masonic lodge shall be our nursery garden.
All those who are not suited for the work shall remain in the masonic lodge and advance in that without knowing anything of the further system. All right, so let me pause here for a second and there’s a. Looks like there’s a few more people in the chat. And let me see here. Make sure that things actually working. Yeah. Okay, good. I just want to apologize guys. The mic could not be here tonight and neither could doug. So the. There was no, there’s neither of them were able to be here today. So just apologize for that. On 20th July 1785 Jacob lands a priestley acting as a courier for the Illuminati was hit by lightning while riding his horse, and he died.
Police discovered a list of Illuminati members and some compromising papers sewn into the priest’s robe. The local police found other important documents at land’s house, including detailed instructions for the planned french revolution. Some of the papers were addressed to the grandmasters of Lodge grand Orient in Paris. Everything was handed over to the bavarian government, which then issued a new ban on secret societies on the 4 August 1785. On the 31 August, the government issued an order to arrest Weishaupt and put a price on his head. The police began to look for other known members of the order, which had successfully infiltrated many important posts in society.
In October 1786, they searched the house of doctor Franks Xavier Zwack or Quito Cato in Lancia, where the illuminati kept their most important papers. The following year, the police searched Baron Bass’s or Hannibal’s castle in Dan Dersdorf and confiscated even more papers concerning the Illuminati conspiracy against the whole world. The illuminati were forced to leave their lodges. Despite the ban, they continued to act as ordinary Freemasons. According to Albert pike, freemasons from the start, should be deliberately lied to and misled as to the meaning of the symbols. Masonry, like all the religions, all the mysteries, the hermeticism and alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the adepts and sages or the elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled.
All right, I’m gonna. I’m gonna touch on this right here. To mislead those who deserve only to be misled. False explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to only be misled. So I. This. To me, this part right here is kind of like. I kind of feel like that is what Hollywood does and what they do with predictive programming. Like, they’re telling us what they’re doing in advance, but they’re doing it in a way that if you’re not wise enough to understand what they’re trying to say, then you deserve to be misled, and you deserve the consequences of whatever happens to you.
And what it does is it absolves them of any responsibility of your well being or, you know, whatever happens to you to conceal the truth which it calls light from them and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it or would pervert it. So masonry jealously conceals its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray. All right, chapter four. Let me check the chat here real quick. Actually, increase the. Increase the size here so I can read it a little bit better. Exactly. If you’re not smart enough to figure it out, like so many people are today, they don’t want to see the truth.
Yep, 100%. Whenever we see a pirate ship or a tele television, in movies or in comic books, we also see an extremely ancient symbol, the skull and crossbones. This symbol, however, was not always of death or poison, but instead it had another occult meaning. The official symbol of the skull and bones secret society is a human skull sitting atop two human bones, crossed like an x, underneath of which is the number 322. People throughout the world have speculated as to. Oh, as to the true meaning of the number 322, which, according to Anthony Sutton, goes back to ancient times.
The order is descended from a greek fraternal society dating back to demosthenes in 322 BC. This has perhaps some credibility because books, excuse me, because bones recorded are dated by adding 322 to the current year. That is, records originating in 1950 are dated Anno Domestheni 22 72. In the book the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail of Bagent, Lee and Lincoln tell the tale this way. A great lady of Maraclea was loved by a templar, a lord of Sidon. But she died in her youth, and on the night of her burial, this wicked lover crept into the grave, dug her body up and violated it.
He opened the grave and found a head on the leg. Bones of the skeleton, skull and crossbones. What’s interesting about this is that the port of Sidon was known historically as a nest of pirates, even being labeled as such by Constantine. Constantine. I’m not even going to try to say his last name, but he was the. As I understand, he was the emperor of Rome. But maybe not. Porf. Porphy. Porphynu. Tennis. I’m sorry. Pirates famously used the skull and bones on their flags. Jolly Roger is traditional english name for these flags. The links between the Templars and Sidon are strong.
Templars were highly commercial and indeed linked to slavery. So was Sidon, and the slave trade continued there after the fall of slavery. Elsewhere in Genesis, Sidon is a son of Canaan, a grandson of Noah. It is located in modern day Lebanon, known in ancient times as Phoenix, Phoenicia. The Phoenicians traveled farther because the pillars of Hercules. Greek historians recorded that they circumnavigated Africa and even had links to the British Isles. But it is possible they went much farther than that. But. But is it possible that they went much farther than that? Most archaeologists still cannot explain ancient traces of drugs from the New World such as cocaine and tobacco in egyptian mummies.
Perhaps the secretive phoenicians who jealously guarded their secret trade routes may have been behind this mysterious transatlantic trade. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were behind the false propaganda of a flat earth deliberately spreading fear to steer away potential competition to what may actually have been an ancient trade monopoly. The Templars themselves likely knew the earth was round as the kabbalah clearly stated it. There is an interesting story of a stone found in Brazil with etchings on it. Ascribe oh, all right guys. Yawning so much today as a scribe to the Phoenicians who were said to have set sail around Africa and wound up on the shores of Brazil during the 19th year of the reign of King Hiram some 500 years BC.
These etchings have become known as the Paraba stone inscription of Brazil written in ancient Phoenician the translation reads we are children of Canaan from Sidon of the eastern kingdom of merchants and are cast, I pray, here beside a central land of mountains with this offered choice gift to the most high gods of gods dresses deses in year 19 of King Hiram. I pray still strong from the valley of Ezion Gibeirde of the Red Sea. Thereby we journeyed with ten ships and we were at sea together assuredly two years around the land of Ham we were separated by the hand of Baal and no longer remained among our companions.
I pray we have come here twelve men and three women at this new land devoted I may even whom men of wealth bow the knee and a pledge to the most high gods and godly goddesses with sure hope. Although plenty of skeptics will say that these the story is just a hoax there is also no shortage of independent scholars who defend the seafaring capabilities of these ancient phoenician pirates. From the phoenician theory Ibarra Grasso has identified two phoenician ships on the center slabs of the temple of Sachemena in the Kazma valley of the coast of Peru.
These ruins are generally considered to be some 3000 years old. Even more extraordinary are the discoveries made by Bernardo Silva Ramos. Ramos spent over 20 years in the Amazon rainforest photographing and copying 28,000 stone inscriptions identifying the majority of them as phoenician and others as Greek. The oriental scholar Lienhard delicat has established that the characters on the Paraiba stone are of canaanite origin. The stone, which broke into four pieces after it was discovered on a plantation, totally disappeared. But copies of the inscriptions were made before this occurred. It was discovered on September 11, 1872, and might well be proof that phoenician sailors reached Brazil 2000 years before the official discovery of America.
Linhardt delegates translation reads as follows. We are children of Canaan from the city of Sidon. We are a nation of traders. Our ship is beached on this far off mountainous coast and we want to make a sacrifice to the gods and goddesses. In the 19th year of Irma’s reign, we set sail from El Zongerber across the Red Sea with ten ships. The Phoenicians had a strong presence in North America and on the iberian peninsula, particularly at the pillars of Hercules and Gibraltar. Archaeologists have found a temple to Hercules at the entrance to the Mediterranean in what is now called Gorham’s Cave.
Many research believe that the twin columns Boaz and Yashin from the Phoenician, signed Solomon’s Temple, are in fact a representation of the pillars of Hercules, a secret symbol of the Phoenicians planted in the heart of Jerusalem itself. A notorious secret society at Yale University goes by the name of skull and bones. The alumni organization that owns the property and oversees the organization is officially called the Russell Trust association, named after General William Huntington Russell, who was one of the co founders of the association. In 1832, along with Alfonso Taft, father of President William H. Taft. At first the society held its meetings in hired halls.
Then in 1856 the tomb, a vine covered, windowless brownstone hall, was constructed, where to this day the bonesmen hold their strange occultist initiation rites and meet bi weekly. On September 29, 1876, a group calling itself the Order of Fife or file and claw broke into the skull and bones holy of holies. In the tomb they found a lodge, room 324, fitted up in black velvet, even with the walls being covered with the material. Upstairs was the lodge room 322, the sanctum sanctorium of the temple, furnished in red velvet with a pentagram. On the wall. In the hall were pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale and others or end of members of the society in German when the chapter was established here in 1832.
Doctor Kathy Burns is author of the book masonic and occult symbols illustrated, and her interpretation of the skull and crossbones is one that I suspect most people in the general public are unfamiliar with. The sign Constantine referred to was not a christian cross, but a kind of x in modern magic. It is the sign of the slain and risen. Egyptian God Osiris. Another version of the slain and risen. Hiram Abiff. Or Hiram Abiff. I think it’s actually called Hiram Abiff. During the Templars sojourn in the Holy Land, they became acquainted. They became acquainted with the kabbalah and learned the mysterious teachings of various other Jews and sufi sects.
In Hermetic Kabbalah, the skull and bones relate to the chi ro, symbolizing time, death and rebirth, according to Egyptian the Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie. Is it Flinders or Flinders? Not sure. Chiro was the emblem of the egyptian God Horus on the coinage. And Horus, if you guys have ever seen the all seeing eye, that’s the eye of Horus on the coinage. During and after Constantine’s death, we see the cairo underlined with the serpent, a symbol used throughout time and especially by the gnostics and alchemists for wisdom and the enlightenment process. And I think, maybe not. Maybe not.
I’m going to try to make something out of nothing. But this is a. This looks like it’s a coin of some sort and it’s got the serpent and whatnot. An identical symbol to the cairo has been found inscribed on rocks dating from 2500 bc in Sumer, ancient Mesopotamia, and was interpreted as a combination of the two sun symbols, their symptom. It also incorporated the assassins mysticism and perverse practices. Their christian faith had given way to secret occultist rituals and black magic rites. These families were hiding behind a christian facade. In his books, Arthur David Livingston traces the genealogies of these ancient occult bloodlines, which include the Rothschilds, the Habsburg, the Sinclair’s, the Stuarts, the lucing nuns, and the Windsors.
In Livingston’s words, the Illuminati order was preceded in the 15 hundreds in Spain by the Alumbratos, a christian heresy started by crypto Jews called Muranos. The father of this jesuit order, Ignatius of Loyola, was a murano alombrato. Thus, when people today argue whether it’s the Jesuits or Zionists who are responsible for our troubles, they are really talking about the same beast. Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria, a follower of Loyola’s the crypto chief founder of the Jesuits, enunciated the principle that they must work actively to bring about prophecy, that is, redemption through the coming of the Messiah and the rule of the Illuminati.
This meant manipulating the course of fate through the use of magic and finally of preparing the necessity or the necessary political and moral circumstances to receive the messiah that is Antichrist’s coming, that is a new world order. All right, let me check the chat here, guys. Okay, so, yeah, there’s a lot of people who are wondering where my king is. Again, I reiterate, Mike. Mike is having some issues with his Internet connectivity, and Doug had also had similar issues with Internet connectivity. Doug was out. I think he was, like, on a ship someplace, and Mike was having his modem actually, like, broke, and he needed to get a new modem, and I guess it wasn’t going to get fixed in time for today.
So, anyway, you’re kind of stuck with me tonight, unfortunately, for tonight and then tomorrow. So. Sorry, guys. I know everybody wants to see my king, and I absolutely wanted him to be here, but unfortunately, it was. Was out of my hands. So let’s see what’s going on here. All right. Chapter five. In an infamous letter to New York agents in 1863, Rothschild banker John Sherman characterized the illuminati’s proposal for a national bank to finance their occult agenda. In these terms, the few hundred or the few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class.
The great baby of the people, or, excuse me, the great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is in a miracle or contrary to their interests. According to Edith Starr Miller, the Rothschild syndicate included jewish financiers such as Daniel Itzig Freelander and Goldsmiths and Moses Mokata. She states that the goals of the Illuminati, communism and the NWo, or new world order, were the destruction of Christianity, monarchies, nation states in favor of their world government or internationalism, the abolition of family ties and marriage by means of promoting homosexuality and promiscuity.
What is. Does that not sound like what we’re dealing with today? And the end of inheritance and private property and the suppression of any collective identity in the spurious name of universal human brotherhood. That is diversity. Hmm. Where we heard that before, this is. And this is like from. This is old jewish author doctor Henry Macau. Controversial book, Illuminati, the cult that hijacked the world offers a straightforward summary of the Illuminati agenda and the unsuspecting populace that is being manipulated and exploited. Most Jews are unaware of the Illuminati agenda. They are manipulated and compromised like everybody else.
And I agree with that. And that’s one of the reasons why I say that. You know, you can’t just say that. It’s just all Jews. It’s just. That’s, that’s. That’s inaccurate. The Illuminati hides behind the skirts of ordinary Jews. The cult that hijacked the world is the tiny nucleus of kabbalistic bankers and masons. Based in London and directed by the house of Rothschild, Judaism has been hijacked. Originally, Judaism was based on Moses vision of God as a universal moral force. Judaism today is based on the Talmud, which consists of the interpretations of sages or Pharisees during the babylonian exile, 586 BC to 1040 AD.
Generally speaking, the Talmud contradicts the spirit of Moses and takes precedence over the Old Testament. The secret society appears to be the organizational model for Judaism, as well as freemasonry, Zionism and communism, which are masonic orders. Essentially, the leadership deceives and manipulates the membership with the idealistic sounding goals. Only those corruptible and blackmailable are left in on the true agenda and allowed to rise. And now you wonder why the. Now you wonder why the, like, white people are blackmailed. You know, it was Jeffrey Epstein and a lot of those people. I mean, they all do the same thing in Hugh Hefner with the playboy mansion.
All those guys, what they did was they utilized their poll to bring people in and put them into compromising positions, photographed them, and then they had blackmail on. So. And I. I tend to believe that a lot of people who were ultimately blackmailed, probably they weren’t necessarily bad people, but once they got into a position of power and they were blackmailed, then they just said, well, hell with it. If I. If I’m going to be blackmailed, then I may as well enjoy my time. And then they kind of went off a deep end. And now I don’t have any evidence to support that.
That’s just me being. That’s just me trying to be logical. According to Doctor Maikau, these elite bankers control the world’s for the world’s major corporations, mainstream media, intelligence agencies, think tanks, foundations and federally funded universities that are responsible for suppressing the truth. He contends that the promotion of feminism and favoritism to non white minorities is part of an agenda to undermine the european heterosexual christian character of western society. So it is mass immigration and interracial marriage, which he claims are designed to degrade and remove any unified opposition in his views. Most of what passes for modern culture, tv, movies, literature, punditry, etcetera, and politics are propaganda and well crafted social engineering.
For example, Oprah, Briemdez for sexism and racism are actually designed to undermine gender and race. Guilt is a huge weapon for them. Doctor Macau continues today. British, american and zionist imperialism manifest the banker agenda for world government through the destruction of religion, nation, race and family. This imperialism does not express the in the interests or wishes of ordinary english, american or jewish people who are being colonized themselves. The Rockefeller and Morgan empires are part of the central banking cartel. At the highest level, all intelligence agencies, Mi six, CIA, Mossad, KGB, that all answer to this cartel, not to their national governments.
I believe that too. I’ve long said that all these are the. Basically they fly the flag of their country, but really what they are is they’re just a. It’s like, it’s like you’ve got a Walmart in one city and a Walmart in another city and a Walmart in the third city and they’re all Walmarts, but one of them is in town a, one’s in town b, and one’s in town c, but they all work for the same people. Doctor Henry Macau, who candidly refers to himself as an assimilated jew, claims that the Babylonian Talmud and heretical interpretations of the jewish Kabbalah undoubtedly contribute to anti semitism.
David Bay of cutting edge ministry mirrors that sentiment. The Kabbalah is the keystone of all western occult through all. Let me start over. The Kabbalah is the keystone of all western occult thought and practice today. It is the cornerstone of belief for all illuminated ones, masters of the Illuminati, and is hostile to non kabbalistic Jews. In her book the Jewish Religion, its influenced today formally titled the plot against Christianity, author and conspiracy researcher Elizabeth Dillings writes, the attitude resulting from such teachings has been represented by non Jews in all countries and centuries. Such resentment however, is always portrayed by Jews as persecution of the Jews.
The Illuminati, which consists of the descendants of the knights Templar and their allies, the kabbalistic globalist banking families such as the Rachael dynasty, have always idealized the greek philosophers, all while practicing aberrated forms of frankish Luciferianism or hardcore Satanism. It was none other than masonic leader Albert pike who admitted that freemasons worship Lucifer, or light bearer or Satan. The true name of Satan, the cabalist says, is that of Yahweh reversed. For Satan is not a black God, but the negation of God of God. Lucifer, the light bearer. Strange and mysterious name to give to the spirit of darkness.
Lucifer, the son of the morning. The son of the morning. It is he who bears the light. Doubt it not. The Kabbalah depicts the achievement of universal harmony in terms of facilitating the sexual union of male and female deities. It preaches that arousal below provokes arousal above. It provides the basis for the illuminati sex cult reflected in the ancient solar symbol the dot in a circle, which is the occult, which in the occult also symbolizes the penis and vagina. Some people may believe that free sex is progressive, with modern roots stemming from the sexual and countercultural revolutions of the 1960s.
In fact, the sabatean sects have fully indulged themselves in ritualistic wife sharing, drug use, sex orgies, adultery and incest for more than 350 years. Sexual abandon characterizes communist philosophy, a direct outgrowth of Sabataan Frankism. Jacob Frank himself pimped his beautiful wife to recruit influential men. The Communist Party used its female members in the same way Adam Wysop, the co founder of the Illumini, got his sister in law pregnant. Their illuminated secret societies performed religious, ritualistic sex rites, mirroring those found in the teachings of socratic communism of ancient Greece, which were later modernized and popularized by the teachings of Alastair Crowley and his sex magic.
Crowley spelled magic m a j I g I c k with a k to differentiate it from the magic of stage illusions. And there are some who believe that Alastair Crowley is the father of Barbara Bush. In fact, let me see if I can find a picture. Yeah, here’s a. See if I can open this up and make it bigger. I don’t know if you guys can see that or nothing. I don’t know how well you guys can see that, but they do have a strong resemblance towards each other. Anyway, actually, let me do this. There we go.
I’m still learning this. Mac. Guys, so I apologize for the confusion, but that is. That’s. This is Alastair Crowley and Barbara Bush. They look very, very similar. So these sex cults were very similar to the socratic ideal, which were held all things in common, including their wives and children, especially for sexual purposes. This is the real reason why the Athenians convinced Socrates of corrupting the youth and forced him to drink hemlock or poison. The Illuminati bankers created communism to harness the working class to their program of comprehensive world dictatorship or globalization. The illuminati and communists are masonic secret societies that celebrate the same anniversary, May 1, 1776, and share the same satanic symbols.
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a 19th century german philosopher who devised a particular dialectic or method of argument for solving disagreements. His method of arriving at the truth by exchange of logical arguments is a system of thought process still in use to this day. To put it simply, Hegelianism dictates that the human mind cannot understand anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites, good or evil, right, wrong, left, right, etcetera. For example, when people talk about the two political parties, labor or liberal, what they are actually referring to without realizing it is a thesis and antithesis based off the hegelian dialectic.
The only real debate that occurs is just within the minor differences between those two parties. Nothing is said or done about the issues that neither left nor right are discussing. And that’s true. That’s absolutely true. They don’t, they don’t. They, like politicians, will run on problems, but they won’t actually solve them because if they solve them, then they wouldn’t have anything to run on. And that actually comes from a meeting that Doug was telling me about, a friend of his who was running for an office. And in this meeting of, like, it was a political meeting.
And he raised his hand. He says, well, why don’t we solve the problem? Everybody just kind of like, stopped in silence. And everybody looked at him like, who’s this new guy? Who’s the cherry? And they said, well, if we solved it, that we wouldn’t have anything to run on. So anyway, that’s, that’s a true story that Doug tells. For example, when people talk about two political parties, liberal or liberal. I already said that. Another form of hegelian dialectic is problem, reaction and then solution. Almost all major events in history employ the hegelian dialectic problem, which is manufacture a crisis or take advantage of one already in place in order to get the desired crisis, followed by the reaction of public outcry whereby the public demands a solution which has been predetermined from the beginning.
Dennis Healy, the former british secretary of defense, once said, world events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen. Whether it is to do so with national issues or commerce. Most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse string. In an article entitled british Freemasonry covets Israel, jewish israeli author Barry Chamis claims that there would be no modern state of Israel without British Freemasonry. In the 1860s, the british israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a jewish masonic state in turkish province of Palestine. Initially, you got to remember that at this time Palestine was run by the Ottoman Turks.
That’s exactly why when they went to war with Germany or they got, they pulled Germany into the war because Germany was allied with the Ottoman Turks and they had an agreement that if one was attacked, the other would go to war. And that was especially why. What they did was they assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand, which brought Germany in, which ultimately brought in Turkey or the Ottoman Empire. And then when the Americans came in, where did all the British go? All the British got off of the line because the Americans were there and they all went down to the Middle east and took over this territory so that they could honor the Balfour declaration.
Initially, initially, british jewish masonic families like the Rothschilds and Mona for provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They liked european life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews. Hmm. In 1891, the labor leader newspaper of Britain published the following statement on the subject of the Rothschilds. This blood sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery in Europe during the present century and has piled up its product prodigious wealth, chiefly through form, fomenting wars between states which ought never to have quarreled.
Whenever there is trouble in Europe, whenever rumors of war circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity, you may be sure that a hook nosed Rothschild is at its games somewhere near the region of the disturbance. That’s very interesting. Comments like this worried the Rothschilds and towards the end of the 18 hundreds they purchased the they purchased the Reuters new agency so they could have some control of the mediaev. Furthermore, the Rothschilds had control of three european news agencies. Wolf established in 1949 in Germany, Reuters established 1851 in England and Havas established 1835 in France.
In 1913, Jacob Schiff set up the anti defamation League, or AdL, in the United States. He formed this organization to slander anyone who questioned or challenged the Rothschild global conspiracy as anti semitic. From around that time on, the media rarely reported on the Rothschilds because they own the media. Congress voted on the Rothschilds Federal Reserve act on December 22, 1913, between the hours of 130 and 04:30 a.m. woodrow Wilson, the president who signed the law that created the Federal Reserve, later sounded like he had regretted the decision when he wrote, a great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit.
Our system of credit is privately centered or concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of a small group of dominant men. All right, chapter six. And I’m at the 58, 58 minutes mark. So I’m going to come back and finish the last 20 pages tomorrow, because, again, I’m trying to keep my, I’m trying to keep my shows at about an hour or just a hair under.
So this is really some interesting stuff, guys. Really, really fascinating to me. I know it kind of deviates a little bit from some of the things that I talk about generally, but I think there’s parallels, and this certainly produces a foundation of understanding that you may not have had otherwise. So, you know, and again, I, I am not one that thinks that it’s right to slander anybody of jewish heritage. I think that’s wrong. But it’s definitely a, definitely, at the upper echelons of this power structure are people of jew, whether they’re jewish heritage or they worship Judaism or whatever they are, they run in that circle.
So, and it’s evidenced by the things that they create in terms of, like, running the, the banking system, running the news system, running the, running Hollywood, running it all. And another thing that I found very interesting about it has how they say, well, you know what? We’re going to make Europe so bad for the Jews that they want to leave. And that’s exactly what happened in Germany. So. And I think Adolf Hitler was, was all too keen to cooperate with them. Like, yeah, that’s fine. We’ll move him out of here. And that’s what, that’s what they worked out with the, with the Havara agreement or the transfer agreement.
So, anyway, all right, guys, let me just kind of check the chat here just real quick. And again, I’m gonna, I want to say one more thing here. I said this at the very beginning that I was supposed to interview James Perloff tomorrow, and he canceled on me because I read his book. And it took me three days to read his book, and he wasn’t very happy that I read his book. So I apologized to him, and he accepted my apology, but he said there was really no point in coming on to discuss it because there was, you know, all the stuff it would vibe kind of like there was no point in discussing it because I’d read it all.
And, you know, and I respectfully disagree with that. But, you know, I’d really like some comments from you guys to help me encourage, to get him on and to talk about the Lincoln assassination, because I did have some really deep, poignant questions for him, but I can’t force him to come on. So, um, but if I had. If I had a bunch of, you know, if I had quite a few people who were, you know, saying, hey, we really want to hear, hear from him and whatnot, it would go a long way to help me kind of, you know, salvage that and get him on to the channel.
So if I could ask your guys’s help to do that, either you can. Either. You can either put it in the comment section, or you can send me emails to the untold History Channel or untold History so anyway, that is, that’s what I’m dealing with today. I literally, I didn’t do that with the intent of, like, you know, taking money out of his pocket or doing anything. I really thought it was the best way to, you know, educate the audience so that when we had him on it, we could. We could dive even deeper into it.
And that was my objective. It wasn’t done in a nefarious way or, you know, done with any, any sort of, any sort of manner that was malicious, you know, towards James. I have nothing but huge respect for James Perloff. I think he’s an extraordinary man with, you know, just. Just an enormous intellect and breadth of information. So let me check the check. There’s. It looks like there’s some comments here. Like father, like son, the totally fascinating hijacking of many religions to control the people of history. Yes. Good stuff. Good show. Thank you, guys. Appreciate it. Yeah, so, yeah, I actually.
So instead of the comment section, guys, I’m going to. I’m going to respectfully request that you email me anything that you have in terms of James Perloff. Just put in the subject line, Perloff or James Perloff or something like that, or Lincoln. And then just say, hey, we really want to hear from him or whatever. So if you do that, that’ll go my help go a little bit away to helping me resurrect that at some point in time. I’m sure I’ll get him on the channel, because there’s too much. He’s got too large a volume of effort or work out there for me not to get him on to talk about something.
So. And I truly believe that I have the ability to mend the relationship, but I think he’s a little bit sore right now, and justifiably so, because I didn’t run that by him. I did that on my own accord. And he sent me the book. I didn’t buy it. He sent me the book. So I understand his perspective. I didn’t do that the right way and I take ownership of that. So but that said I’ve ranted on here for about four minutes so I’m going to shut up now and let you guys go enjoy the remainder of your evening and I will be back tomorrow to finish up the 1666 book and whether you guys, I think I mentioned it in the video that I did with Jason on Monday that I’m going to begin to start playing stuff in reference to 911 for the Friday Night watch party.
We finished the secret masonic victory of World War Two and for the next several weeks I’m going to start playing stuff that’s really in reference to 911 because we’re coming up on the anniversary so that is my plan and I hope you guys, I hope to see you guys all when I am, when I do that on the Friday night watch party. And until tomorrow everybody have a fantastic evening. Thanks everybody. Appreciate you. Bye.