Global Cults Military Program Synthetic Matrix Trapping Humanity w/ Prof. David A Hughes

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âž¡ The text discusses the potential dangers of advanced technologies, such as nanotechnologies and algorithms, being used for cognitive warfare and mind control. It also highlights the benefits of Leela’s quantum technology, which has been proven to improve health and neutralize harmful effects of electromagnetic fields. The text warns against falling into a state of learned helplessness and encourages individuals to empower themselves and seek solutions. It ends with a discussion on the potential for bio nanotechnologies to be used for direct neurological control, emphasizing the need for caution and awareness.
âž¡ The text discusses the shift from mass control methods used in the 20th century, like propaganda and subliminal messaging, to more individualized control methods in the 21st century, such as smart technologies and nanotechnologies. These new technologies can be injected into human bodies or delivered through food and water, making it harder for people to escape their influence. The text also raises concerns about the violation of informed consent, as these technologies are often introduced under the guise of public health crises or medical advancements. Lastly, it mentions the rising cost of living and the importance of protecting one’s savings from inflation.
âž¡ The text discusses the challenge of communicating complex and potentially alarming information about technology and its implications to the public. The author suggests that different strategies may be needed for different people, with some preferring a cautious approach and others favoring a more direct presentation of the facts. The author emphasizes the importance of backing up claims with hard evidence and credible sources. The text also highlights the urgency of raising awareness about these issues, as they believe that mass understanding and resistance are key to preventing potential abuses of technology.
âž¡ The text discusses the moral responsibility to stand against totalitarianism and harmful agendas. It highlights the misuse of institutions, like healthcare, for enforcing harmful practices like forced vaccinations. The text also discusses the potential dangers of advanced technology and its misuse for control and manipulation. It emphasizes the need for action against these issues, even if we don’t fully understand their extent. The text ends by discussing the similarities between current events and 1930s Nazi Germany, suggesting a deliberate attempt to collapse liberal democracy and establish a new form of totalitarianism.
âž¡ The article discusses the global shift towards a new control paradigm, biosecurity, following the perceived failure of the previous system based on liberal democracy and free markets. The author warns of a dystopian future if this trajectory continues, likening it to a “biodigital camp” where the state has direct control over individuals through technology. The author suggests resisting this shift by reducing reliance on smartphones and challenging local officials about these agendas. The article ends with the author encouraging everyone to contribute in their own way to counter this global technocratic takeover.


For example, with the use of smart technologies and the use of algorithms to aid and abet what NATO calls cognitive warfare, a more direct attack on the human mind. But of course, when we get into the territory of actually, for instance, injecting nanotechnologies into human bodies, or perhaps delivering them through other means, such as smart dust or possibly through the food and water supplies, then nobody gets to escape that anymore. Those technologies are in everyone. So if this is a project to hook human bodies up to a wireless external control network, it’s going to be total in terms of the control that it offers.

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Explore a range of transformative products, from the heal capsule, shielding you from harmful emfs, to the quantum block, allowing you to infuse frequencies into your cherished possessions. Dive into the realm of innovation and shop or by following the link below. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have David a. Hughes, who is a professor of political science. He has his PhD, and he’s just a brilliant guy who’ve spent a lot of time, pretty much the last four years of his life, researching transhumanism, the psychological agenda, all sorts of things, it really is an overlap of, of what I’ve done with this mind control series of fifth generation warfare, and we’re taking it even further and really dissecting it.

It’s one of the most important interviews I’ve done. It’s really good, and I hope you share this with others who are ready to hear it, because it really is important that this information gets out there, and I don’t want it to be scary. It’s more important that we empower ourselves and find solutions and that we aren’t seized. Fear creates learned helplessness, and learned helplessness keeps us on the couch. It keeps us doing nothing. And I believe that a lot of what’s going on today, these pop up pundits, the people who are getting all these YouTube views saying the same things that we’re saying, but they’re not censored and we are.

I think they’re being used, whether knowingly or not, to create learned helplessness and they’re pretty much saying this is going to happen, you’re screwed and there’s nothing you can do. And they’re using that as a tool against us. So I want you to be very careful when you’re listening to all these things that aren’t, that do not provide solutions to you for you create fear and create learned helplessness because that’s the last thing that, the last thing that we need to have happen. We have to empower ourselves to do something about this. Solutions at the local level and at the national level.

Scientists within these organizations waking up, not necessarily leaving and stay there in a stealth position and be cogs in the wheel, that messes everything up. Congressmen who are understanding what’s going on, but they have to be careful. You mess it up where you can and do whatever you can to be stealth and mess this up. We as a mass, we need to wake up and give them power so that they can come out. They don’t have to do things stealth anymore. We can and we don’t have much time and we’re going to talk about it. We don’t have that much time.

And what you’re seeing right now, this fifth generation warfare, it is so blazingly obvious. If you can’t see it right in front of you, I don’t know what else will convince you that we’re dealing with this mind control, fifth generation warfare and the means and what they’re trying to get across. And we’re going to talk about that. What some of these end agendas are, this warfare is to implement all of their agendas. And that’s why it’s so weird. Nothing makes sense. And it’s on purpose. This chaos is on purpose. So hopefully this show will bring you some clarity and get you thinking a little bit more.

But the last thing, and I just want to keep stressing this, the last thing is this. Learn helplessness. Do not fall into that trap. Don’t let anyone fall into that trap. Anybody acts like everything’s a foregone conclusion. I hear people that, that think they’re trying to make a difference and they talk about it as if the agendas that these bad guys are trying to put in place are already in place. We’re screwed. This is all we’re going to do. That is the last kind of language that you need to be saying, don’t ever say that it’s for sure certain, because as soon as you start doing that, it’s like the Pygmalion effect.

You know, that when they say that you’re manifesting things is essentially the old way of saying the Pygmalion effect, where you make it happen because you think it’s going to happen. So it happens. It’s the same thing, and that’s what they’re weaponizing against us. So don’t buy into it. Okay. Let’s get into this really important conversation with David a. Hughes. Hi, David. Welcome to the program. Great to be with you, Sarah. I’m really excited to have you here so we can explore some more of this really advanced tech and what their agenda. I did a series on mind control and fifth generation warfare, which really dove into mind control using a lot of the technologies that we already know about.

And some of it is pretty advanced, but I didn’t get into some of the exotic stuff that they’re working on. And I don’t, you know, there’s an overlap of transhumanism and mind control. And mind control isn’t quite transhumanism, but there’s an overlap to it, and there’s more agendas going on than just controlling us. And you are really covering kind of that divergent of the mind control and also possibly some of these more transhumanist agendas. You have a great body of work that you’ve been working on. Can you talk about the, first of all, you have a book that’s out.

Can you talk about it and what it is that you’ve been covering and some of the work at a high level, and then we can dive into some of this. Yeah. So my book, Covid-19 psychological operations and the war for technocracy, is an exploration of the multifaceted and ferocious psychological warfare operation that was waged against the public of many countries in 2020, 2021, under the banner of Covid-19 and in many ways, the basic principles of that kind of psychological warfare can be traced deep back into the 20th century. So, for example, techniques of shock and stress, fear and threat, trauma based mind control, weaponized deception, and so on.

These are all techniques which have a well known pedigree. But I end that book in chapter eight by looking at some 21st century technological developments which could conceivably enable a neurological, a direct neurological form of mind control based on new technologies, in particular, bio nanotechnologies, which would be able to go inside human bodies and communicate with an external control network. So it sounds like the stuff of fantasy or Sci-Fi when you first hear it. But when you actually dig into the military intelligence literature, for example, going back over two decades now, you can see that they’ve been planning this for a very long time.

And when you then look at, for example, the literature on what is known as the Internet of bio nano things, this has been extensively developed under a healthcare pretext. But it absolutely seems to be the case that there exists syringe injectable bio nanotechnology, which can go inside human bodies and communicate with an external network. And it seems to me that the possibilities of that kind of technology are truly frightening. Where Jose Delgado, back in the sixties, started working on that, right, where he famous thing with the bowl, and then he was using monkeys, and he was doing it with Wi Fi, where you don’t even have to have a chip in your body, and then all this stuff went dark.

So they know that they can do a certain amount of control just with frequency, from a distance, or even with your phone. With frequency, they can plant emotions, they can do all these things. But once you get then into the chip, there’s a certain percentage that doesn’t work. That’s not. They just know certain people have a natural defense to that. But once you start putting a chip in someone’s body, now you have the biofeedback to get. To start to figure out how to get around those natural defenses and figure out what, because different frequencies, different combinations of frequencies, and with fear and other things can create more of that control grid.

And so I’ve been saying that the red line has. Has to be the chips and the bodies and that biofeedback. But we’re seeing kind of a stealth development and implementation of this, aren’t we? We are. So I think you’ve raised a really important point here. One helpful way, perhaps, of thinking about this is Catherine Austin Fitz’s concept of control one person at a time. And she differentiates between the mass forms of control which were attempted in the 20th century through, for example, propaganda, the use of the television, and subliminal messaging and hypnosis, psychological warfare and so on, but essentially sending out messages to the masses and hoping that the kind of the group psychology is enough to carry the control.

But as you importantly say here, it’s always the case that some human beings are just not susceptible to this kind of messaging or even certain kinds of diseases. So, Aldous Huxley, for example, remarked in the mid 20th century that there’s at least 20% of the population on which hypnosis simply doesn’t work. And in medical terms, we know that there are certain people who get to drink and smoke as much as they like, and they still live to 80 9100. So what’s interesting about these new 21st century types of technologies is that they appear to be aimed at the individual rather than the mass.

So this began, for example, with the use of smart technologies and the use of algorithms to aid and abet what NATO calls cognitive warfare, a more direct attack on the human mind. But of course, when we get into the territory of actually, for instance, injecting nanotechnologies into human bodies, or perhaps delivering them through other means, such as smart dust, or possibly through the food and water, water supplies, then nobody gets to escape that anymore. Those technologies are in everyone. So if this is a project to hook human bodies up to a wireless external control network, it’s going to be total in terms of the control that it offers.

Well, yeah, because I know Jose Delgado was working on that in the sixties, a chip in a bowl. And in the nineties, we had indigenous populations were getting chips with their bank accounts, and so they were doing all this research. But that is something that people were aware of, and so we could still reject it. They’re still getting people signing up for things to put chips in their bodies, but there’s going to be huge groups of people that are going to be there. I don’t think so. And so the only way to get it into your body without you consenting to it is to do it through smart dust and do it in this nanoway.

That, and they also, back then, didn’t have the computer systems, the masks abilities yet, although the software was probably already capable of doing it. I know for a fact it was, but the hardware wasn’t able to handle it yet, and now the hardware can handle it. So the software is capable of running and doing this mass specific, one by one orientation. And that’s what we’re seeing, isn’t it? It is, and it’s very scary. So, yeah, Delgado implanted, I think it was called a stymoceiver in the brain of a bull, and was able to stop a charging bull simply by pressing a button and sending a signal.

Quite extraordinary. Now, still today, I think we’re being encouraged to think that the most advanced technologies follow that kind of a principle. For example, if you take Elon Musk’s neurolink, the idea of kind of planting microchips in the brain of, and this is sold to us as some kind of futuristic, cutting edge technology. Whereas my fear is that that’s all part of the perception management and actually, far more advanced technologies already exist in terms of, for instance, syringe inject. Syringe injectable biosensors and bionano networks. And you make a really important point, again, in terms of consent.

In my opinion, what took place with the so called Covid-19 vaccine rollout was a worldwide violation of the principle of informed consent. I have a paper which pulls together the findings of 26 different research teams around the world who actually looked under the microscope and conducted spectroscopic analysis of what was in the shots. And one thing that is abundantly clear from their findings is that there are all kinds of undisclosed ingredients in there. Things which really shouldn’t be in there, and some very, very exotic looking technologies, and EMF responsive parts, self assembling technologies and so on.

So it seems to me that the powers that be have already made it clear that they are perfectly willing to override informed consent. I believe that we are now in a war which I call the war for technocracy. And again, in war conditions, nice principles like informed consent go out the window. And if the idea is indeed to be able to connect everyone to this technocratic control grid, they’re going to have to try and do that through whatever means they can. Now, in war, deception has always been a key tactic in warfare. So I contend that what we are facing here is something which has been camouflaged, disguised as a public health crisis.

Technologies which are sold to the public in terms of healthcare and medicine, and helping to cure cancer and Parkinson’s and all this kind of thing. And it would be wonderful if they were put to that use. But fundamentally, when you look at where these ideas originate in terms of bio digital convergence and so on, this looks to me to be fundamentally a military agenda. So that’s very frightening. What is very frightening, it’s their means of getting around informed consent. You know, they already, the FDA has already changed their informed consent law statutes, which is against the law.

It’s against international law, but you no longer have to give informed consent if the treatment is considered safe, relatively safe and effective, which we knew, Covid Washington, from their perspective. So I think that would qualify for this stuff, too. I don’t even think they care, really. They’re just trying to figure out how to get this stuff into us in a stealth manner, because you don’t need this to do mind control. If people consent to a chip, you can do it that way, but people are going to consent to it. So you have to do it in a stealth manner.

But when I look at that technology, it seems more than just mind control. It seems transhumanism, like they’re actually trying to maybe change our bodies and actually change how we function. And I know you’ve done some research on this. What have you found with that? Yeah. So in terms of being able to establish this intracorporeal nano network that can communicate with an external network, it seems that at least two key things are required. One is the kinds of technologies which can create that network in the first place. And these are very advanced kinds of technologies which, for example, use human tissue to pass signal through.

The other part is actually reprogramming human biology in order to make it compatible with all of this kind of electrical engineering and nano networks kind of technology. And here, when you think, for example, about President Biden’s executive order from the fall of 2022, where he’s actually legitimising precisely the bioengineering of human bodies, this really amounts to a form of eugenics when the state is claiming the right to meddle with human biology, human bodies, human genetics. And again, there is no informed consent anywhere here. It’s mind blowing. In 2023, according to MIT, living wage calculator, folks in major cities needed around $68,499 just to make ends meet comfortably.

But guess what happened next? In just one year, that number shot up a whopping 40% to 96,500. Can you believe how much inflation has affected? Affected us? That’s the kind of inflation that keeps us up at night. Now, I don’t know about you, but I sure can’t afford to keep pace with that kind of skyrocketing cost of living. It’s downright scary. But you know what’s even scarier? Not doing anything about it. That’s why I’ve been talking to folks over at Miles Franklin. They’re all about helping regular people like you and me protect our hard earned savings.

With gold and silver. You can lock in the value of your money and shield yourself from the ups and downs of the economy. So if you are like me and want to keep your nest eggs safe and sound, reach out to Myles dot just mention my name. Sarah sent me, and they’ll take care of you like family, because it’s just how we do things here in middle America. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your future today. It’s absolutely mind blowing. You know, my thinking and our thinking when we did the mind control, fifth generation warfare, which is, it’s a crossover to all this was, how do we present this material in a way that is believable to the most amount of people, right? So that we can get people thinking about it and starting to move in and going, oh my God, we got to deal with this.

That was the point of that. And we kind of sprinkled in some things that were more utopian, advanced, really advanced stuff. Right? Now we’re talking here about this. We’re going all the way essentially, in this conversation. How do we get, or do we even need masses of people to understand this? Or do we just need a certain percentage? Because this is really hard concept for this seems out there, even though it’s very possible. Do we take them through like, you know, understanding some basic stuff first and to this? I mean, because some of the people that are putting this out are, I mean, they’re willing to take it to the point of capturing, capturing souls and all this stuff, which I don’t know, I believe they probably are working on in all of that.

But it gets so far out there that it loses people. So how, when this is very real technology, how do we tackle this problem in a meaningful way without losing the people and not believing it? When it’s so important that they believe it, that it’s real? It is. There could hardly be anything more important at this moment in time. That’s exactly right. Yeah. So, I mean, I’ve had these kinds of conversations with a team of international scientists and doctors that I’ve been working with for about two years now. And we sometimes discuss, just tactically, what’s the best way of trying to get this information across, so that it doesn’t seem just so far out that people automatically tune out.

And the cognitive dissonance kicks in, and all of the propaganda and the programming about anti vaxxers and all of the rest of it just takes place. I think that it’s going to work differently on different people, and I think we should bring different strategies to bear. So some of the scientists I know adopt a very careful kind of method, trying to meet people where they’re already at. Not going too far with the claims, perhaps, for example, just pointing out some known dangers of mRNA vaccines, so called, and why they’re dangerous from first principles, and don’t go anywhere near the nanotech or military aspect.

And if they can reach people that way and get them starting down this route, great. My approach is completely different. My approach is just the raw, unvarnished truth backed up by as much hard evidence as possible. And if some people, if its too much for them, its too much for them, maybe theyll be reached by other people in different ways. But for me, its absolutely critical at this stage to be able to present this bigger picture of whats happening, but to back it up with as much evidence, hard evidence as possible. So, again, I’m talking the kind of military intelligence literatures, IEEE documentation, extensive scholarly sources, and so on.

So in that respect, I’m bringing my academic training to bear so that when presented with the information in that regard, people can’t just say, oh, just conspiracy theory and, you know, nonsense. Actually, no, there’s a coherent argument being presented, backed up typically by hundreds of credible sources, and it’s much harder then to dismiss that. So I think, collectively, if we all come together and do what we can to get this information across to people, we’ll all have our different strengths. But that’s just the way that I’ve chosen to go about it. No, that’s absolutely excellent. I say that there’s millions of people out there that can understand this.

And the more that you have the credible sources and you show the science and the tech behind it, there are millions of people that can understand that. And then we need to bring in those people who could help create solutions. When Yval Harari says that, and he said this about five years ago, we have ten to 15, I think he said ten to 15 years, we have until we lose free will. And I think he’s absolutely right. We have to take it that very seriously, because they can take away our free will, and it will be very much like invasion of the body snatchers or something.

And you, unless we get on top of this, and it sounds so orwellian and so out there, but it’s not, is it? No, it’s not at all. And you only have to look at the pronouncements of a figure like James Giordano, who is a neuroscience and technology advisor to the Pentagon. And there are videos available online of him addressing the cadets at west point in 2017 and 2018. And he’s very, very clear. He says the brain is the battlescape of the 21st century, just laying it right out there. And he says, we have technologies now which are capable of reading and writing into the brain remotely and in real time.

And through such technologies, it is possible to change people’s cognition, to change their emotions, to injure and debilitate them, and even to kill them. So this is a key Pentagon advisor being very open about this. So we must take this seriously? That’s very, that’s very true. And he was in the clips of him in the series as well because it. And others like him. There’s a few other scientists like him that were speaking to West Point faculty and things and. Yeah, Charles Morgan was one. Yeah, yeah. And a few other. But it is very much real.

And that was five years ago, right? Six years ago when he was speaking these things. Things have come a long way and we are just that much farther along now. Do you think that there are people that are actively fighting this in positions of, that can make a difference? Or are we still dealing with people like us, trying to bring it to the attention? Because I. It’s important that we bring it to a more of a mass attention so we can bring in as many people who can help fight this as possible. But I would sure hope at this point there’s people on the inside that are waking up to this and trying to make a difference.

I’d like to think so. The problem we’re faced with is that since 2020, we have seen a collapse of the professions. The medical profession abandoned the principle of first, do no harm with the coerced injections. Academia refused to even look at some of the darker aspects of what’s been taking place. The media is no longer a fourth estate, if it ever was. It’s just an instrument of the government. Essentially. The church has closed their doors to the sick. The regulators became enablers. When you look at this bigger picture, it seems to me that even if there are people in influential and powerful positions within the various professions, they must be keeping their mouths shut.

And of course, we all know what happens if you don’t keep your mouth shut. You’re edged out, you’re fired. And for many people, this is too much to lose a career in this way. So I actually don’t have much confidence that we’re going to see those people in those key positions doing what they really are morally obliged to do. I think that the key shift will come from mass awareness of what is happening and mass non compliance and mass resistance against all aspects of technocracy. Because once enough people understand that they are the unwitting combatants in an undeclared war which is being waged against them, ultimately for purposes of enslaving them through bio digital means, there’s going to be tremendous public pushback.

And the point about these technocratic agendas which are trying to be forced through, is that to implement them, they rely on our consent and our compliance. So if we just say no and we start pushing back hard against these agendas, I think they become unenforceable. So that’s how I see the way out. Well, I also think that mass non compliance gives the people in positions confidence to then stand up and do what’s right. So it’s kind of like a two way thing. I guess that’s how I see it. I don’t. Yeah, you’re right. You’re right. Yeah.

And if we’re, and I truly believe this, that we’re talking about, that the loss of free will, the loss of humanity, I mean, it’s that serious that these people who are in positions to do something, all of us are in a position to do something. Whether you are to be non compliant or whether you’re on the inside, you have an obligation to humanity. It’s much larger than to do something. However you can. Now, that doesn’t always mean speak out, but they can be a cog at the right time to mess things up, too. Absolutely. And this is precisely what I advise people, that given that all of us, like it or not, are in this war, we all have an obligation to do something, to resist.

After all, totalitarianism comes for everybody. In the end, it’s no good trying to hide and hope that it will disappear. It won’t. It will get you eventually. So you have to stand up at some point. Now, different people have different gifts and different skill sets to bring to bear. Some people might be good at monkey wrenching some of this technology. Some people might do the yellow boards in this country, which is bringing some of these issues to public attention by holding up signs in public places. Other people, like yourself, do podcasts, I write books. Whatever it may be, we all have our own unique gifts to bring to bear.

But I do think there’s a strong moral component to this that we have to look to our conscience. Because as soldier Nitson said of totalitarianism, there is a line between good and evil which runs through every human heart. And totalitarianism is evil. It depends on evil, and it depends on good people not standing up. So this is the time now for everyone who sees that something is very badly wrong here to do the right thing and to stand up and to challenge these agendas. Well, let’s look at some of these, these institutions that are doing the exact opposite of what they’re created for or what they should be doing, which as a professional, they should see that what they’re doing.

Like if you’re a healthcare professional, you made the oath to do no harm and your system is set up and very flawed as an institution when they were forcing everybody to get vaccines or forcing people to do things. You know, the transgender is really obvious too, right? I mean, there’s all these really. Not that there’s anything wrong with. How can I say this? There is some natural issues around that, but the agenda that’s forced upon them is an obvious top down agenda. So they know that there is a backwards thing going on. Do you think that this technology is far enough advanced where we’re seeing it in play now in these institutions? And they just haven’t.

They haven’t gotten. Gotten around the natural defense yet, our natural defenses. So those of us who are still fighting it are those that they haven’t figured out yet. But there’s gangs of people who are already controlled because it doesn’t make sense to me that some of this stuff is moving forward as quickly as it is when it’s so obvious that it’s a problem. It’s so obvious to some people, but there are an awful lot of people out there who just don’t see it at all. An awful lot of people who are heavily propagandized and indoctrinated and hypnotized by the television.

There are other aspects of this that involve these agendas being hidden in plain sight. Some things you can truck on with in full view, like central bank digital currencies and rolling out smart cities and so on. But people don’t see the threat because they’re sold on the idea of convenience and efficiency, and it’s all for the public good. The military technologies. I’ve talked about being rolled out under cover of a healthcare crisis. There’s quite a lot of reasons why people wouldn’t see what is happening. The scary question is, has technology already gone under the skin, to quote Eval Harari, of a reported 5.55 billion people? Because if it has, we could then have a problem.

But the trouble is, there are so many unknowns. Was this to some extent a beta test designed to calibrate different levels of whatever was in the shots? Because when you look at the. How bad is my batch phenomenon? One shot in every 200 is far worse than all the others in a way which cannot be attributable just to poor manufacturing processes. The other element, I guess, is if we are dealing here with a kind of wireless network of networks, how far advanced is that? How far along, for example, has the 5G got? How far along are projects like Starlink? In other words, how close are we to being able to flip that switch and have the entire network activated.

The problem is we just don’t know. But we do know enough to be able to put the pieces together and see that this is what they are attempting to implement. We also know that if they are successful in doing this, the oppression could potentially be irreversible. If they’re able to pull off this kind of scientific transhumanist dictatorship, there might not be any way out of it. So we have to act, and we have to act now, even if we don’t know exactly how far advanced all of this has become. Well, and the reason I ask that question is, we already know that the mind control and fifth generation of this whole warfare that we’re already in, that is very, very powerful.

And it works with 60, 70% of the people, just with the techniques that they have, not even talking about this advanced tech that we’re talking about. So when we’re fighting this, a certain amount of us have to be, or the people who are not susceptible or starting or seeing through this, wanting to fight it, we almost have to be aware that there are going to be a large percentage of people that cannot see through this and that we have to keep fighting anyway. Yes. So the way I look at this is to go back, for example, to UK health security Agency data from July 2022.

So essentially, most of the so called vaccine rollout was over by then. And even according to this official data, 23% of UK adults remained unvaccinated. Now, you may think, well, that’s not a lot, it’s less than a quarter. But the point is, the official data is always massaged and manipulated, so chances are it probably is higher than that. Let’s say 30%, for argument’s sake, okay, we’re still up against 70%, and probably, as Huxley said, there’s going to be 20% that you will never reach. They will always just fall completely for the hypnosis. But the point is, we don’t need 100% for victory.

We really need to get to 51% for the odds to start swinging in our favor. And when you look at the literature on mind control through large groups and indeed entire societies, it relies on people not wanting to be in the minority, not wanting to be fringe, and wanting to essentially take comfort in going along with the herd. And that’s why so much of the propaganda is aimed at convincing the likes of you and me that we are fringe. Okay? So people don’t want to be associated with us, they want to be associated with the mass.

Trouble is, if we can get to 51%, which may involve just winning over, well, just but one fifth of the population, then actually, the entire picture starts to look a good deal different. Now. Furthermore, what we have on our side is the fact that once people, in inverted commas, wake up, they don’t go back to sleep. Once you’ve seen these things, you can’t unsee them. So our numbers over time are just incrementally getting bigger and bigger. And I think that’s why there is a certain panic and desperation on the other side to try and roll out these agendas now as fast as they can.

But I certainly don’t think it’s all doom and gloom. I think we’re in some ways quite a strong position. I think so, too. And I think that the propaganda, like you said, is making it seem like they are larger and a bigger group than they really are. Yeah. So we’re making a lot of progress. I just think this is an absolutely important interview. It’s one of the most important interviews I’ve ever done. And so I thank you for coming to this. I think we’ve covered a lot of ground. What else do you want people to know based on all the research that you’ve done? Well, one thing we haven’t talked about is my second book, which came out in June, which is called Wall street, the Nazis and the crimes of the deep state.

And that adds another level onto all of this, which is looking more in depth at totalitarianism and the class relations that are involved in everything that’s been happening. And in that book, I sketch multiple continuities and similarities between what was taking place in 1930s Nazi Germany and what has been taking place across the west since 2020. So this can have to do, for example, with kind of mass propaganda, health, passports, attacks on the working and middle classes, legislation that pushes ever more towards emergency measures and tyranny, eco politics. There are a great many aspects to this, and what I argue, having pointed all of these things out, is that none of this is accidental.

And actually, there is a deliberate project underway to collapse liberal democracy and to institute a novel form of totalitarianism, which is this biodigital, technocratic version of totalitarianism. And in both eras, the reason for this is the same, that after 1929 and the Wall street crash and the Great Depression, Wall street was very keen to fund and finance totalitarianism. Without Wall street, the Nazis, Hitler could not have come to power, the Nazis could not have armed their war machine, and they could not have been world War two without the support of very wealthy anglo american financiers not only that, even in the United States, they wanted to pull off what was called the business plot in 1930, 319 34, which was an attempted fascist coup.

So conceivably, we could have had a world in which we have totalitarian Nazi Germany financed by Wall street, totalitarian Soviet Union financed by Wall street, and a fascist United States. So their preference in moments of crisis has been very clear for at least 90 years. Now, if we fast forward to the present, what we find is the system going into crisis again in 2019. We find, for example, Mark Carney talking about how the international monetary and financial system is basically finished as we know it. We find major social protests in one in every five countries around the world, which, unsurprising, after a decade of austerity, we find the success of the western propaganda model starting to wear off as more and more people start to question, for example, the events of 911.

And as the italian philosopher Giorgio Agamban argued in February 2020, it was clear that the transnational ruling class had taken the decision that the existing paradigm of control based on liberal democracy, free markets, the war on terror, etcetera, was no longer fit for purpose. It was no longer working. And so what we are living through now, and have been since 2020, is an attempt to institute a new paradigm of control, which essentially is biosecurity. And they’re pushing very hard towards that. So, in the book, I talk about how totalitarianism doesn’t just spring up fully formed overnight in Nazi Germany.

It took many years of laying the groundwork before we saw the worst horrors of the Third Reich. Now, I think what we’ve been seeing since 2020 is a similar process of laying the groundwork. So I conclude the book with quite a dystopian image, but an evidence based image of what potentially lies ahead if this totalitarian trajectory continues. And just one example, concentration camps in Nazi Germany. We know what happened there, but we are facing now all of society being transformed into one giant biodigital camp from which there is no escape, and the state has direct control over your body through these novel technologies.

So there’s quite a lot to see here across both of the books and my series on transhumanism. But when you put it all together, I’m afraid the picture is quite horrifying. Yeah, I mean, I cover a lot of the geopolitical or the economic system and where that’s going. I think it’s a pretty deep subject as well, the BRICS. And I don’t think that it’s all being the way people are talking about it isn’t really putting forward. I just had a show with Miles Franklin, Andy Shekman, and I kind of laid it out there. What I believed and kind of, I think that the wealthiest are front running this system.

They’re prepared already for this collapse. This others group that was started was them being prepared for all of this while they’re selling us a different story. Mark Carney and the central bankers starting in 2018 were saying that they wanted to go around governments and do budgets for the governments based on carbon credits. They are already telling people they’re taking over the world economic system. So I think you’re absolutely right. And it’s not what people, we aren’t talking like we should be yet. We need to get this information out in a different fashion so that people start understanding and can be, and can start pushing back differently.

Yes. And the scale and the scope is breathtaking and incomprehensible to many people that they would now try be trying to steal the global commons through natural asset classes and net zero and all of the rest of it. And again, all of this is packaged, this time in a green or environmental package. And it looks all very, very nice about saving the planet. But that’s not what it is. It’s a huge smokescreen. It’s a huge camouflage. It’s about centralizing economic control on a global level. And that’s what all of this great reset agenda is. It’s centralization of power at the global level.

The other agenda that I’m seeing is this learned helplessness that there are these pundits, the concept of popped up, pop up pundits who are forced popularity almost, and they’re starting to say things that I think are causing learned helplessness, like, you’re screwed. This is gonna be put in place. Just go back, sit on the couch. There’s nothing you can do. And that’s the cycle that I’m seeing certain people promoted on YouTube who were saying things that they should have been kicked off for. I think it’s learned helplessness. It’s to say, this is happening, live with it.

And we can’t, we have, we can’t have this learned helplessness. We have to make sure people empower themselves. So before we leave, it’s super important that we talk about the empowerment and to make sure that we do not fall for this learned helplessness and that we start implementing solutions. So what are some of the solutions that you have thought about and have are sharing? Well, one obvious one for me is ditching the smartphone. Most people are literally addicted to their smartphones, they literally cannot live without them. Many people even take them to bed at night. And to me, it’s truly horrifying, quite apart from all of the mental health impacts on the population by design.

But what is problematic about them, really, is that they’re what I call a kind of gateway drug, or a gateway device to technologies which then go into the body. And when you read what Klaus Schwab was writing in his 2016 book, he said, essentially, people are already connected to the technology with the smartphones. They’re already inseparable. And it’s just a matter of time before that technology goes under the skin, use the same phrase. So people have to be able to kick that habit and they have to be able to resist this slide towards technocracy. Otherwise, as I say, mass non compliance with all aspects of this resistance at the local level can be quite effective.

One of the ways in which these agendas are rolled out involves going kind of directly to the local level. And so it’s been quite heartening in the UK, for example, to see people in various cities actually going along to their kind of local council meetings and challenging their elected officials at the local level and saying, do you really know where these agendas come from? Do you really know what they’re about? Do you really understand why they’re faulty? And this can be quite an effective way of providing resistance locally. Again, I don’t have a magic bullet. I wish I could just say, yes, we just need to do this, and it will all end.

I think everybody has their own gift to bring. But the key thing is, as I said earlier, we all have to look inside ourselves and do the right thing and find whatever it is that we can do to help put down this global technocratic coup, for sure. Okay, so where can people follow you? Get your books? I know you’ve spent so much of your life on what you put on hold. To put this information together, you must have a calling, like others, to just say, I have to do this. And so where can people find and follow you? Right, thanks.

Yeah, yeah. There is definitely a spiritual dimension behind this. That’s another story. The best place to find my work is substack dhews dot you’ll be able to find everything I’ve done since 2020 on there if you want to support dahues I’d be grateful. I’ve also just starting to put together my own website. There’s not very much on it at the moment, but will be populated over the coming weeks and months. Excellent. Thank you so much, David. I really appreciate you coming to the program. You’re very welcome. It’s been a pleasure to be with you.



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