Top Trending Stories – Truth Mafia News Episode 3

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âž¡ This text is about a podcast called “Truth Mafia News” where the hosts discuss various topics, including a TV series called “Evil”. They analyze the show’s use of numbers and colors for symbolic meanings, and relate it to real-life events and theories about secret societies and interdimensional entities. They also warn their listeners about fake accounts and encourage them to subscribe to their channels and newsletters for more information.
âž¡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that entities are using technology to control humans like avatars. It also mentions the belief in a spiritual war and the existence of otherworldly beings. The speaker suggests that our actions and energy will determine our fate in this supposed conflict.
âž¡ The speaker discusses a mysterious entity caught on footage, suggesting it’s a tall, cloaked figure. They also talk about the increasing energy hitting the planet, possibly causing people to feel tired and heavy. They believe this energy is raising the planet’s vibration and affecting humanity. The speaker also mentions a product they’ve been using to enhance their energy body, and the importance of protecting oneself from energy attacks. They end by discussing the existence of multiple dimensions and the potential for humans to ascend to higher dimensions.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various topics, including concerns about the negative effects of artificial intelligence and electromagnetic pollution on the environment and human health. They also touch on the poor quality of food in the United States compared to other countries, and the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and high vibration. The speaker believes in the power of spirituality over technology and encourages others to focus on love and light. They also mention the potential for major natural disasters and conflicts, but express faith in the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the importance of spiritual growth and self-reliance, emphasizing the need to prepare for potential crises and to focus on personal development. They also touch on religious and spiritual texts, suggesting that many have been manipulated or hidden to control people. The speaker encourages listeners to seek truth and understanding through prayer and meditation, and to remove negative influences from their lives. They also discuss the concept of numerology and its significance in understanding one’s life path.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various issues including the United States’ foreign relations, particularly with Russia and Cuba, and its economic situation. They express concern over the U.S.’s debt, its involvement in wars, and its export of harmful products. They also mention the need for a new financial system and criticize politicians for their lack of action. Lastly, they touch on spiritual and metaphysical topics, such as the importance of positive energy and the influence of certain colors on one’s mood.
âž¡ The text emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and not relying on politicians, but instead placing faith in a higher power. It discusses the concept of reincarnation, the significance of the number twelve, and the power of dreams. The text also encourages focusing on oneself, strengthening one’s connection with the divine, and not fearing death as the spirit returns to the creator.
âž¡ The speaker is planning to regularly update listeners on spiritual matters and is setting up a prayer group on social media where people can support each other. They also offer personal Gematria decodes, which can be accessed via a link. The speaker ends with a prayer for protection, wisdom, and guidance for their listeners, emphasizing the importance of dedicating time to prayer and spiritual growth. They also address some concerns about global issues, urging listeners not to worry but to pray instead.


I mean, king full of force to be reckoned with they own a mission to a girl but it’s the smell. Oh, yeah. True love here. They got it going on searching for the truth they won’t stop till it’s known ooh, the Illuminati better watch their backs. The cube mouthy is coming from. Yeah, that’s a fact. Truth buffy up the warriors alive fighting in the shadows they won’t go down without a fight uniting we stand together we rise against the powers to be exposing their lives truth mafia the warriors of the fighting in the shadows they won’t go down without a fight united we stand together we rise against the powers to be exposing their lives welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia.

News. This, episode three. What I’m doing with my father. Before we get going today, let me make sure I use this. Fair use. This is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody, which doesn’t. Fringe of copyright under 17 USC 107. So we’re going to talk about many trending events right now. And then we’re even going to get into the new series evil, which is everyone’s talking about how season four, episode one, has all the CERN predictive programming. That’s why I’m using the fair use. And my father’s here with me today.

Pops, how you doing? If I was doing any better, son, I’d be floating with the angels. Hold on. Let me come on screen for everybody real quick. All my brothers and sisters there. Make sure the cameras working when I come on and off. When you’re doing your thing, I’ll go off a little bit. But hey, y’all, love y’all very much. Exciting to, you know, be on here. I know, TJ, that you now. You’re kind of. We’re transitioning this into the news, you know, the truth mafia news. Once a week, you and I together, we both made sure our calendars are cleared for Wednesday nights for all of you all.

And, you know, we’re going to be talking about the topics that are happening right now. And then other stuff also. And then q and a, of course. Always. But love you all. Back to you, son. Yeah, today, I’m pretty excited about this one. I just seen a fake Tommy truthful in the comments. Kind of knocked me off guard. I was reading that when I was going, you know, they. They got these accounts now, pops. They’ll steal your picture, your name, and tell your people they won special drops. So you got to be. Watch out for that.

Make sure you’re only rocking with our real pages out there. And that’s why getting them blue checks are so important. We really got to get that done. You know, I got my Instagram check, so well, between my patriots network, which, folks, you see that right there, and I call him TJ. But Tommy Truffle, my son, we’re going to be talking about a lot of really super exciting stuff over the next few weeks. So make sure that you invite your friends to these, these updates, these podcasts, news podcasts that are going to be every Wednesday at 05:00 p.m.

central time. So share it loud. It will be Facebook friendly, as that’s the way we have to roll. As you know, we have to stay fishing in the big pond where the majority of the people are. But we also have our rumble channel growing out. Growing out. So make sure you go over there and subscribe to that. Plus the website itself. If you’re not opted into the website, you know, go ahead and opt in. Tommy sends out a lot of great information in his emails. Make sure that you’re opted in to the email newsletter. Okay, back to you, son.

Yep. Thank you. And that’s all down in the description, guys, you know, opt in for free. So first, dad, let’s start out with this new series, evil, that everyone’s talking about. So I’m going to show you a little clip on it. And I’ve been watching it for a while, pops. I watched all the episodes, season one, season two, season three. This is season four. And it’s interesting because you know me, dad, I’m always paying attention to the numbers and go figure. Season four, episode one, it’s an episode about CERN, and, well, I of CERN equals 41 God particle equals 41 on the chaldean cipherte.

So it makes sense that it would be, even if it’s a source code and it’s not someone doing it, it’s just like a source code we’re tapped into. And in this series, season four, episode one, there is a gate to hell at this particle accelerator, and the gate to hell is at turn 33. Guys, now a little bit about the number 33. First of all, there’s nothing evil about it. It really represents our inner Christ, our inner christos, releasing that Kundalini up the 33 vertebrae connecting to our pineal gland, our third eye, which is our spiritual antenna.

That’s your connection to source, to the creator. But they’ve demonized it a lot. You have Yeshua, who they said died at 33 and 33 ADHd. It really comes in the secret societies, they use it. It represents the third of the fallen angels that followed Lucifer, so it’s 33%. And then where the fallen angels, the watchers, descended to mount Haran to bring that. That forbidden knowledge to man. That was on the 33rd parallel. So this number is used over and over again with these secret societies. And when he goes to turn 33, that’s where they sacrificed the girl, and they threw her down there into the pits of hell.

Now, what’s very interesting about this, you guys might remember my people watching CERN actually had a video go viral where they did a mock sacrifice. Now, remember, guys, they said, oh, it was all a joke. It wasn’t real. They do the same thing in here. So, you know, it’s a form of predictive programming. Lesser magic. Truth in plain sight. That’s the gates to hell. And David, he’s pretty much. He’s pretty much like a prophet. David, he’s always seeing visions, and he works for the catholic church, unfortunately, you know, I mean, I love catholic people, but the higher echelons of all these religions are co opted in there.

They worship Dagon over there, so. But he’s a. He went through to become a preacher. And look, that guy, he’s standing up in the particle accelerator, right? It turns on when he’s in there and goes through his eyeball. And then after that, he. You see these visions he has really quick watch. So he sees all these crazy demons, and then later that night, they come and visit him in this room. And what’s the main color you guys notice right now? Orange, right? Well, orange equals 33 as well, so that, you know, even the colors they used during this episode was on point because they can use certain colors, certain numbers.

A color holds the energy of frequency, of vibration, just like a number. And they can use that for programming. Now, this is the guy. Oh, right, here it is. This is where they did this sacrifice, just like the one we seen at releasern. Right? Except they did theirs outside in front of the Sheba statue. But the person was even dressed in the same white outfit. They were dressed in the same robes. Then they laid that girl down on the floor, and. And it looks like they stabbed her with the knife. But CERN came out, released a press release, and said, oh, it was all staged.

It wasn’t real. So that’s what has been going viral right now out of the new series. There’s a couple new episodes that you guys can check out. But that season four, episode one, one is really good. And let me remove this real quick. And show you this decode that I’ve been working on tied to these entities. I started working on it last night. I call it tethered. Right? Because a lot of this technology is tethered to these interdimensional entities or fallen angels, whatever they’re releasing there. Um, this technology is definitely. It’s. It’s fallen angelic technology, right? So the new movie I just watched, guys, it kind of plays into evil a little bit.

It’s called the Watchers. And the Watchers was pretty fascinating because these are the shape shifting kind of. They. Okay, it’s taking place in Ireland, and they were known as fairies. They were known as changelings, but they’re shape shifters. They kind of look like fallen angels, like a distorted version of us. And in the movie, they’re from inner Earth. So they. They don’t come out in the daytime, they stay down under earth. And. And then they come up at night and watch these humans that are in the middle of the woods, like in this cabin. And as long as they follow the rules, they stay alive.

But they’re being infiltrated the whole time. There’s actually a watcher that’s in there with them, and they don’t even know it because the watchers created these human hybrids. So that’s what it’s all about, the gene editing the hybrids. And remember I told you that number 41, well, the watchers equals 49 in reduction. Now, this is a huge number because little NAS X member him. Guys. His birthday was April 9. He’s the one that did the lap dance on Lucifer. And DMX died on his birthday, April 9. And so did Prince Philip. They had this huge ritual that was totally invoking Sir Nunos.

And the. That’s who CERN was named after, the celtic lord of the underworld, Cernuns. So once I seen that 49 cipher, I already knew, oh, boy. This is going to be tied to dimensions and portals and the Antichrist. So that’s in the reduction cipher, which you reduce it down to its lowest form, the watchers being 49, matching Antichrist dimensions, CERN ritual. And then you see the number 41 is 49. So 41 is heavily tied to the same thing, the whole CERN connection with evil. And then you have gene decode, hydrogel, mark of evil mRNA. I’m not going to say the v word, but that’s the tethered part.

That’s where they want to get this technology into us. So these entities, these watchers, are, these archons that are tethered to this technology can literally use us like an avatar guys, that’s, that’s what they’re going to do with it. Use the human vessel as a digital avatar. And I did a couple breakdowns. So archons tethered to technology is three, two, two. Now, remember with the whole code red, why we went on lockdown, Wuhan had the first 322 cases, right, on November 18, the 322nd day of the year, and then Genesis three, two, two, it said. And the Lord God said that man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and live forever.

To me, that sounds like transhumanism, right? Archons tethered to technology that three, two, two. And when you really look into what they’re trying to do with, like, agenda 2045, this whole immortality technology, it’s creating this third strand of DNA, three strands of 22. So in the third strand, instead of the double helix, it’s the third triple helix. The third strand is laced with a thin layer of nano technology, this programmable matter, third strand, DNA, black goo, they call it many different things. But then I looked into the word because obviously tethered, right? I wanted to see if there was a connection there as well.

And. Hold on 1 second, let me go down here. So tether guys is 34, right? In Chaldean Gematria, matching alien agenda, Apple Inc. And AI takeover. Now, in the reduction cipher, zombie is 34. And remember, the CDC released that whole zombie apocalypse warning on March 4 of 2021. So element 34 is selenium. What is selenium used for? Well, it’s used in electronics, and the electronics is what these entities are tethered to. We use selenium a lot in the smart grid that’s going up, right. It’s used in solar cells. So as they’re burning all these cities down, um, to create their 15 minutes smart cities, that’s the technology that is probably forbidden, fallen angelic technology.

They’re giving us these purple streetlights. All of it is to put these entities in a place where they can now interface here on a higher frequency than what they exist on. Right? So because they exist in a lower frequency with what’s known as the A sphere, the lower astral plane. And I think that’s what they’re doing with CERN, releasing these, these entities. And then selenium is also part of the immune system, right? It’s a big player in the immune system. So we all know what they’re using to attack our immunity. So that’s a big one in that 34 as well.

And I think that was the last one I had, except. Oh, hold on. No, that was from last time. That was the d wave. Okay, so, yeah, that was the last one I had for that. And my pops hasn’t seen that yet that you didn’t see that evil or watchers, right, daddy? No, I haven’t. But, you know, I can give you. Folks, let me come back on the screen. There’s some things I. You know, son, one thing. I’ve been talking to you about this stuff for a long, long time, right? Yeah. Ever since you were little.

And so I’ve studied it for decades, and most people, again, you know, I love all my brothers and sisters in any religion. You know, I’m not against, you know, if they get some power out of it, you know, stepping into your power, that’s great. But to think that it is, that everything that’s in there is accurate, 100% is not correct. You know, I always am reading, you know, that I’m a big reader, and right now, these people got wiped out of the freaking planet. And I read a lot of different things from Hinduism, Christianity. I was a Catholic, and Christian all my, you know, first catholic, then christian, majority of my adulthood, you know, probably half my adult life.

And, you know, I become more and more awakened to the fact that the religion is dividing us and not bringing us together. And the information that we have access to is very little to what information is really out there. And by the way, son, Tommy Truffle, apparently is me when I comment, so don’t freak out. That’s me, because I looked at that, so no, no problem. Um, okay. But. But, you know, they’re, you know, the. The Satan and many other names. Ball Mola. All, many names is a DNA, you know, the fallen angels, his minions, all of that.

And they’ve created many life forces out there. Okay? TJ is talking about some of them right now, and that they’re trying to bring more into this third dimension, right? With CERN, they’re trying to open up more portals. There’s portals, by the way, all over this planet, there’s portals, and they’re bringing in more and more entities through what they’re doing over there. And there’s other things going on to bring more and more and more, but at the same time, you have the DNA lineage of the light. Let’s say we got the DNA lineage of the darkness that’s created.

Know, if you think we’re the only living creatures on this planet, you know, you’re wrong. And if you think we’re the only living. Humans are the only living entity in all of these planets and universes and multiverses and all of that. It’s. That’s not correct either. There’s, the creator creates all the time, never stops. But also, Satan has infiltrated the bloodline, the reptilian, the Drakon. All of these things that are going on graze, all this stuff. There’s so many different entities. Look at the books of Enoch that you can read about the giants and all the different things.

Now this stuff is starting to show up because Earth is increasing its frequency. And then you got CERN and all these things going on right now that are happening. It’s interesting. It’s very interesting. I know that you talked about the. The thing evil to, you know, watch that. That is the CERN thing that you’re going over right now. Yeah. And then the other one was the movie the Watchers. And they kind of really go together, them watcher entities. They were trying. They try to mimic us, dad. They can shape shift into us. What’s that sound like? The damn reptilians.

Yes. These are real things. And, you know, more and more of this is going to be what you see here, what we can see here versus what is really going on. I mean, there’s a spiritual war going on that is like nobody has ever seen before. And, you know, son, you know, I’ve been practicing my spirituality. And again, I love, I don’t want to get into debating God’s name or this religion is better than that religion. I don’t want to do that. Everybody is responsible for becoming the best person that they can be. The best them.

They are. And if you aren’t working on your connection to the creator, the. The point of origin always been, always was, and then came from within it. And we’re all in it, and it’s in us. So we all, all these multiverses, all these planets, all these units, all this stuff is within. Inside the creator. And then that’s why, you know, we’re all hooked together. Right. It’s pretty interesting how all this stuff works. It’s very interesting. But look, as the dark gets darker, the light gets lighter. And now let’s talk about, you know, all these entities are showing up.

You know, some people call them aliens or whatever, but there’s a lot of entities from the dark side showing up. There’s a lot of entities, by the way, from the light side showing up. There’s a lot of light winning, by the way, just so you know. Again, I believe the earth will split into two timelines. I’ve been talking about the great separation. One will be heaven on Earth and one will be hell on Earth. And depending on what you’re vibrating on and what you’re focusing on and what you’re putting your energy into will pretty much determine where you’re going to end up.

Right. And this was from that Las Vegas thing, dad, where they said they took them footage from the aliens. So then, like, a couple weeks ago, they released this footage of it slowed down. And it shows, like, I’ve watched it so many times trying to. I don’t know, like, what that is over there. I can’t make that out good enough. But this entity that comes up on the corner of the screen that is like nine foot tall. Yeah. You can clearly make that thing out. And what you guys should do is go get the raw footage of it and scroll down and look at the bottom of the fence.

You’ll see whatever that damn thing is. It’s cloaked. And it’s. You can barely see its legs at the bottom, but you can see them. It’s some type of cloaked technology, like the damn predator dude. Remember that movie, dad? Yeah, that was a good movie. Now, I watched that movie. I’m very careful now of what I’m watching, son. I told you that before, even though that I’ve worked on myself with the ability to feel energy, and, you know, somebody is, in the comments, talked about, is everyone else feeling tired and heavy all the time. This is the.

The energy that’s hitting the planet, coming from our sun, coming from the central sun, in the sun, the creator that fires all that up. You know what I mean? Fires all these suns all over the place up, and then brings it into that. That our sun, and then hits the earth. And it is. It is. It is. Some people call it ascending, but it is increasing the vibration of the planet and of humanity. And some people, I don’t know if you all noticed some people whack going wacky. Now, you see a lot of this other stuff coming up with these other four dimensional type of creatures.

Right. You know? Right. I mean, dark creatures. Yeah. It’s going to only increase, by the way, just. I’ve been talking about this for years. If you go back and listen to the patriot llama show, you know, so I’m used to share that on truth mafia until the llama got crazy with his greed. But, you know, at the end of the day, you know, we’ve been talking about this for a while. Even you and it’s only going to get crazier, but you got to keep those blinders on, too, and focus on the light and your, you know, your energy, your vibration, making sure that you’re taking care of your, your energy body.

On the, on the next show, at the end of the show, we’re going to be doing this. We’re going to be talking about something that my son and I have been now working with for. I’ve been working with this since October of last year, and it will take your energy body to the next level. And disease and sickness occurs in the energy body. First period, the end, it occurs in the energy body and then affects the physical. That’s what happens. Okay? And we’re going to be going over some stuff that no one else has seen publicly.

We’re just making sure we can do it in a compliant way. And, you know, it’s going to help everybody’s energy body. This particular product that we’ve been using for a while. And, you know, and I’m working on some of the. Helping this, this person get it out because with all the stuff that happened in 2020, with all the frequency attacks that are happening with all the dark side that is hitting us with all kinds of stuff, cern, all these things, right? It’s a battle. It’s a battle. And you’ve got to prepare yourself. You’ve got to fight that battle, you know, protecting yourself from all this energy attacks.

And you’re going to get every, there’s a lot of people getting hit left and right. Who’s been feeling the additional energy hitting this planet and hitting yourself. Oh, it feels like you have extra weight on you, actually. Like, it’s crazy right now. All my bones hurt. It’s. But, you know, them solar flares ain’t no joke. But with only getting going to get worse, it’s not even solar maximum. That comes in the spring of 2025. Look at what’s going on politically now. Don’t get yourself, you know, somehow, I tell you, you know, don’t it just pray, declare, decree, get your thing together, because, you know, there’s studies out there.

We’re just a group of people, just a handful of people have went into cities and they freaking meditate and they declare and decree and they change that city without leaving where they’re doing that. They’re not on the streets, they’re praying, they’re declaring, they’re decreeing, and they’re meditating. We are made in the image of God. The problem is most people don’t think they have any power, God’s power within them. You do. You got to be very careful what you say. I watch people ruin their lives, you know, based on what their words are. You know, we’ve got to speak positively into this planet and into our humanity and, you know, into each other and all of this fighting and bickering and backstabbing over stuff that really does not matter.

Really does not matter. At the end of the day, it has no meaning. Look at what’s going on now, son, and I know you’ve got some slides. So we got all these entities starting to show up. More and more sightings happening. Cern firing up, trying to open more portals. There’s portals all over this planet and you are a portal. We have multiple energy portals in our body. There’s seven chakras and there’s really twelve around the energy body, the whole twelve. But we’re portals, okay? And once you can raise your vibration, you can. My son and I talked about this two weeks ago about the dreaming, you know, moving into, you know, the dream state and astral planing and all of that stuff that’s real.

It happened in the Bible. What do you think happened to Daniel when he went and Elijah and all of them? I mean, you know, all of them, you know, John and the book of revelations. And believe me when I’m telling you, I’ve read a lot of scripture that isn’t in the Bible and isn’t in other holy texts of other religions like Hinduism and a lot of other things, again, that I’ve been, been studying because I want to know. Right. I’m looking for to continue to improve my education on all these things, but now look what’s going on.

What do we got sitting on this coast of Florida right now, son? Yeah, I was going to get into that. So right now, but before, before we get into that, you can clearly see that thing’s eyes right there though, dad. Whatever that DM entity is, you can see its eyeballs and it’s pretty damn tall. So, you know, that was, that was on the actual news. That’s actually a small one compared to some of them that are like, you know, 30ft. I can see its ears too. It looks like it has pit cropped pit bull ears, but cross eyes.

Like, I can see the ears on it. It don’t look like nothing I would want to play with. Yeah, but you, I have people that, you know, I work with, son. You know this. And they could destroy darkness. Christ, when he was walking on this planet, the first one to show us how you could take the physical body and the spiritual body, the light body, and bring it together for whatever you want to call it. Some people call it the golden body, whatever. But through that situation that he went through, the death, and to bring it back into that body that could vibrate at any level of vibration it wanted to, to be in the third dimension, fourth, fifths, it’s whatever.

How many ever dimensions there are, some people say twelve. Some people, you know, say higher. But again, in this dimension that we’re in right now, and I think Mother Earth is, again, I believe these were splitting here. I think that some people will unfortunately stay in 3d. Some people will see Armageddon, some people will be getting attacked by all these entities that my son’s showing you. This is just a little scrape of the surface, the amount of entities here. And some of us will move spiritually into heaven on earth, into a five dimensional type of thing or higher.

Okay, look at that series, dark matter. Look at all the realities that exist in that. Now, I’m watching that show, son, so I can tell you I’m excited about tonight’s episode. Oh, Miss Cindy and I are watching that show. We like it a lot. It’s very interesting. But there are multiverses. And a lot of them that are like energy have been getting docked together. And now I don’t have personal hand experience with this, but I know people that are involved in things that most of you wouldn’t even believe. Okay? But again, we were made in the image of the creator.

They’re so worried about us because of what we’ve got inside of us. The twelve strands of DNA. Once that’s all lit up, you’re talking about the Avengers on steroids. Take the strongest Avenger, the strongest one, and put them on steroids a million times. And that’s what we were built for and whatever that reason is. Like you were talking, son. We were talking about what’s going on with the, you know, the atmosphere getting eaten by electromagnetic pollution. And then you and I had been talking about, you know, the AI that’s been around for a long, long, long time that have been eating up planets and people and worlds and, you know, absorbing the matter almost like the freaking matrix.

Yeah, they even have a great goo, dad, that’s pat. And they spray out in the chemtrails and the. What it’s for is anything it comes in contact with, it, like turns it, it turns it from organic to synthetic. It’s. They even have nano snow, bro. Like, remember everybody, they got us polluted with all that stuff they’re spraying in the air, it’s in the food. I mean, the food in the United States is garbage in most cases. Even when they see, say, you know, that you get organic, and the banana bends. When does the banana bend? When I’m in the Dominican Republic, you know, in.

Over there, they bring the bananas right. Right from the tree. And you eat these bananas, and it’s like, oh, my gosh. You can’t even believe. You never taste a banana like that in your life. It’s so freaking delicious. And then you come back here, and you buy organic bananas. They’re green. They’re spraying them, and when you pull them out, they’re, like, rubbery. I mean, it’s like, you know, you know, fake meat, rubber bananas. I mean, all this crap in the United States, you know, I believe that as this thing splits, you know, one is going to go one way hell on earth, the other is going to go heaven on earth.

And I heard somebody, they put up here about. About, you know, not fighting, not arguing, you know, loving each other. This is so important to send love and light to people, not to engage in the stuff. It’s one thing to be educated. You need to know what’s going on. You don’t need to be indoctrinated with it, and then, you know, vibrate it and fear it. I mean, we have TJ. You know, he’s part of the overall business, and we have the. My patriots network, and, you know, there’s a lot of stuff that you see that, you know, that is not, you know, something that you want to dwell on.

I believe, and I have faith in the creator of all and know that at the end of the day, the creator always wins, no matter what. No matter what. And we don’t die. We’re spirits, you know, we don’t die. We’re everlasting. So I don’t fear that. Right? I don’t fear that. Yeah. And I know you don’t fear it either, son. No, we just transmutate energy. Never dies, so. Never dies. Yeah, I’m not worried about that myself. Plus, I’m pretty sure, you know, there’s something after this, because I’ve died a few times. I’m pretty sure this ain’t the end.

No, it’s. It’s. It’s not the end. And if we really had all of the information that was. Was left, you know, written for us to read and learn from more people, if we all come together and we give this earth the energy of positivity and love and we raise our vibration. Nothing can stop what’s going to happen to us. We’re going to transition into a higher vibration and go into that, that, you know, heaven on earth environment. And everybody on this call right now, whether you’re watching it live or you’re watching the recording, you need to work on getting your vibration to where you’re going to make sure you know that you’re going into the right way.

Maybe some people might call it the rapture. There’s a lot of different things for it, but it’s about you accelerating your vibration along with the splitting of whatever’s happening here, and only the divine creator knows. And then getting in, you know, getting in to the heaven on earth. Somebody’s talking about AI is a weapon. Can’t rely or trust AI. Look, AI can, you know, right now, there’s. There’s soldiers, there’s light warriors right now that are doing magnificent things. Okay? That’s all I’m going to tell you. I have firsthand experience with what they’ve helped me with, and they’re doing terrific things on eliminating the dark, not only in this reality, but in all creation and, you know, in all creation, okay? And this battle has been going on for, you know, you know, only in this dimension do we have time.

But if in this time it’s billions and billions, I use AI all the time and I’ll never trust it. I don’t. I’m, you know, I’m not. But it’s a tool. I use it as a tool, just like I don’t trust the computer or a cell phone, you know, but it’s a tool, so. Well, you don’t need it. If you’re the fifth dimension and higher, you can create in real time. You can manifest in real time. So you don’t need. What do you need that for? Right? When the Atlanteans, they kind of steered off the spiritual path and went into more of the technology path.

Well, when you look at the bloodlines, right, what did the creator want everybody to go to? The spiritual way. Not the technology way, the spiritual way. Because with the spiritual way, you don’t need no technology. You could talk to each other through just thinking. You can be wherever you want to be like that. You can manifest whatever you need. You didn’t need technology. You could be wherever you want to be in any galaxy, any planet. Just by the thought, you could be at a thousand places at one time. I mean, that’s what the creator wants for his people.

Not getting bogged down in the technology side of it. But right now, we got to utilize for good the things that we have available to move forward the message of the light, okay? Because the darkness is using AI for their dark schemes, we got to utilize it for light. And there’s light workers working on destroying the darkness within that system, by the way. So it’s very interesting what’s going on. One thing I. I got, I want to bring up real quick because I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I said we were going to see some deep, free shit, guys, after that Ghostbuster movie member.

And now look what they’re saying about Australia. Freezing polar blast. About the strike. Australia. But that’s crazy. The weather has been so unreal. It’s like. And before we get into the stuff going off the coast of Florida, I want to circle back around to evil real quick because I know my decoders are like, Tommy, you didn’t even touch on. What does evil equal? Well, you know, it equals 15 matching cern and alien awake. Cern’s awake experiment. Remember that, guys? And then phosphorus, which is the element with the atomic weight of 30. So element 15, phosphorus. Lucifer, the light bearer.

And the 30 connection is tied to algorithm alien hybrid boosters. How they get that technology within us to take over our human, because this is our real temple, guys, our body. And that’s what they want to pollute and get that nanotech within us. You know, I’m very careful how I say it, but you know what I’m talking about. And now they’re trying to get us ready for some world war three stuff. And I think they’re prepping us for major tsunamis off the west coast because they’re talking about major fault line off west coast, could trigger nine magnitude earthquake.

And that’s in the Cascadia subduction zone. Right? So San Francisco, Golden Gate Bridge, Gugagon. And how many movies have they showed us the predictive programming of that? That’s a trending article right now, too. But in that movie, knock at the cabin, if you guys remember that one, at 38 minutes into that movie, they showed the whole West coast, the Cascadia subjunction zone being taken out by a major tsunami. Right? And then speaking of that 38 number in the new season of evil, there’s this Antichrist baby being born 38 days from when season four, episode one releases.

So, you know, that’s just that number once again. They love that number, the 38. We see it on the COVID of murder by numbers. Death is 38, murders, 38. Rip is 38. But, yeah, I think they’re really ramping us up for, for some type of, of a war, is it? What do you think’s going on, dad, with Russia? Well, let’s, let’s talk about what you just said about the weather again, real briefly. Touch on that, and then I’m going to get into this situation with Russia, with you. But again, the electromagnetic pollution is eating up the atmosphere and weakening the magnetic sphere.

That’s the problem. Okay? And again, we’re. The white papers are almost done on the solution, by the way. The solution is already being deployed. Okay. The big solution, you know, what we call the mama jammer, where we need ten of these devices to solid up that ozone, later to close it up and to repair what has been done. And we already know the exact location where these things are going. So as we start, when I can go more public with this, I will go public on this show and I will tell you folks what we’re doing to, you know, help Mother Earth.

You know, because all of this negative vibration, all of these hitting, all this energy coming in from the central sun into our sun and then hitting the earth, all of this stuff going on right now, all this pollution, all this blood being shed, you know, all this stuff going on, mother Earth is alive. And, you know, how much more can it take? You know, we’ve got to start working again on solutions to help reverse the things. And that’s where, again, I believe this timeline is going to split. And some will go in to the heaven on earth and some will go into the hell on earth.

But right now, I’ve got people that I am, you know, I know that said that the Americans, America will go through a near, you know, a near death experience. Now, if that happens, it happens. You know, we all got to be prepared for it. Hopefully, you all, you know, got some cash at your house and some silver and, you know, you got some food and water and, you know, you got some bullets and guns, and all of that stuff is put to the side, you know, in case you do need it. But have faith in God and keep focused on your, your spiritual growth and the vibration and keep on moving, because God will.

I believe God will protect his people. And somebody asked, who is the lightworkers? Well, the lightworkers are the sons and daughters of the most high, the point of origin of all things, right? There’s a lot of entities that have come from the point of origin of all things. The Father, the Father who created the mother, that created the Son, which is the Christ. I mean, there’s a lot of other entities that have come from that. Okay. And have unfortunately been worst of his goddess. When you talk about. I’m talking about the oldest God ever worshiped was a female.

The first God ever worship was a sacred mother. And then it went to the male. Well, the Father created. He split the two. Right. He created the mother. The mother, the father had the baby, which was the Christ. Right. And they take the women out of scripture. Huh? I’m talking way before that. No, I’m talking about, like, you know, at the beginning where there was just that, this and that was it. And then, you know, the thought in the creation. Yeah. Was really a female that created. Yeah. The first creation was, but the creator created the female.

It’s interesting, this book there is in here, the gnostic ones. Okay? Yeah. This is the. The gnostic Bible. Okay. He’s a, like a scholar in this. These people were wiped completely off the planet. Okay? Yeah. They ran the library of Alexandria. Just like the Essenes. Christ, mother, Mary, Joseph were Essenes. They were really, really, you know, really, really, you know, spiritual, connected to the creator, loved the creator, served the creator, could do magnificent things. Why do you think stepping into their power with the creator, that’s why Christ was brought down to them. But, you know, the lost book of John in here, maybe next week I can, if you don’t mind, TJ, I can read that a little bit about it goes through the creational process.

And it’s very interesting, that whole secret book of John, which is, you know, this is the john that wrote revelations. Yeah. Why is this book not in there? You know why this book’s not in there? Because it doesn’t. It releases you. It doesn’t let them control you. They can only keep the books in that can control you, to hold you, to let you know. Oh, well, you know, TJ, you can’t connect direct, connectly to the creator. You got to come through us, man. You need us. You can’t do it on your own. Most of this stuff that’s been keep.

Kept from us or these people been slaughtered, okay, because they, you know, they were, like you said before, they were, you know, doing what the creator wanted them to do. They were, they had the information that they don’t want anyone to have. So no one can step into their power. And when I say step into your power, you’re stepping into the power of the creator. The first that the thing that was always there, always been before any other thing was. And then I did hear TJ in the secret book of John at the very first. The very first entity created was the female entity, right? Yeah.

And she created y’all. The Baoff. Who is that? The head of a lion, the body of the serpent, which they believe. That’s the old God of the Old Testament, y’all. Deba to is a false God. They call him the blind God, the false God. He has many different names, but he. He. That’s. That’s what the mark on entities are, dad. They’re from the gnostic text. They’ve been around. That’s why they were really killed, bro, because they. Yeah, same thing with the scenes. The same thing with everybody that, you know, it’s some. Some gentleman there’s mentioning archaic.

And I know I read the. The scripture that King James and I have another different type of Bible that says it’s the most accurate. I’ve read it hundreds of times throughout and then studied books on it. Okay. And then read other texts and things. And I can tell you that they aren’t even giving us this much of the information. They’re giving us what they want to give us in order to make us depend upon them and not. We don’t need to depend upon them. We don’t need to. We can depend upon the creator and ourselves, and we can do what we need to do, all of us together here and bring heaven to earth for us.

And the ones that are in negative vibration, get rid of them. You know, I was on the mastermind webinars today, training people, and I told them, you got to weed your energy. You can’t let energy vampires start sucking all your energy out. And a bunch of negative people are being around you. Get rid of them. Just let them go their way. You don’t need to worry about their journey. Let them do their journey, that they got to come back to another three dimensional world. As this thing splits up, then they come back as many times. They need to come back a million times.

They come back a million times. Focus on you. Focus on you. But, yes, they called Sophia Babello. I want to. Next week, if we’re good, I’ll take, you know, some time and read some of this secret book of John because it blew my mind. I was like, because I’m always praying to the creator, bring me the truth. Bring me the truth. Because there’s so much out there. There’s so many people that are out there saying these things. But if you pray and you. You meditate and you give thanks and glory to the creator, the truth will start to flow to you.

People will start to flow to you. That it’s just the way it comes. It’s. It’s just like, this is. This is all divine. There’s no way you could do it. It’s all coming from the divine, bringing all these connections to you. Everything is more. You are a good steward for what you’re here for. Well, the more that comes to you, the higher your vibration goes, and it’s getting exciting. I mean, I’m fired up. Every day is like Christmas to me. That’s why it’s so important to know what your code is, too, and not the pagan Christmas I’m talking about.

Like, you know, it’s just a great day every day. It’s. It’s very important to know what our code is, because how that type of consciousness communicates with us is through numbers and synchronicities. It, you know, that’s the universal language. So very important that you learn a little bit about numerology. What your name equals what, numbers vibrate with your I frequency. You know, like you pops with that number 64. I did the decodes on mama. Did she like hers? That I did for. Yeah, I don’t know if she read it yet, but I emailed them. But, you know, you went over.

When I went through that with you on my name, it was crazy. What was there. It was, we’ll go over it on the show one time. Yeah, it was really profound. And, you know, just based on what’s happening in my life personally and all the things that are coming, because we don’t have enough leaders on this planet, the so called clown show that we got going on in the governments of the world, those are not leaders. No. I mean, they’re gonna. Those are demonic people. Most of them. Not all of them, but the majority of them are from the demonic bloodline, the DNA.

Satan, Lucifer, many names. The. What do you think about Putin? Do you think he’s bad? I, like. I don’t know. I don’t know. But right now, let’s get into that. You know, he’s sitting over there off of the. The coast of Florida in Cuba, with, you know, destroyers and nuclear submarines, and he’s said he was going to do a drill down in Cuba, is where he was headed, so. I can’t believe we still let Russia have nukes in Cuba. No, no, there was no nukes in Cuba. He’s over there. Listen, we, as the United States, what do we export? So.

Yes. Or we export, you know, what they do to the children, right? Let’s. We export war. We export, you know, what they do to the children. We can’t say it, but everybody knows that’s watching this. We export that. We’re the number one purchaser of that. We export pornography. We export all the, you know, what weird sexual stuff. I mean, what are we doing here? You know what I mean? What are we. We’re in everybody’s business. We’re taking people’s money. You know, the. Now that, by the way, on Sunday, on my grandson’s birthday, June 9, we lost the.

We lost the dollar on the petro dollar. The contract’s up. Saudi Arabia is not going to move forward anymore with the United States. Everybody’s sick and tired of the United States sanctioning them, stealing their money, doing all this stuff. And now Putin. Go back to that first slide. You had some. This is the weapon he has that I told you about that can caused a 200 foot radioactive tidal wave called Poseidon, dude. So 100%. And he’s got one bomb that can take out the whole United States. Yeah. With one bomb. With one bomb, he can blow one up over Kansas.

They said that would send us back. It’s an EMP that’s so big, it would. It would send all of America back to the stone Age. Yeah. You know, so let me. Somebody says something about 335 trillion dollars in debt. Think about this. And then we’re going to talk about this. Shout out to Obama. We have unfunded liabilities in Social Security and Medicaid of close to, I think, $170 trillion. So when they show you 35 trillion, that’s nothing. That’s nothing. And the government shouldn’t be involved in retirement, shouldn’t be involved in Medicaid and all of that. There’s another way to do this whole system that wouldn’t be.

It would be very cost effective and would be. There’s a lot of good thinkers that are working on it, on the plan for the new new earth. Right where this stuff, you know, you know, we got to focus on it. But, you know, Putin’s tired of us giving weapons to everybody around his country. When you watch these shows about Russia, my wife watches this 90 day fiance thing. They go, yeah, bricks is another one. They’re going to. They’re coming out with their own platform to knock out swift. Maybe XRP might be part of it. By the way, from what I’m hearing from my folks that are pretty high up in the financial world as far as the current system, they are working on a new system, I’m sure.

Some controlled by the dark, some controlled by the light. We’ll have to see how that goes. But Russia’s sick of us. They called us an enemy. For the first time ever, they call the United States an enemy. What are we doing here? We should have dad in Cuba. What does Russia have down there? No, they brought their. Their destroyers over. They have some nuclear submarines there that have nukes that can blast the United States right out of the freaking thing. They also have been having submarines close to us forever, just like we have submarines closer to them.

And they said that they are going to supply the people that hate us with weapons, just like we’re doing. Do you blame them? No. But all this has to stop. This all has to stop. You know, we don’t need to spend this money on the war machine to enrich the bankers, you know, and the people that run the banks and they’re behind the banks to print all this fake money up and all this crap. This all has to stop. And it’s going to. I don’t know the timing of it, but I can tell you, I know there’s a lot of people out there, you know, quoting times and dates and all of that.

Only the divine creator of all knows the times and dates, okay? Only the divine creator, because it knows everything. But at the end of the day, it is going to happen, and it is. There’s going to be time. You know, this one person that I’ve been listening to, they’re talking about this near death experience. You see this person hanging out over at Morrow Mar Lago, working, you know, with. With DJ there and all this stuff. And again, I’m not, you know, all these politicians, I just would like all of them to just go away. And that we go back to the constitution of the five things that the federal government was supposed to do, which we need probably about 15% of the current employment of the us government and probably about maybe 20% of the budget.

You know, we’re going to have to do. Definitely, this government’s going to have to default on its debt and go through a bankruptcy. There’s no way it can pay $200 trillion, son. Well, I mean, Obama, dude, you know, Obama brought us more in debt than all the presidents combined before him. He did. They’re all doing it. There’s a lot of debt that isn’t, you know, that’s a fraudulent debt. There’s money that’s not accounted for. I mean, there’s all kinds of stuff going on. And all these politicians do is talk. That’s all they do. They talk, talk, talk.

And again, pray declare, decree, you know, send your positive vibration to the solutions. Pray for people that you see out there fighting, you know, for what’s right and give them your energy, you know, and we just got to continue to move forward, and, you know, we have to hit them. Like, guys, take a second out. Hit that, like, button. Thank you. We appreciate y’all. And share. Share. Share. Yep. Share. Share. Yeah, the Rothschilds are a big part, but behind all of this is the fallen angel. Well, really, the Vatican is. So. Dude, I would been doing the Vatican’s behind it, but.

Oh, you know, the fallen angel. Who’s that at the. Who’s at that point, you know, after, you know, from what this. This secret book on entities which. Far from the gnostic text, that’s how they’re supposed to be. Like, at the top of the pyramid structure, and below them, you have, like, the Vatican that are the crown makers. They can’t. They crown kings. The Jesuit. I’ve been doing a deep dive in this whole Jesuit order, and I. And let me tell you there. I mean, look, the Illuminati was set up by Adam Weishaupt, who was a Jesuit, so the Jesuits are a very powerful military branch of that catholic church, and they worship dagon.

They openly show you this. Yeah. The God of the Philistines. Well, they’re all from all these leaders around the world right now. They go back to the bloodlines of Nimrod and Babylonian, Nebuchadnezzar, all of that. You know, most of the religions that were created were created from the bloodlines of the devil. You know, when you go back to the end of the Satan or Satan they call. There’s a bunch of different names, right? But it all goes back there. You know, that’s the bloodline that set this system up. That’s the bloodline that created the majority of these religions.

Okay? Almost all of them. That’s the bloodline that has a hold on this planet at the moment, but is losing its hold. And the creator of all things will win. It’s just, we don’t. Again, we’re. We have time, you know, days and hours here. By the way, is anybody noticing time speeding up? It’s already freaking Wednesday again. Yeah, Wednesday, it’s going. There’s something definitely wrong with the time, dude. Like, this whole year is blue bot. It don’t even make sense no more, you know? Well. And you can feel it. Like you said you were feeling heavy, right? I feel this.

You can feel it’s coming. And, you know, you were talking about. Most people say, well, Jimmy, why do you always wear a white shirt, because I do. Because of the vibration, the frequency. Very rarely do I try to wear a different color shirt than white. I got a whole bunch of white shirts, polo shirts, white shirts, t shirts my wife gets. I got, like, 17 of them in the closet. But I love white, and I love how white makes me feel. And because I am so sensitive to energy, very sensitive to it, I can pick it up, like, quick.

I can tell when I have a different color shirt on. Well, dude, it’s like me. My. What vibrates with me, and my name is red and yellow, and I use it in all my stuff. You see the red and yellow with slight hints of green. But we have certain colors that vibrate with us in certain colors that don’t. Like, like I said, that’s why it’s so important to learn these things and find, you know, it is 100% to have the knowledge, right? You want to have the knowledge so that you can improve what your surroundings are with yourself, you know, focusing on yourself and not worrying about everybody else.

Pray for your family, pray for your friends. Don’t get caught up in the emotion of it all, you know? Let it go. Let it go. Okay. Don’t put your faith in any of these politicians, okay? None of them. No president candidates, no senators, no Congress people. Don’t put your faith in these people. Put your faith in the creator. This all will. Again, I’ve been talking about this, you know, what the creator put in my spirit was about, you know, this. This splitting, you know, this separation, this great separation from light and darkness that there would be no more gray.

And how long have I been talking about this? You know, for years now. It’s been for years. And this stuff’s accelerating and the weather is going to shake because it’s got to wake more people up. Of course, we need to reverse the problem, but there are lightworkers also working on that. Again, these are sons and daughters of the most high who have stepped into the power of, you know, of more than. Than the normal person and is assisting and helping with, you know, this transition. And just like Archangel Michael. Right? And it’s interesting, TJ, what it says and folk, brothers and sisters, what it says in the.

This, um, secret book of John, about how the entity that they called the father was always there, and then out of it when it’s thought came the mother, right? And then the mother and the father created the child, and then they created twelve angels. And all of this was set up. I mean, it’s. I can see why they would not want anybody to have that information. And I’m not saying it’s all 100% accurate. I’m just saying why was it, you know, all the books, the scripture given to us, so that we could read it and pray and discern on it that twelve, that twelve number? So we got the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve seasons of the twelve months, you know, the twelve angels, like you said there.

And then, if you’re looking at Gematria, binary equals twelve. And this whole thing is a binary. It’s all set up on duality in a binary code. And then DMT is also in that twelve cipher in Chaldean, which is the spirit molecule. When you go into REm sleep, your body’s releasing DMT. Right before you die, your body releases mass amounts of DMT. Moses talking to the burning bush. It’s called the acacia bush, which is rich in DMT. You know, it’s a spirit molecule that’s inside all of us, and it allows us to interface with higher vibrational entities and lower.

But yeah, that’s all in that twelve cipher. And they say we reincarnate through cycles of twelve. So, for example, if you’re a life path one, you would go through twelve reincarnation cycles. If you’re a life path two, you went through 24 of them reincarnation cycles. If you’re life path three, you’ve been through 36 of them, right there. Cycles of 1212. So you reincarnate six as a female, six as a male, six as a female, six. Now, I don’t know those specifics, son. You know what I mean? But, you know, I’m sure there’s a lot on it.

I’m sure there’s specifics there of the way. And. Look, let me finish breaking it down. And when you get to a life path nine, that’s when you finish with. With 108 reincarnations, which nine times twelve equals 108. 18108 is a very sacred number. And reincarnate equals 108. So I’m telling you, a hundred percent. That’s what it is. I mean, many of the. The ancient texts they talked about, we went through these cycles of reincarnation, which would make sense, it being six as a male, six as a female. Cause everything’s duality, dad. You know what I mean? No, I understand that.

You know, you’re, you know, before I met, you know, the llama, you know, I was on my spiritual path anyways, right? And then I seen stuff that went on in that situation with healing and just a lot of stuff that went on. And then, you know, it’s interesting how the creator works on, you know, getting you with some people. Then maybe you think, oh, you’re going to be with these people for, you know, ever. And then next thing you know, you’re not with them, but it led you to another situation that you wouldn’t even understand unless you had the experience with those people.

Right, right. Pretty interesting how synchronicity works and how that flow works. And you just have to go with the flow. I mean, I just pray every day for the father to bring in who that my life they want and remove who they don’t. And that’s it, you know? I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know. I mean. I mean, what you’re saying, I. And you know where you got that information? Your download, your spirit. And I hope I know that the books of Enoch, 366 books, three that we have laid out everything. And where are they? They’re locked up.

They’re hidden, you know, wherever they’re at. Right? 366 books. You know what’s been getting affected by me real a lot lately is my dreams, dude, they’re so crazy lately. Like they’ve been amplified so. I mean, just. I keep having. Dreaming a lot. Who’s been dreaming a lot lately? More than you? Uh, dream now. I’ve been like. I’m like a movie theater. I just go from one movie to the next one to the next one to the next one for the whole time. I’m sleeping now. Yeah, I definitely. But my. My dreams have amplified. And my son recently, you know, he just graduated, so he quit smoking so he could take this test.

He has to take a pee test. So he quit smoking little weed. And he’s like, dad, my dreams have been crazy, bro. So because he wasn’t dreaming there for a while, there’s. There’s something they’re putting in the cannabis you get at the dispensaries. That’s like stopping people from dreaming. And who knows? Some people say it’s genetically modified now. The dispensary ones, who knows, man? I mean, you know, like I said, organic. Look here. This brother said, it is the spirit of truth moving forward upon us. Amen to that. Everything. When you buy organic bananas and they bend like rubber, I mean, you know, and they’re.

They’re. They’re putting everything in. The water, the food. But if you get closer to the divine, all that stuff could be neutralized. And what we’ll be talking about next week helps do that. You know, there’s a lot that’s going on that has been brought to my attention that from people that are, you know, definitely, you know, working for the most high, you know, their life is dedicated to, you know, helping as many people transition into heaven on earth versus hell on earth. No one wants to see people now. All them reptilians and all them, they all can go down to the hell on earth situation, no problem.

Oh, yeah. Well, they definitely exist in the lower, the lower astral plane that lower a sphere. But that’s pretty much all we had for today. Pops, do you got anything you want to promote before we end this one? Well, no, I think that what I want to say to everybody is that, and we’ll talk a little bit about the EMF stuff because they got a buy one, get one for the EMF. So if somebody needs a band or somebody needs emF, because those sticker, the holographic stickers only last a certain amount of time. They got buy one, get one free.

Just use TJ’s link in the description. If you need to get a new band or you need to get the disc for your cell phone or your computer, make sure to do that. But I would say that, you know, all of you that are watching this today, you need to stay focused on yourself and you need to really work hard. Promo code mafia. Don’t forget promo code. Yeah. Truth mafia promo code. Make sure you click the link and put truth Mafia promo code. But at the end of the day, you got to really focus on yourself.

You really got to make sure that you’re getting your connection to the creator strong and you’ve got yourself prepared, you know, for whatever happens. Right? You know, because we don’t control all of this other stuff, you know, the divine creators in control. Don’t fear. Have faith, believe, pray. Send your positive energy into good things, you know, focus on the light. And we’re going to continue to be here on a weekly basis. We’re going to get these things super organized, me and. Me and my son TJ. And we’re going to be talking about all the topics, all the things that are happening again.

Russia off the, you know, off the coast of Florida. I mean, that can scare a lot of people. But look, there is no death. So once you know that, you’re not afraid of it. Yeah. Spirit goes back to the father, right? The cre. You don’t die, you might be put on another mission. I mean, I was told that for one, I was told a couple times of my past lives, and I’m not going to be naming them here. That’s for me. To know, TJ, you know, and you’ve. I want to do the. The Jamaica, what do you call it, the numbers on me, because I want people to understand what’s going on because that’s happening.

Okay? And so we’re going to be here to bring you the truth and to let you know what we know. And if we don’t know 100%, we’re going to tell you we don’t know 100%, but we’re going to. We’re going to be here on a weekly basis to make sure that we keep you updated with what’s going on and, you know, continue to work together on all of our spiritual, you know, ascension. And soon I’ll be putting together the prayer group. You’re going to have to go into what we’re building with the social media and we’re going to have the prayer group where we all can pray for each other and people with needs can come in to the group and make a request for prayer.

Okay. So in closing this up, son, I’d like to give everybody a prayer, if you don’t mind. Oh, yeah. Well, before you start your prayer, and guys, one thing, if you want to get one of them personal decodes that my dad’s talking about, like I’m going to do on him, you can get your personal Gematria decode over the links down in the description. Just click on the link, Gematria decode. They’ll take you right there. Go ahead, pops. Okay, folks. Heavenly Father, I come to you in your son’s name, the Christ Yahushua Hamashiach, and I ask and thank you in the name of your son, Father, for surrounding all these beautiful people that are watching us today and will watch this show with your angel of protection, putting your personal hand of protection upon them and anointing them for your purpose and will, birthing them for this moment in time.

Thank you for filling them with your holy spirit, bringing them closer to you and your son Yahushua, and making them the people we destined to be. Thank you for healing their mind, body and souls, giving them knowledge, wisdom, courage, strength, fearlessness and faithfulness. Giving them discernment through your holy spirit. To know right from wrong, to know truth from lies. To live in the now and to follow a path you’ve laid out for them to accomplish the destiny you brought them back in this lifetime. For father. Thank you, Father, for blessing and protecting them, healing them, forgiving them and providing for them.

We give you all the glory and honor and praise in Christ’s name. Amen. Folks, I want to tell you something before we go, and you want to take some questions, son, for a couple minutes? If anybody’s got any questions, you can hit us up. I got a little bit more time, but I want to tell you, that prayer that I just prayed to you all didn’t come from me. It didn’t come from me. That came to me from the creator. That was a prayer that the creator told me that I needed to pray over my family, individual people, other people.

And it’s just, you know, rewind this and listen to it and listen to the words of it. Pray that over your family. Pray that over this world. Pray it. You know, pray for other people. Send your love and your light out to other people. Pray for other people. The creator doesn’t want your money because the creator owns everything. Everything’s it. The creators, everything. You don’t need your money, but he sure wants your time. So dedicate some time to the heavenly father or whatever you call the creator. Okay, TJ, do you want to take some. You want to take some questions? Do you want to see if anybody.

Anybody got any questions before we go today? Yeah, if there’s any questions, usually I always look at the end, but. Okay. It’s just a bunch of positive comments, but. Oh, yeah, and if you guys, if any of you guys are waiting for a decode and it’s been longer than 14 days, give me a text. If you’re not in the United States, use the WhatsApp to text me. Then you can just hit me up on there and I’ll hit you right back. I don’t know what’s going on. My email, guys. Shit ain’t working right. Well, they’re blocking stuff.

They’re doing all kinds of. Yeah, there’s all kinds of weird stuff going on with it. It’s so annoying, too. It. Kimberly’s one. Kimberly and Cherie are two of the best moderators. They put all my links up there. Very nice. So he’s asking about Florida, TJ, did they miss something about Florida? Just the fact that the russian destroyers and nuclear subs are sitting over there on Cuba. But again, don’t stress over it. I don’t know. You know, Putin seems to have a, you know, you know, a much better mind than what we got over here in this clown show.

I don’t think he wants the whole planet in nuclear destruction. That’s what would happen. Probably would pop off a couple of these super volcanoes, too, like Yellowstone or something. So it wouldn’t be good for anybody. I don’t think anybody would be able to make it through that. Plus, then the atmosphere and magnetic fear would completely collapse. And then, you know, the poles would shift and you could lose the Schumann residents, and then everybody’s dead, even if you live underground. And I think they know this. You know what I mean? So I don’t think they want to ever take it to that point.

But I wouldn’t stress over, just pray, declare and decree it. One of the things I tell the father is to dispatch the warring angels, stop anybody and everybody from starting World War three, shutting down the food supply, water supply, energy supply, or anything to hurt the people on the planet, intentionally and declare and decree it the name of Yeshua Hamashiach, or Christ or what, you know. And amen. Give thanks. You know, let’s start declaring and decreeing, and as we get this prayer group together, we’ll become some of the most powerful prayer warriors and children of the light that anybody’s ever seen before.

Okay? So I love you all. Any closing words, son, before we go? Uh, no. Just if you need my number, guys, it’s 234-425-2099 and text only, please, or I will block you. Thank you, and you guys have an awesome day. Thank you for rocking out with us. Smash that, like, button, and we’re out of here, guys.



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