
📡 Welcome to CSPOA on Sovereign Radio! 🇺🇸



The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) was established to remind law enforcement officers of their oath of office and the core function to "Protect and Serve," a motto increasingly absent on patrol vehicles. The association emphasizes the crucial role of sheriffs as the foremost law enforcement authority in their counties, sworn to uphold both state and U.S. Constitutions. It confronts challenges such as a growing societal polarization towards police and internal attitudes that may lead to excessive force. The CSPOA aims to educate and align officers as Constitutional Guards, safeguarding the life, liberty, and property of citizens, and uphold the Constitution, ensuring a peaceful restoration of America.


📡 Welcome to CSPOA on Sovereign Radio! 🇺🇸


The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) was established to remind law enforcement officers of their oath of office and the core function to "Protect and Serve," a motto increasingly absent on patrol vehicles. The association emphasizes the crucial role of sheriffs as the foremost law enforcement authority in their counties, sworn to uphold both state and U.S. Constitutions. It confronts challenges such as a growing societal polarization towards police and internal attitudes that may lead to excessive force. The CSPOA aims to educate and align officers as Constitutional Guards, safeguarding the life, liberty, and property of citizens, and uphold the Constitution, ensuring a peaceful restoration of America.


📡 Welcome to CSPOA on Sovereign Radio! 🇺🇸


The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) was established to remind law enforcement officers of their oath of office and the core function to "Protect and Serve," a motto increasingly absent on patrol vehicles. The association emphasizes the crucial role of sheriffs as the foremost law enforcement authority in their counties, sworn to uphold both state and U.S. Constitutions. It confronts challenges such as a growing societal polarization towards police and internal attitudes that may lead to excessive force. The CSPOA aims to educate and align officers as Constitutional Guards, safeguarding the life, liberty, and property of citizens, and uphold the Constitution, ensuring a peaceful restoration of America.


How Many Powers Did We the People Delegate to the Federal Government?

In the United States, many people think the federal government is the boss, but that's [...]

Under Constitution Isnt Imprisonment Only for Intentional Harm to Another?

The speaker talks about how people shouldn't go to jail for things like using marijuana, [...]

Mayberry Does Exist! Right in North Dakota!

Attending conferences has been a great experience for the speaker. He learns a lot about [...]

What Has NY Done to Impede Sheriffs Cooperation?

Sheriff Mike Carpinelli from New York is standing up against state rules. He wants to [...]

CSPOA Monthly Highlights – Get the Intel – Become A Posse Member

Sheriff Mark Lamb supports pardoning January 6th defendants and opposes new laws controlling sheriffs. Florida [...]

We Still Have A Lot Of Work To Do! Please Support the CSPOA

Our organization, CSPOA, has been working on law enforcement and constitutional issues since 1983. Now, [...]

What Can the People Do to Get Sheriff on the Constitutional Train?

Talk to your local sheriff about the Constitution! You can meet them, start a petition, [...]

Look Where it Got Him… Replaced By the Wicked Witch…

In New York, a new gun control law faced strong opposition from two sheriffs who [...]

How Did Soros Get His Money?

George Soros became rich by trading stocks, but some people think his ways are suspicious [...]

But The Constitution Protects Us From Our Own Best Interest…

During COVID, Washington's governor extended the state of emergency without asking lawmakers. Some people worry [...]

It Really Seems To Be A Mental Problem!

Frustrated with government corruption, the speaker worries about Social Security and misuse of funds. He [...]

I Never Thought Id See The Day We Were Addressing All the Corruption

Jennifer wants to start a local chapter, and she might need help from a state [...]

It Takes The People All Branches Of Gov To Make It Work

Sheriffs need help from everyone to tackle big problems like trafficking. If they're not getting [...]

Sheriff Mack Talks About 14th Amendment Regarding Natural Born Citizenship

The blog post explores Trump's views on the 14th Amendment, which talks about citizenship. It [...]

Sheriff Mack Gives Opinion On Latest J6 Intel

The speaker talks about the FBI's role in the January 6th events, raising concerns about [...]

What Do You Think About Putting Americans In El Salvador Prisons?

Imagine being sent to prison in another country, like El Salvador. This idea, mentioned by [...]

A Way To Put Woke Liberal States Back In Their Right Place

Sheriff Bob Sanger wants us to learn from Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona. Sheriff Joe [...]

People Have the Responsibility For Maintaining Their Government -Just Fair Etc…

A man who was freed from prison was shot by police, who said he had [...]

Sheriff Lamb Sheriff Ivey Give Thoughts on Trumps Deportation – Buckle Up Buttercup! Its Coming!

On a radio show, Sheriff Mark Lamb talked about President Trump's choice to pardon many [...]

Get CSPOA Leather Wallet Now! Theyve Tried To Stop Us But We Just Keep Working!

This wallet used to cost only $4.99 during Christmas, but now it's $760 to help [...]

Weve Got To Go Back To A Constitutional Foundation – Get Your Training!

Discover the KCSO Policies and Procedure Manual on the CSPLA website! It's a must-read for [...]

Stop This Corrupt Spending First Then We Can Negotiate Other Deals

Sheriff Mack thinks your hard work belongs to you and shouldn't be taxed too much. [...]

Sheriff Mack – Start With the Worst Ones First…

The speaker thinks it's important to keep supporting local leaders like sheriffs, no matter who [...]

Sheriff Mack – We Want the Constitution Restored

Our political system is broken, with leaders more loyal to their parties than to our [...]

All We Need Now Are Those Who Will Uphold Defend Protect Serve

The speaker thinks that by sticking closely to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, [...]

ACLU – Youre Out Of Your Mind Regarding Deportation – Sheriff Mack

Sheriffs play a big role in helping with immigration laws, like deportation. Some people, like [...]

If Youre Humble Enough To Say This…

Chief Franklin wants everyone to get to know their local sheriffs to help make communities [...]

Same In As Out – As Above So Below

In an at-will state, both bosses and workers can quit their jobs anytime without a [...]


Community policing is all about working together to keep our neighborhoods safe. Volunteer groups, called [...]


Posses aren't as tough as they sound! A sheriff with 58 years of experience shares [...]

What Exactly is the Sheriffs Posse?

The speaker wants all 3,000 U.S. sheriffs to create local groups called "posses." These volunteer [...]

Sheriff Mack Joins Kevin Hoyt with the Grass Roots Warrior Network To Discuss Liberty

Kevin Hoy from the Grassroots Warrior Network talked with Sheriff Richard Mack about the important [...]

Its Going to be Challenging but Weve Got to Start Somewhere… USA Posse Intel

Join the fight for freedom! Everyone's help is needed to tackle corruption and other problems. [...]

Are You Ready To Join Your Sheriffs Posse? Here is Your Template…

Join our webinar to learn about the CSPOA posse, a team that helps sheriffs nationwide. [...]

Anyone Has To Know They Are Going To Come After Us…

In New Jersey, people are worried about drones flying over important places. These drones might [...]

Red Flag Laws: Law Enforcement Cannot Cut Corners of the Constitution – Sheriff Mack

In Massachusetts, there's a chat about getting more people involved in politics. The Republican Party [...]

Folks You Can Have A Badge and Its Not Illegal! Join the CSPOA Posse Today!

Join the Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) with a special membership package for [...]

Red Flag Laws: Law Enforcement Cannot Cut Corners of the Constitution

The sheriff is dedicated to protecting everyone's rights. He won't take away guns without a [...]

Sheriff Mack Joins Absolute Truth Discussing Needed Ways To Clean Up DC Swamp

In Tampa Bay, Sheriff Chronister faced challenges enforcing COVID-19 rules, leading to his removal due [...]

Were Degenerating Into Something We Used To Read About But Now Its All Around Us

The speaker talks about problems with voting in Pennsylvania and the bad conditions at Fulton [...]

Sheriff Mack Joins Steve Bannon in WarRoom Discussing Cleaning Up DC

President Trump was unhappy with the Wall Street Journal and its owner, Rupert Murdoch, for [...]

Why Should You Care About Gold Silver? US Dollar is Under Attack

Gold and silver have been used as money for a long time. Today, they are [...]

Sheriff Mack Joins Stew Peters – A New Sheriff in Town!

Sheriffs in America are elected leaders who promise to protect the Constitution. They stand up [...]

Sheriff Mack On Deportations: They Will Be Much More Successful If Sheriffs Are Participating

The Sheriff thinks President Trump's deportation policy will work best if local sheriffs help out. [...]

We Need Sheriffs Involved in This Process and Vital to the Survival of America

Check out the CSPOA's Rumble channel! They post about 10 new videos every week. It's [...]

You May Not Have Tomorrow or Next Week So Get Prepared Now

The speaker talks about being ready for tough times ahead. They suggest we might need [...]

REAL AMERICA — Dan Ball W/ Richard Mack Trump Vows Mass Deportation Effort 11/18/24

Richard Mack, a former sheriff from Arizona, believes local sheriffs can help find and deport [...]

Kari Lake Lost? Its Like the Rest of Their Clap-Trap Swallow it Like Its Real…

Concerns about election integrity are growing, especially in Arizona with Kerry Lake's claims of election [...]

Sheriff Mack Teaches the Posse the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution in Sign Language

The speaker skipped work to join his granddaughter Madison's career day at school. He talked [...]

Article1-Section8 is Assigned to Congress Not to the Private Banksters

Our political system has some big issues, especially with central banks and Planned Parenthood. These [...]

The Amish Came to the Party Voted in Unprecedented Numbers!

Ivan Rechlin and others want to be the Secretary of Retribution, but we believe in [...]

You Either Sit Down At the Front Door Start Crying Giving Up or You Take Some Sort of Action

Some sheriffs believe they have the highest authority in their counties, answering only to citizens [...]

Is this An Election or a Selection?

Many people worry that election results might not be fair. Some say there have been [...]

This is a Step Back in the Days when Newspapers had Credibility

Over 200 newspapers, like USA Today and the Washington Post, won't pick sides in the [...]

You Dont Get Something for Nothing

The speaker is asking Americans to support having more constitutional sheriffs who know the law [...]

Sam: I Dont Normally Talk About My Radio Show But… Latest on Marcus Allen FBI Whistleblower

Marcus Allen, an FBI whistleblower, won his case against the FBI after refusing the vaccine [...]

Sheriff Mack Talks to Phil Lyman on The Power Hour Discussing Utahs Real-Time Election Fraud

Tune into 'The Power Hour' radio show for lively discussions on current events, the Constitution, [...]

Unfortunately Web Sites Do Get Politically Blocked by Malware Software

"Ever seen a warning when you visit a website? It can happen for two reasons. [...]

Sheriff Grady Judd Keep Up The Good Work Stop By Sometime!

Sheriff Mack admires Florida's Sheriff Grady Judge for his fight against crime. Even though they [...]

Unfortunately it is True Anti-Virus Software Companies Will Be Paid to Politically Block a Site

Ever seen a warning when visiting a website? Two reasons might cause this. First, some [...]

Trump If You Really Want to Do Something for America Abolish the IRS | Sheriff Mack

The writer talks about voting problems like computer scams and mail-in votes. They worry about [...]

Here is How They Quietly Infiltrated America

The FBI's 2022 crime report shows more violent crimes than before, making people worry about [...]

I Want Each Of You To Be Prepared | Sheriff Mack

"Ever thought we could control the weather? Ideas from the 60s and 90s suggested we'd [...]

Its Time To Start Waking Up Sheriffs Doing Our Duty

"Lithium, a vital battery ingredient, is abundant in North Carolina. But when the government took [...]

If they Cant Come Out Then Lets Just Deputize Them All!

"When COVID hit, Sheriff Glenn Hamilton had a clever idea. He made a whole church [...]

What Are You Waiting For??? Be Part of the Solution Now!

In 1996, two sheriffs sued the US government and won! They didn't like a law [...]

Sheriff Mack Joins Kevin Hoyt From the Grassroots Warrior Network to Discuss More National Intel

"Join Kevin Hoyt as he chats with Sheriff Mack about state rights and the role [...]

Its Nine-Times Worse Now Than Ever Regarding Public Corruption | Sheriff Mack

"Wow, things are crazy right now! The government's tough rules for the pandemic and some [...]

Disarming The Public During A State Of Emergency Doesnt Work

"Okeechobee, a city in Florida, is in a state of emergency. They've stopped the sale [...]

John Kerry Wants To Ban the 1st Amendment Label Truth As Misinformation

John Kerry thinks the First Amendment makes fighting corruption hard. But, it's really there to [...]

The Crooks Criminals Thieves in DC Have Done This With Our Money

The writer is upset about how the government uses our tax money. They're not happy [...]

Posse Make Sure You Have Your Food Water Storage Stocked Up Now

"Be ready for emergencies! Store food, water, and other supplies. Our water could get dirty, [...]

A Facebook Post Brought These FBl Agents To His Door?

"Jeremy's video of two FBI agents visiting his home has gone viral. They tried to [...]

How Do You Take A Child From A Home Without A Warrant?

"Imagine traveling and hearing about unfair things happening in different places. Like when a little [...]

Urgent: Posse We Need Your Help Reaching All The Sheriffs Nationally-Part2

"We're helping sheriffs and attorneys general look into big problems in our country. We've written [...]

Urgent: Posse We Need Your Help Reaching All The Sheriffs Nationally-Part1

"We talked about a new plan at the meeting. It's about getting top lawyers and [...]

We Need To Talk About Tactics Solutions

We talked about fixing our government and stopping election cheats. We don't want to start [...]


The sheriff's job is to keep us safe and make sure everyone follows the law. [...]

CSPOA Posse Intel – Plan of Action – County by County

"Join the Florida Foundation for Freedom conference! It's a place where sheriffs, church leaders, and [...]

Just How Powerful is the County Sheriff – Sheriff Mack Joins Mike Dakkak

Sheriff Richard Mack thinks local sheriffs are very important. They can fight against bad things [...]

Sheriff Mack: Your Sheriff Has the Right to Protect You from the Federal Government

Mike Dietk talks about health and wellness on He chats with Sheriff Richard Mack [...]

Are You Getting Trained To Get Prepared With Your Sheriff?

"Local sheriffs are important in our community. They need to talk and work with us, [...]

Help Your Sheriff Form A Posse

"Chat with your town's sheriff. Ask if they see themselves as a 'constitutional sheriff'. Their [...]

Theres Checks Balances in America

"Even sheriffs can't do everything! They can't just arrest anyone. They have to follow the [...]

Remember That Sheriff That Sued The Federal Government?

Sheriffs are like super detectives. They look into possible crimes and find proof. But, they [...]

Join CSPOA Sept 6-7 in Orlando – Calling Sheriffs Deputies Posse

Join us for a chat with Sheriff Mack on the CSPOA Posse webinar. We'll talk [...]

Mark Finchem Joins CSPOA Posse to Give View on Tina Peters Prosecution

Mark Finchem is running for state senate. He loves the Constitution and wants to protect [...]

Mark Finchem Explains the Usurpation of Legislation Authority Regarding Elections

In Arizona, a new rule says you need to show you're a citizen to vote. [...]

There Were Five Brady Bills So In 5 Years the Brady Bill Would Have Destroyed the 2nd Amendment

In 1993, a new gun control law called the Brady bill was signed. It made [...]

Sheriff Mack Hosts The Power Hour 08-15-2024

"Join Sheriff Mack as he chats with Mark Fincham about election security and the importance [...]

Should the Police Officers Have Refused to Take Rosa Parks to Jail?

"Rosa Parks, a brave lady, didn't give up her bus seat to a white man [...]

Choose the Bill of Rights and Help Take Back America County by County

"Join us on September 7th in Orlando! We're inviting two sheriffs to an event that [...]

Its A Logical Conclusion- Sheriffs Take back America

"Did you know a man named Crooks had a gun near Trump, even with police [...]

The Best Last Line of Defense

Sheriff Richard Mack bravely stood against the Clinton administration's Brady bill, a gun control law, [...]

Unless We the People Stop Them

Join to help protect our Constitution! They're worried about bad actions, like letting dangerous [...]

We Can Revive Her With Some Serious CPR

We're all about doing, not just talking. We want local leaders to create places that [...]

Sheriff Mack: I Want to Know From All of You

"Join us on September 7th to show support for President Trump. We're raising money for [...]

Remembering Robert David Steele w/Sheriff Mack

Today, we remember Robert David Steele. He was a special person who introduced me to [...]

End of Story- Dar Leaf is a Freedom Loving Constitutional Sheriff

Sheriff Darleaf of Berry County, Michigan, loves freedom and the constitution. Some people don't agree [...]

We Have Held Our Ground No Matter Who Has Tried To Destroy Us

Sheriff Mack has worked hard for over 30 years to teach others about the U.S. [...]


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