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You Won’t Be Disappointed With Our Insight & Discussion

Listen to our geopolitical radio show in Abilene, TX, the USA, and online. Set your clock to 9 AM Central for the Sovereign Radio Show with Scotty Saks.

Politics are diverse and controversial, with a variety of topics that come up in political discussion, both on-air and online! Sovereign Radio, a unique geopolitical radio station, brings the most popular issues to you in Abilene, TX, the USA and the globe. We’re not bound by rules. We’ll talk about the topics you really want to hear. We cover subjects the Main Stream Media won’t touch. What you will hear on Sovereign Radio is pointed, uncensored & unfiltered insight.

Here are just some of the topics we explore:

  • The attempted coup of President Trump
  • Deep State: Structure, Purpose, Apparatuses, Geography, The People
  • The reset of the rule of law: AG Barr, The IG Report, Huber and Durham Criminal Investigations, Coming Senate Investigations
  • The importance of installing independent judges
  • Why the Democrats, the Left & Deep State hate President Trump- The existential threat: President Trump & the Senate have appointed over 180 judges in 3 years!
  • Hot spots like North & South Korea and The Middle East
  • The superpower peace pact- Trump-Putin-Xi bound by common interest
  • China—The actual geopolitical threat to USA sovereignty—Why sovereignty is the operative word? Local, national, and individual sovereignty.
  • Learn all about what’s going on by tuning into our National & Global Politics radio show on KYYW AM Radio Station on Saturdays.