
Scotty Saks is host of Sovereign Radio, Broadcasting from the Belly of the Beast of Mainstream Media since the onset of the Global Plandemic in 2020, on AM News Talk Radio in Texas and California.

Scotty has been entrenched in Production & Syndication of Programming & Managed over a Billion Dollars of Sponsorship Deals in Mainstream Media TV & Radio, the Music Industry and Professional Sports (NFL, NBA, NHL & MLB) since the early 80’s. He has Produced & Syndicated TV and Radio Shows for Legends like Johnny Cash, Kenny Rogers, James Brown, The Blue Angels and ESPN Offshore Boat Racing Series.

He is a MSM insider & Whistle Blower revealing the Modus Operandi of the Cabal Media & Entertainment Complex (He is blowing the whistle with his new presentation “The Rise & Fall of the MSM Cabal). Scotty is conversant with all of the Critical Issues of our time. He has an in-depth working knowledge of:

  • The Operation Mockingbird Mainstream Media
  • The Federal Reserve Fiat Money System
  • Rockefeller Western Sick Care Medical System,
  • The Agenda of The Global Plandemic & Vaccine Bioweapon
  • Big Tech Censorship
  • The woke left Education System
  • The Destruction of America thru Illegal Alien Invasion & Open Borders

His high energy & articulation of any subject matter make him a compelling Radio Host & Guest on any show.

Scotty is a Fitness Enthusiast, Scuba Diver, and proud father of his Seventeen-year-old daughter Skylar.


Mark has been a preeminent San Diego Real Estate Broker for several decades. Mark founded Americorp Financial Realty Services in 1992. His 30+ years as a Business owner and Entrepreneur have made Mark a successful Real Estate Agent, Mortgage Broker, and a well-known Networking Standout.

In 1990, Mark began engaging in the fight to save America from the overreach of Big Government Banking. He continues to work on saving America with organizations like the National Take Our Elections Back Voter Fraud Initiative and most recently serves on the Steering Committee for the Nationally acclaimed Take Our Border Back movement.

Since 2020, Mark has been a key part of the growth of the award-winning broadcast radio show and podcast for Sovereign Radio.

Mark has a heart for humanity, and he is currently developing several humanity projects for America, the Philippines, and Mexico.

Mark resides in Oceanside, CA, and is the father of Two Adult Children.