Who We Are


1.   A sovereign state or country is independent and not under the authority of any other country. Lithuania and Armenia signed a treaty in Vilnius recognizing each other as independent sovereign states.


independent, autonomous, self-governing, free

2.   Sovereign is used to describe the person or institution that has the highest power in a country. Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People’s Assembly.

independent, autonomous, self-governing, free, non-aligned, self-determining


We’ve Been in the Media for Over 35 Years

Spend your Saturdays listening to our radio show in Abilene, TX on KYYW 1470 News Talk and Online

Do you like staying up to date with current Geo Political Issues & Controversies? How about the Global & US Financial System, with the coming Global Currency Reset… or Business trends? Smell a Rat in the Main Stream Media? On Sovereign Radio, KYYW 1470 News Talk in Abilene, TX, we cover all the topics you want to hear more about. We don’t just scratch the surface either. On our radio show, we go DOWN THE RABBIT HOLES and talk about specifics in-depth, to give you information you won’t get anywhere else. Check out our political radio show on the air Saturdays at 9 a.m.

Why tune into our show?

When it comes to the radio and media, you tend to hear the same thing over and over again. But when you listen to our show on KYYW 1470 News Talk or online, you won’t hear repetitive talking points and news on a loop. Go beyond the MSM narrative and tune into our political-financial radio show because:

  • You won’t hear what we talk about anywhere else this in depth- Go down the Rabbit Holes with us!
  • We offer a unique perspective on Geo-politics, The Global-Economic financial systems, The US Media and even some “Things Uncommon” (like Qanon & Earth Energetics).
  • Our radio show takes a politically conservative, critical thinking approach. We are Not for Liberal Left Snowflakes.

Stay informed by listening to our radio show every Saturday at 9 a.m.

What you’ll hear on our show

Politics are our passion. Regardless of what’s going on in the world, you can count on us to have the most up to date information. On our radio show, we talk about:

Geo-political topics-including all of the latest national and global political news & events- From The Spiritual War of Trump vs.The Deep State to The Super Power Peace Pact. From Hong Kong’s struggle with China to reconciliation between North and South Korea… we cover it all!
The US & Global Financial Systems, featuring an additional focus on our economy & the economies of the world. Follow POTUS Bi-Lateral Trade Deals and the elimination of the Globalist Trade Deals.
Business-including major stories, trends and success factors. We will also feature Local Business stories and Success.
The Main Stream Media (MSM). How lame is the Main Stream Media? Learn how it was hijacked by the CIA and Deep State. Find out How Big Tech companies will be torn apart with Anti-Trust laws and the Future of Media
Stay in the know by listening to our weekly uncensored and unapologetic political radio show.